This makes me uncomfortable when they talk about Killers Licenses.

Jarol Member Posts: 1,985

You see, I am not against each one what you think to see from the developers in the next licensing chapters, it only bothers me that they speak of many candidates and some think that it is not suitable for DBD, the same thing on, you I will give 3 examples:

1. "Mr. X cannot be in the game because it would be foolish for a piece of wood to stun him, or that Nemesis should be the next killer because he is more recognized" or "Nemesis should not be the next killer because he exceeds the height of the default character and his power would be so OP or Less OP for that reason others want Mr. X ".

2. "Chucky can't be in the game because he would be difficult to handle, he must have been the killer from the last chapter stealing the concept of the twins." or "Chucky if he can be in this game because he can use the same jumping mechanic as Victor and can drag survivors onto hooks or have the entity do hook work to help him with his short stature."

3. "Jason can't be in this game because he's a trapper, he already has his game, he's in demand, Trapper is Jason." or "Jason if he should be in this game because the developers already confirmed him with a permanent invite after his demand, colun demon, he is not a trapper, he looks more like Jacob Goodnight".

That is my discomfort for which they talk a lot about license killers, another example would be last year, the dead by daylight community before the fourth anniversary did not want Candyman, months later now out of nowhere they want him just like that. Maybe it's the negativity of which one they want to see first or the one they don't want to see. It is this reason why many want to see original chapters and I think I include myself. ¿What do you think about it?
