In your opinion, what is the worst map in the game?

For me, it's The Game/Gideons meat plant. I hate this map with a burning passion. I think it's one of the most poorly designed and thought out maps. I run around for ages looking for a gen in what I can only describe as a confusing maze even after memorizing where they spawn. I know it's getting and update but I doubt itbwill do anything grand to quench my hate for this map.
Yep, same hat. It's confusing, the darkness makes everything even harder because it makes it hard to see the few features there that help orient you, you can completely lose your orientation in a chase, you might be going for a hook and realize there's no door to get to it, or it's behind a weird twisty hall, sometimes you can't tell if gen noises are coming from above/below or through a wall, its altogether a terrible place for survivor and killer. Unless you're Scratched Mirror Michael, I suppose.
Next on my list is Midwich Elementary. I get they were really leaning into the atmosphere, but all the random sounds make it hard to know for sure if you're hearing another player or not, and as survivor, you can spend way too long running from room to room checking for a generator.
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Definitely rotten fields, the map that has no special tiles but does have a painful amount of corn and guaranteed basement in the middle.
It is ugly, boring and encourages going with cancerous basement builds
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I'm kinda fond of that map as Oni, those fields are great for charging unhindered.
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Any of the naps with cornfield are definitely a strong second contender for me. Blackwater swamp would he third.
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It also has those infuriating swinging gas lamps that make you see things that aren't there, and the spaces beneath the buildings are a pain to navigate.
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Midwich easily. The map reduces gameplay on both sides to holding W. Once you get to the loops if the killer has more than two brain cells the survivor is getting hit. It’s hard to navigate and is visually cluttered making gens and totems really hard to find.
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I DESPISE Dead Dawg. I hate that map with a burning passion.
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Haddonfield is honestly the worst map in the game. The layout is ridiculous with the long fences. Buildings you can't do anything about, and the fact that you can chain loop tiles around with some set ups is honestly insane. Corn maps are up there with the fact you can't barely see anything half the time because of corn blindness, and high structure sets up as a ranged killer makes it pretty much impossible to hit through most of the tiles on them.
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That map is so so for me. I think it's ugly with some poor gen placements but that's about it. The one redeeming factor of this map is the sky. It's beautiful to look at.
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Haddonfield and The Game are the two worst. Apparently even the updated version of The Game is terrible. Which just bodes super well for Haddonfield.
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As survivor I feel like Shelter Woods is the worst map.
As killer it's Rotten Fields.
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Gideon's isn't that bad. I actually like this map even though statistically it's supposedly killer-sided. I have a lot of fun playing matches in this map.
The worst maps for each side are different. For Killer the worst map is probably Lampkin Lane. For Survivor it's Shelter Woods.
For a map both sides hate, it's probably Midwich.
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The gameplay is so awful.
As Killer, it feels like I'm always breaking wall and pallets and I am constantly getting stuck on objects.
As Survivor, it feels like there are no pallets and gens are super close together.
The sky is pretty, I will give it that.
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Haddonfield. So frustrating when the survivor is right there in front of you, but you need to transverse a fence that's half the size of the map.
Swamp/Corn/Yamoka maps are pretty bad, simply because of all the tall reeds/corn.
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From a killer, it has to be Haddonfield. It just isn't fun to play on.
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As both killer and survivor, The Game and Hawkins
I hate both those maps with a passion
As killer, Haddonfield, just, not fairly balanced, and it's really hard to play on as my favourite killers
As survivor, Shelter Woods and Midwich, shelter woods is completely barren and Midwich is just hold w simulator with one, maybe two if your lucky, safe pallets, plus the doors are too easy to patrol, being set exactly across the courtyard from each other.
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Dead dawg saloon is my personal least favorite, as someone who play’s both sides, the map is extremely boring and small, playing survivor on the map isn’t fun due to a lack of differing loops, half of the pallet loops are pathetic and it’s always either a hit or miss on that map, either killer wrecks you, or you wreck the killer, no in-between due to window loops wasting a lot of time if window’s aren’t broken, now, from killer perspective the map doesn’t feel extremely engaging, survivor’s mostly use the standerd saloon loop to add that annoying spice, overall, the map suffers from size (and bushes, it’s not fun to have a claudette be completely invisible in a bush)
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As survivor: The Game.
- Hawkins is good because it has a TON of pallets.
- Lery's is ok because at least it has a TON of windows.
Meanwhile The Game might have a lot of god pallets and pallets in general, but finding gens is a nightmare. I also dislike it because many killers excel on this map (especially with certain builds), such as The Spirit. For example, I've played some spirits on this map which use distressing so you're almost always in their TR, meaning you can't hear them phasing. So you can easily get grabbed off of gens with no indication.
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Haddonfield. EASILY.
Looks bad and it's horribly unbalanced.
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Killer: Hawkins this maps los blockers Are so unfun to deal with. No killer I play aside from Bubba with a totem or two has any fun on Hawkins.
Survivor: midwich. Go to a room hope there's a playable pallet rinse repeat. The one inaccessible staircase kills teams because of the bad map layout. Start at the top and work your way down or lose.
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And you know how to easy 4K on Midwich? Use Bloodwarden, I'd be surprised if you didn't get 4Ks. Nobody's getting out, as long as you aren't totally outclassed by the survivor team. Despite that I don't think killers enjoy playing on this map. It's just such a bad map. I don't know what the devs were smoking when they designed this POS map.
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I'm with this guy.
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Haddonfield and cornfields
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Rotten fields. There's so much corn. It hurts.
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Hawkins and Haddonfield.
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Hawkins and Midwich I feel both of these are too dependant on what char and perks are in play for either side
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The Rework ones, open area no pallets, trash map made for when the killers don't have bloodlust, i've never lost a match in the ones with the cars.
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Silent Hill map. I can never find anything, all the hallways seem to blend together, and I’m constantly lost. The hooks always seem to be in rooms off the hallway. As killer I’ve lost so many survivors trying to get into a room and discovering I don’t know where the door is. It’s also too dark, maybe because I’m colour blind.
I don’t mind Haddenfield, but I do think the layout is too similar to Badham. I often get it confused with one of those maps.
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Midwich Elementary School is by far my least favorite. I never dc from games, but this map makes me want to every time. As a survivor running is a no-go because the layout makes following tracks so easy for the killer. So walking or crouching is the only way to get around. The loops are pretty poor on here. Matches drag on forever because everyone is walking and gens are real hard to find. Ambient noises are distracting. It feels like the killer is always on top of you because the closed quarters mean you are always only a few steps from the killer's terror radius. It is pretty dark and bland, and like most schools everything looks the same.
What I would do to improve it is add some visual distinctive for each hall, like have one hall be the sports hall and have trophy cases and sports equipment, framed photos etc. Make another hall the art hall and have finger paintings and art supplies displayed. Make one hall the science hall, another the math hall, etc. You get the picture.
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Shelterless Woods.
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Haddonfield is a giant map with structures everywhere, and has an infinite if the survivor knows what to do.
Oh and if someone brings OoO the Silent Hill's School map is the ######### worse thing there is, the whole map becomes a giant loop and you can't ever reach the survivors. I remember getting this map against a SWF group with 2 OoO. When they don't bring this perk it's probably one of the mest maps though.
The other map that makes my blood boil is Cowshed, don't even have to explain on this one.
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I hate the saloon.
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Every time I see grim pantry, Haddonfield or badham, I go to a corner and cry.
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I would say Haddonfield but it's only one map and comes up rarely.
Springwood is the bane of my existence. It's so boring and it has 4 (or 5?) maps.
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That's the correct answer. Shelter Woods is so terribly boring to play on both sides. If only they had at least reworked the giant tree in the middle last patch.
Could have turned into some sort of a tree house loop for Balanced Landing users or something like that.
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It used to be the Swamp, but Midwich now leads as my worst map. I hate it so much.
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I don't think the game has any maps inside of it
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This. I hate Midwich.
I am also starting to hate Autohaven, merely because there are like 5 maps for that zone and I get it ALL the time.
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Top 5 least favorite maps:
- Haddonfield
- Rotten Fields
- Grim Pantry
- Hawkins
- Midwich (this is actually my favorite map in terms of visual design but the gameplay on it is awful)
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What they originally gave it was pretty cool. What it has now? Not so much.
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badham, haddonfield or any indoor map, theyre all equally boring
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For me personally I really hate the swamp maps I find the design very boring and also empty as killer I feel there's too much open space and as survivor I feel there's too much open space and also the games on this map are pretty boring in my opinion
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Off the top of my head:
Worst map for killers: Mothers Dwelling/Haddonfield
Worst map for survivors: Dead Dawg Saloon
I say this because killers have an advantage of Dead Dawg Saloon being one of the smallest (if not the smallest) maps in the game, with killers like Doc succeeding because the map is SO small & easy to control.
For survivors, it's the opposite. They have an advantage of Mothers Dwelling being one of the largest (if not the largest) maps in the game, causing everyone to be spread out.
Do I need to explain why survivors have an advantage on Haddonfield? No.
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There's five. Five iterations of the same crappy map. I hate that place.
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I think people have listed some tough maps.
And underrated tough map for killer is Gas Heaven. The building, the two stacks of junker cars. Lots of pallets. I struggle on that map.
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midwich lmao
apparenty my most loved map(surprise-surprise) is lerys memorial insitute cuz those corridors are soo good at blight
also hag is quite well there
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haddonfield is surprisingly good at blight. it was designed for mobile killers like blight and hillbilly