Trapper useless ?

Hello ! I wonder how to play with him against a team with a microphone?

He is limited in his traps (1 trap), he has to go to the other end of the map to pick them up, they are very visible, he has a radius of 32m, the most interesting addons are in yellow, purple, and pink...

Incoherence isn't it ?😗


  • Avarice10
    Avarice10 Member Posts: 482
    edited September 2020

    Use his add ons? His basic kit is weak in red ranks.

  • Jill10230
    Jill10230 Member Posts: 475

    You must use his addons for be.. not strong, but playable against this kind of team.🤗

    The first killer on DBD (i think) and he cant be balanced..

  • Golden_spider
    Golden_spider Member Posts: 587
    edited September 2020

    Just always run Trapper Sack/Trapper Bag/Stitched Bag and Logwood Dye/Tar Bottle, A Faint/Hazy/Murky Reagent, and Whispers.

    And then hope they didn't put Object Of Obsession on to invalidate all of that because they just get to know where you placed every single trap.

  • Avarice10
    Avarice10 Member Posts: 482
    edited September 2020

    Trapper is a noob stomper, but the basic tricks won't work in red ranks, so Trappers need to use the add ons, because the survivors, nevermind the SWF's, have seen those tricks before and generally know what to expect unless they play brain dead.

    The way he usually plays is he has a weak early game but can have a strong late game as he has snowball potential, depending how clever he uses his traps and where he places them.

    However, As Golden Spider said, if you're dealing with Object of Obsession in a SWF, you're going to have a bad time.

  • Jill10230
    Jill10230 Member Posts: 475

    Lol yes, i agree. But you have to buy his addons precisely, and most of them are "uncommon" or "rare", which means that if you don't have any more of them you become useless again.. hello BP 🤑

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited September 2020

    If they having mices, 1 survivor followes the killer anyways and tells everyone where the trap lays.

    If that is the case, you should stop using them and instead just m1 everybody. Trapper is one of the killer who suffers most under survivor teams with mics.

    If they have no mics, it is fun to play him, because of the traps^^.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,038

    Not really. The most important Add Ons are Bags, and there is a brown Bag. You can play Trapper with cheap Add Ons like the brown Bag and the brown Setting Speed and those change A LOT. Because Trapper is the prime example of Add On dependant.

    Personally, I almost always use Tar Bottles and a Bag, and it also works against SWFs. But surely not on a consistent basis.

    For Trapper, you should watch TheEntityLeftHand, amazing Trapper Main on Twitch (and enjoyable to watch).

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,545

    Unless they are actively chasing you or have Object, there's no way they can see you at all times.

    The standard advice would be to place traps in unexpected places. Or place some in very obvious places to give the survivor a false sense of security and have them run into a trap around a corner. Either way, Trapper is not entirely useless. Add-on dependent, sure, but useless? No.

  • Jill10230
    Jill10230 Member Posts: 475

    That's the biggest problem in this kind of game, the microphones! It's cheating, because it's always 1 vs 4 and that makes some power completely knocked out.🤣

    Yes but it costs 3000 pts, and they don't always appear, despite "common". Depending on addons is not my thing, I need BP for other killers.

    But thanks I'll look at it !🤗

    No it's true you right... for example at the hut it can become very dangerous for everyone, even for him. With three traps around the house or the entrance it becomes almost impossible to save someone, I have experienced this several times against red ranks. But playing normally it's not possible for me...

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    The rare times I play Trapper I use Third Seal, and trap the hell out of that totem just in case anybody runs OoO or has a map or Detective’s Hunch.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Just a general rule: If the survivors can coordinate, you are the survivors plaything. They can trump literally anything that you can do and you just play every match hoping that they don't. This goes for every killer regardless of add-ons, offerings or perks, because gens trump everything (which they kind of should).

    Trapper, however, might be the contender for weakest killer in the game, especially without add-ons. He has the absolute worst early game in the game, when he's fully set up the exit gates are open, his power is unreliable at best, and he has to constantly outhink survivors that can undo his work in seconds with zero thought (even accidentally - they can just step on a trap by accident, free themselves, and run away before you get there). So, basically, just try to have fun and see what you can get away with.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    It is crazy if you think about that:

    -A survivor runs in a bear trap.

    -Hard metal shoot in the ankles and leg of said survivor.

    -Then he can free himself, or by a other person and just walk away.

    Imagine that in reality! Hurts almost your brain if you think about that :).

    I bet in reality he would not been able to walk without medical help and a bear trap like that... Have fun opening it with your hands. Those things are build to hold bears! Ah... I should not think about it -_-.

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    Without his add-ons he's incredibly tough to win with. Personally, I let survivors work on gens at the start while I set up. I always try go for a 3 Gen so I try make sure they stay away from my area as I set up. Most times this gives them a false sense of security that they think they'll win easily until they suddenly begin to realise they just 3 Gened, and traps are in every possible entry to the gens. Combine this with the Bloodied Coil so when they attempt to disarm them, they're hurt and boom. Add on the Insta-Down add-on if they free themselves and they soon become paranoid of going near gens again. Doesn't always work but it's a lot of fun seeing survivors trying to figure out how to bypass traps like ninjas or face being injured/downed.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    No u

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    are they going to deal with Object Of Obsession it really broken in swf.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,883
    edited September 2020

    Trapper is definitely one of the weakest killers, IMO. He takes way too much set up. All that fetching, carrying, and setting of traps. And all the while hoping there isn't some survivor lurking somewhere watching where you're setting them.

    Its hard nowadays to come up with unique places to set traps where veteran survivors won't expect them and check.

  • I want to say the Wraith, but it's boring and counterintuitive kit with no real actual tools in his kit to give him real gameplay makes him only slightly more enjoyable than Trapper.

    Trapper is too easily countered and is extremely basic with great perks, but good perks don't make up for trash, easily countered gameplay.

    Huntress is fun, but gets boring to play real fast, especially since I tend to get crappy maps with lots of curves and walls when I play her.

    Hillbilly is the most boring thing and his rev time for his rush is the second most unejoyable thing period.

    Nurse is the most unfun thing to play in the game, I hate playing this killer.

    Legion, my only other playable killer is the most fun I have, BECAUSE I GET TO SPEED BOOST AND VAULT OVER STUFF, but that's also not as fun as it should be, because LOL STAB MECHANIC TOO ANNOYING, LET'S JUST NERF THE KIT. The kit COULD be smooth, but it's not, just for the sake of catering to survivor's frustrations.

  • Klakky
    Klakky Member Posts: 444

    Trapper is the best killer in my opinion but u have to be really good at placing traps, I never darken them but always bring extra traps cause default is def not enough!

    Unless they cheating they won't see u place all the traps as long as u don't place em in 1 spot. To me it's literally the only killer I could use to successfully take out gen rushing SWF before they escaped, once one of them is in the basement leave 1 door open, they can only win if u go too far and too late after unhook or one goes for rescue and 2 take out the traps, usually win and it's very satisfying, unless they decide to just leave which rarely happens

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    Pleasant to read you´re also enjoying the court. Praise!

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    Bloodied coil and honing stone is good but the 30 sec reset with honing stone is crazy good if you have good trap placement. Only bad thing for trappers is honing stone is very rare to get in bloodweb the red add-ons are easier to get than the purple honing stone.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Play basement Trapper with the right build and then just try to play dirty, tunnel, camp etc.

  • savevatznick
    savevatznick Member Posts: 651

    You need a trapper bag. You need to know where to set traps where out of chase survivors won't check.

    I played him at rank 1 last reset, and I found the most success with Save the Best for Last/ Pop Goes the Weasel / Corrupt Intervention / Deerstalker or I'm All Ears.

    For the second addon, I actually use setting tool addons, the yellow "Trap Setters" at minimum. The setting speed is probably the best feature an addon can offer trapper for a few reasons.

    Firstly, I think it is important at the start of the map to bring as many of your traps in play as possible. Setting speed saves a ton of time in the early game, and lets you set traps on your first chase as a "touring chase" as you pressure a survivor and scope out the strongest loops.

    Secondly, trap setting speed lets you MOVE and RESET your traps. Survivors have a hard time telling if you're setting or picking up traps when you have setting speed addons. I caught a ton of people by moving traps around after I snapped up a couple of people - not many groups are coordinated to keep track of them all.

    Thirdly, setting tools make it time-inefficient for survivors to disarm your traps. If it takes you one second to set a trap, and they spend five or however long disarming it only to take a free hit and have the trap reset, you are winning. If the survivors are truly clamoring to disarm all your traps, these addons will save you and keep them busy, giving you more time to destroy their resources on the map and make it actually dangerous for them to bully you.