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do you guys think the devs will ever realize how badly made the overheat mechanic on billy is?

i swear so many people think its completely unneeded and he would literally be perfect without it, lets just hope one day they might realize it.

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  • Member Posts: 4,082

    Like Nurse he only needed an add-on pass. And know Nurse and Hillbilly are harder for newer players. As well some pretty bad add-ons Nurse has two add-ons that make her power worse. And Hillbilly has some unecessary stealth add-ons.

  • Member Posts: 4,699

    Wasn't rhe overheat mechanic created for camping?

  • Member Posts: 4,082
    edited January 2021

    No, there was enough criticizim saying Billy too strong. And the devs wanted people to play other characters by nerfing good ones unecessarily instead of only buffing low tiers. They should've buffed Doctor, Freddy, and Bubba. Without nerfing Nurse and Hillbilly.

  • Member Posts: 77

    I believe they said they made it to stop people from feathering to long and stop face camping.

    Feathering isnt an issue yet they think it is for some weird almo like reason and it completely fails to stop face camping in the slightest.

  • Member Posts: 77

    Mate it’s not even bad. You can still snowball with Billy if you’re good. Just run dads boots (increase steering) and junkyard air filter (increasing the chainsaw overheat limit). That add on itself adds 20 charges.

  • Member Posts: 77
    edited January 2021

    Yeah its not bad its just annoying and he would be fine without it, all it did was make him reliant on addons that dont make him old basekit anyways.

    Edit: i also forgot that the reasons it was made don't even work and builds like double engravings are nearly unplayable due to the way the overheat works.

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    It's not he's that worse same with Nurse. I was with Billy pre nerf still am. But they definitely reduced Nurse's and Billy's play rate by making them harder for new players. And they ruined many potential future Nurse and Billy mains.

  • Member Posts: 994

    They "fix" a completly fine killer, nobody asked about it, nobody had any problems with him. Speaking of their "knowledge" of the game and what people actually want. Just ignore the 50 topics every day about ds / keys / unbreakable etc. and do something nobody wanted.

  • Member Posts: 4,082
    edited January 2021
  • Member Posts: 7,669

    his overheat should work like Bubbas.

    holding down the power button fills it up, stopping to press it should stop it and putting away the chainsaw / entering a chainsaw sprint should immediately reset it.

    that way we dont get punished for using our chainsaw, while we also dont allow billy to facecamp hooks with a 99% chainsaw / feather forever around loops.

  • Member Posts: 357

    Overheat was certainly a stupid addition, but not because it actually makes billy weaker. You can speed around the map all the time and probably won't hit overheat more than once in a match

  • Member Posts: 4,082
  • Member Posts: 9,415


    Correct me if I'm wrong, but can't Bubba still hold his saw forever?

  • Member Posts: 3,144

    Probably not. I seldom see the devs admit their own mistakes.

  • Member Posts: 531
    edited January 2021

    I think the learning curve does that well enough.

    My God, I really would need to have a couple of good friends or a stranger who wouldn't judge create a Custom Game and let me practice trying to make the Chainsaw work for me instead of against me for several hours before I'd ever try to show my face in a public game again after the 2 and only 2 times I ever took Billy out.

    Bubba was ridiculously easier to figure out.

  • Member Posts: 1,784

    Billy's overheat mechanic was the most disappointing change I've seen since coming back to the game after a while.

    I don't know anyone who wanted that.

  • Member Posts: 2,959

    The reason why they added the overheat mechanic was because Billy was the only killer that had 2 of the strongest abilities for free with no downside.

    Trapper has to find his traps, Myers needs to build up his power, Oni needs to collect his power to be strong. But Billy just said nope and gets all of it for free without having to work so people asked why play these guys when billy does what they do better.

    So the devs gave Billy a downside so the other characters can be used more which sounds great but they should have buffed the lower tier characters to his level then nerf him so there’s more variety.

    Honestly I’m not against the overheat because I still dominate even without addons but if I were to fix Billy I would make his overheat like leatherfaces tantrum where if you keep Reving the saw without stopping it will overheat and trigger the cooldown and it will only gain heat if you rev the saw once you start sprinting the overheat resets to zero until you rev again.

  • Member Posts: 747

    Probably not. Most of the time whoever makes the balance decisions never thinks they're wrong.

  • Member Posts: 2,917

    They know people hate it but they almost NEVER admit they were wrong and removing the overheat mechanic would require them to admit they were wrong.

  • Member Posts: 399

    It doesn't really have a large effect on his gameplay, which is good, but like... what is the point? All it does is screws over missing chainsaws (which I do, a lot) and ruins double engravings.

  • Member Posts: 77

    i think it purely makes him unfun on top of that, why would you play a killer who both doesnt have very good addons and isnt fun.

  • Member Posts: 48

    Billy is probably my strongest killer and I don't really have overheating issues >95% of the time. No addons. And I chainsaw rush almost constantly throughout the match. The only time it's ever really an issue is if I keep feathering and can't get a good hit, in which case usually I'm just in a really bad spot for a chainsaw and the chase is probably going on too long anyway so it'd be better to just M1 and leave or force them to a better spot.

    The most frustrating part for me when I was new wasn't the overheat at all, it was the unwieldy sensitivity swinging me off to the side at the start of a chainsaw rush. I had to learn to keep my mouse perfectly still for a second unless I'm going for a chainsaw around a 90 degree corner.

  • Member Posts: 827

    Lol look at this guy wanting to buff freddy and doctor what????

  • Member Posts: 4,082
    edited January 2021

    I was speaking in the past tense. Didn't realize? As in part of their goal to diversify killer pick rates. They should've made all killers more viable what they did buffing Doctor, Freddy, and Bubba was good. But they shouldn't have made Nurse and Billy less enjoyable in the progress.

  • Member Posts: 46

    I'm pretty sure I've only overheated Billy's chainsaw once out of all the games I have played as him, and that was just me getting frustrated and not paying attention. The only way you're going to overheat is if you just spam the chainsaw nonstop and hold your revs for an excessive amount of time. And that's without the overheat add-ons. So I don't get why it's such a big deal?

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    Billy's nerf wouldn't have been necessary if survivors and maps wasn't nerfed to the extent that they are. Old Billy was fine in 2016-18, not now at all. Survivors are too weak against a killer with instant mobility around the map, instant down in the vast number of deadzones, and the killer perks can slow the game down to a crawl. It doesn't help that BBQ auras tell Billy where to instantly go and down the next victim in a dead zone.

    The devs are extremely guilty at trying to oversatisfy their playerbase and now you have survivors that are too weak and the good killers are too difficult to use because they had to be nerfed/limited.

  • Member Posts: 1,140

    I've never even bothered to learn Billy just because of this mechanic. I chose nurse instead that i found as difficult to play as billy but with higher rewards than him.

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    In reality it's not. But it was an extra learning step that newer players maybe couldn't manage over heat as easily.

  • Member Posts: 2,193

    hillbilly needed overheat and a lot of people agree with me. Chases were not rewarding for survivors because chansaw was infinite and he can just rev it again. You guys are just loud minority

  • Member Posts: 4,082
    edited January 2021

    He wasn't Op. And honestly isn't hard to get old Billy considering two good overheat add-ons of brown and yellow are easy to acquire

  • Member Posts: 1,171

    That's exactly the problem with the overheat mechanic. It did nothing to nerf Billy's overall power. At the same time all of managed to do was nerf Billy's fun factor.

  • Member Posts: 1,171

    A Billy spamming his chainsaw generally wasn't going to hit the average survivor. At most it could feel oppressive/scary but in terms of actual effectiveness it does very little.

  • Member Posts: 2,207

    Nah, because if breakable walls has told us anything they like keeping mechanics in for the sake of them being there, even if they are a detriment to the game.

    They did billy dirty and left him in an unfun state.

  • Member Posts: 905

    Are people forgetting infinite chainsaw spamming billy that would would constantly tap it

  • Posts: 5,229
    edited January 2021

    Only if it performs statistically worse

  • Member Posts: 3,398
    edited January 2021

    The change didn't make them harder to play, all it did was prevent their powers from being literally spammed. Not even new players would constantly use Billy's power, they would use it in moderation for when they knew they could get easier hits. It's main purpose is to be a small nuisance, much like almost every other small change that was made in this game. The change didn't raise the killer's skill cap, or make you play in a different, more interesting way with said killer, it did nothing. Which is why people hate a lot of the changes the devs make.

    (Oh and speaking of spamming powers their change to Pyramid Head's ability was the most mind-numbing change they've ever made. They didn't like people overusing Nurse's and Billy's powers, yet they go and make Pyramid Head's power even more spammy than it already was....amazing.)

  • Member Posts: 1,911

    I imagine the hillbilly changes went something like this.

    Dev 1: So hear me out we have blight in development he's a fast moving killer who bounces off walls and can smack into survivor's.

    Dev 2: Isn't that just worse hillbilly?

    Dev 1: Ok so we nerf hillbilly then introduce the blight.

    Dev 2: Do we have a reason to do this?

    Dev 1: Yes well cite statistics and state our goal isn't to nerf him but dress it up as a skill cap issue

    Dev 2: Were still nerfing him right.

    Dev 1: Oh hell yes the killer mains will eat it up I promise.

    Dev 2: Survivor players will be happy to see less of him two birds one stone what could go wrong?

    It hard to look at blights release and not see it as motivation for the hillbilly nerf. Even if that wasn't the case the damage done has left our poor boi in a sorry state. I will say props to the writer's or writer of hillbilllys story tho. We appreciate the lore team are adding so many nuances to the older killers.

  • Member Posts: 1,878

    I don't think it really is that much of a hinderance. I've gotten around even with it, although I do think the ceiling should be higher. I get the idea is to give the survivors some respite from constantly chainsawing Billys, but good survivors know how to lose billy, so I think this caters to less experienced types more.

  • Member Posts: 2,559
    edited January 2021

    If the devs thought about it for even a little bit, they would realize that the change doesn't discourage camping and instead only hastens newer players' learning on how to camp more efficiently.

    Because now, instead of just holding the chainsaw at the end of the rev (and some survivors could bait the killer into making a miss so they could save), the killer has to charge the chainsaw from 0 for a small amount of time before any unhooker goes down, which is obv a change that was worth months of resources and a complete (unnecessary) overhaul of a killer's power. /s

    Furthermore, the killer now has more incentive to pretend to charge the chainsaw and then switch to a grab if they see the survivor commit.

    So, the change did nothing other than make Billy less enjoyable to play in chase for killers who were in it just to use his power for the fun of it regardless of whether the killer player was efficient. It didn't really affect chainsaw camping at all.

  • Member Posts: 3,558

    No one overheats, you just want to camp someone without being punished. get over it.

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