Conflicting Lore Regarding the Legion

kriemhild Member Posts: 34

I'm sure this has been pointed out before, but I noticed a contradiction in details while reading through the descriptions of Legion cosmetics.

So, we can gather from the base description of the Legion that up until the communal slaughter of the janitor, Frank was easing the younger, more impressionable legionnaires into criminal activity, starting with "bullying, vandalism, and theft".

Susie, the "shy, naïve" member of the group, was the least willing to partake in the janitor's murder. Frank had to seize her hands to get the final stab in. However, according to the description of her New Year Shoplifter cosmetic, Susie stabbed a wealthy man twice, nicked his money, and left him for dead in an alleyway with the intention of impressing Frank.

If Susie had stabbed somebody prior to the janitor, why was she so hesitant to stab again the night they were taken by the entity? There's no way the New Year Shoplifter incident occurred before they vanished, so it would be her second time doing something like that.

I think this discrepancy can be chalked up to one of the following:

  • Cosmetics aren't always canon
  • Whoever writes these descriptions was sloppy
  • Susie just wasn't as innocent as she was made out to be

Any thoughts on this/other examples of conflicting lore?


  • malatruse
    malatruse Member Posts: 784

    There are also conflicts between the Legion's cinematic in Tome III and the character backstory itself, which differs on how the murder of the janitor went down. You could chalk it up to variance between universes, or just lack of fact checking on the part of the writers.

  • kriemhild
    kriemhild Member Posts: 34

    That's true, the tome cinematic indicates that Joey + Susie didn't participate whatsoever, while Julie stabbed after Frank. But, as their backstory states, all four took turns stabbing the janitor and Joey was the second to do it, not Julie.

    Unfortunately, I feel the latter might be true (lack of fact checking), but I'll give the writers the benefit of the doubt and go with variance between universes.

  • Laffle
    Laffle Member Posts: 82

    I like to believe that Susie's rat descriptions are just her telling an exaggerated story. Like "guys look! I stole some #########, I'm so hardcore! Oh and uh, uh, I also stabbed a guy!!"

    Same with the tome video, maybe it's meant to be Julie's recalling of the event?

  • kriemhild
    kriemhild Member Posts: 34

    I love that interpretation lol.

    That's true about the tomes; history is subjective, and everyone's perspective is different. If that's what the writers were going for, that's pretty clever.