Past Tome Outfits availability in in-game store

I just need to know Behaviour. Why are you guys making these outfits that players worked on getting during the time range to unlock, as a item that can be bought now? At this rate, you guys should just put Legacy up there for sale, seriously though.
They don’t want any more exclusives
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You worked to get them, but they were cheaper back then. A thousand cells for a rift pass, or a thousand cells for just one outfit? Which do you prefer?
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This was made very clear when the Tome/Rifts were first announced, that the outfits would be exclusive for a short time - we said a minimum of 6 months and then they will be available in the in-game store.
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I mean, in rift 1 you got 8 outfits (4 purple, 4 green) and some recoloured pieces for 1000 cells (or theoretically free if you didn't buy any tiers). If people want to buy these outfits from the store, that will cost them over 6,480 cells at minimum. Is there really an issue here?
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Primarily to not exclude newcomers to the game. If you start playing in 2022, you are going to be seeing a lot of cosmetics that are flat out unobtainable because you got a late start. Honestly, I think more games should do this.
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Okay. Looking at the other comments, I see the other means for it. Thanks for the clarity! This can be closed now.
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Hey man I didn't play DBD in tome 1 didn't start playing till end of tome 2 and that is one Bad ass trapper outfit so thanks Bhvr I scooped that one up real quick. Good looks.
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On top of that you earn 70 tiers worth of ######### for the same price as I paid for this trapper skin so you still got the better deal.
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since i have them can you tell if they are only auric cells only or you can get them with shards too?
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Shards too.
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Some people don't care about price, it's the exclusivity that they're drawn too.
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