There should be double depips

Every time I play survivor another survivor goes down super quickly and just kills himself on first hook.
Make pipping harder and give double depips for losers who just give up because the game goes not their way.
You can at least safety pip against EVERY killer.
Even if the best killer player in the world would want to facecamp you to death, you could get a safety pip by slamming him with a pallets and run away for like 30 seconds.
It would be a joy if people would play with/against people of equal skill.
Thats the biggest problem of DBD by the way.
Because even a heavyly unbalanced game like DBD would be kinda fair if Decent people would again bad players with crutch perks.
There used to be "Disgraceful Defeat" for -2 pips if the killer DCs or gets 0 emblems but that was removed.
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So people would double de-pip against camping killers and SWF squads?
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there are.
anyone who leaves the game early by DCing gets a double depip.
anyone else at least participated enough in the game to earn themselves not to double depip.
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Wonder if there will be a built-in MMR function where intentional hook suicides are catalogued, thus affecting those player’s over rating?
Even so, getting matched with players who leave on 1st hook is probably inevitable.
I’ve had numerous matches where players leave instantly on 2nd hook, proving detrimental to the match we otherwise would have easily all escaped had they stayed and played it out.
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People only lose 1 pip for DC'ing now. It was like that back then where you lost two pips for dc'ing, but it's not like that anymore.
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People usually insta leave when 5-4 gens are still up and everyone is crouched around the hook after a 2 minute chase.
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You act like de-pipping is an actual penalty most people care about. It’s actually a reward for the people that disconnect because it increases the odds that they will go against easier killers. They would love de-ranking twice as fast!
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that must be a very new change then, as i had a connection loss around two weeks ago that put me to Rank 2 with two pips missing (Rank 1 previously).
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This is bhvr we are talking about.
They reduced the pip penalty to 1 a long time ago if you leave match through the menu. This is due to people wanting to depip and before timeouts were put in place.
To lose 2 pips on a disconnect or crash is not that surprising, as those events are handled differently.
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Should probably work on solutions that encourage people to keep playing in bad situations instead of just punishing them all the time.
People didn't care about de-piping multiple times before they aren't going to care about double de-piping and as pointed out earlier some people actually want to de-pip.
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Sounds like a tool to quickly drop to ranks you more "feel" like playing in.
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damn, BHVR really is good at confusing people xD
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Double de pips already exist.
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Not with this matchmaking system
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I'd rather there be a punishment for people who excessively suicide on first hook.
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I have never seen it. 0 kills, tunneled out of games minutes in, afk whole match, all resulting in -1 so if they do exist shutting down in middle of game/dc and taking the penalty must be only way but I believe I have got a penalty once and I did not get a -2.
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There was a brief time where getting 0 emblem points resulted in -2 pips. Early days of the emblem system.
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If this will happen i want a double depip against campers and tunnelers.
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With the upcoming changes to rank reset no definitely no. We are going to be starting from 20 every reset. There is enough of a climb that its not going to be a concern to see low ranks reach high ranks as they will be starting from a much lower rank.
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Yes, disconnecting makes you double de pip.