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Hillbillys base power was never the problem

Member Posts: 141

Before I start, I just want to say I'm perfectly fine with current Hillbilly and i just want to talk about why his base power wasn't the issue with him being "OP"

Lets start off with the " No Cooldown/Unlimted Instadown" topic

"Hillbilly is unfair because he is the only killer with unlimted instadowns and has no cooldown!"

Hillbilly may have "Unlimited Instadowns" but lets not forget he still has to work for them. Good survivors can also loop a Hillbilly efficiently making it harder for him to make a chainsaw attack connect, thus making him a M1 killer around loops. Now onto the "Cooldown" situation, The Hillbilly also has 2 types of cooldowns.

  1. If he bumps into a wall, tree, etc. he suffers a stun time penalty for i think 3 seconds or so, which also gives survivors a chance to reach a window or a loop.
  2. If he misses a chainsaw attack Hillbilly enters another cooldown which is around 2-3 seconds which again gives survivors a chance to reach a pallet or window.

"But Hillbilly has the best mobility in the game he can go from Point A to Point B in a matter of seconds"

True. But lets not forget there are maps that limit his mobility from getting to Point A to Point B, and also every map has a lot of obstacles Hillbilly has to avoid without getting into the "Bump" cooldown.

"Hillbillys kill rate was nearly 70%"

I believe his addons played a massive part of his kill rate being very high. Hillbilly had....

6 Addons that were really strong

Carburetor Tuning Guide (Cooldown+ Charge time)

Thompsons Mix (Cooldown+ Charge time)

Spark Plug (Charge Time)

Vegetable Oil (Cooldown)

Primer Bulb (Charge Time)

Shop Lubricant (Cooldown)

You want to know why they were really strong? Its because all 6 addons stack with each other and all were only Rare ,Uncommon, and Common RARITIES

Do you also want to know which 2 addons stood out the most? Carburetor Tuning Guide + Primer Bulb

These 2 addons together were a 99% win guarantee because of the 18% decreased charge time (Primer Bulb) + the 4 bonuses Carburetor Tuning Guide gives (Cooldown, charge time, reduced chainsaw sound, and bump recovery).

With the other addons being stackable it also made it harder for survivors to dodge his chainsaw due to how fast the charge time bonuses it gave.

Conclusion: The problem for Hillbilly were his addons and not his base power. Hillbillys base power was one of the most BALANCED powers in the game that provided numerous counter play against him and also the majority of the player base find him fun to play against.

Also, please give us his old animations back.

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  • Member Posts: 2,917

    Yep but when it comes down to killer nerfs the developers have the policy of "Scorched Earth".

    They will leave nothing good nor fun about the killer and kill off all of their own revenue they would have earned from said killer's cosmetics as I doubt they have earned much from billy/Nurse cosmetics since being gutted.

  • Member Posts: 8,600

    You're right. They should have stopped at the add on pass. Instead they went way too far with an overheat and got really stubborn about it. They don't value feedback from highly skilled players (most fog whisperers don't fall into that category).

  • Member Posts: 1,503

    I don't think they even looked at the power, they look more at which killer is being used more then any other. Why do you think they're working on Freddy next. Not because of his powers it's because he's used more then any other killer at this point.

  • Member Posts: 405

    I actually I always felt very annoying that he could keep that chainsaw 99 for forever if he wanted to. So I'm very ok this was put in check.

    And I don't know... I know you guys wanted things to be balanced considering good survivors, but I don't know how many are good (?). I consider myself very mediocre as both killer and survivor. So if the average isn't that good, I think this should be put into account too.

    I think Billy is harder to play now. When I played him before the changes I didn't think he was that hard to use and even managed to get some chainsaws (no, nothing close to those 7 in a single match they wanted after the changes hahaha). I always use the turn add ons, but... While in some maps it may be hard to navigate him, I think way too many was quite easy... even to bait the loop in order to get the chainsaw hit.

    I never been to red ranks as killer (got to purple as max) and try not to be red as survivor, but I always thought that the no cooldown was just too much on open maps or with poor loops, that is getting more and more common.

    And before anyone tell me to get good (hahaha yeah, maybe one day I'll get there, who knows), the game is supposed to be fun too while you're at it. So... yeah, I like the overheat in favor of us mediocre players.

    On the other hand they're balancing maps to favor other killers too, so let's see.

  • Member Posts: 4,082
    edited January 2021
  • Member Posts: 8,600

    That's always been a bit of a fallacy in my mind. If matchmaking is working, an average survivor is going to get an average killer, not a god-tier curve Billy who also knows how to backrev and zone with the saw. There seems to be this line of thinking among the community/devs that killers optimize through all levels while survivor skills vary.

    If you balance the game around more of the top end of play, the skill curve should take care of itself through functional matchmaking.

  • Member Posts: 2,559

    I'm not okay with current Billy. The sound changes made me defenestrate him, particularly because of the added ridiculous roar. There are other reasons, but that is currently the main one.

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