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  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    Oh, I'm already done giving BHVR a dime while Matt Cote is still Game Lead. At the end of the day, the buck stops with him with these type of decisions, just like it did with Jeff Kaplan in Overwatch (another game I just walked away from as of today).

    There is zero excuse for how this crap has been handled, and this isn't the first major misstep in DBD. It needs a new Game lead.

  • Vortexas
    Vortexas Member Posts: 757

    @Kilmeran said:
    Oh, I'm already done giving BHVR a dime while Matt Cote is still Game Lead. At the end of the day, the buck stops with him with these type of decisions, just like it did with Jeff Kaplan in Overwatch (another game I just walked away from as of today).

    There is zero excuse for how this crap has been handled, and this isn't the first major misstep in DBD. It needs a new Game lead.

    What happened in OW?

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    Yes an all caps title and thread threat is a great way to get the devs to listen to you and do what you want. For all the people that threaten never to spend a dime on the game there's plenty that will gladly support the devs. It's almost always the case that those posting like this never spend any money or not very much anyways let alone ever had any intention of doing so.

    If companies listened to every poster like you that threatened not to spend money if their wishes weren't emt they'd be out of business pretty quickly.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited October 2018

    @Vortexas said:

    @Kilmeran said:
    Oh, I'm already done giving BHVR a dime while Matt Cote is still Game Lead. At the end of the day, the buck stops with him with these type of decisions, just like it did with Jeff Kaplan in Overwatch (another game I just walked away from as of today).

    There is zero excuse for how this crap has been handled, and this isn't the first major misstep in DBD. It needs a new Game lead.

    What happened in OW?

    It's a long story and a lot of build up with me, basically as @Michiko said in his simple comment. Sad, but true.

    It started with the reveal by Blizzard that OW dev team members were cannibalized to work on OWL crap, which slowed down adding content to OW, itself. This apparently did not change with the addition of 8 new OWL teams for the upcoming season, as Kaplan stated that they had to stop working on content to focus on catching up with hero balance. He actually used that as the excuse for why the promised social features from the summer were pushed back to 2019.

    Only, go watch today's Dev update. Apparently, the OW team mysteriously had the time to work on the new free-camera spectating and replay system for the World Cup Championships at Blizzcon next weekend. And tried to excuse it as a "Beta" that would "one day" appear in the future of the Overwatch game.

    So, in short, the game isn't getting the support it needs because the Devs keep being used by Blizzard higher-ups to work on Overwatch League features. Blizzard milked the Overwatch game for several billion in revenue already. Now, it's all about the Overwatch League.

    So, I gave Blizzard more than enough time with Overwatch. At this stage, I'm done. I played their games for 24 years (obviously not exclusively) and they've been going downhill since 2012. Diablo 3 wasn't that good. HoTS is okay, WoW has been going way downhill expansion after expansion starting with Warlords of Deanor. There is just really no reason for me to keep playing their games.

    Only, I chose DBD and BHVR. And right now, I'm not sure I made a better choice.

  • Koldvar
    Koldvar Member Posts: 92

    @powerbats said:
    Yes an all caps title and thread threat is a great way to get the devs to listen to you and do what you want. For all the people that threaten never to spend a dime on the game there's plenty that will gladly support the devs. It's almost always the case that those posting like this never spend any money or not very much anyways let alone ever had any intention of doing so.

    If companies listened to every poster like you that threatened not to spend money if their wishes weren't emt they'd be out of business pretty quickly.

    yea i guess its better to not complain on a well known ######### situation :)

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited October 2018

    @Koldvar said:

    @powerbats said:
    Yes an all caps title and thread threat is a great way to get the devs to listen to you and do what you want. For all the people that threaten never to spend a dime on the game there's plenty that will gladly support the devs. It's almost always the case that those posting like this never spend any money or not very much anyways let alone ever had any intention of doing so.

    If companies listened to every poster like you that threatened not to spend money if their wishes weren't emt they'd be out of business pretty quickly.

    yea i guess its better to not complain on a well known ######### situation :)

    Unfortunately, though, there seems little point in doing so. While people excused no response over the weekend, we've now gone through three business days this week with not a peep from BHVR.

    My guess? The suits back in the office see the issue, see the skins available for $10 a pop, and figure: let it ride. Those who can't complete the event will just spend in the shop for the skin or skins.

    Obviously, they're just letting this crap ride until it ends in 9 days, then they can talk about what a success it was.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Koldvar There's no issue with complaining about something, but going all caps and threatening them to not spend money isn't the way to go about it.

    @Kilmeran They're aware of the issue and have even posted about it on the forums several times so instead of throwing out baseless insults avail yourself to the available information. Just because they don't respond to each and every thread let alone yours doesn't mean they're not aware of it or working on it.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited October 2018

    @powerbats said:
    @Koldvar There's no issue with complaining about something, but going all caps and threatening them to not spend money isn't the way to go about it.

    @Kilmeran They're aware of the issue and have even posted about it on the forums several times so instead of throwing out baseless insults avail yourself to the available information. Just because they don't respond to each and every thread let alone yours doesn't mean they're not aware of it or working on it.

    Who has? The only one I saw was Peanits, and the last one I saw from him stated that it was because too many people were simply playing Killer.

    If there were others, I missed it. Which is entirely possible.

    Oh, and I never made a single thread on the topic. So, you might want to avail yourself of the information on what threads I have created before tossing out baseless insults.

    Wow. I see how fun this keyboard warrior nonsense is now. Thanks!

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Kilmeran said:

    @powerbats said:
    @Koldvar There's no issue with complaining about something, but going all caps and threatening them to not spend money isn't the way to go about it.

    @Kilmeran They're aware of the issue and have even posted about it on the forums several times so instead of throwing out baseless insults avail yourself to the available information. Just because they don't respond to each and every thread let alone yours doesn't mean they're not aware of it or working on it.

    Who has? The only one I saw was Peanits, and the last one I saw from him stated that it was because too many people were simply playing Killer.

    If there were others, I missed it. Which is entirely possible.

    Oh, and I never made a single thread on the topic. So, you might want to avail yourself of the information on what threads I have created before tossing out baseless insults.

    Wow. I see how fun this keyboard warrior nonsense is now. Thanks!

    If you'd notice how I broke that post up into 2 distinct parts you'd realize that the 1st comment dealing with threats was tagged to the op while the comment you just referenced was tagged to you. So you knew i wasn't referring to you in the threat comment yet turned around and stated i was.

    So the only one that needs to avail themselves here would be you and resorting to such a feeble insult is about as good as saying i'm right and you're wrong.

  • Koldvar
    Koldvar Member Posts: 92

    @powerbats said:
    @Koldvar There's no issue with complaining about something, but going all caps and threatening them to not spend money isn't the way to go about it.

    @Kilmeran They're aware of the issue and have even posted about it on the forums several times so instead of throwing out baseless insults avail yourself to the available information. Just because they don't respond to each and every thread let alone yours doesn't mean they're not aware of it or working on it.

    i reported the problem days ago via forums and twitter on a more gently way.i just dont know what else to do for them to fix it(that "threat" is not a bluff tho).days are running out,ive still have a lot of killer vials to fill and i dont wanna wait 30 min on rank 1 for each game... :(

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited October 2018

    @powerbats said:

    @Kilmeran said:

    @powerbats said:
    @Koldvar There's no issue with complaining about something, but going all caps and threatening them to not spend money isn't the way to go about it.

    @Kilmeran They're aware of the issue and have even posted about it on the forums several times so instead of throwing out baseless insults avail yourself to the available information. Just because they don't respond to each and every thread let alone yours doesn't mean they're not aware of it or working on it.

    Who has? The only one I saw was Peanits, and the last one I saw from him stated that it was because too many people were simply playing Killer.

    If there were others, I missed it. Which is entirely possible.

    Oh, and I never made a single thread on the topic. So, you might want to avail yourself of the information on what threads I have created before tossing out baseless insults.

    Wow. I see how fun this keyboard warrior nonsense is now. Thanks!

    If you'd notice how I broke that post up into 2 distinct parts you'd realize that the 1st comment dealing with threats was tagged to the op while the comment you just referenced was tagged to you. So you knew i wasn't referring to you in the threat comment yet turned around and stated i was.

    So the only one that needs to avail themselves here would be you and resorting to such a feeble insult is about as good as saying i'm right and you're wrong.

    Try again slick. Here's your actual point to me:

    @Kilmeran They're aware of the issue and have even posted about it on the forums several times so instead of throwing out baseless insults avail yourself to the available information. Just because they don't respond to each and every thread let alone yours doesn't mean they're not aware of it or working on it.

    So, again, as you put it about availing oneself of information before making baseless insults, I repeat back to you: I never made a single thread on the topic. So, you might want to avail yourself of the information on what threads I have created before tossing out baseless insults.

    Don't try to backpedal that it was to the OP when it was clearly to me in black-and-white. Don't know what type of people you normally try to argue with at forums, but I do know how to read a post.

    But I'm done here with this debate. Carry on.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Koldvar said:

    @powerbats said:
    @Koldvar There's no issue with complaining about something, but going all caps and threatening them to not spend money isn't the way to go about it.

    @Kilmeran They're aware of the issue and have even posted about it on the forums several times so instead of throwing out baseless insults avail yourself to the available information. Just because they don't respond to each and every thread let alone yours doesn't mean they're not aware of it or working on it.

    i reported the problem days ago via forums and twitter on a more gently way.i just dont know what else to do for them to fix it(that "threat" is not a bluff tho).days are running out,ive still have a lot of killer vials to fill and i dont wanna wait 30 min on rank 1 for each game... :(

    While I understand the frustration I just finished my killer late last night, fixes don't happen overnight unless it's game breaking things. This one they have to identify the problem which might be just too many people playing one side now that that other side is done.

    If that's the case there's not much they can really o about it for now and if it's code side they have to make a fix that doesn't break other things before releasing it. That fix also has to pass certification for consoles both sides.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Kilmeran said:

    @powerbats said:

    @Kilmeran said:

    @powerbats said:
    @Koldvar There's no issue with complaining about something, but going all caps and threatening them to not spend money isn't the way to go about it.

    @Kilmeran They're aware of the issue and have even posted about it on the forums several times so instead of throwing out baseless insults avail yourself to the available information. Just because they don't respond to each and every thread let alone yours doesn't mean they're not aware of it or working on it.

    Who has? The only one I saw was Peanits, and the last one I saw from him stated that it was because too many people were simply playing Killer.

    If there were others, I missed it. Which is entirely possible.

    Oh, and I never made a single thread on the topic. So, you might want to avail yourself of the information on what threads I have created before tossing out baseless insults.

    Wow. I see how fun this keyboard warrior nonsense is now. Thanks!

    If you'd notice how I broke that post up into 2 distinct parts you'd realize that the 1st comment dealing with threats was tagged to the op while the comment you just referenced was tagged to you. So you knew i wasn't referring to you in the threat comment yet turned around and stated i was.

    So the only one that needs to avail themselves here would be you and resorting to such a feeble insult is about as good as saying i'm right and you're wrong.

    Try again slick. Here's your actual point to me:

    @Kilmeran They're aware of the issue and have even posted about it on the forums several times so instead of throwing out baseless insults avail yourself to the available information. Just because they don't respond to each and every thread let alone yours doesn't mean they're not aware of it or working on it.

    So, again, as you put it about availing oneself of information before making baseless insults, I repeat back to you: I never made a single thread on the topic. So, you might want to avail yourself of the information on what threads I have created before tossing out baseless insults.

    Don't try to backpedal that it was to the OP when it was clearly to me in black-and-white. Don't know what type of people you normally try to argue with at forums, but I do know how to read a post.

    But I'm done here with this debate. Carry on.

    @powerbats said:
    @Koldvar There's no issue with complaining about something, but going all caps and threatening them to not spend money isn't the way to go about it.


    @Kilmeran They're aware of the issue and have even posted about it on the forums several times so instead of throwing out baseless insults avail yourself to the available information. Just because they don't respond to each and every thread let alone yours doesn't mean they're not aware of it or working on it.

    So as you can see the one making baseless accusations and tossing insults here is still you, the information is there for anyone to plainly see, you obviously want to direct your hostility someplace else after being given the info.

    Saying you're done here after making repeated attempts to shift blame is as good as saying you were wrong then claiming you were right at the same time. If you're done debating tehn all good, I'll continue to debate with others that want to do so without insults.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Koldvar What platform are you on, what rank and what times are you trying to play?

  • AnotherRandy
    AnotherRandy Member Posts: 274
    powerbats said:

    @Koldvar said:

    @powerbats said:
    @Koldvar There's no issue with complaining about something, but going all caps and threatening them to not spend money isn't the way to go about it.

    @Kilmeran They're aware of the issue and have even posted about it on the forums several times so instead of throwing out baseless insults avail yourself to the available information. Just because they don't respond to each and every thread let alone yours doesn't mean they're not aware of it or working on it.

    i reported the problem days ago via forums and twitter on a more gently way.i just dont know what else to do for them to fix it(that "threat" is not a bluff tho).days are running out,ive still have a lot of killer vials to fill and i dont wanna wait 30 min on rank 1 for each game... :(

    While I understand the frustration I just finished my killer late last night, fixes don't happen overnight unless it's game breaking things. This one they have to identify the problem which might be just too many people playing one side now that that other side is done.

    If that's the case there's not much they can really o about it for now and if it's code side they have to make a fix that doesn't break other things before releasing it. That fix also has to pass certification for consoles both sides.

    Ffs stop defending them blindly. There would soo many ways to fix those lobby queues within 24 hours.
    Just some examples:
    - Reset rank for all in red  and purple ranks 
    - Give survivors the possibitly to harvest after 30/30
    - Change the vial balance to 45 survivor and 15 for killer instead of 50% on each 

    Anything can be implemented in less then one hour but yeah, let's keep saying "they can't do much about many people playing killer."
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068
    edited October 2018

    @AnotherRandy said:

    Ffs stop defending them blindly. There would soo many ways to fix those lobby queues within 24 hours.
    Just some examples:

    • Reset rank for all in red  and purple ranks 
    • Give survivors the possibitly to harvest after 30/30
    • Change the vial balance to 45 survivor and 15 for killer instead of 50% on each 

    Anything can be implemented in less then one hour but yeah, let's keep saying "they can't do much about many people playing killer."

    “That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.” – Christopher Hitchens.

    I'm not defending them blindly, but you and the others seem to be blindly demanding things that don't work that way.

    1. Rank Reset is done on the same day every month and people won't magically join your games just because of rank reset. What will happen is that those that have already done the vent one side and are doing it on other side will still be on the exact same side.

    So your rank reset idea will fix nothing, only make it that much worse because now everyone will be at rank 20 doing survivor side instead of spread out across the ranks.

    1. That's already been discussed but if they changed it it'd still have to pass certification on console which take a minimum of a week. They're not going to release a patch for PC only and screw console over.

    2. That's again too late for the reasons above.

    Now onto the anything can be implemented in less than an hour. do you have any actual programming knowledge? I'd say no since you can't simply throw some code together and say voila in an a hour like that and say sure it'll work.

    I'll let @Orion who I believe has some programming knowledge explain it to you since I know they also know how to run Q&A stuff like I used to do but are more up to date than I am.

    Post edited by powerbats on
  • Koldvar
    Koldvar Member Posts: 92

    @powerbats said:

    @Koldvar said:

    @powerbats said:
    @Koldvar There's no issue with complaining about something, but going all caps and threatening them to not spend money isn't the way to go about it.

    @Kilmeran They're aware of the issue and have even posted about it on the forums several times so instead of throwing out baseless insults avail yourself to the available information. Just because they don't respond to each and every thread let alone yours doesn't mean they're not aware of it or working on it.

    i reported the problem days ago via forums and twitter on a more gently way.i just dont know what else to do for them to fix it(that "threat" is not a bluff tho).days are running out,ive still have a lot of killer vials to fill and i dont wanna wait 30 min on rank 1 for each game... :(

    While I understand the frustration I just finished my killer late last night, fixes don't happen overnight unless it's game breaking things. This one they have to identify the problem which might be just too many people playing one side now that that other side is done.

    If that's the case there's not much they can really o about it for now and if it's code side they have to make a fix that doesn't break other things before releasing it. That fix also has to pass certification for consoles both sides.

    of course they can do thing to fix it(remove surv harvest cap,temporal wider rank matchmaking). they just dont give a ######### lets be honest.

  • redsopine1
    redsopine1 Member Posts: 1,437
    If your gonna get so mad ant not winning free stuff as killer due to rank times then on behalf of the people who play the game and just don't give a ######### about the times and just play the game for the fun of it goodbye (and I know l dont speak for everyone it just sounds more sarcastic with on behalf of everyone) heck I'm buying skins after the event though I earnt the only skin I want so any more is a bonus
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Koldvar said:

    @powerbats said:

    @Koldvar said:

    @powerbats said:
    @Koldvar There's no issue with complaining about something, but going all caps and threatening them to not spend money isn't the way to go about it.

    @Kilmeran They're aware of the issue and have even posted about it on the forums several times so instead of throwing out baseless insults avail yourself to the available information. Just because they don't respond to each and every thread let alone yours doesn't mean they're not aware of it or working on it.

    i reported the problem days ago via forums and twitter on a more gently way.i just dont know what else to do for them to fix it(that "threat" is not a bluff tho).days are running out,ive still have a lot of killer vials to fill and i dont wanna wait 30 min on rank 1 for each game... :(

    While I understand the frustration I just finished my killer late last night, fixes don't happen overnight unless it's game breaking things. This one they have to identify the problem which might be just too many people playing one side now that that other side is done.

    If that's the case there's not much they can really o about it for now and if it's code side they have to make a fix that doesn't break other things before releasing it. That fix also has to pass certification for consoles both sides.

    of course they can do thing to fix it(remove surv harvest cap,temporal wider rank matchmaking). they just dont give a ######### lets be honest.

    @Patricia said:
    Hello everyone!
    We are aware of the lobbies issue, our team is discussing on how to improve the situation.
    At the moment I don't have any information, will keep you posted as soon as I have more info.
    Thank you for your patience.

    That statement would say otherwise about them not caring and unless it's a bug hotfix it generally still has to go through certification on consoles. Just because you say it doesn't make it so, the same for all the other shadow programmers on here.

  • Luckystrike2778
    Luckystrike2778 Member Posts: 63

    Killer lobbies must b fine on PS4 because I am solo queing and killers been dodging left n f'ing right today.

    So dont mind me if i dont believe the crying if you are playin killer on PS4.

  • redsopine1
    redsopine1 Member Posts: 1,437
    Hey OP guess what you can keep paying bhvr they just made all 60 shared so go back on survivor and let me Mori you