Slugging to fix pacing

I honestly think slugging is way more fun and smooths out the game's pacing problem. Dbd has all of the proper horror elements but lacks the time to emphasize them. I find that utilizing slugging grants a number of benefits to everyone and improves match quality.

1. Extends game time

2. Guaranteed to occupy the survivor for a set period and a 2nd survivor to pick them up

3. Grants survivors more chances

4. Grants killer more chases

5. Denies irritable scenarios; camping, ds, bad saves, left on hook, 1st hook suiciders

So forget the hooks and let the entity finds its own sacrifices.


  • Farya
    Farya Member Posts: 94
    edited January 2021

    Me, playing Survivor and killer both at the same time, I don't see 'slugging' as a bad behaviour.

    There is DS, maybe. There is the chance to be picked up by another nearby survivor. Maybe I run unbreakable..

    When I play survivor I am always thankful to the killer to let me slug and when I play killer sometimes I decide to slug someone because - he already was on hook and I hit him right after. Or I just think there is something more important to do and go to a far away gen and let survivors use time by ressurecting the slug.

    So yeah - I don't really get why "slugging" is so frowned upon by most players.

    But I have to say, when I play killer I usually don't camp the slugs. I just let them be because I have something more important to do or because I want to give them another chance/lenghten the game.

  • SilentPill
    SilentPill Member Posts: 1,302

    I slug almost every game for pressure. My typical plan is to secure a hook, and then slug everyone else I find. It’s the most consistent way I have found to win the game.

    Here is a great example. And heck naw I’m not playing the garbage known as the twins. I’m playing Bubba. The beast. I bet some of these guys were rank 1 until they hit my lobby.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    I would always rather be slugged when I'm on survivor.

  • Grimm120
    Grimm120 Member Posts: 60

    I just 4 man slug at 5 gens and let them bleed out. All I have to worry about is Unbreakable at that point, nice and easy games that are stress free. I might hook them at the end if I really wants points but typically I don't care.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,241

    You will love my Twins build. Undying+Ruin+Sloppy+Dear stalker. Its literally designed around 4 man slugging. To be honest, after Ruin+Undying get erased from the game, I think every survivor game regarding high-level will just be 4 man slug oriented. It really sucks because I like playing all the killers but its not fun playing killer if every game is uphill battle that gets played 1 gen or in EGC for 90% of the game vs ultra high-level. I'm sad that that slugging will be only way to win consistently with so many negative killer patches. Oh well, so be it.

    I do not like slugging as survivor purely because it shows weakness in the killer's ability to chase within alloted generator time window so in order to fix generators, slugging is used as shortcut to scapegoat an imbalanced aspect of gen speed to chase to hook ratio.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Tbh 4 man slug is never happening unless the survivors are playing like complete potatoes or the killer just completely outclasses them in terms of skill.

    I agree Undying will be dead and gone from every game pretty much once the nerf comes to live. Nerfed version is trash.

    Slugging is the only way killers can win against good survivors other than camping or slugging.

  • savevatznick
    savevatznick Member Posts: 651

    I don't understand why survivors hate slugging so much and call it "boring". Is there really a difference between slugging and being on a hook? At least you can crawl around on the ground.

    The choice to slug or hook is actually a pretty interesting one from the Killer's perspective. It's really a symptom of the gen speed / chase time ratio, in that the Killer really cannot reliable finish enough individual chases for a 12 hook game.

    Slugging is good because you don't need to essentially stun-lock yourself for about ten to fifteen seconds every time you down a survivor to hook them. You also don't reveal your position for an extended period of time, you can get back to chase sooner, and the survivor on the ground is still for all intents and purposes useless until they are healed. The drawback to slugging are that it does nothing to advance the Killer win condition of hooking survivors. You can slug a survivor as many times as you want, they can always be healed and monkey around again. Until you hook them thrice, they are still in the game. As a side note, a subtle detail of slugging vs unhooking is that a slugged survivor, freshly downed, takes longer to get back up than it takes to unhook one. So at least for a short while, it is actually harder to rescue a slug than a hook.

    Hooking survivors kinda stinks compared to slugging. You might lose all of your pressure to survivors saving their friend while you pick them up, you have to animation lock yourself and slowly walk to the hook, etc. If there are multiple survivors in an area, you are essentially giving each of them around 15 seconds to do whatever they want. Even on the unhook, the killer needs to be careful not to hit the survivor on the hook due to their invincibility. The problem is that the killer needs to get hooks on survivors to end the game.

    So you are right that slugging slows down the game and gives killers more chances, because the killer can generate pressure more quickly and not be vulnerable during the carrying phase.

    You are right that it gives survivors more chances assuming they get picked up, because being slugged and picked up is essentially a free hook state for survivors. You lost a chase and went down, but you aren't losing one of your three limited hook states for it.

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    If I'm slugging I'm playing hag with third seal I go for hooks but if I down someone and a trap goes off you bet I'm tp to that trap

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,241

    Its pretty reliable when I'm playing nurse or twins. in fact most of my games end up as that. I emulate that with lesser killers as well, but its not as strong because most of the other killer lacks have terrible chase potential at loops which are in complete survivor control. All the safe pallets just zap all momentum from the killers. on top of that, your required to slug continuously for very long because of the common 4 unbreakable+DS every game. I'd say for average low-tier m1 killer, 4 man slugging is on the survivors errors in loops but for stronger killers, its definately on the killer player to make slugging effective more so than the survivor.

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    You are not playing by the survivor's rule book for killers. I'm going to have to report you.

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624
    edited January 2021

    Slugging is only fun for killers.

    I assure you survivors don't enjoy it at all.

    That's why Unbreakable is a meta perk.

    Slugging is a powerful strategy and works really well. Killers should do it if they want to win, to be honest. But I still hate getting slugged unless I happened to bring an anti-slug build.

  • Hex_UrbanEvasion
    Hex_UrbanEvasion Member Posts: 200

    This Is exactly why BBQ shouldn't show auras of dying survivors

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    The problem is that being slugged sucks and the only counter to it is perks. Plus there's Blindness and Knockout which just exist to bully solo players, and killers that abuse the crap out of the mechanic and only ever get 4 hooks, if no-one bleeds out.

    Snowballing is the way to win. 3-4 person slugging, however, ######### sucks to go against and naturally everyone blames the survivors.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    "I honestly think slugging is way more fun"...

    mmm what? I honestly would rather be hooked and die and go to the next game where I can actually can do things than having to wait a while on the ground and only be able to crawl.

  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,369

    That might be the literal worst quality bait I have ever seen in my many years on the internet

  • WheresTheGate
    WheresTheGate Member Posts: 575
    edited January 2021

    This post is a perfect example of why people can have differing views on aspects of this game and it doesn't make either viewpoint right or wrong.

    1. Extends game time - There's no doubt it extends game time. For me personally I don't want my game time as a survivor extended if it means I have to crawl around.

    2. Guaranteed to occupy the survivor for a set period and a 2nd survivor to pick them up - Once again this is a true statement. Occupying a survivor for set amount of time is obviously a good thing for killers. It's why it is a legit and good strategy for killers. That doesn't mean it isn't boring as hell for survivors.

    3. Grants survivors more chances - This one can be true. It isn't always the case, but once again if more chances as a survivor means I am just going to be slugged and crawl around again I don't want more chances.

    4. Grants killer more chases - Another true statement, and again this is a good thing for a killer. The amount of chases a killer gets is irrelevant to me as a survivor, and if it means more crawling being unable to do anything I would prefer less chases and a shorter game.

    5. Denies irritable scenarios; camping, ds, bad saves, left on hook, 1st hook suiciders - Slugging definitely denies these scenarios. Yet again though, I would rather be camped and just move on to the next game as be slugged. While I hate someone performing a bad save on me I would still much rather have that happen and be hooked again and move on to the next game as opposed to crawl around. 1st hook suicide can be frustrating even for survivors. At the same time I would rather put up with survivors that abuse the ability than to remove it because there are those times I get stuck with a group of survivors that have an agenda other than trying to escape. That is less fun for me than a survivor that did a 1st hook suicide for a ridiculous reason.

    In other words slugging for the most part does all 5 of the things listed to varying degrees. The question becomes are those outcomes a good or bad thing. From my perspective (and I would assume others) they are bad things. For others they may very well be good things. My perspecitve doesn't make slugging wrong. The 5 points made in the original post do not necessarily make slugging right.

    I guess what I am saying is slugging is a legit strategy regardless of who likes and who dislikes it. As for whether or not it is a preferrable strategy is going to be largely dependent on the viewpoint of the individual.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    If I can I'll go for a 4 man slug at five gens even though it's kind of a dick move on my part, but I do it so that if someone has unbreakable they'll be forced to use it early in the match and it won't come back to bite later.

  • Grimm120
    Grimm120 Member Posts: 60

    Actually no. That's how I play killer all the time. Third seal, Thana, Infectious, and nurses. That's my standard build when I play killer. Why? Because it's fun?

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763

    Slugging is more fun for killers, but if you play survivor it's awful. It's really boring to sit there and be slugged. It's really boring to have to go save 2-3 teammates that were slugged just to get slugged yourself. It's actually a very sucky way to play unless you have an actual reason to slug which generally does not happen (unless fear of the person having DS/trying to 4k and not let the last person get the hatch).

  • GloryHunter
    GloryHunter Member Posts: 33

    Killers in this thread claiming slugging is a tool (fair enough) and fun for the survivors too (#########?) while complaining about Unbreakable lmao