Is there a perk you like but wish was better?

I've been enjoying For the People lately but I hate being broken for 90 seconds. I get insta healing is strong but I feel like the punishment is too severe.
What about y'all?
Surge. It's an awesome perk on the right Killers. But the M1 down restriction means that about half the Killers can't use it at all, so it's only usable on Killer specific builds. Also, Survivors that are really smart catch on to Surge and hop in lockers when they're about to go down to deny the Surge activation, which sort of sucks. Because locker grabs don't count as M1 downs.
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Yes here's a small list
no mither
monstersious shrine
Dead man's switch
trail of torment
Light weight
And shadow born
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I dunno about shadowborn but rest of those certainly could use a buff
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I'd be okay with getting rid of the cooldown or make it work with abilities like chainsaw attacks idk how I would feel if both of those restrictions were lifted
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I think DMS is fine but maybe a longer duration wouldn't hurt and lightweight should make your footsteps quieter
Outside of that and tenacity and shadowborn the others could be buffed yes
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Off the top of my head:
For survivor, Any Means Necessary needs to be able to see dropped pallets around you. How am I supposed to know if a pallet right next to me needs to be reset unless I deliberately get off a gen just to look for it? Even if it's a small radius, we should be able to see the auras.
For killer, Mindbreaker needs to have a longer exhaustion time for survivors after they hop off a gen because all they have to do is hear the terror radius and step off for a few seconds before the killer gets there. Not to mention, this perk actually favors Sprintburst players as it basically 99's it.
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like 90% of the perks in the game pretty much
But in particular I wish Distortion was better. It's a really cool effect for a perk, but only having 3 tokens is really limiting especially considering everyone and their dog runs BBQ so you'll end up losing all your tokens to it unless you run to a locker every time someone is about to get hooked. Also I feel like there should be a way to get more tokens somehow
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Doesn't Windows let you see dropped pallets? But that could help
Mindbreaker been wanting to use it my self but idk how long it could be 10 seconds maybe?
Distortion should have maybe 5 tokens and hiding near the killer for a certain time should give more tbh
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Pharmacy, it is my favorite perk solely for its ability to deal with RNG by giving a guaranteed healing item. I just wish it increased medkit efficiency or number of charges instead of that useless rummaging sound reduction.
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Windows does let you see dropped pallets, but using up another perk slot for something as little as that is something I cannot justify tbh
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I wish it always guaranteed a medkit of some rarity but first one is a guaranteed green and increase efficiency when healing others with a medkit.
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Fire up. Its my favorite perk and I wish they would buff its numbers or add successful and missed attack cooldown to make it worth being useless for half the match.
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Lucky break, it's supposed to get buffed in the near future but I just wish to know when and what buff. I hope that it will be on the level of Iron will so that it's finally good perk and not a meme one.
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Autodidact, just make skill cheks appear more frequently and this perk gonna be really good
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I'm always a fan of killing two birds with one stone, so I thought it would be cool to not only have Autodidact increase the frequency of skill checks, but to rework the Luck stat in a similar way by having it make skill checks more frequent. This would not only make Luck offerings more appealing to use, since more skill checks would be beneficial to survivors who can hit Great Skill Checks, it would also make Up the Ante a more useful perk as well.
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No Mither
Hope (its nice but I feel it has more potential)
Lucky Break
Up The Ante
Monstrous Shrine
Beast Of Prey (goes great with obsession perks, has more potential than it is showing)
Bloodhound (I want more reason to use it, as a colour blind person it's the only way I can track blood)
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Borrowed time. I know it's meta and it doesn't need a change I just wish if you're using the perk and you've made a safe unhook that it protected you one time off the hook. getting hit during animation lock of a unsafe hook you do not want is the most infuriating way to have a match come to a close.
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Soz I'm trying to get passed my addiction with spine chill, so I'm trying new things. Windows of opportunity is my new, second favorite perk, i still can't get passed spine chill (send help ;-;)
But I feel it's too bland tbh, it's just a somewhat informational perk, good players probably don't need this. So I'd like to have something more into it, like when you vault a window/drop a pallet in chase you get the killer's aura revealed for x seconds. That way you'll be able to plan ahead.
As for killer, I'm really into totem builds, but retribution doesn't really do anything important when not cleansed, it just punishes survivors for cleansing dull totems, but why cleanse dull totems in the first place? I want hexes to be strong alone, so they won't need to have it paired with something else. So I'd change it to, maybe, whenever the survivors cleanse a totem their aura is revealed and they get exhausted, or blindness+ exhaustion. But it's definitely not underpowered combined with haunted. One of my favorite combos
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I play with For the people like 90% of the time and I can say its a veryyyy powerful perk. But if the teammate you helped dont have Soul Guard its a completly useless perk.
For the people is clearly a swf perk, you cant use it solo. I have a friend, we both use those two perks and its amazing. But solo I prefer Buckle Up + We're gonna live forever.
But to respond to the thread I like Aftercare but I hope someday it would be buffed, because I cant find a way to use it right now.
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I looooove the increased FoV, but it's so hard to justify running a perk solely for that.
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Autodidact is a main stay for me but should guarantee at least one skill check per heal
Also second wind but that’s already being buffed
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Up the ante slippery meat is so fun to use
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I always thought Autodidact should have 'Slightly increases the chance to receive skill checks whilst healing' on it.
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Surge is my main regression with surveillance for tracking. It’s honestly pretty good but oppression is winning me over
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I like the idea of beast of prey, but it needs something more. Maybe something that decreases bloodlust degredation when losing LOS or makes bloodlust build up faster
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Auto Dic Dic
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I would love it if it didn't rely on survivors actually healing each other.
Why do survivors get so many healing perks anyway?
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Repressed Alliance can be great, but I'd like to be able to turn it off when I'm ready to jump back on the gen. I don't always need the full duration and it can go from being helpful to a hinderance very quickly.
In general, I'd like to see non-slowdown and non-instadown perks buffed to the point that you don't need slowdown to be viable against high level teams. There is nothing I can bring on Spirit that is equivalent in power to Corrupt/Ruin/Haunted and either Pop/Devour/NOED in the last slot. There is nothing that boosts chases enough or gives enough information to make up for how fast gens would go.
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I personally think for survivor Any Means Necessary needs either faster pallet pickup speed or less of a cooldown because that cooldown kills it even at tier 3. For killer Blood Warden should be able to be active when all gens are done, and when they open the doors they're blocked. That way it counteracts 99ing doors.
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You should be able to unhook yourself at either first or second hook. Either way... you earned your unhook.
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It's interesting in concept but it's too limited and too luck based. It only works on healing others, as well as non-item healing only.
It can be strong if you ever get the luck of having the full token count as it just destroys sloppy butcher or other effects that slow healing. But in the end just using medkits and Botany Knowledge gives you the same result for much less trouble immediately without gimping your healing ability.
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Self-Care. It is my crutch, but I only play solo and can't rely on my teammates. I wish it was base-kit so I could run botany instead.
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Honestly what an amazing idea that is
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Balanced Landing
Problem - The condition is limiting, too map dependant to run, and only fools the Killer once. The Perk forces your positioning to get any use out of it, but once used you can turn into a sitting duck dependent on the location (using it on a hill is good and all, but useless if there are no obstacles nearby to run to after). The Perk was significantly better pre-nerf (maybe a little OP), but it’s functionality was gutted when the nerf hit.
History - They nerfed the Perk in response to several loops being problematic; breakable walls weren’t a thing and no map had an update yet. The nerf did fix the some of the structure related loops, but it didn’t fix the remaining 90% of other problematic loops. Through time, a large portion of the problematic loops were fixed (breakable walls, updated maps, etc), but Balanced Landing wasn’t compensated for it’s prior nerf. It was forgotten.
Fix - I wish they restored a portion of the constantly active stagger reduction. This would help make the Perk viable on more maps and not too situational in use. The full stagger reduction doesn’t need to be restored, only a portion is needed to help make the Perk more viable.
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Unrelenting should give a greater cooldown reduction so I could constantly lunge while traversing the map as nurse instead of walking at 3.85 speed.