So I tried survivor...

Self-professed noob killer here...about 150 hours as killer. Finally decided to try survivor yesterday. That was a ######### nightmare. In 6 survivor games yesterday, I was left to die on first hook in 2 and was first hook as the last survivor in 1. I had teammates all the way up to red ranks (level 19-20 survivor myself), but never faced a killer higher than rank 14. I personally was never camped or tunneled. How the hell do new survivors make this work? I'm not good, but even I know to get your teammates off the hook before they die.
You... probably got unlucky with the teammates.
I usually get decent teammates every time.
It's 50/50 where it either goes well or not.
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You overestimate grey and yellow rank players.
It's not unlucky. It's average.
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I find the same things happen to me... but with a bit more camping and tunneling
but everything comes with experience... and a wiliness to get better
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There's a difference between trying and actively playing. Killer is easier and survivor is harder in lower ranks. Then in high ranks it becomes the complete opposite. Survivors will not waste resources anymore, know tiles and totem spots etc. Meanwhile killer has to rely on survivors making mistakes in order to catch them
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New survivors die.
The skill floor is above that of killer so in low ranks the killer is going to win.
You have to get better at either avoiding the killer or running the killer. Gen monkeys only get out if their teammates keep the killer busy.
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It takes awhile to get good on survivor the first dozen games are terrible, it will get a bit easier after about 20 games, but until you get some helpful perks you are going to get killed a lot.
Stick with it, you will improve.
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You get what you deserve for playing survivor tbh.
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Yeah, yeah, I know. Just curious how the other side lives. Apparently they don't!
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Yeah, it's pretty frustrating to sweat it out as killer, always groaning becaude the survivor knows how to loop you well and their team is pounding gens,etc.
And then you play survivor at low ranks and realize that holy god most of them do absolutely nothing.
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Survivor is the worst side to play because your chances of winning is strictly governed by how the killer plays. It has a much steeper learning curve than killer and your experience or effort has much less rewards than playing killer.
Killer is the more fair role to play because your skill matters. Git gud at it and you'll win 99.9% of your matches.
You can't say that about survivor. Winning as survivor is about luck and what perks the killer uses, his skill level.
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Once you get good at survivor yourself, it's not that bad as you'll be able to outlive your potatoe teammates so it's a learning process. You'll 100% depend only on yourself till you hit the red ranks and once there you start to have decent chance to not get potatoe teammates that kill your more often then the killer does.
Playing solo survivor largely depents on how does the ranking system feel, if it's going pair 4 great/good or bad survivor together, no matter the rank.
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"Winning as survivor is about luck and what perks the killer uses, his skill level." This honestly sounds like an excuse for bad Survivor play. There is definitely skill to playing Survivor, and that skill can make you extremely frustrating for the Killer.
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This is so painfully accurate for my experience. Like I'm open with admitting I'm not that good at the game, but it doesn't make it any less frustrating.
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Huh why is it illegal to play survivor they are completely allowed to play survivor
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With good perks rng and how to use what's available efficiently
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While I agree with the statement when you have those teams, I'm gonna have to say you have too much faith in the ranking system I personally think even red ranks have just as many bad players they just play more often.
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Easy to explain with a visual example
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That sounds like an average solo survivor time. It's tough, but it sounds like you got unlucky, both with teammates but also matchmaking. It's frustrating, but keep trying.
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I got way better at killer when I understood survivor better (and vice versa).
You should do some of both, if only to get dailies and challenges.
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Dear lord kindred is a perk I refuse to run in solo q for my mental health because of how many times I wanted to scream at my teammates when I found out I looped a killer for a good minute and they aren't working on gens or are hiding in corners
This. If you're a seasoned killer you're getting all the red rank SWF who are in their 10 minute queues. I occasionally jump over to play survivor and I'm amazed at how poorly both sides play, with the killer usually getting the upper hand.
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And people say this game is survivor-sided.
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it honestly still happens in red ranks, i suggest bringing kindred. actually helps so much
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You probably haven't been a Rank 20 survivor for years. That's pretty normal in gray ranks.
Same is true the other way around though. Survivors have to rely on killers making mistakes to avoid, juke or escape from them. Both sides capitalize on mistakes the other side makes. Survivors generally cannot escape from a nurse or huntress that doesn't make mistakes, for instance. The skill ceiling is just a lot higher for killers than it is for survivors.
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This is only true for bad killers.
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LMAO...not really
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I suggest you make a goal when playing survivor; do everything you can to pip. Do gens, totems, practice looping (since you're a killer main, this should be a bit easier), etc.
Once you start climbing out of brown ranks and adjusting yourself more in purple ranks, usually people know what they're doing a lot more often. Now, you're still going to get useless teammates here and there as rank does not always matter, but it's a start.
Start using perks that either give info or help your chance at survival. Dead Hard, Aftercare, Bond, Kindred, etc.
Lastly, no matter what, don't give up. I'm the opposite and struggle a bit at killer, and will say that the once or twice I got REALLY good, I stopped playing killer for awhile. Guess what? I went back to losing every game.
Go on now, get! You have survivor games to play. :P
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So last night I played survivor again until the queue times pushed me back over to killer. I've gotten up to Rank 17 and in most of the games I'm playing I'm the lowest rank. It is getting easier with better team mates and perks.
I'm going to say though that I don't see the camping and tunneling that is so complained about at lower ranks. It happens, but it's not every other game like the forums here would have me believe. It also might be once in a game rather than non-stop. As someone who's played way more killer than survivor, I think some of those tunnels are unintentional and maybe survivor mains need to unclench a bit about tunneling.
Now that said... ######### is up with Bubba players? Every one I've faced is a face and/or Insidious camper. And the tactic doesn't work. They lose. A lot.
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I think the issue is you tried "solo survivor". Randoms flat out suck in this game. It's why I don't play survivor outside of swf anymore.
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Just play for yourself until purple ranks and use your team as bait and points.