I’m toxic now.



  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,796

    Yeah I get that. I'm not going to be annoyed at survivors for doing gens though, since it's kinda their job lol. Pretty much the only ones that bother me are the ones that really toxic, like teabagging and flaslight clicking in the exit gate kinds of stuff. There was another team that six-second-switched to four Nancies with identical skins, each running DS/UB, presumably to make it really hard for me to know who had already used their DS or UB... teams like that I will definitely sweat against lol

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    I cant blame you.

    When i started playing the game, i was a teamplayer, even willing to sacrifice myself for the win of the team.

    Then i played with other survirvors.

    I experienced:

    Saving people while running aftercare, and when i was healing, the uninjured guy led the killer to me to get rid of him.

    I steped into a trap and the survivor who was chased run to me so the killer would switch targets

    multiple times where survivors didnt heal me, to body block me when the killer came so he would take me as easy target

    multiple times saved people from hooks just to be left while the killer was not camping (thats mostly swf)

    found a key in a chest, run the killer for 4 gens, then the 3-swf i played with let me die on hook to take the key and get out. Told me afterwards because i was useless since i didnt repair gens.

    several times i died on first hook with all other survivors alive while running kindred and the killer was not camping

    people intentionally bodyblocking me near the exit when the killer came so "he gets at least one kill"

    several people that let me die on hook after i saved them with only 2 people left alive

    Countless games where 2 survivors are left and i always get found because i am the one still trying to do gens, while the other one just hides

    several people vaulting near me to alarm the killer because i was cleansing a hex totem and they wanted the points for it

    running the killer around my hiding place mutliple times so the killer would see me eventually and down me, since i was injured.

    countless games where i was slugged, healed up as much as i could, and other survivors just hid till the killer came back instead of healing me, since an unhook gives more points

    countless games of being hookfarmed in front of the killer (sometimes after leading the killer back to the hook so none else could unhook) while not running bt or taking a protecitve hit or something.

    several times where survivors trapped me in a corner till the killer came

    several times that a survivor pointed out the locker i hid in in front of the killer.

    People running before me and dropping paletts in front of me so the killer gets a hit...

    I belive that a lot of survivors are way more toxic than any killer. A killer at least gets an advantage from camping and tunneling, some survivors just want to be toxic.

    However, i stopped playing the way i did. No more protective hits if the killer comes back while i unhook you (although if i see the killer, i wont unhook and try to lure him away). No big risks to help others. It took some time, but i learned my lessons.

  • Akito
    Akito Member Posts: 673

    Yo, lil hint: Everyone does (yea even all the honourful killer) play like a piece. A Killer will tunnel/camp/whatever in order to win a game. They don't care if you have DS or not. If not, good for them. Same as a killer as you already experienced.

    And now to you my friend. It's not toxic playing efficient. You have your goal, your objectives. And whatever is needed to do to outplay/sabotage the opponent, you just do it. If it means to stay near the hook or go risky and tunnel wunnel, or if it means to slug and take advantage of certain things if there is a realistic chance that it's worth it then yea. I do it, most people do it. And that is NOT toxic.

    Toxic is when people go all in in the after game chat. I set it off years ago but when I just wanna look and see survivors or the killer being mad af I just tell them that I couldnt care less. Then I make some jokes and make fun about them. But if you are this type of person who's pretty sensitive you should just turn the chat off and dont care anymore.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,796

    I thankfully haven't gotten that many of them, but when it's with a six-second switch they get no mercy from me >:D

  • Kazim
    Kazim Member Posts: 229

    Yeah you can be toxic if the survivors are very toxic in that match but don't be if the aren't

  • TrevorLahey93
    TrevorLahey93 Member Posts: 170

    Hell yeah brother. Wish more killers would be toxic to survivors.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    I'm part of the community, and I am very much a human. So that's not true at all

  • crowbarman
    crowbarman Member Posts: 499

    It is impossible to get treated like trash from a killer. Getting facecamped by cannibal/bubba is the worst that can happen, and even that scenario you can escape with 3 easily.

    Also, have yet to get a crappy message after a game from a killer. Not a single one. It's the survivors that send all the messages. So your response is just wrong.

  • JimboMason
    JimboMason Member Posts: 759

    I am toxic too, I use flashlights to blind the killer every chance I get, and I slug a lot as oni an phead ;(

  • TrevorLahey93
    TrevorLahey93 Member Posts: 170

    Hell yeah brother. Wish more killers were toxic to survivors. I recommend slugging and letting them bleed out its really funny.

  • PigEmpress
    PigEmpress Member Posts: 79

    Did that once as the Pig in the Saw level. They were running and trying to be very smart by rescuing people in front of me. I managed to get one hooked and three on the ground. I made 3 of them bleed to death and the one on the hook watch as they were running perks that allowed all kinds of shenanigans which meant that it was safer to let them bleed to death. Was also a good session in humility for them.

    The best thing was the flames I got post game.

  • SilentPill
    SilentPill Member Posts: 1,302

    Lol. I forgot the killer is an AI there to serve the survivors needs.

    “Just let me loop you for 5 gens, teabag and click at every pallet, and have FUN dude”

  • TrevorLahey93
    TrevorLahey93 Member Posts: 170

    This is hilarious! bet the post game chat was very spicy haahaha. More survivors deserve this kind of treatment.

  • tennmio
    tennmio Member Posts: 354

    I always feel it's ... interesting to see those pictures as examples. Even though (most of the time someone shows a picture) all the survivors shown in the pictures are red ranks, using meta perks, good items and add ons and are supposedly swf...

    Not a single one escaped.

    At this point lets just keep in mind what we already know:

    -This game is supposed to be balanced around 2K and 2escapes (Which makes total sense).

    -There are a lot of people complaining about how ds should get nerfed and survivors overall, and how killers need a buff and how the devs are so survivor sided

    -We also have the stats showing relatively high kill-rates overall

    (--> That meets all the 4K pictures certain 'Complainers' are posting (to show survivors toxicity for using meta perks, playing swf etc. whilst getting the 4K against them?))

    So we have all those players complaining about this but the facts point to something else, but those people still want survivors nerfed and killers buffed. Hmmm. Well. I feel this could be called a distorted perception of reality. I mean how should they change even more? A 100% kill-rate? Anyone with a brain could tell that no one would play the survivor role if was that way. I'd even argue that if the actual kill rates get any higher this will be the case.

  • tennmio
    tennmio Member Posts: 354

    No. People that have the same character as you might act the same way you do. But luckily for mankind not everyone is like you.

    We don't behave that way, so speak for yourself.

  • tennmio
    tennmio Member Posts: 354

    Do you not realize how disturbing and sad your comment is? I mean at least to those with a healthy mental state. If you (or anyone else for that matter) feels pleasure and/or joy due to the idea of harming other living beings, hurting their feelings, or causing them pain, that is a symptom of mental illness... .

  • NotACompPlayer
    NotACompPlayer Member Posts: 193
    edited January 2021

    stop acting like playing how you want in a video game is something courageous because you overcome the evil society standards that keep everyone oppressed, its really not a big deal.

  • Damarus
    Damarus Member Posts: 600

    Yeah, this community has got to be one of the most toxic and chlidish ones I've seen since the days I used to play League of Legends.

  • Zeon_99
    Zeon_99 Member Posts: 463

    My man just turned heel on the DBD Forums. I love it.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Technically it is actually the way around, you cant get treated like trash when you are playing killer, unless you are easy to trigger by something silly like flashlight clicking or tbag. Or are you one of those people who think "genrush" an "looping" is considered toxic? If so, dont even bother to reply.

    Funny that you mention you have not got a hate msg from a killer yet and plenty from survivors. Now.. just read your own line again... maybe a few times, and think about it, why this is the case. I have faith in you, you will solve that mystery by yourself. If you need help, contact me.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    I dont consider genrush or looping toxic (just boring), but tbagging is designed as an insult. So people should not be insulted by insults. Is that true if someone gives you the finger (i hope that is right, i am not a native speaker)? Because hey, you should not be triggered by someone showing you his extremities, right?

    Teabagging is designed as an insult. The intend is to insult. And that is toxic.

  • Dimek
    Dimek Member Posts: 286

    Im not saying anything about their builds if they are toxic or not but as an example of dbd players logic.

    Using pop for gen regression and bbq for imformation is toxic but haddonfield (one of the best maps for survivors) offering + toolbox with brand new part (fast gen progress) is fine at least for person "A". And again im not saying their builds on second screen are op or unfair ect. Im not saying anything about nerfing survivors or buffing killer. Im not complaining about ds, ooo, ruin, noed or any other perk in my comment. On the second screen we can see survivors build and as we already know red rank survivors/killers are aware of the perks and their strength and for some players those meta builds from both sides are really problematic.

    Sorry to say that but you sound like really frustrated guy.

  • vacaman
    vacaman Member Posts: 1,140

    Make them suffer.

  • PigEmpress
    PigEmpress Member Posts: 79

    I treat my behaviour in tiers. If the survivors are gung ho, t-bagging, and flaunting themselves I will treat them with all the evil tools I have at my hand which is letting them bleed to death, tunnel and/or camp them. If the survivors are just playing the map without horrible behaviour I will avoid camping, slugging, and tunneling, even give the last player the hatch or something nice.

    In other words, my behaviour is entirely based off on how the survivors act in a match and I don't know how often I have sighed and put on my "evil face" when a survivor acts in a toxic manner.

  • tennmio
    tennmio Member Posts: 354

    Maybe I was wrong implying that you are one of those complaining, you are definitely wrong assuming/claiming I'd be frustrated.

    I assumed you were, because logic tells me that only someone that is one of those, would actually make a screen shot of that and save it. Why do you just "state" you feel I'd sound frustrated but lack to give an single reason for your conclusion? Usually, people who make a statement or an assertion like that would give a reason to make their point viable. If they are being truthful and sincere, that is.

    These hints (or facts?) combined with the fact that you have chosen "Sorry to say that but..." as an introduction for your statement suggest some things. Using this Introduction talking to a stranger is soley as stylistic device in order to provoke the opponent. Whatever follows after that kind of introduction in this context only serves as a distraction from the topic. I suppose you chose it on the one hand to defame and provoke me, on the other hand to distract from my original statement and thereby minimize its substantive value.

    Some people might fall for that. But you should always keep in mind, that most people see through it and recognize your real intention behind it.

  • Dimek
    Dimek Member Posts: 286

    Sorry to say that again but you sound like really frustrated guy and btw "These hints (or facts)?" remember that those hitns or facts in your opinion are correct and that doesnt mean they are really correct.

    "Some people might fall for that. But you should always keep in mind, that most people see through it and recognize your real intention behind it."

    See it your way i dont care. If you have to prove your point do it but does not expect that everyone see things the same way.

    I admint i do take screenshots but it is only for data (kill/escape rates) believe me or not i dont care.

    I dont see a reason to continue this conversation so sure you can replay to this but dont expect me to do the same thing. It is not worth our time cheers m8.

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 889

    You got into the circle of hate. Those survivors probably had very bad experiences (or are just straight up #########) and now they have this mindset "every killer is toxic trash that tunnels/ facecamps/ noed's/ mori's". Especially if you play solo q, you make a lot of frustrating experiences. Then, they start to treat fair killers badly and those killers start to think "######### i haven't done anything toxic, what is this for an unfair game?" and the anger starts stacking up and they start to do all this stuff because ######### it...

  • Hex_UrbanEvasion
    Hex_UrbanEvasion Member Posts: 200

    As if this game wasn't [BAD WORD] enough, you got people with genuine mental issues and a complete lack of self-awareness goading others into making it worse by being absolute [BAD WORD] to other players. Some of y'all need help. You clearly play this game for the wrong reasons and only therapy will reveal why. Legit, people come in here saying stuff that makes it sound like they kick puppies irl.

    No lie, the victim mentality of some people, especially people who play killer, is bonkers. It's like talking to any lonely white, heterosexual Millennial male. Just an endless stream of nonsense about how everything should work, and all of those things are in their favor. Someone did some arbitrary [BAD WORD] in a video game and you assigned deeper meaning to it that made you revert to like, a lower developmental state, and lash out because clearly this is personal and was designed to hurt you. Then you cover for that hurt by hurting other people who have done nothing except maybe remind you of one of those past events. You see it every time someone comes into a match with a key or wearing a certain skin. And when someone points out that that's messed up, you double down and say you like hurting others, you enjoy it, and it's the only thing you're here for. That is not good. That is sickness. You have been on the internet for too long.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    4k hours here. Both sides are toxic and a lot of killers also face camp at red ranks. Are those also confused on how to get kills?

  • JPA
    JPA Member Posts: 1,685

    Perhaps a mix of toxic killers, bored/tired killers, and genuinely bad killers.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying Killers cannot be toxic, just definitely disagree with the original point that Killers started off the toxicity or are more prone to it, in my experience its definitely the opposite (although simply because there are 4 survivors in every game to 1 killer, you are more likely to see one bad egg in the 4)

  • tennmio
    tennmio Member Posts: 354

    A discussion is a conversation (also dialogue) between two or more people (discussants) in which a certain topic is examined (discussed), with each side presenting their arguments. Therefore you should ask yourself if you actually want to have a discussion or not. If the answer is "no", then - I agree with you- a discussion is fruitless/a waste of time. You are free to believe and feel whatever you like, but I doubt this is the place for such subjective things.

  • Airless
    Airless Member Posts: 156
    edited January 2021

    Holy ######### the victim mindset in this thread is mind-blowing. I swear some of you people need to not play video games if you get THIS emotionally damaged from other players. Jesus Christ

  • ImANiceKiller
    ImANiceKiller Member Posts: 4

    Hey! You won the stupid award. Imagine being on a dbd forum and thinking, you know what this conversation needs. It needs a little bit of leftists ranting about how bad white heterosexual men are. Jesus Christ man no one cares.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    Man, the forum really is just full of killer mains circle jerking eachother now.

  • Deathslinger_Main
    Deathslinger_Main Member Posts: 75

    Yes. Go forth my child

  • Deathslinger_Main
    Deathslinger_Main Member Posts: 75

    No matter If you follow the survivor rule book, there will always be toxic survivors

  • Ohnoes
    Ohnoes Member Posts: 608
    edited February 2021

    I don't play toxic as survivor and see other people do the same yet I see toxicity given in exchange. Can we not pretend its a one sided issue when it comes to 'because they can'? In the same vein I see people who are toxic as survivor with zero provocation when playing killer. So yeah, not one side or the other. There are just people that are like that from the beginning and people like OP who are part of the problem.

    Impossible? You can literally slug someone to death till they bleed out. You can bodyblock someone in a room. You can facecamp. You can BM the survivor in a variety of ways. The survivors only way to treat the killer like 'trash' is to use a animation.

    Good for you on not getting a crappy message from a killer. I've encountered just as many salty killers as I have salty survivors. I don't see why it is so hard for people to admit they're the same type of people with a bias. Clearly other people have had different experiences than you and in my case it is that both sides of the community will act toxic for no reason whatsoever just as some people will act nice. To say that it is impossible to treat a person like trash as killer is just feigning ignorance.

  • charliebrown9061
    charliebrown9061 Member Posts: 73

    Hmm... I have no hard feelings at that point. I know a saying about this issue.. . but it's in german i try to translate: " what itches it the oak if the sow scrapes thereon".

  • tariousx
    tariousx Member Posts: 156

    Just remember, the Devs are encouraging toxicity these days!

    Killers only make up 1/4 of revenue roughly so click, tbag, and hate speech away!

  • PigEmpress
    PigEmpress Member Posts: 79

    At this point is more fun to circlejerk on the forum than play a killer online. These days I only play survivor with friends or I play killer to finish my Daily Rituals(and AFK as soon as I finish it, much to the ire of the survivors).

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    I'm also "toxic" right now with my camping experiment where I have now proved Doctor to be stronger than Bubba at camping 😀 Perhaps should I make a thread about this and the number of escapes that I got in 20 games per killer. Being so burned out at this game I wanted to try something new lol.

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    Gosh, I'm sorry to hear that. I always respect my teammates and the killer (Unless they tunnel me hard then I do a little dance at a pallet) but I hate when people are mean for absolutely no reason. Honestly, if you punish one meanie, you're doing all of us a favor lol <3! Good luck and I hope you meet nice people in your next matches :)!!

  • Yakuza_Yang
    Yakuza_Yang Member Posts: 1

    That's BIG STINKY BRO, all jokes aside man if you hate the game you should retire.