Cosmetic Glitch Petition

Simple as can be, a Petition I started to help the Devs realize we all love this too much to have it patched out.
Comment here or go sign on Change!
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No, it looks awful
Enjoy it while it last, but those cosmetics are linked for a reason and it will be patched
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I definitely appreciate the opinion! I Admit some do look awful, HOWEVER. Many cosmetics look amazing together from linked outfits
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"No, it looks awful"
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SEE That is NOT Awful at all.
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Post some more of your amazing creations here as well! Please!
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While I want this to happen, I highly doubt it will for the licensed cosmetics.
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I would love for this to be permanent, but it may cause issues with BHVR's licenses for the legendary skins. Namely Cheryl, Pyramid, and Legion cosmetics.
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I think that the issues with licenses wouldn't even be the real thing honestly. Most fun things just get patched regardless like crouch spaming while pointing, did nothing to hurt the game but was instantly patched. While I understand if some licenses would like those specifically to be patched, there are some that it just shouldn't matter on.
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here's the 2 im loving rn
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Very epic, Ive seen pyramid head with the glowing helm as well as the sword.
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For every combination that works there are 3 glitched ones.
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for unlocking certain pieces like survivor heads and killer weapons, but stuff like this looks awful in game, and should be fixed
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I've created some monstrosities but made some really cool outfits as well!
I'll post some here later, and if they aren't gonna unlink this is the least they can do!
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This is quite neat
And even if in this one the face clips its still pretty cool
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Just because you think it looks awful doesn't mean everyone else doesn't like it
I wouldn't be surprised if the devs themselves have done it before
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If they dont patch this glitch i am so buying that skin just to do this. That is amazing!
Hear that devs? You will make money by not patching this!
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You do know we are talking about BHVR here right?
I have seen how they handle their game....doubt they have the knowhow to patch this sorta thing even if they wanted to
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I just want Cheryl to be able to wear jeans and a sweater at the same time.
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it has allowed this abomination to be created
Credit @GHOSTfaceP3
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Nope, it's not that I personally don't like it, it's the fact that the majority of combinations created like this are objectively "broken" or glitched.
As I said in another comment, I'm all for unlocking certain pieces like survivor heads and killer weapons from sets, because yeah, if they work with the other cosmetics why not.
But allowing stuff like this (and this is not even the worst thing you can find out there) to stay in game would make DBD look even buggier than it is (a lot of users from the vocal part of the community love to blame the devs of being lazy for stuff like this) and create confusion among newer players who would genuinely think this a bug (rightfully so), and probably even open tickets to BHVR regarding the issue, making them consume time and resources to deal with those.
And I want to specify that it's not like I'm supporting the idea of having all set cosmetics, because I don't like the idea of some cosmetics being sets either (like, the sets of jane, the twins, PH and some cheryl sets could easily be mixed and matched iirc) but when you start having model issues you need to fix them, otherwise the game looks like half-baked #########.
Post edited by Lycidas on3 -
Most of the linked sets deserve to stay linked due to how they were made having either massive clipping issues or missing body parts. It would be great if they flagged certain non-problematic pieces from sets to be unlinked though, like weapons or most heads.
But it really sucks that Cheryl's Starting Over set is linked because the jeans look so good on her. I really wish BHVR could convince Konami to allow them to unlink the set.
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Okay fair enough I can agree that buggy body parts should be fixed but unlinking outfits and adding a touchup here and there would simply fix this issue entirely.
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That Legion is amazing, it makes me think of the shrunken head dude in Beetlejuice 😍
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Some of them should be unlocked. Like the survivors heads and killer weapons. But the cosmetics that create literal holes in the body look ridiculous and beyond unprofessional.
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The Minotaur fits so great with other skins, at least I had my screenshots so I won't lose it.
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And that's exactly the problem:
"Adding a touchup here and here" is a big understatement of what needs to be done for a lot of sets.
Sets are linked because this way the art team can go crazy about outfits without being restricted in any way
Take things like the Krampus skin for Trapper, for example:
Normally the body would comprehend the human head of the Trapper because that's where the regular masks go, but considering that the head of Krampus has completely different proportions from the regular one, it can't be achieved with a simple touchup here and there.
I know, not being able to mix and match sucks, but for certain cases is the best option.
And then you have stuff like Cheryl's outfit and PH's which would be completely fine mixed and matched but you know, Konami probably has a lot to do with those.
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I can agree the literal holes are a bit much, but they can and do provide some comedic relief after the years of crap us players with thousands of hours have dealt with. I find the absolute horrible aspect a great welcome personally but I know a lot of people do not. Still I believe that as long as it isn't breaking the game in ways of play it still shouldn't be changed at least for the first Q of 2021. I also feel this was bound to happen since pumping out cosmetics has been their main priority instead of focusing on the game itself. This game needs major refinement not more cosmetics.
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I like this glitch. I really wanted the head but think the rest of the outfit is just too much. Putting the sweater on it makes it better.
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It should definitely be patched due to the amount of clearly broken mixes, but they really should take notes from this and implement a legit way to mix the ones the look natural.
Do note that I am a PH main, so this is my favorite bug i've come across.
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Sorry for lack of replies due to 12 hour shifts at work >.> but i love all the groovy pieces everyone! Sign the petition or let the devs know here that you want most of these non broken pieces to stay being able to be combined!
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I really love this Kate head and want it to stay unlinked. It looks sooo good!
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Let’s the non broken pieces be unlinked!
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Can anyone show me Legion with one of the SH rabbit heads and literally any other torso/knife cosmetics PLEASE I will love you forever
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How exactly do you do this specific one with multiple sets? Cause i'm trying to get the Alessa outfit with the pants
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How do you keep only one piece of a set?
With this glitch im able to only change one piece of a set.
NVM! FOund the way
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I don't think you can combine the set pieces. I could be wrong though.
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I just want my poor Cheryl to be able to wear jeans and a sweater at the same time.
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You can't. The bug only works with one set's pieces at a time.
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Are you sure? I've seen Cheryl cosmetics sets overlapped since their was a Cybil outfit but with the Fresh start head piece
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cheryl cop outfit her head is so bad. Itt does not look like her at all and it costs 1400 something ... I don't understand why they patched a good bug ...