Any solo matchmaking tips?

Im a huge fan of the game but unfortunately the passion is fading lol. Matchmaking has been absolute trash and Im tired of facing level 1s with 10+ teammates or players with no items or offerings. Maybe I simply need to find friends to party up with but it sucks that I havent been able to just sign on and play a good game in a while


  • lowiq
    lowiq Member Posts: 436

    It helps if you accept that your teammates are likely going to be bad. Try to focus on your gameplay and how you have fun. Having fun doesn't necessarily have to be winning and being able to differentiate fun and winning will help you enjoy the game more.

    Otherwise, I would recommend SWF. If you had a good game with a couple randoms just add them. Even without coms, having reliable players will make your games more fun.

  • 53nation
    53nation Member Posts: 681

    Run kindred, accept you're probably going to die, and hope for the best.

    You might be surprised how well it goes. You certainly won't be surprised by how bad it goes.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Solo que is where all the challenging fun is. If teammates are that bad, use builds to capitalize on them. I usually run a savior build as if I was in swf and make bank off of their failures or a stalker build so I can keep eyes on where the killers at and lead/assist the team in avoiding. Doing this has occasionally brought out the best in random teammates.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    My only tip is to play SWF instead.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    If you want good teammates, queue up as killer.

  • JPA
    JPA Member Posts: 1,685

    When you die, don't leave the match, spectate the survivors and you'll surely pick up a lot of techniques.

  • Catsngamesrlife
    Catsngamesrlife Member Posts: 6

    Thanks I think Ill try to have fun again instead of obsessing over getting to rank 1 le sigh lol

  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328

    Find friends to play DBD with. Solo Q is a nightmare.

  • alimeria
    alimeria Member Posts: 55

    play out any perk that make you strong how a rock

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,305
    1. If you're not a strong looper, run Spine Chill. Every time it lights up, stealth towards the direction you think the killer is coming from. Hide behind the environment while doing so they don't see you. 9 times out of 10, they don't expect you to sneak past them in the direction they're coming.
    2. If you're on PC and have cross-play enabled, know that most console survivors are selfish and will leave you to die during end game. So it is best for you to try to avoid the killer at all costs when the last gen pops. Don't waste your time looking for NOED or trying to save, let them die unless you choose to run borrowed time and you yourself are good at looping and making the killer miss.
    3. Plunderers is underrated. It doesn't always give you what you want, but it is a good way to get a key during a crappy match. Even if you don't get a key, regardless of what the forum says, the tool boxes that you get will help you finish the gen during a clutch moment. Green and Purple med-kits help a lot too.
    4. Don't run Kindred. It is useful if you have competent teammates but you will probably go bald from all the hair you pull out from aggravation of watching your teammates hide around the hook, not doing anything other then let the hook timer get shorter. I have had so many teammates see that the killer is camping and the gens progression just comes to a standstill and just make it easier for the camper.
    5. Iron Will is good if you're decent at losing the killer. I put it on par to Calm Spirit for average, casual players. Calm Spirit is really good verses Doctor, Iron Maiden and Infectious Fright (which is really strong on instant-down killers).
    6. If you want to practice and gain experience looping, I suggest you try to find the killer at the start of the match. By the end of the match you will find that your teammates used up all the pallets and everywhere you go is a dead zone.
    7. Always take a med-kit, especially if you don't run Self-Care. Lots of people look down on SC because it is so slow and can cost the game if used at the wrong time, but sometimes you just need to heal and you'll regret not running it, so Med-Kits are a must if you're not running Plunderers. Inner Strength is a good alternative to SC. The only drawback is you have to find a totem to make it work.
    8. Always try to do the gens that are bunched up close to the center. This prevents your team from 3-genning yourselves. Doing the central gens will force the killer to walk further in order to patrol the last few gens, giving you time to work on them. It really sucks if the last gen is right next to two others, especially against Doctor or other high mobility killers.
    9. If you are against Trapper, Bubba or Hag, stay away from the basement. If Trapper has the add on that causes disarming traps to hurt you, don't even attempt to rescue anyone in the basement unless they were a really good teammate. If Bubba is camping, just rush gens. If its Hag, you have a chance if you run Borrowed Time, otherwise, most people just cry.
    10. DS is really only good if you have competent teammates that will take hits for you. I wouldn't run it solo. You're better off running Dead Hard or another exhaustion perk like Sprint Burst or Lithe to help you get away from a camping/tunneling killer.

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,176
    edited January 2021

    Focus on yourself, be as risky as possible. Do not be a stealther claudette stereotype. Play boldly. A lot of times you will have really bad teammates, that all run around hooks and all 3 get downed and taken to the basement. In those, be ready for an either de-pip or the killer waiting for you near the basement if you do and try to save them. Always be doing something that will help you team, whether its gens, going to save teammates, etc. Reading situations fast is key, like knowing if your mate is being camped on hook or killer is on a chase, etc.

    I'm a rank1 but the matchmaking is busted and you'll have people from all rank levels, so be ready to do a lot of the work or for the match to go badly. It can get frustrating but in the end, you will improve.

    Also avoid crutch perks like DS/DH/Self Care/Urban Evasion, you don't need them and you will not only free up slots for actual good perks but you'll also notice you improve a lot faster.

    Lastly, avoid SWF. Most people who rely on it are very bad/not good when they're on their own (which is what this game was designed around). Its fun and a good time with friends, but don't play SWF majority of the time. It holds you back from improvement b/c you get used to having teammates you can comm with, that you trust, etc. And thats just not the case in solo que.

    Post edited by Volcz on
  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    I find survivor most fun when I am playing in a duo, which is way easier to put together than a full 4-man SWF. If I'm playing DBD alone, I'm usually playing killer.

  • kyogul
    kyogul Member Posts: 491

    I disagree with that. It's a lot easier to do that as killer because killers have powers so they have something to work with. No perk survivor is having absolutely nothing to work with and is putting you at a bigger disadvantage than you already are in Solo Queue.

    Also some perks aren't about extending your chase either, but assisting teammates. Like We'll Make It and Borrowed Time

  • skylerbound
    skylerbound Member Posts: 753

    With soloq. It can be hard mode for sure. Some helpful builds that help with me looping

    fixated/sprint burst/iron will/windows

    this can be fun to use and also let you know when your teammates take all the pallets. The downside to this is no one brings an obsession perks.

    thus my backup build is the meta

    iron will/dh/ds/ub

    I hate using this build but I’m back in red ranks and after a while it makes more sense to use.

    my fave build to use regularly is

    resilience/spine chill/quick and quiet and lithe

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    I don't focus on trying to escape anymore I just try my best and focus on doing as much as I can to pip so at least if I die I still pip and it feels like a win.

  • DawnMad
    DawnMad Member Posts: 1,030

    Here's the best tip I've found: Longer Queue Times = Worse Matchmaking. Play in times where you find matches quickly and you will be more likely to get better teams.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Use kindred

  • Catsngamesrlife
    Catsngamesrlife Member Posts: 6

    Wow you are all awesome af thanks a lot for the tips!

  • UncleStabby
    UncleStabby Member Posts: 837

    Here's a tip: Don't. Its not worth the pain.

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    I started to play killer and it helped. So when you see survivors doing dumb #########, it always works in your favor.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    I’m of the belief solos need at least one aura/info perk.

  • Adeloo
    Adeloo Member Posts: 1,448

    First tip : don't take the game too seriously

    You and only you decide what a win is. It's either escaping or making everything so one survivor escape or using a meme build and making it work. I found the game much easier and fun when the winning condition isn't escaping.

    but In case of win condition = escape

    Second Tip : equip an aura reading perk

    You are a solo survivor, it does kinda imply you need to rely on yourself. So even if a survivor is hooked doesn't mean you have to go and take the risk of being hook yourself, sometimes it's better to read the situation and admit you are better working on this gen than saving them in order for YOU to escape. Kindred is good to give you that kind of information but you can also equip Empathy to know where the survivor is getting chased or even Bond to know what your teamates are doing and if they are elading the killer near you.

    Third Tip : it's not always good to heal

    Depending on the killer or perks you are facing it's not always necessary to heal. You don't have to heal when exposed or the killer is a Legion. So as a backup in case the killer is coming and you are injured you can equip either Sprint Burst to get to safer area or Dead Hard to have a second chance during a chase.

    Fourth tip : even if you don't like it equip DS

    It's among the strongest perk in the game, and sometimes is your only chance after being farmed on hook by a survivor without Borrowed Time. Not only a chance for you but also the other survivors : as you equip it you'll likely e the obsession so the killer will know there is at least one DS user in the game and will not "tunnel", as he doesn't know if the survivor he just downed has the perk or not thanks to you.

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624

    There is no way to improve matchmaking. It's all random.

    If it is not good for you stop playing, and don't be one of those lobby dodgers.