Stop me if you've heard some variation of this argument after a game

"Hey there fellow player of the game Dead by Daylight by Behaviour Interactive. I couldn't help but notice that during the last game, in which we both agreed to play according to the mechanics designed by the developers, well balanced or otherwise, that while I was unhooking a team mate, healing a team mate, repairing a generator, or otherwise fulfilling my team's objectives that facilitate our escape, you saw fit to injure and down me.
I find this behaviour to be most unacceptable.
Because there are no less than 3 other survivors of which you could have focused your attention, the fact that you focused me, unimportantly injured, with fewer hook states than my contemporaries, and generally more vulnerable and easier to catch, is 100% undeniable proof that you are intentionally ruining my game experience and must be reprimanded accordingly. I shall personally see to disciplining you for breaking the unbreakable rules that bind all players who I encounter by attempting to personally insult you. And encourage all other players still with us to do the same.
Furthermore, I shall retell this encounter to all of my associates and friends who also partake in this fictional video game so that should any of them encounter you, they will bestow justice upon you on my behalf. Especially those who have a viewbase of 5 people or over so the chances of your unjust actions being known and vilified are increased.
If you do not concede and admit that you unfit to play this game and profusely apologise for your actions, I shall continue to spread the information regarding the game we just played for as long as I see fit and will reject and ignore any counterarguments you may put forth in defence of yourself as you are uneducated in the conduct that I expected of you and thus not allowed to dispute my claims under penalty of further belittlement and ridicule."
Dear God.
Italics. Punctuation. Correct spelling.
We need more posters like you. Upvoted.
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I'm glad you think so.
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I don't see it that often, but mostly it's from people that kind of did get screwed over very deliberately. People that legitimately get tunneled, facecamped, genrushed, lost to second chances, etc.
Most people seem to recognise that DbD is an unbalanced AF experience because of the disparity between what two people can bring in (killer or survivors, it doesn't matter, everyone's for broken toys), so its mostly the survivors that got hardcore camped and tunneled that get mad (as in the killer threw the game to specifically kill them for no real reason).
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Sickening and beautiful.
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This is beautiful...please take my upvote
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I like this description.
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Get them often, not as well as you put it or wrote it out. Great job.
My response back to them is very simple. Next time I see you, you get tunneled and face camp for just being a pain in my butt. <3 the other three can leave untouched. If they try they will just get slugged. I dislike entitled survivors and I dislike toxic people. I know fighting toxic behavior doesn't work with fighting back with toxic behavior, but I want to ensure they do not have that much fun when they encounter me. Now...will I remember the person. Nope xD
Also please take my small upvote.
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shut up and take my like button
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Leftist logic.
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Idk man they did manage to spell furthermore as "Further more" and personally I think that's just absolutely completely unacceptable and will be contacting my attorney soon.
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Another one that always gets me is:
Disconnects " * * * * Haddonfield it's such a busted map it's so survivor sided!"
Okay, well fair enough; how come when the map is in the killer's favor however you do not disconnect proclaiming "This busted map is too favorable to me!" ?
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I just corrected it. Please don't sue me :(
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Oh, is that what they've been saying? I could never tell, none of them seemed to speak English, just gibberish like "usuk tunnlr reportd lol" Thank you for the translation (and here's an upvote).
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Reading this brought me great enjoyment.
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I'm glad you enjoyed it. I had fun writing it.
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Sounds familiar...
But my version uses way more four-letter words. I'm a scrappy [BAD WORD] so if a killer is being a [BAD WORD] to me in a match, I'll tell them exactly what I think of them. Usually it's less pointing out their specific behaviors and more me shouting like an Irish sailor. The ones I yell at know what they did.
If I have a game where I tried real hard but died anyway, and the killer did a good job, I give a polite "gg," or if I'm in a rotten mood, and have nothing nice to say, I don't say anything at all.
Now, if my teammates [BAD WORD] me over... I'll give them a whole letter detailing their failings as a player of the game AND shout at them like an Irish sailor.
I see a lot of the same players over and over, since I turned off crossplay, and I remember the names of people whose play I respect and those who piss me off. An elephant never forgets... and she never forgives...