Are keys balanced?


Hey guys,

well the title already says it. Do you guys think keys are still or were ever balanced?

At least for me I got the feeling a lot more escapes via key are happening atm especially since u can now control where the hatch spawns in the match via offering. You can bring the counter offering as a killer yeah but those aren't that common so that you would be able to bring them every match. Some survivors I encountered ran builds centered around an escape via hatch which shortened the matches even more. Also I've seen Otz literary lose his plague streak to the same strat where they just did the gens they had to and then escaped via key

Should the devs look at this or do you guys say that keys are still fine?

Merry christmas everyone :3



  • VexTheHex
    VexTheHex Member Posts: 1,009

    It feels bad to lose to a key, I think that's the main issue more than it being balanced. You don't feel like you got much control over it.

    But I also see the flip side that some games are unwinnable for Survivors and they need some sort of back up escape potential or else 2 Survivors left may as well just suicide.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    No, in my opinion. Allowing multiple people to escape before all the gens are finished without any downsides or additional effort needed (no, someone dying is not a downside but rather a condition needed to allow the aforementioned scenario to occur) I think fundamentally undermines the balance of the game.

  • SweetbutaPsycho
    SweetbutaPsycho Member Posts: 156

    Well how would you guys balance it.?

    I mean I get the point that some matches are just unwinable for survivors so there needs to be a backup strat. Especially when you are actually playing well and get dragged down by ur team it just doesnt feel right. I would even understand people that argue that because of the decent popularity of blood warden and noed in recent times keys are needed cause otherwise u just lost even though you made it to endgame.

    But the way they are now I feel like they are highly abusable and also get abused a lot. Especially in higher ranks theres a key and a hatch offering almost every match.

  • StardustSpeedway
    StardustSpeedway Member Posts: 882

    I hate them so much as survivor. I play solo queue and whenever I load up or others load up with a damn key, the killer plays really scummy (I can't blame them) or they'll leave me to die on the hook once enough gens are finished for their SWF/key user to get the hatch.

    I would LOVE to play with a green key with aura add ons/obsession ring add on, but don't because there is NO way for the killer to know its a green key in the loading lobby.

  • GreyBigfoot
    GreyBigfoot Member Posts: 949

    No. Can't even argue for them in solo-Q anymore, because of those blueprint offerings to always know where hatch it.

  • Alphamav
    Alphamav Member Posts: 44

    I didn't even know you could use a key before the hatch opens and has slammed shut... I just used it as a backup-backup plan

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Just offering my opinion on keys! 😅

    They are definitely the most powerful survivor item in the game, it can be argued that it's singlehandedly the strongest item in the game! The ability to escape without needing to complete some of your objective is huge because the game is balanced around survivors needing to finish their objective, not some of it! 😊

    Therefore, I would say absolutely not, keys are definitely OP and should be looked at (which they are from what I've heard)! However, I'd like the developers to buff the aura reading aspect of keys because well, it's very underused from experience and observations! 😅

    I'd suggest keys don't instantly open the hatch, but will instead take time! To add on, the killer gets some kind of warning when someone is attempting to open the hatch just to add some counterplay! Of course, I'd like to see the aura reading aspect of keys get a huge buff, such as more add-ons and built-in aura reading abilities! 😋

  • SweetbutaPsycho
    SweetbutaPsycho Member Posts: 156

    I think thats actually a very good idea. Like the only think I would change is that u can only use the purple key once to try and open the hatch and after that its just gone and the iridescent one maybe 2 times. Otherwise I can imagine a scenario where one survivor would just constantly use the key to create pressure at hatch while his teammates do the gens.

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,542

    I play about 60/40 as survivor, but a lot more killer lately, I think keys are fair. It sounds like I'm in the minority though.

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,003

    Honestly, as a balanced player, I'd just say that hatch keys shouldnt be obtainable in the bloodweb and should only be chest findable at their current rarity. That way a key is a gamble. You might find one, you might not. Sure you can escape with one, but people tunnel those with keys anyway, so the odds of getting out with it decrease just by having it.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Ideally, it should take the survivor awhile to open the hatch — This is to give the killer time to reach the hatch and prevent the escape regardless where they are at! 😊

    Just to answer some future comments... 😋

    Q: What's the point in opening the hatch if the killer always have enough time to prevent the escape?

    This is where you need to be clever and use the key tactically! Use it to make the killer stop whatever they are doing and focus on you, this will allow your teammates to focus on generators or recover from the killer's momentum!

    As a side note: I would prefer if the HUD warns the killer about someone unlocking the hatch — Just so we're sticking to the theme of "Whoever finds it first, wins".

  • GlamourousLeviathan

    With a key, you can simply escape having 2 gens left to do. Considering opening the gates as another objective, you are basically removing half of the survivor's objective with a single item. This is stupid.

  • CountVampyr
    CountVampyr Member Posts: 1,050

    So which is it, several gens or 1-2? Saying that keys are op is completely overstated. If 3 people are escaping via hatch then it means four gens were already done. Odds are you were going to lose anyways. If two people escape it means 3 were done and 2 people dead. That still falls short of “several”. The only way you can bypass several gens is by killing all except one and by then a key is unnecessary except reopening the hatch after the fact.

  • SweetbutaPsycho
    SweetbutaPsycho Member Posts: 156

    Yeah it taking time and warning the killer with a sound cue is a good idea but imagine for example theres a 3 man swf and 2 gens are left to be done. One of those has a key and just sits on hatch and starts unlocking it. So the killer gets the cue and runs there. Meanwhile the other 2 swf members push the remaining gens. When the killer gets to the hatch the dude ofc already left since he just wanted to create the sound cue. So now the killer has to run back and pressure gens again. Like what would survivors stop from just repeating this process over and over again? Thats like the one problem I see with this. Thats why I suggested that keys should break after a certain amount of attempts to prevent this from happening. Otherwise I think its a great way to make keys more balanced

  • SweetbutaPsycho
    SweetbutaPsycho Member Posts: 156

    Well tbf for me at least a lot of games get decided during the last 2 gens or even in endgame collapse. Also the game is balanced around you getting 2 kills as a killer as the devs once stated and that is pretty much still possible if there is one gen left. Or maybe the survs 3 gen'd themselves which would make it so much easier to get the last gen. Or the killer runs blood warden. Like I dont think the games is automatically decided just cause u get to that point in the game. Also if u play by the survivor rules which means no tunnel or camp and hook everyone twice so u dont get hell in endgame chat almost every game will get to that point.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Using a key to open the hatch would consume charges and depending on the key and add-ons you're using, you may not get another chance to attempt another escape! 😅

    This is all experimental, but ideally it should take 10 charges to start the unlocking process and every second committed towards the hatch will consume a charge!

    Therefore, since I believe unlocking the hatch should take 20 seconds, it would take 30 charges to open the hatch and if you failed, you'll likely not have enough charges to unlock the hatch (unless you used add-ons)! 😅

    This would pretty much limit every survivor to one escape attempt, unless they all stacked add-ons, but at that point, it's unlikely because we're talking about a fraction of the playerbase who would do ANYTHING to win! 😅

  • dezzmont
    dezzmont Member Posts: 481
    edited December 2020

    The big issue with DBD is there is a lot of focus on power, or which side wins, or whatever, and not about the actual flow of the game.

    A good example is stuff like survivors complaining about tunneling, when making tunneling too weak neuters the threat of the killer because you feel too safe at hooks, or when killers complain about genrush, when in reality survivors who aren't being pressured have nothing to do with gens.

    DBD is a delicate balance of interacting gamestates where both sides are struggling to engineer a result under pressure from each other preventing them from freely acting: Killers have an almost 'absolute' power to block objectives by design, be it a hooked survivor or gen, but can't be in more than one place at a time, and thus if they aren't clever about pressure in reality they are leaving multiple objectives undefended rather than really defending. Likewise, survivors are forced to capitulate to the killer's pressure, even if they don't succumb to their attempts to down and remote them from the game. A survivor, outside of specific circumstances, can't 'force past' the killer's attempts to block them, as all their tools to survive require them to do nothing but utilize them. In exchange for being so vulnerable to pressure, survivors have more map presence and pressure. An individual survivor can't force jack through the killer's attempts to defend, but they can always win if they correctly predict the killer, run good loops, and never play into the killer and do things like feed hookstates on sloppy rescues or refuse to back down.

    Anything that messes up this dynamic is generally extremely toxic. Classic example is old DS and old BT, which both, in attempt to save survivors from the 'bad feelings' of being tunneled, utterly destroyed the killer's ability to play defensively on an objective correctly. This was such a bad design it resulted in the longest Q times ever when the devs just refused to back down and the Civ meme was born. We don't live in those times anymore, as it actually threatened the survival of the game, DBD was at the risk of pulling a death garden and just having one side entirely fall out of the game. It turns out that while it sucks to die 5 minutes into a game not doing anything, its WORSE for you to be playing a game for 10 minutes unable to do anything because mechanics keep screwing you over for doing well and blocking a sloppy unhook or whatever, and without the negativity of being hooked, survivor play actually became EXTREMELY BORING because there was absolutely no tension in losing chases, meaning stuff like having to make hard decisions on taking hits to save pallets or having to track the killer didn't matter anymore and the game became 'gen simulator.' DBD just was frustrating for killer, and boring for survivor, it just sucked.

    Keys completely demolish this intricate balance in a way even moris, or old BT and DS don't. They are less powerful, but one interesting thing about game design is that its often not the most powerful stuff that is the most toxic, but the stuff that aggressively messes up the negotiated relationship of gameplay, AKA the way players interact with each other. Keys are, in fact, probably one of the worse mechanics I have seen in a game, because ultimately they are a mechanic that rewards survivors for doing poorly (Which is fine, you actually want comeback mechanics in the game, hatch ON ITS OWN is a really healthy mechanic!) but in a way that doesn't just not feel super great for them (A duo key-win is hardly a survivor victory) but feels AWFUL for the person who got the script flipped on them.

    Keys are mega toxic because killers lose the game for doing well in a way they have almost no control over. You basically don't pip in key games simply because the survivors decided to bring an easily obtained item. This is unlike Moris, where good play generally still works and the change is more subtle and simply accelerates the game rather than actively punishing the killer. So while moris are more powerful, and did deserve a nerf, in many ways they were better mechanically because they amplified tension in the game rather than draining it. A killer, somewhat rightfully, has every reason to say 'Why should I even bother?' when looking at a key, because it anihilates both the in game scoring method and violates the entire concept of a skill based game outside of it (not because its op or easy, but because the promise of a skill based game is that good gameplay is rewarded, but keys... punish good gameplay quite heavily, so you almost paradoxically are punished for doing well in chases and consistently downing surviviors). Keys are beatable for sure, but losing to a key is sorta unnaceptable to the entire gameplay loop of DBD in a way that losing to a mori isn't.

    TL;DR: Keys are not only unbalanced, but they completely destroy the entire reason DBD is enjoyable as a skill based negotiated conflict between two groups trying to engineer gamestates by anihilating the gamestate a killer is meant to be powerful in and just removing any real win condition from a role.

  • CountVampyr
    CountVampyr Member Posts: 1,050
    edited December 2020

    If you are going to allow the survivors to set the rules then you almost deserve to lose, don’t you? And if you’re going to do that then why complain about keys in the first place?

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409
    edited December 2020

    For a second I was going to ask did someone actually ask this? But guess someone did, and to answer the question no keys aren't balanced

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 8,600

    Absolutely not. Shortcut on top of a shortcut. Reward for not doing the full objective.

  • stargazer9
    stargazer9 Member Posts: 649

    Keys are definitely not balanced.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 8,600

    Next on the to-do list? As good as that sounds, I highly doubt it's the truth.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    The problem with keys is that they can end the game prematurely that's what makes them strong.

    Just like moris it's not fun for the other party.

    It turns situations where are the survivors should have lost or the game was still winnable on The Killers end into just automatic losses for the Killer.

    Hell as a Survivor I've accidentally had games where we've given the killer a perfect free gen strat and by right that was our mistake and we should have had a difficult time getting through that but because we had a key we managed to basically avoid it completely and get the three people out

  • JimbusCrimbus
    JimbusCrimbus Member Posts: 1,056

    There was a video floating around on the subreddit, and the killers alliance discord server about not changing keys, but changing how hatch spawns. Not sure how to post videos here, otherwise I'd post it, but it was the best idea I had seen so far IMHO

  • Alphamav
    Alphamav Member Posts: 44
    edited December 2020

    My 2 cents as a newer player: hatch appearance mechanics are fine. Keys should appear slightly less frequently, always open the hatch immediately, and the hatch should close after being used by a survivor "preventing the killer from following," figuratively, with the option to be held open by other survivors (killer grabs, FTW!) Introduce lockpicks that utilize skill checks. No opinion on the other key abilities as I haven't used those.

    Edit: replace broken key for a key that opens chests immediately and lockpicks slightly expedite chest opening

  • Alphamav
    Alphamav Member Posts: 44
    edited December 2020

    Edit: sorry, just realized I can edit my posts.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,651

    No ❤️

  • Daniel_Kraig
    Daniel_Kraig Member Posts: 2


    Just had a game with 3 survivors left. All were hooked twice and two gens left. All 3 escaped via hatch in front of my face. I didn't tunnel or slug and also didn't camp. I performed well and they made mistakes but at the end they won just because of an item. It's just bs you feel robben. Imagine having a tough game against a 4 man SWF Team looping perfectly and just getting 2 hooks and entity displeased. Then the next game is like the 3 man hatch escape . You lost two games one where you performed badly and one where you performed well. Thats not balanced at all. It just makes you feel bad and honestly who wants too play a game which makes you feel that way.

    Keys or the hatch need a rework

    Maybe just let the killer seal the hatch permanently if he finds it. Or just let the killer connect the hatch to the entity so if a survivor uses a key he would be teleported to a hook or instantly caught by the entity. A fire fountain bursting out of the hatch when the key gets used would be funny (surv insta death). So keys would become a high risk high reward item.

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,877

    No, mostly because it's simply too strong. A free escape for the entire team (potentially) with one item is a bit too much, although these situations are rare. 

  • DecisiveDwight
    DecisiveDwight Member Posts: 593

    What so the killer has a warning that I am about to use the hatch no way that removes the whoever finds it first wins mechanic I find hatch begin opening it you come up stop me last second that's basically worse than the exit gates why should I the person who found hatch have to worry about you knowing I know where it is. I found it fare and square however I'd be happy to add a loading bar.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,214

    It depends on what you mean by balanced.

    In some way they are, because keys rarely change the outcome of a match, unlike moris. A lot of matches you won, the key did nothing at all. In lots of matches you lost, it also did nothing, because the killer had franklins, tunneled you, or whatever.

    While moris changed the whole gamedynamics if you would tunnel out one survivor early, keys dont (unless you play against a swf with a dedicated key strategy, then it might. Against solos, it doesn´t .

    However, if your only metric for winning and losing is escape or kill, then a key allows at least one person an escape it wouldnt normaly have, unless the person did get killed earlier (even as survivor, i often only realize after the game someone brought in a key), or the killer gets you before you find the hatch (which you still has to find).

    So its not a question that could be answerd in general, because a lot depends on your own perspective about what winning, losing, and balance actual mean.

  • MaxPowrer
    MaxPowrer Member Posts: 21
    edited February 2021

    How about:

    Hatch spawns only instantly, if only one survivor is left.

    For each additional survivor, who is alive, hatch spawn is delayed by 1 minute... so if all gens are done and all survivors are alive it would take 3 additional minutes till the hatch spawns.

    And for keys you should add an opening timer: Maybe purple key takes 20 seconds to open hatch (like a gate) and pink one 10-15 seconds?

    And/Or Hatch closes after one survivor jumps in?

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    My only issue with this is the opening times. Most hatches I've seen have been beside exit gates lately. Shouldn't be that easy to patrol gates and the hatch...

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    It's doesn't matter if you found it fair and square, it's about who found it first. If the killer finds it first, they can memorize the hatch location and stop future survivors from escaping with a key. If the survivor finds it first, then the killer won't know where the hatch is at to prevent an escape from happening.

    Keys can allow multiple escapes in their current form and without any counterplay from the killer — you can literally open it in their face. That's the problem with Keys and to add on, their aura reading is super underpowered and should be buffed or reworked completely. 🤷‍♂️😅

  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442

    Not at all and even if you close the hatch it will open itself if there is one survivor left in the trial which is really absurd.

  • DecisiveDwight
    DecisiveDwight Member Posts: 593

    Sooo you want to basically remove my last hope of a door patrolling killer when I have a key by letting him have a notification that I am working at the hatch no thanks until door spawns are sorted I along with others will not find this balanced

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    Similarly, if the killer finds it first the survivor won't know where it is. And killers move faster than survivors and don't have to worry about being seen when looking for it.

    I honestly don't understand what point you're trying to make here...

  • StibbityStabbity
    StibbityStabbity Member Posts: 1,839

    Ya. You failed. You don't deserve a win. The Killer does at that point.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    If you're the last survivor in the EGC, it's not going to be easy — what do you expect when you're going against the power role when you're the minor role? You're not going to have a cake walk, the killer will have the advantage. A key shouldn't be your solution to escape, that should be working as a team to get the gates open and getting out of there.

    I tried offering a solution to door spawns, but it wasn't popular and was disregarded by most of the community.

    You use the key when the killer is occupied and that should force the killer into a dilemma: Drop whatever they are doing or let the survivor open the hatch. Either way, you're getting value from the key. If you're the last survivor during the EGC, then you failed as a team and shouldn't be giving an easy solution out. Like I said about, I offered a door solution so that killers can't keep both of them in line of sight, but it was disregarded by the community. 🤷‍♂️😅

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,214

    See, if you choose to ignore the fact that there might be many variable circumstances to account for, then i can choose those variables.

    There are days when every second game, a survivor dcs (and not only if they are downed). So you basicly play a 3v1 in a game balanced around 4v1. How do the killer "deserve" the win at that point?

  • StibbityStabbity
    StibbityStabbity Member Posts: 1,839
  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869
    edited February 2021

    I never liked the hatch even as a solo survivor. It promotes selfishness.

  • Nameless
    Nameless Member Posts: 866

    Why do you think you should be having a higher chance of escaping through the doors, or the hatch for that matter when the killer already beat you? How is that not entitlement? You had a fair fight to escape and the killer ended up on top. Why is it you believe the game owes you good door spawns or a hatch escape? If anything, shouldn't the killer be rewarded because he won?

    It just doesn't make sense to me at all...

  • ScottRozzy
    ScottRozzy Member Posts: 53

    i think that there garbo in the wrong hands and can be op in the hands of very good survivors or a SWF

    ive only ever ran a key 4 times and never managed to use it. i have found 1 in a chest 1 time and used that to get out

    never in any of my games have i seen someone bring a key and use it to get out. i spectate the rest of my games if i go out early and its rare for me at least. maybe one way they could balance it is if it took the same time a chest does to re open it after the killer has closed it

  • Sabraiz
    Sabraiz Member Posts: 566

    I absolutely hate keys, almost equally as both survivor and killer.

    Twice since the patch have i been left behind by other survivors who instead of finishing the last generator while I looped the killer to the other side of the map they ran and searched for the hatch and escaped, stranding me with the killer.

    This feels just as bad as being killer where eliminating someone from the game makes it easier for the other survivors to instantly escape.

  • DecisiveDwight
    DecisiveDwight Member Posts: 593

    Killers jobs are so easy all they have to do is run to the doors and protect them they don't have to worry about being seen and chased off

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869
    edited February 2021

    You should try playing killer before saying something like this. Do you realise that depending on the killer and perks you usually have to hit healthy survivor twice to down them? And that exit doors can be far enough for you to escape safely with the right approach even against fast killers.

    Start opening the exit door before the first light turns on and stop. Wait for the killer to check that door and leave. Now you have time to open them and escape before the killer comes back like 90% of the time. That is what I do as last survivor.

  • Nameless
    Nameless Member Posts: 866

    Yes, what's your point? You haven't really answered my questions? The killer beat you so why is it you feel like the game owes you an easier escape? Why shouldn't the killer be rewarded for playing well for example and make it harder for survivors to escape?