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M1 Simulator sure is popular

Just played the Game as Demo and was like "alright this will be fun!" but then it was all rank 1 (I am 7 right now) with BNP and crap. First 3 mins 3 gens down. So I just stood there and watched them fix gens and then the left.

Survivors is this really the game you want to play? Like GTFO with this weak crap. Why play at all?

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  • Member Posts: 118

    I'm not blaming anyone for anything. It's the game and people will play it how they want to. I just can't fathom the boredom it must create but maybe people love M1 Simulator.

  • Member Posts: 60

    People will play how they want to play. Just how it is. Nobody mixes up their builds anymore and I believe that's the problem. It's always the same crap almost every match. If I'm playing a 2 man SWF I'll run my healing build: Empathy, Autodidact, Solidarity, and BT. Sometimes it's the all seeing build: Windows, Open Handed, Alert, and Bond. Solo is all second chances and flashlights because solo is literal hell.

    However, killers are the same way because of their meta. Theirs being Undying and Ruin. It's boring as all hell going against these 2 perks damn near every match. If I'm playing solo why would I do up to 4 totems all across the map when I can push gens instead? Same with a SWF. If someone can run the killer for more than 10 seconds you bet I'll push gens. Even more so with Ruin and Undying. Why would I waste time looking for several totems to do when I can just do gens, get my points and leave to claim my win? The only time I do totems is if I know the killer is not very good and has a high chance of packing NOED. Not to mention the RNG of chests is horrible and almost pointless if you're not running a build to compensate. If I run the killer, whether it's for 10 seconds or for 5 gens chances are I'll die due to farming off hook or getting camped.

    The whole "Meta" is what ruins this game. Killer meta forces survivors to crank out gens, Survivor meta makes killer chases damn near impossible with a good group. This game needs more and better options while in a trial.

  • Member Posts: 2,270

    Are you really getting mad at people doing the objective efficiently? You should be mad at the ranking system but you shouldn't be mad at red rank survivors playing the game in an efficient way.

  • Member Posts: 828

    if i were a survivor waiting 10 mins for a match, I know my mindset sure would be to bring BNP and get the match over as quick as possible


    ok kids have fun with that

  • Member Posts: 159

    I mean all survivors do in terms of objective is do gens sorry that bothers you but trust me survivors don't find it that entertaining either but what can you do?

  • Member Posts: 2,270

    I think the fact that there are way more survivors than killers shows that survivors like survivor gameplay, even if it's doing gens.

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    Ozt said: 1 survivor dies before the 4th Gen done gives Killer a huge advantage.

    That explain why many Killers tunnel a survivor out before the 4th Gen done. And Survivor rush at least 4 Gen before 1 of them die.

    Another case, Ozt said: the most important hook is the first hook of the game. After that, 1 on hook/healed, 1 on unhook/healing, 1 being chased, only 1 on Gen. From that Killer keep the pressure.

    The problem is, if Killer makes a single mistake, they may lose pressure,and the number of survivor on Gen will be double or triple. Thanks to Gen can be done by multiple survivors at once.

    It would be much better if there are more Objectives, the later Objectives requires less Survivors to work on (something works like Gate that 4 survivors doesnt increase the Open Gate speed..)

    There is no fault Survivors rushing Gen, its just badly game design.

  • Member Posts: 159

    Some people just don't like killer which I can understand. I would play it more but it's so boring and easy to play killer (imo anyway).

    I don't like m1 simulator but most killers just don't chase me so I can't do much about it

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    main obj for survivors is gens...

  • Member Posts: 1,221
    edited January 2021

    Most of the time, you have to purposely de-pip just to learn a new killer. It's kind of sad when you think about it.

    But needless to say, I genrush too, and I'm sure anyone with half a brain would, because that's how you win the game as a survivor.

    I play killer all the time and some games end in under 8 minutes. It sucks, but you gotta bame the devs, not the players. If it is in the game, it will be used either with you or against you.

  • Member Posts: 14,890

    Sounds like they are just trying to actually reduce the M1 time if they use BNP etc.

    maybe they expected a killer that actually chases them and injured/hooks them so they actually can something else but what should they do if you go afk?

    also, People who claim M1 gens is so boring and doesn’t require skill: I hope you are not the people that actually ask for increased gen-times..

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    No one wants increased gen times.

    We want additional objectives like finding gas cans, fixing cables, etc.

  • Member Posts: 1,378

    just move on, if they chose to bring the stuff needed to rush, then let them rush, use up those things, get nothing out of it and on to the next game.

  • Member Posts: 509

    Lol this as stupid as if survivors would come on here to complain that the killer killed them too fast and got their objective done... I’m guessing that’s weak crap as well

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,503

    Dead by Daylight: the game where playing to win isn't necessarily fun.

    Want to win as survivor? Rush through those gens. The less you all see the killer the better your chances of escape.

    Is getting through the match as fast as possible fun? Is not interacting with the killer fun? I guess it depends on the players and what they consider fun. Everyone's different. Personally, I play solo, and the matches where the killer is too new to know how to pressure gens are very boring, and there's no thrill in escaping when all four survivors get out easy.

    As killer, I like playing tier 1 Mikey. If the survivors split up and those gens start popping fast, I usually just stand back and let them go for it so we can all move on to the next match. I always wonder if it bothers them that they didn't even earn enough BP to cover their offerings and add-ons. Eh, they probably value escaping over earning points.

  • Member Posts: 14,890

    Are you sure about that? Because I am fairly certain that I have seen many people in these forums asking for increased gen times..

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Yes, i´m sure about this. Anyone who asked about increased gen times, would be happy with additional objectives that survivors HAVE to do.

    Not ignorable objectives like totems.

  • Member Posts: 828

    no one touches totems, unless those things are mandatory what makes you think people will touch more secondary objectives?

  • Member Posts: 3,558

    A feature like this would fix the early game for killers against survivors that spawn on top of gens.

    Would also put stealth on emphasis as you now has to sneak around the map to locate gas instead of: 'wait until you're caught on a gen then proceed your attempt at looping'.

  • Member Posts: 118

    Bring a different set of perks and have fun doing something different! I know it's risky but that's what I like to do as Killer.

  • Member Posts: 118

    You got it! That's what I do. It almost always leads to hate speech and toxic chat afterwards as if it's my fault they finished the game too fast.

  • Member Posts: 118

    It occurred to me today when I was having another one of these games that one of the big design problems is all the Killer perks are based on what the Survivor does and not what the Killer does. They are almost all reactionary. So you are often left playing defense instead of offense. Meanwhile the Survivor feats are mostly based on what they are doing.

    So in essence the Survivor is mostly dictating how the game goes and the Killer just has to play along. Unless they want to be an asshat and camp and tunnel. But you get blamed for that even when you don't.

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    Nobody knows how their previous match had went. Maybe it was a rank 1 freddy or something to that effect and it struck a nerve and they decided to bring some goods. Nobody knows until it is over the rank level each player so they most likely played as though it was a very experience rank 1.

    You were a rank 7, you should not have expected to win though. If you did, that would have been a red flag.

  • Member Posts: 837

    I wouldn't exactly blame the Survivors for this. Poor matchmaking effects them just as much as it effects you. They're used to killers with 1000+ hours that have crazy intimate knowledge of the game at rank 1 harrasing them efficiently at gens. You have to remember that they don't know your rank until end game stats screen pops up.

  • Member Posts: 118

    Rank means nothing. I've been higher than rank 7. It does nothing in matchmaking. Why even bring it up?

    I'm not blaming anyone for anything. People keep putting that out there. My point is... isn't M1 Simulator like the most boring thing you can do with your time? Couldn't be me.

  • Member Posts: 125

    This would happen every single game if you got placed against good survivors. The game is insanely imbalanced and the majority of survivors are in denial or simply being deceitful because they like being extremely op. Even if they were only slightly op the game would actually be fun, but they are beyond just op.

  • Member Posts: 329

    To be fair, almost every time I play survivor not efficiently with "fun" build, I get tunneled to death straight from the beginning. So this is why I always have DS and SB permanently equipped, to at least finish my only objective. And this is why people play sweaty 4-man SWF, this is why they always have DS and Unbreakable combo, this is why they bring keys and toolboxes.

    I'm not blaming you, but seeing those obnoxious killers who tryhard with all their might, survivors nowadays are doing their best to finish their task as soon as possible before the expected "snowball" comes in.

  • Member Posts: 118
    edited January 2021

    Yeah it's rough out there - I'm just happy if I get a game that lasts more than 5 mins and isn't a sweatfest.

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