I love running Open Handed & it actually helping the rest of the team.

As a solo survivor, IMO information is king. So my (almost unchanging) build since Descend Beyond has been Bond, Leader, Open Handed, Visionary. (BTW I can’t wait for the Open Handed buff).
I was just in a match on Mother’s Dwelling where there was just this beautiful synergy between every single one of us. Other random survivors were coming to the same gen as the one I’m working on, whenever I’m healing someone (or someone else healing me), another survivor would run in and healing would be done super quick, no single chase was ever taken towards a gen being worked on, or past another survivor. No unsafe saves occurre at all whatsoever. I could see what was happening and make good judgment calls, and everybody else seemingly always knew where I was. It was just a fantastic match with great team work, and nobody screwing anybody else over.
In the post match results I saw that all the other 3 survivors were running T3 Bond as well, one of them had Kindred, another had WoO, and another had Plunderers.
It felt really good to be in a match where Open Handed provided a real boost to everyone, not just my own build.
I'd put Detectives in for Visionary but that's just me.
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Nah, I prefer “always on” style aura perks. For all intents and purposes Visionary is almost always on. On a map like Gideon, Lery’s, Hawkins, Midwich, I want to see where gens are right from the very start, and be planning the very next gen I’m going to while I’m repairing that first generator.
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I love Open Handed, it's such a great perk to use when you're running Aura reading. I'm glad it's getting buffed.
Is Visionary any good? I'd run Deja Vu over that personally, it's really underrated for stopping 3 gens, even if it only works for 60 seconds at a time (it's one of the many perks with unnecessary limitations, unfortunately).
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I love Visionary. Déjà Vu is great, but Visionary trumps it by a small margin. If for any reason I need to abandon a gen, I don’t need to ever go searching for another. I can always see them as I’m travelling. Plus Visionary also helps avoid 3 gens. If while working on one gen, I can see the aura of 2 others, then I know I need to repair one of those next as they’re far too close together.
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Sorry I just have a terrible illness of NOEDophobia.
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Yeah, I watched a buffed Open Handed match with Kindred during a PTB stream, and the aura reading info is supremely valuable.
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I prefer Bond because I like that it’s “always on”.
It tells me A LOT of information, including things that many might not think about, such as if I suddenly hear the TR, and cannot see any survivor auras suggesting the killer is already in a chase, I know to get off of that gen straight away.
That said i’ll sometimes drop Leader for Kindred.
I prefer Visionary because I need to have at least one perk that serves me if the other survivors start dropping off like flies, so I can try and rush gens as best as I can.
I was running Bond, Better Together, Open Handed, Visionary, But I got absolutely sick to death of trolls intentionally leading a chase to the gen I’m working on because of Better Together. It was happening way too regularly.
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Was kindred broken on PTB, and exceeding its hard cap of 24m?
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I haven’t heard that there were any Kindred bugs during PTB... seemed pretty broken as it looked like it was 36m. Felt like it took 5+ seconds for the killer’s aura to disappear.
I was like😳
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I found this clip from January 12th 2021.
This player says the buff wasn’t active on PTB, but look at the distance Huntress is from the hook... seems like it’s more than 24m
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Yeah it looks like it broke Kindred.
I hope that gets fixed because MORE than 24m of Killer aura reading would be way too unbalanced.
As it stands the current 24m is already ridiculously strong if a survivor gets caught in a chase near-ish a hook. More than 24m is too punishing for a killer that isn’t even camping.
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Even though I do play solo, I have to disagree.
To have that kind of info available to every player, every hook, on every build, with the freedom of still not committing a perk slot to it, is way too strong.
Kindred does more than help coordinate a hook save, or show if a killer is camping. It can neuter some killers, even when they’re NOT camping, particularly when Open Handed extends it to 24m.
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They didn’t buff Open Handed though. The Open Handed change they talked about did not make it in the PTB and they said they don’t know when it will be added in the game.
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I used my wallhack build with Bond, Open handed, Kindred, Alert. It was before Alert was mapwise.
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I've only used open handed with Kindred. I've tried it with bond and like it a ton too. However, it's either gonna be paired up with Kindred or Bond. I usually pick Kindred.
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Could be, tho if you look at the PTB clip I posted above, the parameters of the Kindred aura of Huntress is definitely extended.
Makes you wonder if they’d have it function with Kindred
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Absolutely. I had to double check the hud to make sure they weren’t running OoO
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Deja Vu: Stop 3 gens
Visionary: Slam gens over and over
Depends on how you want to go about it. Slow and careful or fast and dangerous.
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i've allways prefered empathy before bond because of the massive range and you can pretty much know the location of a killer anytime he is in a chase with a temmate, but with this new buff bond can be pretty neat.
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I don’t understand how when the Open-Handed change wasn’t even in the PTB.
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My current Open Handed build is Detective's Hunch, Kindred, and Windows of Opportunity. I keep a map handy with the ability to see Totems for when the first Hunch goes off. From there, Open Handed is nice in extending the range in which Killer becomes visible post-hook and being able to see available pallets for days is also neat.
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That contradicts what almo said about it working just not being in the patch notes.
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I love aura readings too and Open Handed is also the base of my main build, with Bond...
But I must say that often no one else besides me benefit from it. I think it's hard to see other people running aura reading perks, but when they do it's very nice.
I like Open Handed so much I chose it to be my avatar :P
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Yeah a 28m range on WoO is great for planning out routes if the killer approaches a gen being worked on.
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Almo was wrong. If you read his second comment in that post he says “the mod is correct”. I’ve no idea how one of the main devs from the balance team didn’t know what is or isn’t on the PTB.
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I especially like Open Handed with rainbow maps.
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Kindred lowkey sucks imo. Sure give your teammates info but they don't do much half the time with it
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Open Handed doesn’t affect a maps detection range.
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It does when the map is active, you can just run around tapping it. I tested it with a friend.
Edit: Actually, we used two open handeds, so it was even nicer
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I disagree, best build for Solo is Plunderer, Ace in hole, Appraisal. Get a key then hatch escape.
Die everytime
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Was lucky everyone was running bond.
Has never happened for me. You could announce this at start of match but it gets tiring doing so each match.
Survivors should be allowed to see each other's load out. Might be unfair though for killer but that decreases the gap between swf and solo imo.
It might also causes bickering before the match even starts. I bet some toxic players will criticize you for bringing a junk build (and I do that all the time)
I still think the best "swf solo" build is something that includes Aftercare and Kindred.
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Bond doesn't benefit other people. It benefits you.
If you want to help other people play cooperatively you run Kindred and Aftercare.
I have had killers accuse us of being SWF multiple times because I run these two perks along with Blood Pact. The amount of information you give your teammates is invaluable.
The build I have on Dwight is Aftercare, Kindred, Blood Pact and Iron Will. It is a super good build. Doesn't look like much and your survivor fundamentals need to be good as you have no defenses other than Iron Will. But If your team isn't absolute trash they really play much better with the info you give them.
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It sounds good in theory (seeing loadouts pre-game), But could you imagine the amount of survivors lobby dodging just because someone isn’t running BT.
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No, I didn't mean my Bond help other people. I just mentioned it because I usually run OH + Bond.
What I meant is that many times no one uses other aura reading perks that may benefit from OH, just that. As I do like Aftercare, I don't think it's so consistent aura reading as Bond, because of the requirements. But Kindred is another perk I use often.
And both AC and Blood Pact doesn't really benefit from OH also.
But back to Bond, I think the fact I know what's going on the whole match helps me adapt myself towards what the team needs, especially when I run it with Kindred. I'd say that directly it doesn't help others, but it's good towards the team.