Dead hard vs sprint burst?

Which one is better in your opinion and why?
I like dh more since i use it for distance to reach a pallet and i hate sb since i dont like walking
Definitely Dead Hard.
The guaranteed distance as well as possibly dodging a hit from the Killer is definitely more worth it than Sprint Burst which is just a quick headstart which the Killer can force you to waste anyways by baiting it.
With Dead Hard you know when you want to use it, and even if the Killer is baiting it you can still get to a Window/Pallet with it.
It's objectively the best Exhaustion Perk in the game, imo (when it works)
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Out of those two id prefer dh. But adrenaline is the best exhaustion perk 😊
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The real answer is Lithe.
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I prefer dead hard, to reach a palett or a window or dodging a hit especially near the exit :)
I really don’t like if some player walk the whole game only to have sprintbust ready all the time. But if you can hold it 99% so you can trigger it during the chase to get distance again, it’s very nice!
To complete the exhaustionperks:
BALANCE LANDING: dependent to maps
LITHE: if you in a strong position you trigger it /waste it or have to leave this loop
ADRENALIN: max. onetime use in a match
HEADON: just for fun
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before dedicated serevers i preferred dh but now its just unreliable (i hate beeing exhausted on the ground)
so right now sb is my go to exhaustion perk mostly because there is no real activation condition like vaulting or beeing injured and you can 99 it to have it on demand.
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I like both but I'd honestly go with Sprint Burst. I'm not one of those people who walk around everywhere saving it (it's only a 40 second exhaustion period), but the amount of space and time you save through the course of the match feels so good to me. I get to gens faster, get to unhooks faster, feel safer in a dead zone, plus probably a bunch of other things that I can't think of. 99'ing it during a chase is also really good. You won't always bait a hit out from the killer but the extra distance you gain is great and far more reliable than Dead Hard.
Dead Hard for me is also really good just in different ways. It's better for closing gaps between yourself and pallets/windows and allows you to extend the chase, whereas Sprint Burst gives you a head start. The 2 things that really put me off DH though is that killers can just bait it out and still down you, and that a lot of the time you get dedicated anyway even though you pressed E.
One last situation that I favour Sprint Burst over Dead Hard for is getting unhooked when the killer is really close. It's amazing to make that initial distance and hope they don't tunnel you because you just SB'd away.
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I'm like you. I hate having to walk to save sprint burst. I prefer to use Lithe, but of those two I would go with Dead hard. Dead Hard relies a lot on proper timing, and being able to anticipate the killer. Use it too early, or too late, and it could be a waste.
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i personally don't use either because i end up using my sprint burst when i don't need it and then needing it when i do! and dead hard, well i end up dead harding into trees or bushes etc lol
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Solo: DH
SWF: Sprintburst (and one vigil)
Most killers need one minute+ to get a hit with a full SB team. DH is just good in solo queue, because you can't rely on your teammates that much.
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In my opinion sprint burst is the better one.
-It's more consistent
-Perfect against low terror radius/stealth killers
-You can work on more unsafe gens,because reaching windows and pallets is easier
-You can 99 your sprint burst in order to bait the killer or get that flashlight/pallet save more easily
-Don't have to worry about exhaustion addons at all
-Sprint burst also helps you getting a bit of distance if the killer decides to tunnel you of the hook
At the end both sprint burst and dead hard are really good,which is why i would like to see some kind of buff to balanced landing and lithe
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I use sprint burst because I enjoy having extra distance when I'm in a dead zone. Plus, it's a lot easier to use than Dead Hard whilst providing the amazing effect of distance.
Dead Hard is good, and I see its merit, but personally Sprint Burst is just a lot more consistent and fun.
But Head On the best perk lol
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I like DH, its is on command and doesn't require you to change your play style. SB is definitely good but there are moments where the killer finds me and I'm exhausted because I just can't be asked to walk all the time.
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Dead Hard.
Sprint Burst is good when you're fixing a gen and need to make a speedtmy getaway. Other than that I usually find myself using it by running off toward a hook to do a rescue or jogging to the next gen.
At least with Dead Hard it's reserved until we really need it.
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I prefer Sprint Burst for the following reasons:
- It’s safer, you don’t have to be injured to use the Perk
- If you learn the 99 tech, your movement isn’t restricted and you can use Sprint Burst mid-chase rather than always during the beginning
- You can use it as a pseudo-lithe/balanced landing by sprinting after doing a vault or falling from a great height to achieve similar results
- Using the above, can be combined with Quick & Quiet or Dance With Me to confuse the Killer during a chase
- Sync-wise, it’s more reliable than Dead Hard. The amount of times I use Dead Hard and still go down due to sync issues is too high
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Sprint burst for me. Too powerful when you 99% it. I just love when they think they have a clear hit on me, swing their weapon and then realise that I'm a mile ahead. Gorgeous feeling.
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Id say SB is probably the better option. You can handle working on gens that are in dead zones without getting caught out and dont have to be injured to be able to use it. DH users kinda get screwed if the killer has an instadown like Billy.
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They're both very good and you should be very comfortable running either one. Each has its strong points, but at a general level it's really an exercise in futility arguing which one is better. It just boils down to preference.
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So either dead and exhausted on the floor or hit from 20 metres away....
Anyway as a solo player I definitely prefer DH over SB because I can't stand having to walk a lot. Even with Fixated it's so slow!
I do think however that SB, if used "correctly" and efficiently that it is way better than DH.
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Sprint Burst easily in my opinion. Dead Hard is much easier to pick up and master, yes but Sprint Burst has the ability to clutch like no other stamina perk. The problem is it just has a really tough skill floor and ceiling to pick up on, but if one dedicates the time it can be huge
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DH is just overall better. SB I love to use because it requires planning and has a bigger reward when used correctly, but I am fully aware just how much gen time I waste walking around the map after my 99'd SB accidentally got popped by a forced animation/totem cleanse/gen repair/heal/hook save, and it feels just as bad to waste the SB and force yourself into Exhaustion. DH is just always there waiting for a button to be pushed, it's more reliable, I'm just not a huge fan personally because I feel like it stunts my ability to get better in a chase (push E to undo a mistake is rather addictive).
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Dead hard. Even if it doesn't work 60%of the time, it allows me to recover from a mistake and extend the chase
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Basically, this.
Dead Hard is too unreliable (exhausted on ground) and requires you to be injured, which makes Sprint Burst the objectively better perk.
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Because they use the same exhaustion pool you nerd.
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lol i know that. That's the joke.
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I would say Dead Hard, but it doesn't always work... and it rarely works with cross-play when trying to avoid a hit. Usually works well creating distance to reach something with or without crossplay enabled.
I'm an aggressive player, so I dont have the patience for sprint burst. Its a good perk, it's just not my cup of tea.
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I prefer sprintburst from the amount of distance you can gain from it.
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Out of both I would say DH is better. Though if the new killer The Blight at the time of writing this is changed from first day PTB into something more scary I could see Lithe being more useful during transitions since this Killer is really good at stopping transitional kiting, not exactly looping. That is just my thoughts.
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Dead Hard all day, in my opinion it just comes in clutch so much more than SB.
Granted that is when it works, but theres just so much you can do with it.
DH for a window or pallet saved
DH to go through a trap
DH to just almost always have a get out of jail free card when running to the exit gate
DH to make a save then get out of the way
DH under the hook while your running break out so the killer misses and your team mate gets off
DH for distance when the killer trys to look the other way to avoid my flashlight save
DH to get out of basement
DH just to save your butt in so many situations.
Sprint burst is a good perk and is definitely my second choice for an exhaustion perk.
With that being said theres only so much you can do with SB even when your really good and can have it 99d
Each perk plays to different play styles. I feel like people use SB as a perk to deny the killer the first hit, and usually are the more stealthy gamers. They'll want to heal before doing gens while people who use DH tend to play the game more injured and on the risky side i feel.
These are just my opinions, but i am for sure a dead head all day.
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Dead Hard is the better perk for a more casual playstyle, Sprint Burst is the most optimal if you're willing to walk everywhere. DH is very good when used for distance, but still can be buggy, and is defeated by instadowns. Sprint Burst, while boring as hell, ensures you're never in a dead zone.
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DH was always better than SB but I don't think there are people who are ready for this conversation..
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Sprint Burst by a country mile & it's not particularly close. ESPECIALLY with dedicated servers. SB is the best Exhaustion perk in the game, by a lot.
DH does very little as Killers can easily just play around it. You can't play around SB.
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This is where dead hard is better, you can make incredible plays.
you have to consider the build, map and play style.
strong plays and extended chases? With it easily available when injured? Dead Hard
You’re gonna take serious time to catch me in the first place? You might even drop the chase cause committing could cost you the game? Sprint Burst
For me, using sprint burst requires a build around it:
Fixated and/or vigil is a must. Either walk fast or recover fast (or both)
Dead hard doesn’t need a second perk to be viable Sprint Burst does (to minimise availability, mobility and cool down drawbacks. )
With a secondary perk to back it up, I would say SB better, but 2-3 slots are needed for synergy parks. Do I still have D strike or BT or Unbreakable? I can have all three and still have DH.
two examples:
- SB, Spine Chill, Fixated, DS: if you can even find me, catch me if you can it will be a large time commitment and I can’t be tunnelled. I still get around decently with fixated, SB is always available when I’m found but I walk away if Spine chill lights up leaving no tracks. Usually need a medkit in case I get hit to get fixated back asap as The build is compromised if I’m injured.
- DS, BT, UB, DH: Meta build that counters most killer tactics, (tunnelling, camping, slugging and I can extend chase and make crazy plays).
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dead hard gets you out of stickier situations but sprint burst gives you more distance and is more reliable. sprint burst usually gives me more clutch moments but you cant use it whenever you want. you either have to 99 the exhaustion effect or walk. with dead hard i have to look behind me but then i will most likely run into a wall.
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I very seldom run exhaustion perks but Sprint Burst is the one I like better and when I use it it's with Fixated. If SB is better than DH or not I mean it depends on your style of play. Hard to say this perk is better than the other I mean they are both good perks.
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sprint burst is uncounterable. once you use dead hard once the killer knows you have it so he will bait you into using it, and dont think you can outplay that cuz 90% of the time you arent gonna be able to time it perfectly. with sb you can avoid getting injured in a chase. that wouldnt be so bad if i wasnt a david main cuz they always think that i use dead hard. but to be fair only ranks 1-8 can predict dead hard so ill give it that. both perks are great
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Sprint burst because it is more consistent. Dead hard, while it may not be as consistent, can do very well in a chase. That dead hard for distance in a chase can buy your team so much more time to work on gens. However, I choose sprint burst because it can also be used in a chase (the 99% strat) or make it harder for any killer to initially start a chase or help the survivor escape a dead zone.
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Sprint burst is MUCH stronger because the reward for baiting the wiff is way larger, and you can if you know what you are doing 99 it and basically have it on demand much like DH.
DH is better in some niche situations vs some powers. It is also better 'in loop' than sprintburst, which extends the initial chase, but much weaker in the initial chase. However, extending 'mid loop' is much less strong than being able to sprintburst after baiting a swing and making it out of a deadzone and basically running to anywhere you want on the map before you even have to run your first loop.
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sb is better for comp, dh is just a cheap 3rd health state
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I'm terrible at using Dead Hard effectively because 95% of all my downs as survivor connect during an animation (throwing a pallet, vaulting a window, etc.) because I'm incredibly greedy as a survivor, so I favor Sprint Burst to get me out of dead zones and away from hooks when the killer is coming back.
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I really like Sprint Burst because usually when a killer sees that I'm speedy McGee, they say f*ck it and chase someone else. It's especially nice when doing things such as gens, or need to get out of a dead-zone quick. For those worried about walking everywhere, just 99 it & combine Sprint Burst with Fixated along with Vigil if you're feeling spicy.
Dead Hard is really nice too, but it's greatest downfall is reliability. Dead Hard isn't as reliable as Sprint Burst is as you can usually end up exhausted on the ground or using it too early. Even if you time your Dead Hard just right, it's not you who decides, latency does.
With this being said, I'd probably prefer Sprint Burst but would use Dead Hard more so my whole build isn't based around 1 exhaustion perk.