Any there any Twins mains out there?

Genuine question since I don't see them much


  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    I wouldn't say I mained them, but I really played a ######### load of the Twins, because I P3 maxed out and spent all the big BP offerings at each prestige level.

    I second the sentiment of the poster above, they're super ######### boring.

    You essentially camp every time, even if unitentionally. Then you slug constantly and basically every match is dragged out for 20 min. If the survivors fight back, that is. Victor can be buggy, but once you get used to the sensitivity and how far back you have to be to go over pallets and windows, then you get a free hit on almost every tile in the game and there's nothing the survivors can do. Which is pretty dull for the killer as well, because there's actually very little depth to it.

  • Freddy96
    Freddy96 Member Posts: 767

    I do and i also discovered jumpscare victor which is quite funny

  • BabyCameron10
    BabyCameron10 Member Posts: 950

    I wouldn’t say I main them but I have been playing quite a lot with them. They are actually a lot of fun but can be frustrating at first when you miss with Victor, as it can be punishing. It’s funny because many survivors don’t actually know that you can crush Victor or know how to play against the Twins.

    My current build is: Corrupt, Sloppy, Infectious and a perk of your choice. Tiny Fingernail and Stale biscuit (Could be buffed) for add-ons.

  • Decarcassor
    Decarcassor Member Posts: 651

    The Twins have a very unique visual design but they were released unfinished and it shows. Even after being patched, their gameplay is still rough with many annoying little things everywhere. They need a lot of polish and possibly some small redesigns of part of their kit.

  • Altarf
    Altarf Member Posts: 1,045

    I play Twins fairly frequently but as others have said, their playstyle is fairly boring. They're simply too inefficient to use Victor for anything but slugging and camping, which he excels at. Charlotte is useless without him, and a majority of perks don't work on them. Their addons are almost all terrible, too. The pounce is the one reason why I still play them because playing as Victor is fun, but man, I wish I didn't have to slug as much.

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    Short answer no

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,120

    I couldn't imagine maining that garbage killer.

  • crowbarman
    crowbarman Member Posts: 499

    Rank 1 twins main.

    Its not boring. It does require skill like others have said because you will get eaten alive by Swf (but maybe that's true for all killers nowadays).

    Addons are crap as noted. Toy sword seems to no longer come up as often in blood web.

    Victor does need a rework - it's too devastating to get crushed far from Charlotte. This forces me now to play a lot less of Victor that I did before. Leaving Victor at a Gen is effective, as well as at end game to guard exits.

    And nothing beats latching onto the t bagging survivor at the gate. Easy kill with Charlotte nearby, as long as you don't hit the multiple bugs that can happen (unable to pick up survivor, or survivor leaves with Victor attached).

  • MrScopesMan99
    MrScopesMan99 Member Posts: 15

    ive gone against a couple rank 1 twins where they slug everyone with victor. you should be glad that you dont face them. twins can one hook everyone anytime

  • crowbarman
    crowbarman Member Posts: 499

    This is fixed by healing. If you stay injured against twins you are asking for trouble.

    I don't usually purposefully slug but so many times an injured survivor comes to 'help' the one I just downed with Victor. Now two are down.