Resident Evil Chapter will be the fifth anniversary chapter.

They recently confirmed that Resident Evil: Village will be released on May 7, 2021, just hovering around the dates of an official trailer and the fifth anniversary, I think it is more than clear and confirmed that it will be yes or yes the fifth anniversary chapter and not Candyman or Chucky.
You really think so? Capcom also announced a multiplayer Resident Evil game called "RE: Verse". I extremely doubt Capcom will want to license their IP out during that time.
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It is more than obvious, since Silent Hill came out in DBD, many theorized to see a hypothetical episode of RE, with the announcement that we will see STARS this year, it is 2 of 2, 1, perhaps they refer to RE and 2, Stars of the horror movies, but with the confirmation that RE: Village will be released on those dates, I think that Behaviur could be used on those dates to negotiate and obtain the capcom license, also the theory is having more force.
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Mentioning stars could also refer to space.
I'd love to see an RE chapter but I'm not gonna get hyped for one until it's officially officially announced.
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I just hope Verse is not just a repackage of the mess that was Operation Raccoon City. nothing but everyone running around stun locking each other with shotguns , while simultaneously being bullet sponges . I know some people didn't like how everything was an insta-kill in COD, but man, I'm telling you, two guys unloading their entire magazine into each other and nothing happening was just as dumb.
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Candyman has a movie coming out this year and Chucky a TV show. The 3rd Conjuring film's release date is only 10 days before DBD's 5th anniversary. So RE isn't the only franchise to have a special date this year.
Resident Evil Re:Verse is a Overwatch hero deathmatch shooter and looks nothing like DBD. RE:Resistance was Capcom's attempt at a DBD-clone and it failed. They stopped updating it last fall.
Plus in the same stream where Re:Verse was revealed, right after Re:Verse they announced a crossover with The Division. So I wouldn't rule out a RE chapter just yet.
The real sticking point against a RE chapter would be MCote's comments in DBD's New Years message saying the Anniversary would be filled with bomshell stars. Which implies famous actors from films/TV.
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Stars referencing space, which also represents possibly Alien seems quite plausible.
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They could announce what comes with the 5th anniversary and (not likely) future licensed chapters... to get the hype back to the game
I mean that's what I'd be doing in their situation (but I'm
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It would be unimaginable if this year were a full year of licensing. Although I would enjoy it.
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I feel like Resident Evil's too hot right now for its license to be handed out like this?
But hey who knows, DBD's surprised me before.
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I was literally thinking about this earlier as I was watching the RE Showcase. It’s Resident Evil’s 25th anniversary as well! Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 is getting some skins, it would be awesome if DbD would also do something for the anniversary.
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Didn't know you could see the future.
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Here's the thing tho.. in the same way a candyman killer might get players to rent the new candyman movie, a RE chapter might spark interest in DBD players to pick up the new RE game. Win win. Especially teens who might not be overly familiar. (Maybe?)
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Each day I lose more and more hope of getting a Resident Evil 7 chapter. Either way, anything Resident Evil would make me happy.
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Its gunna be fred from scream
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Yes and the chapter after the anniversary is nothing more and nothing less than Candyman lmao.
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I just hope that Behavior manages to surprise everyone.
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There's a big difference in Silent Hill and Resident Evil though. Konami single handedly butchered Silent Hill into the ground then cancelled PT/Silent Hills, so Silent Hill was pretty much dead meaning DbD could purchase the rights to use it. Resident Evil is far from dead, since it's had 2 remakes, and yes, Re:Resistance did fail, but with a new multiplayer game coming out, it seems unlikely that they'd give their characters to another game when they'd want to keep them for their own. I mean, I'd love to be wrong because I love Resident Evil and seeing it in DbD would be amazing. I was taken back when PH and Cheryl were announced, so here's hoping the same happens this year.
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The new game is a hero shooter (think OW, Apex, TF2) deathmatch thing. It's nothing at all like DBD.
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RE:Verse is the "multyplayer mode" for RE: Village, I HIGHLY doubt that people won't buy RE:VIII just because of a collaboration with DBD.
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Yes. In the same stream they announced a RE crossover with The Divison. They've already done a crossover with PBUG and Smash too.
The former two are shooters like RE:Verse. DBD is obviously not a shooter. RE:Resistance is dead. I see no reason why RE can't come to DBD next roadmap as the anniversary chapter or another chapter.
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Oh is it? Haven't seen the trailer or the reveal for it. Maybe theres a chance that RE will come to DbD after all then. I mean, I'd love it to at least.
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I can't wait to play as a slow walking zombie.
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Possible? Yes. Confirmed? No.
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It’s pretty likely and has been speculated since Silent Hill chapter I think. The stars comment could very well be overanalysing but in the end wouldn’t confirm or deconfirm anything.
let’s wait for the logo reveal and see which head’s shape the 5 is gonna be 😂
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People have been saying this forever, including when REsident Evil: Resistance was announced. And even during the time, it was being supported by Capcom.
"They recently confirmed that Resident Evil: Village will be released on May 7, 2021, just hovering around the dates of an official trailer and the fifth anniversary" Because DbD is so important that they decided to release RE: Village around the Anniversary and not around the same time they do every year for the past two years of Resident Evil releases? lmao
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New killer: The Bioweapon (Mr. x)
New survivor: Leon Kennedy
New survivor: Claire Redfield
New map: Racoon Police Department
Legendary skins would turn Claire into Jill and Leon into Carlos