Question for Killers

Why do you enjoy ruining someone else's game? What is fun about it? Why do you take pleasure from it?

I'll be honest, today was kind of a crap day overall, but then I get on DbD just to mess around and get some scares or something and keep running into the same killers who decide to 1. [BAD WORD] talk me after match for dying and 2. tunnel, camp, and mori me every time we run into each other. Then, when I get out of match, they gloat about tunneling me off hook and killing me right after second. They tell me horrible things. And I'm already not feeling great, and suddenly I can't play my game to the best of my ability because I have these people who want nothing but to bully someone who has little to no control over it. DS works once. Unbreakable works once. Nothing, not Borrowed Time or all the pallets or doing whatever I can to loop for even a short time, can stop this.

I don't want you giving me lists of perks to use against them. I don't want you telling me to just play with friends. I sure as [BAD WORD] don't want you telling me to just DC. You all know you don't mean it, or you wouldn't be in here throwing temper tantrums about those very things every day. I just want to know why, in your heart of hearts, you think it's okay to be malicious to other players and ruin their game. Why you think singling out a person over and over is acceptable behavior. Is it just because you know there are no consequences? Are you genuinely that mean?

If you come in here just to bully me further for having a hard time, I'm fully prepared to flag and report you. I'm not in the mood to deal with more of this when I can't even have a match where I get over 7k points.



  • Patiencehero
    Patiencehero Member Posts: 54
    edited January 2021

    Sorry to hear about that, pal. Killer main here, but I prefer getting scares and surprises to actually winning (Jumpscsre Myers squad roll UP!). Sadly, more often than not I get SWFs who have little interest in my spookhouse, and the result is getting Gen rushed in 4 minutes, teabagged, and having the game dragged out by the exit gates, followed by laughter and colorful language about my mother in endgame chat.

    I presume the reason some killers do what they do to you is the same reason SWFs do what they do to me: get a rise out of us. Or, perhaps they’re propagating the cycle because someone was a bellend to them, and they want a little power back.

    Either way though, all I can say is chin up, and go into matches with the Samurai mentality: embrace death (or in this case, toxicity). It’ll help you stomach the lame games better and relish the sporting ones that much more. Neither of our Nemesi are really breaking any rules, so it’s really all we can do.

  • DFP
    DFP Member Posts: 156

    We don't all do that, in fact I'm very vocally against the poor sportsmanship and harrassment we see from players so often.

    Please try not to generalize and lump everyone into a single category, Killer or Survivor, doesn't make a difference when it comes to this kind of behavior, it's the player behind that role and character that's choosing to say and do these hurtful things for their own selfish enjoyment.

  • Karao_Ke
    Karao_Ke Member Posts: 1,221

    Unfortunately, I get the impression that toxicity comes around and goes around. If said killer was bullied a game previously, there's definitely a chance that they will do the same exact thing the next game to make other people feel as miserable as they do. It's quite sad to think about, but it happens.

    I've played against a Huntress who I could tell was tilted from the last game, and she brought iri head + belt with a mori (before mori changes). Somebody looped her for literally 1 minute and she DC's. She was ready to slaughter us all then and there because she clearly had a bad game previously, and then that happens. She was tired of it.

    The same could be said for survivors, with a great example being what @Rivyn said.

    At the end of the day, some people are going to be rotten apples and there's nothing you can really do about it other than NOT doing the same thing they did. Don't let the cycle continue.

  • valvarez4
    valvarez4 Member Posts: 868

    Sorry, but this is not true. Killers can ruin the game, but survs only can tbag you. Do you think this is the same behaviour?

  • horrortale_sans
    horrortale_sans Member Posts: 651

    from what ive seen survivors are worst about being toxic

  • DFP
    DFP Member Posts: 156

    Survivors can and do totally ruin the game at times.

    Survivors flame you and tell you to ######### just for using a certain character or perk, for being new to the game and more.

    Survivors abuse matchmaking all the time to do this.

    Yes, it is absolutley the same behavior, ans my guess is, those same survivors are also doing this as Killers.

    With player agency and free comes the ability to do this on both ends.

    Don't believe me?

    Try playing Nurse or Spirit for a game or two.

    Play in low ranks and see how many smurf squads come to ruin your day and experience.

    It's the players themselves, not just what role they choose at the moment.

  • DawnMad
    DawnMad Member Posts: 1,030

    If I'm in a good day I will try to be nice in my games, trying not to camp/tunnel much. I will still slug though, that's just a core part of my playing style.

    Any other day though I usually won't care at all how much fun survivors have and just go all in. I'm not their teammate. I just don't prefer holding back just so my competition can have fun.

    At the end of a game though, doesn't matter how the game went or what the result is, I always end with a "gg" and compliments to any impressive plays that happened that match. It's just a game after all and the whole reason I'm playing is to have fun.

  • Hex_UrbanEvasion
    Hex_UrbanEvasion Member Posts: 200

    Bellend, I like that. Funny term.

    Embrace the toxicity... not a bad mentality. I try, usually. I tend to prefer making friends with other players over pissing them off because it's a small server and I see them a lot, but it also means I see the rotten ones a lot too. We all recognize each other at this point.

  • Hex_UrbanEvasion
    Hex_UrbanEvasion Member Posts: 200

    How so? Is it just because there's more than one of them in a match?

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201

    Because there's nothing stopping them. Dbd is a 6th grade classroom of maniac kids with no teacher.

  • Patiencehero
    Patiencehero Member Posts: 54

    Yeah, it’s an unfortunate byproduct of anonymity combined with the competitiveness of online gaming and the popularity of Troll culture. Some people just don’t lose the impulse to burn ants with a magnifying glass as they grow up, and this is just how it manifests: those three factors just melt into a soufflé of pure awful.

    But yeah, nowadays I just anticipate being bullied and correct my course in game if I know it’s happening. Collect what BP I can get, wait in a corner for them to leave. If they decide to try and drag it out so they can teabag/jump around me, that’s what my phone and FGO are for.

    As a survivor though I understand your position is different: if you’re being camped you have the option of either suiciding on hook to just get it over with and move to a better match, or to struggle and drag it out so your team can escape while denying the killer BP.

    Whichever choice you make though, it’s correct. You don’t owe anyone your misery. In that situation just gotta do what’s better for you.

  • Hex_UrbanEvasion
    Hex_UrbanEvasion Member Posts: 200

    I agree on that actually, to a point. Really good survivors can take the killer for a ride, prevent them from doing anything meaningful, use perks and items to make their objectives harder to achieve.

    The balance, though, is if a killer wants to keep your average solo queue survivors from having a normal game, they absolutely can. The ability to see what the survivors are bringing, what they look like, their profiles, gives them the chance to slot their meanest perks, their best add-ons, a mori or map offering. Then they go all out, full sweat, and the survivors leave the match with like 5k points a piece, and all depip. It's hard to describe in a way that people understand I think, like, how time passes differently for a survivor vs a killer, and how the end result can just be... you really didn't get to do much in the match. You spent all your time running in circles and hanging on a hook. Someone is always gonna be the first to die, but when that's all you are in a match, it's disappointing, especially after waiting in queues, watching killers lobby dodge, etc., etc.

    I think that's where killers get the "entitled survivor" mentality. They were there the whole match doing whatever they do, while their playing and singling out one person can end what would've otherwise been a perfectly average game. But doing that and expecting that everyone accept the point of view that the killer sees as the "best" or "correct" one discounts a ton of other people in the match and how it is perceived on their side. They don't see that the survivor they targeted, even if it was by accident, didn't touch a gen, spent their time hanging on hook or giving other people altruism points, and the rest running desperately in the hopes that the game doesn't just end there.

  • Hex_UrbanEvasion
    Hex_UrbanEvasion Member Posts: 200

    I think there's a fraction, a small one, of people who are like that. The 4-man swf teams that just come to destroy and insult you for not keeping up. But like, I think the majority of players aren't that good, aren't trying to play "competitively" or something like that, and if they're in with a friend, which I see far more frequently, they're just there to be casual and die together.

    It's confusing because red ranks seem to hold a lot of people of varying degrees of skill level. The rank ones are... something else entirely. I've met 4s and 3s, maybe even some 2s who are good but not great (and unfortunately I'm one of them). But it develops this weird... stereotype of those players? And it's funny because if they try playing solo, and get into a match with people like me, we get to the end and they just dump all their [BAD WORD] on us lol.

  • Hex_UrbanEvasion
    Hex_UrbanEvasion Member Posts: 200

    But I think there's a disparity between what you describe and what you think the whole idea of the game is. It's just a game you play to have fun, which is why the survivors are playing too. But you don't think they're also worthy of enjoying the match and having fun too? This game can easily be played in ways that let killers and survivors have a good time. It isn't hard.

  • DawnMad
    DawnMad Member Posts: 1,030

    Of course they should enjoy the game, but that's not my job. I'm not playing killer to babysit survivors while they loop me around and do gens. If they are having problems with the game they should not be complaining to the killers whose whole job is to kill them, but to Devs whose job literally is to make this game more enjoyable.

    Of course I won't go out of my way to make the game worse for them either. I play for myself, they play for themselves.

  • DFP
    DFP Member Posts: 156

    Survivors don't have to be greatly skilled to bully a killer, and while I agree that solo play can get borked you're also assuming and insinuating every killer is an elite sweatlord whose GOT all the meanest perks, add-ons and such with the knowledge to be able to kill survivors that fast. We're not all tunneling tryhards, nor all that and a bag of chips.

    The time dialation goes both ways as well, it's all based on the experience you're having. A lot of the frustration you're having may be because not only do you have the stress of playing solo, but because you're getting matched up with those sweatlords at too high a skill level to be able to solo effectivley. (Not that playing solo is ever an easy experience, this is a team based game after all and if the others won't work with you at all you're up the creek and hogtied.)

    You're wanting that everyone accept the point of view that the survivor sees as the "best" or "correct", and discounting a ton of other people who play the game as well...

    You said it yourself in the I'm a Toxic Killer thread. You can just as easily replace killer in your second paragraph with survivor. To quote;

    "As if this game wasn't [BAD WORD] enough, you got people with genuine mental issues and a complete lack of self-awareness goading others into making it worse by being absolute [BAD WORD] to other players. Some of y'all need help. You clearly play this game for the wrong reasons and only therapy will reveal why. Legit, people come in here saying stuff that makes it sound like they kick puppies irl.

    No lie, the victim mentality of some people, especially people who play killer, is bonkers. It's like talking to any lonely white, heterosexual Millennial male. Just an endless stream of nonsense about how everything should work, and all of those things are in their favor. Someone did some arbitrary [BAD WORD] in a video game and you assigned deeper meaning to it that made you revert to like, a lower developmental state, and lash out because clearly this is personal and was designed to hurt you. Then you cover for that hurt by hurting other people who have done nothing except maybe remind you of one of those past events. You see it every time someone comes into a match with a key or wearing a certain skin. And when someone points out that that's messed up, you double down and say you like hurting others, you enjoy it, and it's the only thing you're here for. That is not good. That is sickness. You have been on the internet for too long."

    Once again, it's the people that do that, not every single killer, that ruin the experience.

    Here's hoping working MMR can be instituted and solve some of our issues, and that they can remove chat and ban jerkwads to fix the rest.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    There are just as many, if not considerably more survivors that enjoy ruining killers games. Arseholes are not limited to one side.

  • Hex_UrbanEvasion
    Hex_UrbanEvasion Member Posts: 200

    I'm not suggesting that only the survivor view is the one that is best or correct. I'm saying that people selectively ignore that the people they're playing with aren't bots, they have a different view of the game, and it would help, I think, if many of the killers I see here on the forums considered that. Survivors aren't all out to get you. Sometimes they're just desperate to make the most out of a game that can be ended for them in two minutes as easily as ten.

    Also no, I don't think just replacing killer with survivor in my post has the same meaning. Again, a killer can end a match very quickly for survivors if they feel like it. Some killers don't see the fact that they're playing with other human beings as a reason to be understanding or even a thing that's relevant to their gameplay. Sure, there are lousy survivors who only view their teammates as a means to an end, but as I said, they're lousy. Maybe because I started playing this game with friends, how I see it is just... different?

    Then again, I was also taught to look at things like this as a collective activity. As in, even if the killer and survivors are on opposing sides, they have to "work together" to get the most from a match. If killer doesn't get hooks, survivors don't get heals and unhooks. If survivors don't do gens, they die. If killer doesn't get chases, survivors don't get boldness, etc. I'm not saying we all gotta be friends, just that we should acknowledge that we rely on each other to make this game work, and the least we can do is respect each other for that.

  • Hex_UrbanEvasion
    Hex_UrbanEvasion Member Posts: 200

    I'm not saying it's "your job" to do anything. More like, the game is more enjoyable for everyone when played to the fullest. If you lean on the gas regardless and run over the survivors, sure you might get a 4K. But did you genuinely have fun? Did you enjoy speedrunning the match? I guarantee they didn't. The looping and gens and chasing and hitting them, that's where the whole fun is supposed to be. If one side isn't doing that, isn't it less fun for you?

  • Hex_UrbanEvasion
    Hex_UrbanEvasion Member Posts: 200

    I'd say the only reason it appears that way is that for every killer playing a match, there are four survivors. It's real easy to feel like they're overwhelming when there's four of them and only one of you.

    And of course they're not. But I tried to explain in some other posts the deal with bully killers. People say the killer isn't really the "power role" in this game, but they have a lot of power to control how a match goes, especially on a 1v1 basis. That is why tunneling/camping the same person over and over is so awful. If you're the target, there's nothing you can do, and if one player is tunneled out early, the match immediately becomes harder on the remaining three.

  • Mileena_Kahn
    Mileena_Kahn Member Posts: 600

    I’m sorry to hear that. I used to be a hardcore killer main but I’m a survivor main and have been for a good year. But this just goes to show that killers can be bad sports and just say rude crap to survivors too. Everyone, at least the killer mains from these forums love to bash on survivors actions and toxicity post game but fail to realize that their own community can be the same. All in all, I hope that never happens to you again and wish you the best of luck.

  • DFP
    DFP Member Posts: 156

    Once again, I'll agree with everything you're saying but the bias and stick to my point.

    It's the players, not just those on Killer, not just Survivors, that do these things.

    If you can't see how both "sides" have to deal with the harassment and can't even remotely comprehend that those players can and do play both roles just to make people miserable because they enjoy it, not just because of their role, that's on you. If you can't see the survivor only victim mentality that you're encouraging and calling for, so be it.

    Both roles can make the same arguments because the toxic players aren't bound to either "side", we'll just have to agree to disagree on that point.

  • SaintDorks
    SaintDorks Member Posts: 252

    You,know what...I don't wanna hear It.

    I try to play "nice" No,camping, giving everyone equal hooks, Letting a few gens get done before I kill so they can get points, No NOED...WHAT DO I GET? Hooks being broke in front of my face,Tbagging, endless cornfields, taunting,bodyblocking, swf bs, And those obnoxious passive aggressive "GG"s made to try and taunt me into some kind of frenzy.

    Do you survivors enjoy ruining my game? DO YA CARE? NO! I am not gonna be your baby sitter so you can run around jungle gyms and make me chase you. Why you gonna loop, why you gonna send me to the cornfield why ya teabag and taunt me? Is it just because you know there are no consequences? Are you genuinely that mean? I am a god dang human being and you try to treat like I am a AI bot that I should not get mad, get pissed..I am the Big dumb monster you in your mind think you're the heroes..But,truth is your survivors are bullies.


    I do understand that being single out is a load of bullshit, Whenever I play Ash or Jeff killers seem to just see me and wanna ruin my day by focusing me or camping me, usually due to the fact I do not activity run second chance perks because I "Solo" Whenever I get caught out my teamates seem to farm me more then help me.

    However, The main problem seeing as I am gonna assume you are a tad newer to the game is you gonna have to learn a lot about maps and safe spots...On top of that learning blind spots where you can hide at If the killer is lurking around. I am gonna be upfront and say you picked this game up at a bad time, where rage is high and It going away anytime soon..I started back in 2017 so I played before the game turned into a toxic mess.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Quote: "Why you think singling out a person over and over is acceptable behavior. Is it just because you know there are no consequences? Are you genuinely that mean?"

    Your complaint is primarily tunneling in a game where getting control over a match as killer is a lot more manageable as soon as 1 out of 4 survivors is dead.

    Although the killers you played against were childish and rude in terms of communication tunneling by itself is more of a design failure than a personal thing.

    Some survivors will pop a near-by gen if you don't tunnel them off the hook instead of healing or letting someone heal them.

    Last time I played killer I left the hook and checked some gens. I didn't immediately head back to the hook after the unhook even though I had not found anyone else yet.

    After checking multiple gens I decided to go back and guess what: Multiple survivors were there and popped the gen next to the hook in my face including the survivor that got unhooked who was still injured.

    Needless to say that's when I started tunneling the injured guy and they disconnected on death hook.

    See the double standards?

    Killer wants a fair match by giving survivors a chance to get unhooked and healed - gets survivors that do gens injured instead with the typical "it's my objective" attitude.

    But as soon as I hurry up with the killing (my objective) by tunneling the injured guy who just popped a gen in my face with their teammates I'm the bad guy all of a sudden?

    If survivors hurry with the gens to the point where they refuse to heal each other then I will hurry with killing them. That's literally the same.

    In that scenario both sides are just trying to get the objective done as quickly as possible without giving a (beep) about the fun of the person they verse.

  • Hex_UrbanEvasion
    Hex_UrbanEvasion Member Posts: 200

    Thanks! I used to play more killer, but then one of my friends got the game and we started playing together, and a few more who bought it ages ago came back to play with us... and so on, and so forth.

    It might be a while, there's more killers that I know from good experiences than bad, but because I don't do crossplay and run into the same people a lot, odds are it'll happen again. The hope is just that it takes a while.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    If you have ever gone agaisnt a proper sweaty team as, let's be generous, Nurse with all the good stuff, you'll know exactly who the "power role" is. You, even as the strongest killer in the game with whatever trimmings you desire, become a plaything. I would rather be hardcore tunneled than have to deal with that ever again in my life. But, of course, I play in the evening and so I get those trials quite regularly, although I don't often play Nurse so it's even worse because what is poor old Legion supposed to do. Coincidentally, I much prefer playing survivor.

    Also, tunneling and camping are easily punishable, it just requires everyone on the team to not be a potato and actually do the generators.

  • Hex_UrbanEvasion
    Hex_UrbanEvasion Member Posts: 200

    You keep mentioning my bias, and I think yours is pretty clear, too. You seem really intent on negating the way that this experience differs from others, in favor of a "both sides" argument. I'm not here because of both sides. I'm here because there is a segment of players who, regardless of how others swap between roles, appear to play killer solely for the power and violence of the role, and the ability to use that maliciously against others. They do aggressive things and deny you the ability to play (literally, not like each teammate using DS or clicking flashlights), they make you feel powerless, and then they blame you for it. You can blame both sides all you want and sure, I'll acknowledge there are [BAD WORD] players in general. But they aren't usually enough of a problem for me to feel actually bullied.

  • Hex_UrbanEvasion
    Hex_UrbanEvasion Member Posts: 200

    I been playing like a year, but I haven't invested a ton of time like, researching maps and stuff or anything. I'm good enough, but not great. I also don't run second chance perks because I don't particularly like them, but I did cave and put points into Laurie to have DS available to me.

    Also you're totally not the kind of killer I'm talking about, from the sound of it, but I also don't enjoy being one of "those" survivors. I'm not good or cocky enough. I don't find it fun to keep killers from ever getting a hook, I've been there and I didn't like it. I'm a mediocre looper, so I don't expect to get out of most chases, I just try to give my teammates time. I try to never let someone die before third hook, but I don't do risky unhooks because I know thats basically an invitation for the killer to down two people at once. I don't bring keys or flashlights unless they're for a challenge, and even then, I usually expect to take the L for even having them. I try not to provoke a killer's ire before the match even starts. I've started watching killers play to understand why they target certain people or do certain things because like I said, I am not great. That helps me see when I've made a big mistake vs when someone is taking advantage or trying to be mean. I've been tunneled and camped enough to know what that really looks like. And after match, I try to do the gg, chat a little about playstyles and perks, maybe make a buddy. I got some neat friends that way.

    These guys, the ones I'm thinking about? They never tried being nice, or even polite/neutral. I didn't go into the match being one of those survivors, because again, not that good! I tried to play like I usually do, only they spent the match taking everyone out one by one and keeping us from actually playing. After match, one seemed to make a joke, I said it was funny, he proceeded to tear me a new hole. The other one just dove right in with the [BAD WORD] talk. Maybe I should've kept my mouth shut, but I'm fitey and don't have good impulse control. So I didn't, and every match I ran into them for the rest of the night, they slotted moris and came for me first. If they didn't find me first, they ignored everyone else once they did find me until I was dead with a 4k score.

    It was... rough. And as I mentioned, it wasn't a great day for me. So the unnecessary hostility was not cool.

  • DFP
    DFP Member Posts: 156

    Then mention that segment specifically and stop trying to lump us all in together.

    If you don't think they're toxic players then why keep making posts about them?

  • Hex_UrbanEvasion
    Hex_UrbanEvasion Member Posts: 200

    But That's like, not tunneling. That's just, you're all right here and that's the weak one. It's not at all like what I experienced. Maybe it will help if I explain that these were Bubba and Doctor? Basically, Bubba did what he does. Chainsawed one person down, ran off. Came back as soon as someone went for the save, mowed them both down. They separated, so he left one behind. The rest of us didn't know if we could risk getting the slug up while he chased the other, but it didn't matter because he got them and chucked on hooks. From there, it was just an awful snowball of him keeping anyone from healing lest they both get slugged, but anyway chainsaw. They'd get just enough time to rescue, but then bam, chainsaw again. Someone tried to go back to gens but they'd all regressed because Ruin/Undying. Once someone got off second hook, bam, mori. And then he did the same thing in each other match I had with him, only made sure I was the first to die each time.

  • SilentPill
    SilentPill Member Posts: 1,302

    It’s like you should not save in front of a leather face or something. I was watching the VOD of some streamer I played against and he was like “Bubba so OP” when I sawed straight through him and his BT save that he decided to make when I clearly noticed him going for the unhook.

    Survivors are too used to crutching on that perk and it’s glorious killers have ways to bypass it these days.

  • Hex_UrbanEvasion
    Hex_UrbanEvasion Member Posts: 200

    That Last bit about everyone on the team not being a potato and doing gens? Not as common in solo as you'd think, weirdly enough. Also, let's be real, it isn't hard to reach red survivor rank, and the killers at the same rank are buck wild. They eat solo players for breakfast. With no milk. This tunnel/camp/mori crap happened to me so many times that I started just telling people in lobby not to bother trying to unhook me if the killer was a Bubba. People tried and just got boned.

    Also I think I joked about this earlier, but as green-rank killer, I've gone up against red rank SWF death squads, but usually, even if I don't get anything done (and I play Oni, he's far from S-tier) they come into chat and like, tell me to keep my chin up and keep practicing. I don't know why? I only had one group that almost made me cry telling me how bad I was after a match.

  • Hex_UrbanEvasion
    Hex_UrbanEvasion Member Posts: 200

    The only reason I "lumped" is because I know people here who play killer love to talk about all the ways they [BAD WORD] over some survs today and encourage others to do the same. Sorry it's taken too many words for me to make it clear I'm not targeting you specifically??

  • Hex_UrbanEvasion
    Hex_UrbanEvasion Member Posts: 200
    edited January 2021

    I don't think most people in my matches even use BT. We were all just trying to get literally anything done, but without the sort of coordination you expect from maybe rank 1 SWF, we were pretty much doomed. It didn't matter if we ran, it didn't matter if we healed or hid or tried to do a gen. Any unhook attempts were just a free hook for him as he downed both. After the first round of hooks, I think it was just too out-of-hand for people so uncoordinated to pull back. Between those double downs and the Ruin, we lost too much momentum to pull it back, and the mori really just crushed it.

    And they weren't saving "in front" of him at first, he was wandering off to check gens but it was a MacMillan map and there wasn't a lot of ways to avoid him. The middle was all those piles of junk, the jungle gyms were all dead ends and long walls, and he could see everything. Then it was just trying to pull someone off hook while he downed/hooked someone else, then he immediately came back. It felt like we were just stuck in the same place among these stupid crates the whole match.

  • freddymybae
    freddymybae Member Posts: 613

    playing a game a certain way is not being toxic on its on every one can play how they want unless its cheating it has nothing to do wiith being toxic now t bagging and hitting some one on the hook is since it doesnt add anything to the gameplay

  • Hex_UrbanEvasion
    Hex_UrbanEvasion Member Posts: 200
    edited January 2021

    Well wouldn't you know. This Bubba stood in front of my hook chainsawing me over and over!

    Also, maybe you missed something. Playstyle is whatever. Tunneling/camping the same person over and over again in different matches? Thats not playstyle. That's being an [BAD WORD].

  • DFP
    DFP Member Posts: 156

    Never said you were, but thank you?

    All I've said through far too many words is that generalizing by role is bad because those players do the same thing on the survivor side. They are one and the same.

    I'm sorry you take such offense to that, I'm not trying to give you a hard time after a bad night, hopefully you'll have better games in the future.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    I get that Doctors are tunneling frequently since his power is great for finding particularly vulnerable survivors (i.e. people that just got unhooked) but I will never understand why people tunnel as Bubba. His instadown allows for more fair gameplay than other killers as he can go for anyone at all times thanks to the one shot. In fact that's one of the things I like about Bubba. He never makes me feel like I should go for that injured guy who possibly just got unhooked.

    Anyway this right here:

    "he did the same thing in each other match I had with him, only made sure I was the first to die each time."

    Sounds like a player is specifically targeting you -as a person- which is a reportable offense / in-game harassment.

    Did they say anything post game which made it blatant that they're targeting you as a person or something ? If so I'd record / report it / submit a ticket.

    And before someone quotes me and says tunneling isn't bannable:

    I know that myself. Tunneling is perfectly fine (although anti-fun for the survivors) however targeting a player specifically is -to my knowledge- still a bannable offense albeit difficult to prove.

  • Hex_UrbanEvasion
    Hex_UrbanEvasion Member Posts: 200

    Okay. It felt a little like you were trying to say "not all killers" when I didn't mean all killers so I was confused and tired and kept pushing the point.

  • Hex_UrbanEvasion
    Hex_UrbanEvasion Member Posts: 200
    edited January 2021

    I did report them. I don't expect anything to come of it though. Maybe I need to download recording software and start recording matches... There clearly aren't many of these kinds of people, but the few are enough to do a number on someone.

    And yeah, the Doctor dude was great. Just all kinds of fun. Shocking to stop unhooks. Cornering people who were trying to "snap out of it" and downing them. And of course, frying my brain with a mori. All around a Really Cool Dude.

  • SilentPill
    SilentPill Member Posts: 1,302

    Its really not that hard to counter leather face. You beat him the same as every killer in the game. Throw pallets, split up, rush gens.

    If you have a potato team that dies in the first chainsaw sweep that’s not a Bubba problem, that’s a survivor problem. They would die to any other killer in the game just as trivially.

  • Hex_UrbanEvasion
    Hex_UrbanEvasion Member Posts: 200

    Heavy doubt, but okay. I feel like you're so focused on making it not the killer's fault that you're missing the forest for the trees.

  • SilentPill
    SilentPill Member Posts: 1,302

    No not really I have played the game for many years rank 1 both sides. I choose to play killer all the time now because doing generators bores me. I never complain about tunneling because being chased by the killer is the only fun I have as survivor.

    A good killer is never going to tunnel a good survivor; it will cost too much. It’s really as simple as that. You only tunnel bad players who can’t loop because it’s an easy kill.

  • Hex_UrbanEvasion
    Hex_UrbanEvasion Member Posts: 200

    Only you don't need to tunnel just the ones bad at looping if you have a chainsaw. I think, once again, you're missing the point. It isn't that he was mowing everyone down like grass. It was that he did that, said something nasty to me after the match, and then proceeded to tunnel me across multiple matches because I clapped back. He didn't care about "good killers don't need to tunnel." He cared about ruining one person's experience over and over. He stood in front of my hook, chainsawing me over and over until I hit second stage, then left so someone could unhook me and he could mori me.

  • SilentPill
    SilentPill Member Posts: 1,302

    No, you really do unless you are running like 3 perks dedicated to slowing down gens. My games are over in ~6 minutes I want to say if I only have Corrupt. Ruin Undying is about to be gutted and I don’t feel like spending a ton of time kicking gens with pop.

    Killing someone off in the first few minutes is borderline mandatory.

    If someone is targeting you in any games you play with them, you probably did something annoying.

    I remember most people who played extremely toxic and you can be sure I bring a mori for them if I see them again. Although to be fair, it’s pretty much most survivors these days. I can hardly get a match without teabagging, keys, object of obsession, etc so I just play toxic to everyone for the most part.

  • Hex_UrbanEvasion
    Hex_UrbanEvasion Member Posts: 200

    Sigh, If you'd seen anything else in this thread, you would get what the problem is. I'm too tired to explain it again right now but suffice to say, I know it's #NotAllKillers.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    If people are saying negative and rude stuff to you after a match just remember they are looking to bait you because they want you to be mad about it. I mean there are even content creators I've seen on YouTube that make videos where they go out of there way to make the match suck for the other side just so they can get them to talk crap after the match and then laugh at them getting upset about it when they've spent the entire match baiting them into doing so. Best thing to do is say gg wp no matter what kind of match you had and move on because that annoys them much more as they haven't got the response they wanted.