Modifying the game to make it brighter should be bannable

In my opinion this kind of thing should be bannable, it basically change the whole idea of the game and it gives u an immense advantage over everyone else.
Is this ever going to be addressed? do devs even care about people cheating like this?
How are you going to enforce it exactly?
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They should set the brightness of the killer stain to a set amount. That way no one can make it easier to see so they can see it at all times through walls
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What about on killers that negate any attempt at stealth as the entire map is light brighter then 4 iridescent lightbulbs to the face
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Ok good point.
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I've never seen any other game where ppl have considered bans for increasing ur lighting or changing it up. Just why?
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Survivors use it to see the stain though walls and to spot things that normally get hidden by the dark or grass while killers can make any attempt at stealth by a survivor impossible as they can see them clearly even though the fog at long ranges
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It goes both ways as killers can do exactly the same thing. And in reality how big of a difference does it make? Survivors who don't use lighting filtering would just adapt and still be able to do just as well.
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Blacklist the programs used to achieve these filters
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Because it gives a large advantage against players on consoles who cannot do that and makes it unbalanced against oc plyers
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How are you going to blacklist contrast settings or brightness settings on monitors and tvs?
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Every game you play there will be disadvantages when playing on a console. I mean just look at any shooter. If you don't want disadvantages then don't get a console.
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Good luck stopping people from cranking their monitors up to 100000% brightness.
This seems to be an issue caused by BHVR. If this PvP game wasn't so dark especially on certain maps, nobody would be changing their brightness. Keep the low brightness horror theme to PvE games.
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It doesnt really work well to do that on TVs imo, i'm talking about the NVIDIA filters every streamer uses and the additional programs
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Cause this is a horror game, darkness is part of the game mechanics, it helps to hide survivors, killers, items, etc.
making use of an in-game brightness control is totally fine, but going into the files of the game and messing with the gamma is a complete different thing.
The single fact that you are editing the game to give you an advantage in a game that in the practice is competitive, is sad and makes you a cheater.
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Making not able to modify the files of the game.
right now is incredible easy to do so, that's why the people who cheats have this stupidly powerful abilities of flying and throwing axes at the speed of light
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I think it's unsportsmanlike to crank your brightness up to max in a game where people are supposed to sneak around in the shadows, but currently there are no in-game settings to let you calibrate the brightness. So, everyone already has different visibility depending on what their monitor settings are and there's no objective way to say how they should adjust those settings so they're all seeing the same thing.
I would be okay with banning filters if we had a brightness calibration in the game, because then I'd know that what I was seeing was what was intended. Until we have that, though, brightness adjustments are on the honour system and some people will always abuse that.
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No it shouldn't be: your brain has no wrinkles if you think so.
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Literally you can't ban it lol. I can adjust my graphics card or monitor settings and there will not zero possible way enforce any ban on that. It won't happen. This is not some pro eSport game, so it's not even necessary to care all that much.
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The solution would be so simple: Just give us ingame options for brightness, like in every other game. On consoles we don't even have quallity options, i don't get it. I bet we could have at least stable 60fps with low settings, if we wanted to. Just think about perfomance/grafic mode. If this would be a thing, editing the gamefiles on PC should be bannable. But till then PC players will always have a potential advantage over console players.
When you force crossplay (the que times are way longer with crossplay off), ALL plattforms should be able to play under the same conditions.
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changing your monitor settings should be bannable yeah
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because dbd players have this thing where theyd rather blame every single thing besides themselves for losing
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Is darkness so big a mechanic in the game that Nintendo Switch players can't tell a pallet from a generator from a wall? I'm not even joking. (I know it's the worst of the platforms but some people don't want to waste 100s for a better platform or 1000s)
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ReShade was whitelisted by EAC (which Dbd uses), but there is no longer any public whitelist that I can find and it should not be considered whitelisted anymore.
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Modify the game files? Literally nothing you do that increases the brightness/contrast settings modifies game files. Wanting to ban someone for changing their monitor settings is ridiculous.
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Ignoring enforceability issues, i.e. how would you even stop people from adjusting their monitor settings, if you talk about NVIDIA filters, the devs could've had them disabled at any time. And they haven't. Pretty damning evidence there's nothing bannable. If you even needed any for such a trivial issue.
It's DbD. We even have a monitor setting rulebook that says using your equipment within its normal functionality makes you a contemptible cheater and you should be banned to the basement with Insidious Bubba facecamping you.
Files can be modified via hacking, that's not BHVR's fault. Game files alteration can be detected and result in a ban. It's like that in basically every game that has an anti-cheat system.
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How would you enable stealth play?
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Are you really telling me you dump into things on autohaven because you cant see the wall in front of you? or is it more the survivor hidding in the grass you cant see that easily?
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At some point, you have to say to yourself, "Maybe it's the game that's the problem, and not all these other things that people are using to compensate for its shortcomings."
It's ridiculous, in 2021, that this game does not have real resolution settings, or a brightness slider, or an FOV slider. A bunch of those things are tied to frigging in-game items, which is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. That stuff doesn't matter; just give everyone a FOV slider and a brightness slider, nobody cares about the stupid mist offerings in the first place. Just redesign Shadowborn to do something else. It's not that hard, and it's not that much of an issue. Accessibility needs to be prioritized over whatever weird game balance thing they think they're achieving with this stuff. And also, I would like to be able to, say, see anything in the halls of Midwich, which is a challenge even with my rather nice monitor's brightness turned to the max.
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The problem with people changing their screens in anyway is it's all done through third party systems so there is no way for them to tell or do anything about it. It's the same thing as when people say SWF shouldn't use comms to talk to each other but they are chatting via a third party system so they can't stop anyone from doing it even if they wanted to.
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Then why should consolers support Crossplay at all? What happened to a level playing field, with everyone all playing the same game?
And any on console wanting to go over to PC would have to rebuy everything and grind again from scratch, because there's no Cross Progression and it is unlikely to happen.
You make it sound like we were totally screwed the moment we got this game on a console, instead of all of us in this together.
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Sure i think console should be supported as much as possible but at the end of the day theres only so much you can do, and you shouldnt be stopping and bannign things on pc just becaues consoler's cant do it. You can't actively remove features from one platform cause another one doesnt have it, its better to aim to add or improve those features on the other platform.
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This is not done by brightness. You simply put graphics quality on low and the red stain glitches through walls
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No it shouldn't, people with visibility problems will be affected by this, and it will feel more unfair for them to not be able to play dbd because of that rule.
Even if it is against the rules, the only people that will be affected by this are content creators, since that will be the only way to proof that someone is using a filter. So you basically make a rule against content creators
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How about, instead, fix the game so exploits don't occur when gamers are caring for their eyesight by seeing better?
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So, ban everyone that runs the game on low, medium and high graphics?
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Putting the game graphics on low is cheating and should be bannable.
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External programs that apply filters and such do not modify game files.
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Still, it is a difference if they are used to compensate a disadvantage you have due to a handicap, or to use them to gain an advantage.
Yes, people use them for better visibility because they dont like to lose the survivor in a dark corner, even though thats what the dark corner is designed to do.
The fact that so many people defend this behaviour is an indicator to stop playing the game.
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Haha, I'll show them *clicks brightness button on keyboard*
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I don't like when people use stretched resolution or up their brightness because it DOES give them advantage, but I don't think there's any way to enforce that.
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its impossible since you can just change the apps id and for pc its a completely different app
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SWF plays with comms, but no one talk about it.
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I'm not a fan of these filters, and I know that Hunt Showdown disabled the ability to use them - thinking specifically of the the Nvidia ones. I think it destroys a huge element of the game personally.
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Pretty sure you can change stuff like brightness, contrast, etc. on TVs. TVs also have a bunch of different picture modes. I don't know how anyone likes playing with brightness that high though.
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I agree with you mandy, but there are people that use filters because they're forced to, due to visibility problems (I have a friend of two with these). If they make it bannable they'll destroy every bits of trust with the dbd community imo
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Anything people can do on their monitor (brightness, gamma, whatever it calls it) I don't even know if you could restrict even if you wanted to.
Nvidia Freestyle filters are either opt-in or opt-out, as there's games where they don't work or games where they used to work and then stop working. Escape From Tarkov is one example if I remember correctly, it instead opted for its own in-game postprocessing filter system that the devs had more control of the parameters of so people couldn't go as far with visual tweaks.
People talk about it all the time, but most people are aware that trying to go after voip apps/party chat functions is a complete waste of time. Any methods that could stop it would be extremely unpopular and considered invasive, yet perfectly circumventable for players that want to do it No developer would try to mess with it, and on some platforms they're probably not even allowed to do so if they want to offer their game on said platform.
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Red stain goes through walls without modification.
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Changing monitor settings is one thing. But, and maybe im jealous, i watch streamers running around in bright daylight on bottom floor of the game. I cant see the wall. I have a pretty good 4k TV and no matterbthe adjustments i make, to get the level if brightness to see in darker levels, everything is so whitewashed i can't see skill checks.
I know PC will always have an advantage in graphics options and quality but man does it suck for us console plebes
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And how do you want to compensate for people abusing it? Whats your idea for that? It gives an unfair advantage, aka cheats, so how to handle that, in your opinion?
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Just to point out, some streamers will turn up the brightness in OBS for their viewers.