Rancid Abbotoir is dirty

So here is this video of me on this map. In the beginning I'm trying to get the killers attention so its 1 minute of nothing which I am sorry for. But just watch how the looping and chaining plays out, of course I made mistakes and didnt get punished like I would by a good killer and if the killer was good all I'd have to do is be more willing to drop pallets which I could easily. What I also forgot to record was me looping in that chain for another 1-2 minutes whilst only dropping maybe 1 to 2 pallets. Anyways the whole point is to just point out how nasty this map can be and most people dont even take advantage of it and even I didnt know until azame pointed it out.
Also if you have any issues or feedback feel free to give it
I mean everyone knows the coldwind maps are some of the most survivor sided in the game. It looks like a baby pallet respecting legion who didn’t even frenzy?
If you are going into games as an M1 killer without chasing perks that is kind of your own fault if you get looped and don’t know to drop a chase if a competent survivor is going to a nasty setup.
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I cant tell if that's even a compliment. It seems competent has different meanings to people. But yeah you have a point. They used their frenzy but pallet respected. Honestly even if it was a good killer it wouldnt be much different especially if I didnt make the mistakes that I did. Because I could use pallets and adjust looping accordingly. Which kinda sucks because I feel like this map has the potential to be the most survivor sided map if not one of them.
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Well its called rancid abbotoir not clean abbotoir
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I love you so much and hate you at the same time. But did you look at it or just want to make that amazing horrible pun
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Looked but i just wanted the pun
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Nice but if.you have any suggestions for me on gameplay itd be much appreciated. I always look to become better and get more vids that can increase my subs
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Yeah, that’s like every coldwind map just about. They all have tons of very safe interlocking pallets that can be chained.
And no I disagree, when I play killer it’s typically using one of two strategies. Run like every slowdown perk in the game and clear out deadzones near gens, then return to them for downs.
Or, just run corrupt intervention and like 2-3 chase perks. I just got out of a few Enduring Fury / Coup de grace Myers matches and it’s pretty dirty. They try to loop a strong window? 1 shot by coup de grace. Play too many pallets? 1 shot by spirit fury. Then I snowball from there.
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Yeah that's true, but not everyone runs perks like that because of well gens.
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Wow, idk that I’ve ever even gotten that rng setup
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You don’t need gen perks if you are getting fast downs. All you need is a 3 gen and a hook. And if you get a slug nearby it you can basically just sit there until the guy dies if you do it early enough because the survivors will never get the gens done in time with only 2 people. Then you have your 3 gen in a 3v1 which is usually trivial to win (assuming no key) especially if you cleared out some nearby pallets.
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Yeah it's common and especially for meat tree window to line up with long wall I ran a actual decent oni and it had shack window facing it as well. He wasnt really good but he knew how to force pallets and crap and it was a 1v3 at 4 gens and I kept him busy in certain periods because he would leave and then come back and try again. I wish I got that one because it showcased when and when not to throw pallets and how to fix bad looping. Although I ran ussylis 5 gen build so I had object to get his attention sadly. But anyways it's very common also how did I do in that video?
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Hmm good point, but sometimes gens are too fast. I've had a game with consistent like 30 second downs and 2 1 minute chases one was because I was being dumb and the other was a girl wasting pallets so I took them out and left her. I had pop and everything but only had a 3k because of over altruism. Also your coup build will only work if you get pressured or survivors dont learn or if you only use it on every survivor once. Idk the looping build you said is something I can deal with at least. Maybe not very well because you sound like a good killer.
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Hmm abbotoir is definitely the meanest with loops but it makes up for it with its lack of strength towards the back
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Well I’d only run Coup on Myers specifically because he already has an extended lunge so it’s massive and he has a weak early game so you will probably lose a gen or two.
This is probably the series that gave me the confidence I needed to run whatever perks I want. And that 5 minute game will show you the methods to win like 90%+ of your killer games at rank 1.
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Well They fed him his win and if he normally gets that it makes sense his streak got so high
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On my video is my normal experience on that map and are you saying cowshed has a weaker loop?
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Idk my rng is normally like that on that map tho
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Rancid is actualyl quite a fair and balanced map because it is very small and easy for the killer to pressure, and in reality the loops are nowhere near as bad as they might be on the game or badham.
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Eh idk that loop chain is dirty that's the point. Not necessarily the map
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lucky RNG + a blind killer who respects pallets.
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It's honestly not that bad compared to other maps. Sure it's got some decent loops but maze tiles are all mindgameable and so are a decent amount of the farm loops. Plus the fact that it's one of the smallest maps in the game means you can easily drop chase and go find someone else without being heavily punished.
Loop chains are not what they used to be, most killers can counter them these days and often they are not so hard to deal with.
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The worst part of that corner of the map is that the long wall jungle gym can spawn with the window facing cow tree. Obviously that killer made mistakes, but sections like that are why high level players cite the maps and especially map RNG as problematic. That's a long wall jungle gym into cow tree into safe pallet into shack. That's absurd. There's literally nothing half the killers on the roster can do there unless the survivor messes up. That's an easy 3 gen run for a good survivor against a killer like Pig or Myers, and they never have to leave that corner of the map.
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Why is it luck when it spawns like this almost 60 percent of the time? And even good killers will get messed up on this as long as you keep your looping solid and drop pallets at the right time
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Maybe if they greed pallets or the survivor is dumb. If you cant chain a tile vs a m1 killer because they cut you off you either A lost sight or B greeded until bloodlust or C bad survivor
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People think a good m1 killer can stop it or its not bad because its rng. I get this crap 60 percent of the time and if you are a good killer I'll just make sure to drop pallets that are fillers and go right back. Breaking pallets still takes time.
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I find Rancid Abattoir the most tolerable of the Coldwind maps as killer.
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Same because nobody uses annoying loops on me
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Where are you getting the data that it spawns like that 60% of the time? Or is that just based on your own experience?
Also, that killer was pretty bad. You only have to watch her lose the survivor and ultra respect pallets. Most good killers know that you can’t afford to respect some of those pallets, especially when they are in a set up.
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I adressed all this. If you seen me say 60 percent then it should be self explanatory. I literally said in MY experience and also yeah but this works on good killers too if you crop it and loop optimally
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The only reason you were allowed to chain thoes tiles in that game however was because the legion was literally letting you. She had no idea where you were half the time and she didnt try to moonwalk or mindgame or anything, she was literally just holding w. Ofcourse you can chain tiles against a killer like that. She could have however easily mindgamed you at that jungle gymn window from the start and either forced a pallet or gotten a hit. Instead she took awful pathing and went who knows where giving you free rein to run to other tiles. Judging by her playstyle she coulda been looped at a t and l for just as long.
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Well I kinda know how to not get mindgamed tho... it's open window which let's you see each direction. Anyway woulda should could. I've done this same loop against an oni who could make me drop pallets by having good pathing and he still didnt get me because instead of chaining like an idiot I used pallets when I had to and saved them when I didnt. So even if this is a bad example ik it works.
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Yeah that setup is good, but the Legion ran the setup wrong every single time and respected the hell out of those pallets. And then got spun in the open. She also took those corners like a truck. This isn't a jab at you or anything, but against a good killer you'd still be able to make this last a short while, but if they *were* a good killer they would've known to stop chasing you the moment you went from the cow tree to the long-wall. It's not as broken as you think.
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But you've never had a killer mindgamr the vault? You know sometimes all it takes is a little look the other way and then vault or a quick vault fake and you get a free hit. I've seen countless killers not try anything special at jungldgyms or mindgameable loops like those and then complain the loops too strong, when in reality they judt need to learn how to mindgamr it.
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Eh there are some killers good at looping but you are right they would left me, but let's be honest what killers actually do that nowadays? And yeah but you also take in the account that I CHOSE to greed and be dumb. If i ran it smarter and against a good killer i would drop the pallets and if chaining was unsafe i would use up a loop and then move to the next loop. Chaining can be unreliable since they can try and cut you off
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I have had killers do that. It's not always effective if you have good positioning. that legion I believe did it as well but because I felt comfortable in her lack of skill i stayed away from the wall which led her to surprise me. But i do agree that type of mind game is the best it always cuts off distance.
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This clip essentially looks like a killer who didn't know how to deal with survivors who could chain loops was chasing a survivor who generally knew how to chain loops.
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cowtree shouldve been removed a long time ago
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Its basically killer shack. Its too iconic tho. If anything maps with a cow tree should keep the chance to not spawn it but maybe take the pallet out if it has a shack. Idk it can be pretty annoying. Especially in this video
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shack is way more mindgameable and doesnt loop into other tiles compared to cowtree
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Shows how balanced this game is when survivors are this confident...
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Is that sarcasm on my skill or that the game is unbalanced.
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Dam Dude. Most Killers can´t even chase in that setup if they want to actually do well in the match. Fortunately that setup is not coo common.
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Im not sure what the beginning part is supposed to entail. Although for me its actually fairly common :/
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It´s just my genuine reaction to the way the tiles are spread in this particular setup. This is so insane :D
You ran it well, a Killer that needs to M1 stands literally no chance there if the Survivor is competent. Sure, you can force the pallets eventually, but it´s not feasible to do in a reasonable time frame (and with the other 10-15 safe pallets on the map in mind).
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The other people here focused in the killers skill and ignores the fact everything I did was a reaction to the killer and other then 1 blunder I made I did it well. And as ive had to repeat all I would need to do is DROP pallets or loop one tile and go to the next if they don't respect. Most killers respect so greeding can actually help at certain points especially because these are all good pallets
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Yeah I agree on that. What´s sad is that as someone else has pointed out, rancid is usually - from my experience- one of the more Killer friendly Coldwind maps, as similar setups tend to happen on them quite a lot. This one though is exceptionally strong, it aligns so perfectly.
Bear in mind that I main M1 Killers, so this is how I look at tiles. If the situation allowed for it, I´d trap the ######### out of that area, but as Myers all you can do is force pallets with T3. The longwall is also not as strong vs him because of his vaulting speed, but still...
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Well his vaulting speed May lead you to window vault And if the survivor runs and knows you'll probably vault he will get lots of distance and if it pays off your speed wont matter. And trust me this isnt as bad one I seen before. It was window to window and the shack had window facing tree as well with a haybale loop in front of it and a shortwall jungle gym by that with another haybale.
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Isn't this a normal setup when the cowtree spawns on this side? Anyway most survivors don't know how to play those and get hit easily, you could get a hit even after the first loop at the cowtree if the legion wouldn't respect the pallet.
In my experience it depends from where you approach the gens (this also goes for other strong loops with gens like this), you have to cut the escape routes. If someone starts to loop in a setup like this and seems to know what to do, i just try to get a pallet and then leave. Catching survivors off guard is crucial.
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yes that was a good RNG but there was way more that Legion could have done in those circumstances, and I will agree with the others the pallet respect really was really punishing. They also fell for a really obvious window fake at the end, so it looked like they were less experienced at the game tbh.
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Haven't heard that killer chase music before.