The Demise of an Idiotic Perk
OH NO! my toolbox
*equips another one of my 2145 toolboxes*
So anyway
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I brought a green key with blood amber once (first time amber using a key) and the following happanned:
Iri Head
Keys need to be nerfed (i just wanna bring a wedding ring)
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I would *almost* consider agreeing with you if it wasn't so easy to just go back and pick up your item lol. Franklin's really isn't even that good of a perk 😂
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Seriously, I've seen it all now lol. This has to be either top-tier bait or just someone who lost a couple keys today
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For every awkward niche perk complaint I read, there's bigger fish complaining about even less common and more inefficient perk.
Welcome to the "Nerf monstrous shrine" thread waiting room.
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this is just an amazing thread
survivors use 4 perks and on top of that an item to help them even further
and a killer spending 1 of their 4 perks to combat that extra bonus item the survivors bring...needs to get good? really? that is, with a straight face, actually your argument?
not to mention survivors can actually just pick the item back up or get a new one from a chest..... at a loss for words.
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Franklin’s is pretty useless perk. I only use with a lobby full of flashlights. I guess be glad the killer wasted a perk slot on something that isn’t really very good. Or, yeah, nerf it, then killers will use probably use better perks against you.
Also, why don’t you get items out of the loot boxes in game? I do this most games as the items are usually better than what is in my blood web.
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I don't think I would ever bring Franklin's unless I were playing hag and could use items as bait. Camping the item takes pressure away from gens, pressuring gens they just go back for the item which doesn't really waste much time and brings them back to an area they originally wanted to be anyway. And using it for keys can be so easily countered by them just dropping the key in a bush somewhere until end-game.
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So a killer hitting a survivor is the killer being bad and needing to get good. But a survivor getting hit isn't?
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Lightborn is a perk for players who are scared of survivors blinding them, nothing more. It rewards killers for playing poorly, if you can’t find a way to counter flashlights then I’m sorry, but you need to get good. I no longer bring flashlights into my games, because whenever I do, the killer decides to bring LB. I’ve been playing for maybe 7 hours today, and I’ve played against nearly 13 killers that used this perk, across various (although dominantly red) ranks.
When will the developers nerf this perk? At the very least, you should be able to blind the killler, but lose a certain amount of charges, or lose the ability to use it for a duration of time. That would be preferable to not being able to blind all together. If killers can have power add-ons that survivors can’t counterplay, Iridescent Head and Tombstone for example, why can killers do that to us?
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I mean, people though it was fine to punish killers for playing well by getting hits and to reward survivors for not avoiding hits with old MoM.
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No it just punishes survivors that come in with a clear advantage (items are time savers) and for failing to avoid the killer. You can still retrieve it, it only adds a downside to the speed boost granted after taking a hit which you should have tried better to avoid.
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Rewards killer for playing poorly.. yet you need to hit someone to even use the perk.. just saying.
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Well... Same feeling (literally) but I have no doubt the the OP thinks that.
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dropping medkits is pretty nice too
you noticed that your suggestion to nerf Franklins is exactly how it was before it got adjusted? And I totally disagree with your first assumption. The purpose of playing is to have fun. If you talk about bloodpoints, this is a reward for some goodies, but I think the perk progression is way more important than the item hoarding. Especially for survivors, they totally don't rely on items to have good games. And killers can't find addons in chests
When you bring no items, how do you see the killer has Franklins? 🤪
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How do I see it? Hopefully, in the endgame screen after I've escaped, lol. 😁😉
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When someone complains over weak killer perks..well they are seldom good survivors 😄
I mean if you hit someone with a sword they would not still hold that depleted toolbox in their hand. Perhaps they should make it so there always is a 20% chance that you drop your item. But that the item will not disappear. Killers should not have to waste a perk slot for that, and then they could buff Franklins for people who wants to use this perk because it's not a very good perk.
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How does it reward a killer playing poorly. They have to hit you. You know, by playing well.
Unlike some perks that reward you for failing twice in quick succesion
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I cannot understand how it rewards killers for doing bad, noed sure make that argument but what?
How? They hit you, but that means they played bad? Not to mention if it sucks that bad why are you complaining? You actually just mad about losing items?
Besides, it a nice little time waster most of the time, since survivors just love to go get there items back.
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Yes, it it clear which side of the spectrum is harder to please. FD is a wasted perk slot.
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Okay, I've been running Franklin's Slinger lately, and I gotta say, it's surprising how effective this strategy actually is.
I don't run Franklin's to drop items or drain charges. I bring it to waste time.
The number of people who will stop what they're doing when they see their precious clicky fall to the floor and pick it back up while I'm standing right there is astounding. They could have used that time to run, recoup, and get it back when I'm off chasing someone else, but no. They get hit, drop it IMMEDIATELY, wasting more charges, and give me a nice and easy hook.l, because Slinger guts chases in close to mid-range.
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my post was a sarcastic paraphrasing of the OP
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"Franklins Demise is a perk for players who are scared of survivors having items, nothing more."
Lmao, that's like saying that antiheal items in LoL are for players who are scared of healing, or armor items are for players who are scared of damage.
Do you see how stupid that sounds? Wow
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The fact that you said "Counterplay keys" without using Franklins Demise, is all I needed to realize your post has no good point. Franklins Demise is the way to counterplay keys. Period. Anything else is just giving survivors an unfair advantage to win the match with an OP item that breaks the fun flow of the game.
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So you can marry your favorite Killer? Aww so sweet to find love in an otherwise hopelessly dreadful, never-ending existence. 😂
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don't get hit
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The only way I can understand this comment is by assuming it is sarcasm
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I think Franklin's is a fair perk. It's power comes from the psychological effect it can cause, it punishes greediness. Survivors who get greedy over retriving their items pay for it but those who just learn to ignore their items franklin's has very little effect over them. Also once it's known that Franklin's in play most people just set their items on the ground somewhere safe and come back to it later. But overall I think it's a pretty balanced perk, I like it on Pyramid Head especially because his trails can help cover up items making them harder to locate and force survivors into taking torment to retrive it. It's delightfully cruel.
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No its so i dont have to lobbydodge because of a piece of metal
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I was making a joke, "wedding ring...."
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The only other counterplay to keys is to slug and let them bleed out on the ground. You're better off dealing with Franklin's Demise, which is easy to get around.
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Sorry i am stupid
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Are you asking to nerf a C tier perk?
How about this, if you can't play without an item then 'get gud'
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Franklin's Demise can easily destroy items... which Survivors must choose from the bloodwebs.
This perk does not only make the survivors less powerful for the current game, it makes them less powerful for their future games... unless they decide to get poorer by playing the lottery with their bloodwebs.
Yes, it's very frustrating, and that's the reason why I no longer play powerful items. This may satisfy the killers, but it is an absurd situation. I campaign for items without different rarities/quality, and free.
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Slug the guy with the key.
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That was scary good. felt like i was reading an actual survivor main posting
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Nuff said
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The purpose of playing is to accumulate Bloodpoints, which we use to level up our survivors and get new perks, items and offerings. So if that’s the main purpose of our games, why is there a perk to make survivors die faster?
Monstrous Shrine is a perk for players who are scared of good survivors and want them to die faster, nothing more. It rewards killers for playing poorly, because basement is only used by baby killers. If you can’t find a way to counter play good survivors, then I’m sorry, but you need to get good. I no longer go near the basement in my games, because whenever I do, the killer decides to hook me in the basement. I’ve been playing for maybe 7 hours today, and I’ve played against nearly 13 killers that used this perk, across various (although dominantly red) ranks.
When will the developers nerf this perk? At the very least, you should be able to see the killer anywhere they go, but become broken for a certain amount of time, or lose the see auras for a duration of time. That would be preferable to being hooked all together. If killers can have offerings that decrease hook distance, why do they need the basement? Why can killers do that to us?
Thoughts on this vile perk?
-OP, probably
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Do you run back for the item injured when franklin in play? I get survivors running back for the 🗝️ when I smack them with franklin. Most of the smart ones tend to leave it somewhere and then picked it back up. Maybe you should try this too cause franklin is a waste of a slot.
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Franklin Demise was always trash even as a killer main who always runs it half of the time the survivor gets their item back (Lastly get good u Entitled Surv main.)
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It's a crap perk, especially since survivor items have been crap for a long time now. It is generally not worth the slot.
Killers who still use it because they are afraid of flashlights or keys... I mean come on. Well, your choice. But that's one of the big issues of this game. Survivor items have grown increasingly crappier and more useless as the years go by. Keys are the last thing the devs haven't nerfed, and keys are nerfed (and you know they are going to nerf it after the Mori nerf) flashlights and medkits are going to be the only thing left that are even remotely useful, and those aren't even that good anymore since their nerfs.
And besides Franklins is a terrible counter to keys. Survivor just needs to drop it somewhere until the hatch spawns, then come back for it.
You should be thankful that you are facing killers who are bothering to bring this crap perk. I'd rather akiller have this along than Ruin, PGTW, Tinker or BBQ.
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Don't worry, my dude, water under the bridge. I hope when they rebalance keys they add a new item that takes all the aura reading stuff from keys so we can actually use them lol
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Queue doing that and then getting facecamper on first hook
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Not going to lie, I started reading this post and my face split into a grin.
I've been running Franklin's and Hoarder lately. Mostly for the lulz.
I'll tell yah, you want to tick off a crew of flashlight clicking SWF, Franklin's and Hoarder has you covered.
I've been on the receiving end of posts like this in endgame chats for a week or two now.
Why do we run it? To get reactions like this, honestly. Is it broken and overpowered? Nope. But a few losses is well worth the pay back against the clickers and last second key/map/offering swap abuse as of late.
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That is a pro tip! Also give value to by any means necessary
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Are we really complaining about Franklin's here? Franklin's is a perfectly fair item counter. Stop asking to nerf/get rid of perks you don't enjoy playing against.