
Matko Member Posts: 7
edited January 2021 in General Discussions

I just want to point out some toxic moments I've encountered so far. I've spent 60~ hours playing DBD and reached survival rank 4 and killer 10 and I know I have to learn a lot more about DBD. I noticed that at higher ranks people are way too toxic. I know there are some other communities that are worse but still DBD is quite toxic. I'm gonna be really short -

Playing as killer:

First of all I neither camp nor tunnel (even if I encounter SWF). Every game that I've won so far (talking about 3k/4k), starting at rank 11-12, players were calling me either noob for using certain perks or tunneler because I accidently run into certain player twice or maybe three times in a row. It's just a bad luck mate. Some of them even called me camper because I was chasing other survivor around hooked player. What do you want me to do? Run away and let you unhook and heal each other? I think not since the killer's goal is to kill all the survivors right? They should thank the player who got chased. If he'd run away I would go after him and would leave hooked player so others could rescue him. I could talk more but ok let it be.

Playing as survivor:

Killer is not the problem but teammates are. Recently I had a game where I played real good. Finished 3 gens, unhooked 3 players, escaped few chases, distract killer few times and cleansed hex totem. In the end we were 2 and the other teammate was in dying state and camped by the killer (probably left him there as a bait). I was injured without med-kit/self care and I could've just let him die there open the door and escape. But I didn't because I feel bad leaving a teammate like that behind. So I went there to face the killer and he started chasing me and in the end I nearly got to him to save him but unfortunately killer's weapon reached me right before I'd save that guy (sometimes sh*t happens right?). Of course we lost in the end. Anyhow after match that guy started calling me what a f***ing noob I am using urban evasion perk, not doing anything all the match, learn to play, I hope you die etc. Oh did I mention? He was rank 1. I'm telling you these high ranked players are way too toxic. Could tell you few more stories but ok let it be.

Usually all these tryhard salty toxic players leave a nice comment on steam. I really don't care about comments. I simply read them then smile and delete them :) In general this is how I deal with these players - IGNORE them and move on ;)

So dear fellow survivors and killers, just try to enjoy the game because nobody is perfect and it's just a game, nothing else. We are all human, therefore we all make mistakes ;)

Have a nice day o/

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