This makes me uncomfortable when they talk about Killers Licenses.

You see, I am not against each one what you think to see from the developers in the next licensing chapters, it only bothers me that they speak of many candidates and some think that it is not suitable for DBD, the same thing on, you I will give 3 examples:
1. "Mr. X cannot be in the game because it would be foolish for a piece of wood to stun him, or that Nemesis should be the next killer because he is more recognized" or "Nemesis should not be the next killer because he exceeds the height of the default character and his power would be so OP or Less OP for that reason others want Mr. X ".
2. "Chucky can't be in the game because he would be difficult to handle, he must have been the killer from the last chapter stealing the concept of the twins." or "Chucky if he can be in this game because he can use the same jumping mechanic as Victor and can drag survivors onto hooks or have the entity do hook work to help him with his short stature."
3. "Jason can't be in this game because he's a trapper, he already has his game, he's in demand, Trapper is Jason." or "Jason if he should be in this game because the developers already confirmed him with a permanent invite after his demand, colun demon, he is not a trapper, he looks more like Jacob Goodnight".
That is my discomfort for which they talk a lot about license killers, another example would be last year, the dead by daylight community before the fourth anniversary did not want Candyman, months later now out of nowhere they want him just like that. Maybe it's the negativity of which one they want to see first or the one they don't want to see. It is this reason why many want to see original chapters and I think I include myself. ¿What do you think about it?
I think a lot of licensed killers could just be Legendary Outfits for other Killers we already have.
Chucky and Tiffany could be a Twins skin.
Jason could be a Trapper skin.
Jack The Ripper could be a Ghostface skin.
The Xenomorph could be a Demogorgon skin.
I am sure there are loads more.
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Yes, a Deathslinger skin like Pinhead and I'm satisfied, a Predator skin for Wraith.
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Tony Todd, being such a prolific slasher actor, should be a reskin for most non lincensed male Killers, we should have a Doctor Todd, Trapper Todd, Wraith Todd, Deathslinger Todd and so on.
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Mr. X wouldn't have worked because there was a competing game out that included him. It was specifically a Resident Evil game. He might be an idea to consider now that support for the game has ended. The same thing goes for Jason.
Chucky's size is an issue. Victor's isn't because he isn't the actual Killer. He doesn't take you to hooks, attack you and perks don't affect him.
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I guess that depends on cost. I don't know what these values are personally. It probably comes down to what is more cost effective, creating and selling the cosmetic versus the licensing fees... or making the whole new Killer and making it a DLC pack.
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It is that the way they put Chucky is the same as with the Twins, with Tiffany or Charles Lee Ray holding Chucky and Tiffany Doll, but the idea is that it is Chucky, since it is him, the main antagonist, his power would be a real problem because in his films he was an ordinary doll, the same as with leatherface, he was an ordinary human with his weapon.
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In fact, it would not be worth buying a legendary cosmetic for a character that you already have, because people are very interested in the power, addons and perks of the character, It would be a disappointment if the developers committed a cruel crime like that.
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I mean we have 2 killers with chainsaws technically 3 oni is billy 2.0
And billy was supposed to be the dev's version of bubba
And trapper was supposed to be their version on Jason
We have 2 trap based killers
And nemissis would fit quite well in dbd not sure about the missile launcher
Jason would always fit perfectly in this game and he dosent have to ba a trap based killer in f13 Jason has the rage mechanic that could be implemented where you naturally but very slowly gain rage being in a chase slightly increases the speed you gain rage and getting stuned makes you gain rage a lot quicker and when you're enraged you hear Jason's mother laughing and his stun time and pallet breaking and hit recovery speed is increase by 30%
The survivors can find Jason's mother in the map slowly calming Jason to reduced his rage ( she dose go to another location after soothing Jason)
If jason is enraged for 50s Jason's mother gets a beacon on her location for 2s every 10s
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Yes, that has always been the case, Billy and Bubba use the same mechanics, while Trapper and Jason are more similar in appearances than in Power, but my concern, is how others think about how it will adapt to the game, that may be a concern Both for me and the rest, seeing the skin of a legendary killer is what we all want, but the power of is the problem of why they do not want to see it or if they want to.
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With pleasure, so I give myself a hypothetical idea of what it would be like.
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Imagine how may people will be disappointed with trapper getting a skin of an iconic slasher that's like saying clown will be getting a pennywise skin
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At least 1 new license every year, please
...preferably 2 license and 2 original per year
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It may be, before I got to the game, I always sometimes saw the trailers of the license chapters, being surprised by those of Leatherface, Freddy Krueger and Pig although I did not usually play at that time. In the same way, I would like it to happen again, 3 killers of license in 3 consecutive chapters, although the originals are better to give you more creativity and implement new game mechanics.
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So you're saying you hope they don't go for fan service ?which is why you mentioned Mr X and Nemesis, I don't think their the right choices for the resident evil chapter personally.
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Any Resident Evil character would make me happy. I personally want Jack, with Birkin as a second option, but Nemesis or Mr. X would also be cool as hell.
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I do enjoy the originals, just wasn’t the biggest fan of the last 3. As good as the potential they all have (Slinger’s actually the best of the 3 imo), their look and stories didn’t appeal to me... I’m kinda picky when it comes to certain things, especially killers, and I personally get more excited over licensed characters, idk why
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That would depend on the developers who characters can access, in fact I dare to say, which chapter of resident evil will be based, who will be the main characters of this chapter, also it is still too early to speculate the hypothetical chapter of Resident Evil, the STARS track may be 2 of 2, we will see Resident Evil this year or probably many more than original horror icons.
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I hope it is much better and they give us 2 killers and 3 or 4 survivors in the resident evil chapter, it would be enough to rest a while from the chapters.
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It's like the feeling of waiting for a Marvel movie but Dead by Daylight style.
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I dont want candyman but we will get him because...reasons. Oh and if you question those reasons you are wrong. Hehe I'm still rooting for Pumpkinhead.😁
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No that's just you're racism flairing up ,Tony Todd is a well respected horror icon who definitely deserves a spot on DBD ,he's character is very unique and his story is very tragic but if you want to think bigotry that's on you.
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It's not to early, they literally gave us evidence and couple of other things that coincide ,the game director is very smart and he knows, that we expect him to drop clues since that's kind of been the running gag ,I mean i do agree with you it might not be resident evil but it's something their.
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I think we can all agree though, the 2 best licenced killers they should get are Herobrine and William Afton :þ
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Yes, at first we all believed that it was a Wendigo in the twins chapter, I just hope that the developers do not disappoint us with the killer that will be sold for the fifth anniversary, the names with more force would be Resident Evil and Candyman, if it were something unexpected I wish it was Jason, Chucky, Pinhead, Pumpkinhead or Alien, or whoever.
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Imagine they get super big licenses like friday the 13th, chucky, or alien and all they do them is make skins
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The Silent Hill chapter was done perfect we didn't expect it, but yet they pulled the best part's of that franchise, so it's possible they'll get who needs to be in that chapter.
Me, I'm totally content with the Silent Hill chapter their's nothing more, I could as for or want ,maybe a few cosmetics.
I get people don't want to psych themselves up,but it's hard not to.
imo,don't think Chucky would make a good killer.he would struggle with map pressure,height disadvantage survivor's can just crouched and lose you so easy. That's entirely too many cons for Chucky to work ,I've also grown apart from the series to so that's another reason why, I don't care for it and I think of a dozen niche horror movies better than Chucky, but it doesn't matter to me if he makes it or not
Silent Hill is a kin to Fog then Resident Evil akin to....
Now even if it isn't this ,anniversary it will be coming,
You must have a person in mind if you don't think Mr. X,Nemesis or Berkin fits the role for this chapter please say her name.
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I still want Jacket from hotline miami
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"Mr. X cannot be in the game because it would be foolish for a piece of wood to stun him"
Mr. X? The same dude that doesn't know how to walk over a knee high couch? The same dude that doesn't know how to use his bullet proof arms to cover his face to avoid being shot by bullets? Mr. X is a grade A certified meat head who can absolutely be defeated by a piece of wood.
What an asinine reason to not have Mr. X in the game, Mr. X is an unintimidating chew toy in RE remake and RE Resistance, He'd fit right in.
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Lol so one is racist if they dont care for candyman. Yeah I just think you proved my point.🤭 Nice to know righteous people like yourself play a video game like this hehe.
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Well I apologize, you should phase certain things in detail especially making a statement like that ,so why shouldn't he be in here? If you don't mind explaining.