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General Discussions

Why has noed, of all perks, gone unchanged?

Member Posts: 1,864
edited January 2021 in General Discussions

I'm a killer main, I don't use it, but do understand why people hate it. It's the most complained about perk in the entire game. Less frustrating and less used perks have been nerfed, but why not noed? This isn't a nerf/ rework noed thread, genuinely asking why?

Edit: I know noed went from a regular perk to a hex perk. I meant why it's stayed functionally the same, despite the daily "nerf noed" posts on Twitter, Forums, Reddit, ect.

Post edited by CornHub on

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  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited January 2021

    I personally think it's kept as a handicap to help newer players/bad players have a chance. Similar to DS, BT etc

    Just my guess.

    I would love to see kill rate stats for a weekend that has NOED turned off. I don't think people realize how much NOED single handedly alters the games kill stats. I think it's pretty massive.

  • Member Posts: 1,864

    Same, I'd honestly love to see hook statistics rather than kill statistics since alot of them could have been skewed with old moris.

  • Member Posts: 499

    Yeah, and base kit aura reading of the location of all gens and totems for all survivors too. Why not?

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited January 2021

    "I'd honestly love to see hook statistics rather than kill statistics"

    This x100

    I don't say it as much because of mori's, but looking at just kill rates is highly misleading.

    Just for one example. Most killers will camp whatever last survivor they hooked till death once the gates are powered. That isn't really a kill representing skill, but when you see it on kill stats it will look like it is. This is a pretty regularly occurrence too, not an out of the norm. This happens more than it doesn't.

    Hook rates per killer, per rank i can almost guarentee you would paint a significantly different picture from what kill rates is leading us to believe.

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    but NOED has gone through changes

  • Member Posts: 1,927

    I'm sorry but I don't understand how you'd equate a totem counter to being able to see all totems and gens on the map all the time for survivors? It would emphasis the fact that totems are a second objective and hopefully get more survivors doing them which means time away from gens while they look for them and cleanse them. Isn't that good for everyone?

  • Member Posts: 1,864

    It got a rework and is getting changed again. The last rework noed got was making it a hex perk.

  • Member Posts: 724

    Um, every reason why not. Why would they give survivors gen auras basekit?

  • Member Posts: 499

    I was being sarcastic. Even a totem counter is another benefit to survivors.

  • Member Posts: 1,927

    And a benefit to killers encouraging survivors to find totems and take time away from doing gens. Win win for both sides.

  • Member Posts: 9,419

    Should go back to it being a non-Hex permanent perk since the changes made to it seem to be pointless.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    It hasn't been changed because the developers, outwardly at least, see nothing wrong with it. It's deactivatable (ignore that it's detrimental to try), the killer has to play with only 3 perks til the trial is practically over (ignore that this idea of "earning" is entirely passive), and it supposedly doesn't have a particularly big effect on the trials that its in in terms of kills/escapes (ignore facecamp insurance, AFK-into-NOED, or the fact that most NOED kills are completely undeserved and force unprepared killers to go against better opponents and becomes a genuine crutch. Basically, ignore the gameplay issues.)

    In terms of raw balance, NOED is fine. As is Deathslinger. And Pyramid Head. And bad survivors absuing second chance perks. And playing safe while slamming gens. See a trend here?

  • Member Posts: 608

    Why has OoO of all perks gone on without change?

  • Member Posts: 2,773

    I mean, it technically has.

    It used to just be a permantant buff after all gens are done.

    Then, it had a timer, no matter what.

    Now, it's tied to a hex, and as a dev has explained to why it's not op, it can be completely nulled by doing the totems.

  • Member Posts: 3,893

    It hasn't changed because it's a bad perk that at most probably get you only one kill if you're up against a competent team of survivors.

    1. It's useless for about 95% of the game potentially 100-percent of the game if you handle everything before the gates are powered.

    2) it can be destroyed after it comes into play hell it can be deactivated before I'd even comes into play if you close all the dull totems.

    3) it's biggest counter besides doing bone is just leaving

    When it comes to Noed I honestly don't really care about it. I haven't used it almost at all since endgame pig stop being a thing.

    The reason it probably hasn't been changed because the spite the fact that people complain about it it's not really problematic. ( also a lot of the complaints come from people who don't want to do bones yet still want to complain about the Perk)

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    IT would change kill statistics in 2 ways, though.

    First, because the killer doesnt get that endgame down, and second, there is no need to cleanse dull totems. I am a solo survivor who does totems. I do gens, and on my way to the next i check the known spots on that tile. Then, if the 4th gen gets done, i activly start looking for the last ones.

    Without noed, there is no need for either. If other people do that as well, and then dont, gen times will get faster than now, leading to even less kills.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,503

    As others have pointed out, NOED has been changed multiple times.

    Right now, NOED is the only thing that gives dull totems any sort of reason to be cleansed beyond empty points. If the devs change NOED, it would either still need to require cleansing dull totems or they would need another perk to take its place before changing it. Undying could've filled that role, but now Undying is being changed and will no longer use dull totems, leaving NOED once again as the only reason to cleanse dulls.

  • Member Posts: 159

    wait how are ds and bt giving bad players a chance when those two help deal with camping/tunneling?

  • Member Posts: 314

    Ya when a killer kills me with Noed, I don't even feel a way about it. I just hope my team is opening the gate and prepared to leave me behind. :)

  • Member Posts: 1,378

    Because its an extremely balanced perk?

    If anything NoeD shoudld be seen as a slowdown perk because survivors (if they have a brain at all) will have to spend time finding (time very much reduced when running Small Game or Detective's Hunch) totems and then cleancing them.

    If they dont bother with that, that is fine but that is their risk to take.

  • Member Posts: 4,185

    We are talking about a team that needed a social media Fauxpas to get working on color blind mode which was asked for for several years.

    I don't know how they can mess up their publicity to get started on this counter.

  • Member Posts: 4,185
  • Member Posts: 48

    People like to say it's balanced because it can be countered by doing totems. All 5 of them, throughout the entire map. Here's the problem though, NOED is usually used around low ranks. How many low rank players are going to know totem spawns? They may find a few but there are often times that last one or two are an absolute pain to find. Unless you've got someone with detective's hunch (small game is ok but can still be tricky to find one or two sometimes), this isn't something that's going to happen very often. Plus that's 70 seconds of cleansing, almost another extra gen, but also factor in how much time will be spent just looking for them for a newer player. I don't think it's very realistic. It isn't used much at high ranks although there, sure, I could see it being more balanced.

    I think NOED should remain as a perk. But I'd like to see it less powerful based on HOW MANY dull totems were done instead of it being all or nothing. Starts out as giving the killer 5 exposed hits, one less for each totem cleansed, something like that. If survs cleanse 3 totems then having 2 insta-downs is still quite powerful and enough to secure a kill or two, but it isn't an indefinite buff that just makes people give up and leave or die if the totem is really well hidden.

  • Member Posts: 3,742

    I'd rather agree with the idea of a totem counter AND do something else:

    Namely making the non-teachable/character-own perks appear on the bloodweb first instead of having things totally random for survivors, while noed should only appear at around level 20. that way survivors could get used to running things like Small Game, while killers can get a sense for the maps as well so they don't need noed

  • Member Posts: 6,278


    You noobs.

    NoED HAS been changed.

    It never used to be a Hex.

    Once upon a time all a killer had to do was equip it, and it activates at end game regardless, and survivors couldn’t get rid of it.

    Honestly, if everyone just cleansed ONE dull totem they see, it only means ONE survivor has to cleanse a second one. That’s it.

  • Member Posts: 894

    You have ways to totally PREVENT NOED, but you CHOOSE not to drop 1 second chance perk for it. If you get caught by NOED, that's on you. The perk has been changed like 4 times.

    Do the bones

  • Member Posts: 153

    I generally don’t have a problem with Noed. I agree that currently if it is taken away there is no reason to do dull totems, and I kinda like doing totems.

    But if there were a change to Noed, I think taking away the speed buff would suffice. That’s pretty significant already imo.

  • Member Posts: 6,090

    Free 1k points is free 1k points. I always do dull totems so at least I can buy 2 brown offerings/addons on the bloodweb that I never plan to use anyway :)

  • Member Posts: 6,090

    See that works if you're in SWF. The amount of times I see a gen done with an uncleansed totem near it it's a lot. I could have cleansed 4 totems, and hope my team did the other one, but a lot of times they have not.

  • Member Posts: 3,452

    I'm not going to partake in the same debate on this same topic beating the usual dead horse. I will strictly answer your question and it's pretty simple and no, I'm not going to be sarcastic.

    He-who-shall-not-be-named uses NOED on all his killers and apparently getting a NOED proc is 'earned'. Kinda of a WeirdChamp definition of earning (sorta like saying you 'earned' a DS proc, even if you get straight-up tunneled. No, you simply put an insurance perk in the slot). Also, probably something about 'stats' and stuff like that.

    Really, that's it.

  • Member Posts: 710

    They said they wanted to add things to the new HUD in the future

    So maybe in the future,

    Even tho a totem counter...what would it be for a use if survivors still dont clean totems

  • Member Posts: 2,135

    This is why. NOED is the only reason dull totems are worth cleansing, if at all.

    Maybe if BHVR had come up with a secondary objective over all of these years of development, then maybe they could finally address NOED. But since they didn't... It's here to stay.

  • Member Posts: 6,278

    No. Making it less dangerous only encourages ignoring dull totems during the match.

    If anything it should be buffed so that it’s so absurdly strong survivors finally take the damn hint and actually do dulls they see during the match.

  • Member Posts: 2,135

    Exactly. NOED is healthy in that it forces an objective other than gens. Something which the community has been asking for for ages (secondary objectives).

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    Because they are activating in many, many scenarios that aren't tunneling or camping.

  • Member Posts: 5,612
    edited January 2021

    Detectives hunch+innerstrength i get to screw over noed and heal 5 times a match which is surprisingly common. Its funny how killers smack and realize noed never activated in the first place. Basically im sayin its one of the only perks that can never activate in the first place and theres items and perks to get rid of the totems as fast as possible.

  • Member Posts: 1,046

    Because The Lord Of Balance uses NOED almost every game. Also plays Freddy a good amount. I'm surprised Freddy is being nerfed to be honest given that, but NOED is definitely not getting changed because it probably statistically doesn't affect the kill rate too much or something. Old MoM probably didn't affect the survival rates too much either

  • Member Posts: 681


    Imagen to need Noed to get atleast one kill XD. And you also cry for a Buff for it.

    I mean I already know that you are not good in this game, but damm this is a whole new Level. Do you need a Hug?

  • Member Posts: 681

    The only thing I have to say about this comment is...get gud or what I would prefer.

    *Click* *Click* *Click* Look guys a Baby Killer!

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    Because being complained about and being bad aren't the same thing? The DEV want people to treat Totems as an objective as important as Generators. The mere existence of NOED helps that. Also, it isn't used that much outside the Potato Ranks so I doubt it shows up heavily in statistics overall.

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