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To all Survivors who wait in Exits



  • Member Posts: 305

    Why not get those extra BPs during the end though? It is a farm that gives you more points as well as me, so its harmless. Just hit them out and you both get extra points, easy enough. They already shown they can escape, at that point if all 4 are there you probably need the extra points from that killer match, and as a survivor, well its just easy bloodpoints to go on top, no matter the number you already have.

  • Member Posts: 387

    When I'm at the gate I either:

    A - If they have had a rough match, and I know they won't gain many BP that game, I'll let them get 2 hits on me at the gate, that's 1K points. It may seem like nothing but if every survivor did that, that's 4K which ain't bad.

    B - Just leave, if I'm confident everyone is able to escape I.e no noed and all healthy ppl, then I'll just leave.

    C - If I get to a gate with an injured survivor or myself Injured, then I'll heal up before leaving to gain those extra BP, because as I said in reason 'A', little bits of BP there stack up :) and cmon it's free BP, not gonna waste it am I.

    D - If the killer has been somewhat toxic, or shown some toxicitity, it's only fair to give them a taste of their own medicine, so I'll teabag. It's called karma.

    But I know alot of survivors aren't like me and always teabag, whether they've been toxic or not. These survivors are just pathetic, imagine being you, bless ya cotton socks xo

  • Member Posts: 234

    Yep, if I see them all in the gate. I immediately head elsewhere. Not giving them the satisfaction.

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    what I want is if they wait to long in the exit gate area they get pushed out of the exit area and put back in the middle of the map.

  • Member Posts: 47

    So true. Killers can do soooo much to survivors but the minute we do... get over it.

  • Member Posts: 47

    We have a 25% chance of survival so we can dance all we want.

  • Member Posts: 2,986

    If survivors are hanging around inside the exit, then push them out. I just don't understand why killers complain if they aren't willing to do that (it's silly). Pride? It's a game.

  • Member Posts: 1,685

    Whether it's a game or not you are still interacting with people, so if certain players want to hang around for a chance to add insult to injury, I will quite happily AFK in a corner and spend that minute constructively rather than give them their satisfaction.

  • Member Posts: 137

    Here's what you do, my dude. If you don't like a certain kind of behavior, punish it.

    My favorite way to do that is running Deathslinger with Blood Warden and Noed. People want to dance in the exit gates? Spear em? Reel em out of the gate, you can down with one hit, throw em on a hook. That sets off Blood Warden, so you've got some extra time to pick off the rest.

    It's similar to a survivor, if you don't want killers tunneling you, run DS and shank em with a broken beer bottle.

  • Member Posts: 578

    For your first sentence, I just hope that you don't come across a killer with Blood Warden.

  • Member Posts: 1,346

    Most survivors wait at the exit gates so that they can go back into the fray and save other survivors if needed... And maybe BM a little

  • Member Posts: 229

    And the worst thing is that in the rework of the animations the devs said that they improved the movement of the tbag so that the players continue to enjoy doing it =/

  • Member Posts: 314
    edited January 2021

    oh ######### someone actually notices the donations hahahaha. I will ALWAYS give an item up if a killer either was nice to let me go, played really well and waits at the gate head nodding us leaving. It's really a gesture of "hey thanks for the game" than it is toxic

    But I am also toxic too. and i want to dance end gate. I give you an extra hit but really I just want to taunt you. Usually if you tunneled someone or kept going back to hooks. Sometimes I just want the timer to go down to if I felt the killer was being toxic as well, and I will make you wait the game out. :) Don't care about wasting my time in that scenario, I enjoy being a little toxic at times

  • Member Posts: 905

    This is why I run blood warden lol once scored a 3k because 2 decided to be dicks like that with under a min left get one with a hatchet and grabbed before they ran hooked and boom insta save and me just nodding at them as the entity kills them

  • Member Posts: 273

    Well, you cant expect much of people that butt-dance. They just arent capable of anything more.

  • Member Posts: 2,986
    edited January 2021

    That's fine. Just don't come to the forum and complain about the survivors not leaving if you're not willing to push them out.

  • Member Posts: 731

    Just wondering but is survivors waiting at the exits wasting time as annoying as killers slugging making us bleed out instead of hooking, again wasting time?

  • Member Posts: 1,710

    Its all situational typically i would only do this if i think the person may have ds or has been super annoying (i.e clicky-clicky t-bagger) during the match or if i want the extra bp for closing hatch. Even then id rather just hook them and move on because i know they have a longer wait for the next match anyways. I'm also not very toxic when i play survivor because i hate all that clicky clicky tbag stuff so this doesnt happen to me like ever.

    On the other hand lets say matchmaking really screws me over and i get a group of survivors waaayyyy out of my league. 3 gens get done before i get my first down and when i try to get my first hook the whole team is there to make sure i dont get it with multiple flashlights or a body block wiggle out. At this point the game is over for me because i know the rest of the gens are gonna be done before i get another down. Unless I'm running NOED there is no point, so i find my self a corner and just wait for the match to end, and have people running around clicking at me. Then when they finish the gens they come back so i open the gate and corner up again and still have them waiting till the timer runs out, and all i want is to move on to the next match.

    So you tell me which one sounds more annoying

  • Member Posts: 2,559

    Survivors staying in the exit gates often net me additional kills at the end of the game, so I would actually prefer more survivors to stay in and not leave immediately. Things like STBFL, Tombstone Myers, Huntress with both haft add-ons, and Insidious usually help with taking them back into the match to kill them.

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