Any one else constantly being sent to the swamp?

7 out of 10 games I've played have been at the swamp, you would think with un-passable trees, gens that dont let you fix them, and etc. the map would appear less, do you guys get sent here a lot too, or is it just my RNG bad luck?
No offerings to send us there either.
I've been getting mostly Coldwind as survivor, which is wicked annoying with the totem bug.
As killer I was getting more variety.
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I had that at for a time too, it kept sending me to that one too, it's like it switches every week. It kept sending me to the one that's 90% corn, you would think they'd find a way to fix these small bugs, but I think they're just leaving them in since they're gonna rework them eventually. A "why fix a map we are going to rework"mentality.
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I've been getting coldwind a lot for some damn reason and i am not happy about it
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I mean Autohaven, Coldwind, Macmillan, and Springwood are the maps you get most often just because there is such a dumb number of variants of them.
I don't mind new Autohaven even though it sucks for trapper, but Coldwind usually comes with an offering and an Object of obsession and it's just ugh... I hope the next map rework is all of the coldwind maps for the love of god please let coldwind be next.
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They just love.sending us to their maps that dont work.
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I don't mind coldwind farm, what I mind is that 90% corn map we kept getting sent specifically to that one.
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havent seen swamp much until recently, which is weird considering the exploit
youd think the devs would just... disable the map, but nope
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Yeah, and it's always Grim Pantry. I don't even mind Pale Rose that much, but my gosh I feel like this game loves taking me to Grim Pantry when I play killer. It is so disorientingly awful to play on. I hope BHVR reworks that map or just scrap it from the game. Yeah, I hate Grim Pantry almost as much as Haddonfield. As I said, I don't have any problems with Pale Rose, but this game obviously hates me and always takes me to the Swamp map I despise.
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Whenever I play doc I know I’m going to swamp and I hate it
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Not to the Swamp but ive getting Midwich, Haddonfield and Hawkins a lot lately, they suck but at least they are not bugged.
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Well with the fact that they only like putting patches out every two months, as well as admitting that they rarely work, this doesn't really surprise me. But then again if they disabled all the maps with exploits, we'd have like 2 maps left
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im pretty sure that disabling a map from appearing could be done on their backend, so there would be no need for a hotfix or anything. don't quote me on that though
also, i thought swamp was the only map with an exploit atm? what other maps do?
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On coldwind the totems tend to spawn in unreachable places, autohaven has a chance of spawning 5 gens on one side and 2 on the other
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Not exactly an exploit but Corn has an uncleansable Totem at one of the harvester spawn points.
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I get haddonfield every night when i get home from work to put me in a great mood jokes aside I actually get excited for hawkins and midwich now compared to other maps there the only ones I like anymore but I rarely see them it's been alot of variations of coldwind with autohaven and haddonfield in between. Also don't mind the new ormond but also rarely see.
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Constantly and consistently sent to:
...que eternal eye roll
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Also dont forget that auto haven also has the exploit where it spawns 5 gens on one side and 2 on the other.
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Yes! It's really weird
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Swamp and Haddonfield the last few days for me. Got some Autohaven, but that was from map offerings.
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For me it's Cowshed and Haddonfield constantly, sometimes you get periods of really bad luck.
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I always get send to swamp by bully type survivors, since i play Hag, the moment i hook one or two, they dc.
But usually if none survivors throw offering, the game sends me to Coldwind farm.