What's the big deal if killers/surviovors DC?

Okuu46 Member Posts: 93
edited October 2018 in General Discussions
I mean why is it such a big deal?

If a killer main goes into a match, up against a 4 man SWF with purple flashlights and toolboxes with gears; and they know he/she is gonna be gen rushed up the arse throughout the majority of the match; and mocked at the exit gates by the survivors towards the end; why should the killer stay around and feel weak, humiliated and powerless by it?
Or when you start a match as a survivor and you get down three times instantly when a match is only 2 mins in? Why should you stick around sometimes?

I dont know, i say If you DC; by all means go ahead, your still getting bloodpoints and stuff out of it; just not the person quitting; i just don't see the big issue with it honestly on both sides?
Post edited by Okuu46 on


  • chococri
    chococri Member Posts: 355
    I sense a disturbing spam of Git Gud posts... 
  • Okuu46
    Okuu46 Member Posts: 93
    edited October 2018
    chococri said:
    I sense a disturbing spam of Git Gud posts... 
    Yeah; i'm mentally prepared for it when i created this forum XD
  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    eighter way you ruin everyones game by leaving.
    as survivor, if one of my team mates DCs, i always get super annoyed and just want to end the round asap to start a new one. if the killer DCs, i give a ######### and play a new round.
    if one of the survivors quits when im killer, i usualy dont like it. that way they are just a bad loser who cant stand the fact that i outplayed him and he went down.

    DCs ruin everyones fun, since they usually completely screw over the survivors.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Well for one DC's screw over the rest of the team. However as a killer I only care if they did it before I got my BBQ stack off them..that's just rude. Funny how it's always the tbaggers that DC on their first down lel.

  • Okuu46
    Okuu46 Member Posts: 93
    edited October 2018
    Mister_xD said:

    eighter way you ruin everyones game by leaving.
    as survivor, if one of my team mates DCs, i always get super annoyed and just want to end the round asap to start a new one. if the killer DCs, i give a ######### and play a new round.
    if one of the survivors quits when im killer, i usualy dont like it. that way they are just a bad loser who cant stand the fact that i outplayed him and he went down.

    DCs ruin everyones fun, since they usually completely screw over the survivors.

    So the killer has to stay in the match, all while getting mocked at end game when he got gen rushed to high noon.
    Honestly i dont really DC as survivor, but when i play killer and i sometimes get stomped in the dirt by a 4 man SWF that are gen rushing; i really dont want to stick around and just feel humiliated by the survivors at the end of the match...
  • Okuu46
    Okuu46 Member Posts: 93
    Blueberry said:

    Well for one DC's screw over the rest of the team. However as a killer I only care if they did it before I got my BBQ stack off them..that's just rude. Funny how it's always the tbaggers that DC on their first down lel.

    I don't really play survivor much, just i wanted to make this from both sides XD
  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    When someone DC's, I always imagine the five-year-old kicking and screaming on the floor spinning in circles cuz they can get their way. The only time it really bugs me is when I'm playing killer, I put up good offerings and add-ons and then I get two or three DCs right away.
  • Chrona
    Chrona Member Posts: 245
    Okuu46 said:
    I mean why is it such a big deal?

    If a killer main goes into a match, up against a 4 man SWF with purple flashlights and toolboxes with gears; and they know he/she is gonna be gen rushed up the arse throughout the majority of the match; and mocked at the exit gates by the survivors towards the end; why should the killer stay around and feel weak, humiliated powerless and powerless by it?
    Or when you start a match as a survivor and you get down three times instantly when a match is only 2 mins in? Why should you stick around sometimes?

    I dont know, i say If you DC; by all means go ahead, your still getting bloodpoints and stuff out of it; just not the person quitting; i just don't see the big issue with it honestly on both sides?
    For one, offerings and the killers addons. In a swf, burn 3 or so bloody party streamers, and the killer dcs as soon as the map loads?  That's fair, surely.  And iif the killer burns good addons and offerings, and all the survivors dc, leaving them having burnt up the items, but not getting to use them?

    And as a survivor, having a duo disconnect within a minute of the match?  We're down two survivors, and still have their generators to do. 

    The point is that it ruins the experience for the others.  Everyone has bad games.  So what?  I've deliberately disconnected one time in my 400 hours, and that was on a match where the lobby ping was green and stable in the lobby, but once the game started, I couldn't walk for 2 seconds without rubberbanding.
  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    Everything you said is simply part of the game, if you allow certain circumstances to be ok you open the flood gates.

    If it's ok to dc with those mechanics in play is it ok to dc when it's a nurse, Billy, doc, Claudette, autohaven, bbq, sprint burst, haddonfield etc, you see where I am going with this.
  • Okuu46
    Okuu46 Member Posts: 93
    Everything you said is simply part of the game, if you allow certain circumstances to be ok you open the flood gates.

    If it's ok to dc with those mechanics in play is it ok to dc when it's a nurse, Billy, doc, Claudette, autohaven, bbq, sprint burst, haddonfield etc, you see where I am going with this.
    Yes but thats not what i'm saying; i was referring to the fact that, when you you play killer and a match has started with a 4 man SWF, all wielding toolboxes and your ruin gets destroyed less then 30 seconds when that  match starts.
    Would you still continue? Knowing no matter how hard you try; you'll just be gen rushed to high heaven; leaving you to be mocked and humiliated by the survivors when those exit gates open.
    I wont..
  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,871

    @Okuu46 said:
    I mean why is it such a big deal?

    If a killer main goes into a match, up against a 4 man SWF with purple flashlights and toolboxes with gears; and they know he/she is gonna be gen rushed up the arse throughout the majority of the match; and mocked at the exit gates by the survivors towards the end; why should the killer stay around and feel weak, humiliated powerless and powerless by it?
    Or when you start a match as a survivor and you get down three times instantly when a match is only 2 mins in? Why should you stick around sometimes?

    I dont know, i say If you DC; by all means go ahead, your still getting bloodpoints and stuff out of it; just not the person quitting; i just don't see the big issue with it honestly on both sides?

    Because you can completely screw the other side over. Sometimes when the killer DC's the survivors don't get the bloodpoints they should have earned or lose their items or lose pips. It's also just extremely rude. When you are playing someone a game of chess would you find it amusing if you were winning and your opponent just flips the board over? You waste everyone's time and all the survivors lose whatever offering they brought.

    If you are playing as a survivor and DC it is almost as bad. This game is designed to be a 4 v 1 game. It is very snowball heavy. If one survivor DC at the start then you are denying the killer a BBQ token and you have ruined the chances of the other survivors surviving. I just gave you a lot of reasons why DCing is a big deal. Players who regularly DC deserve to be banned. They ruin the experience for everyone.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,871

    @Okuu46 said:

    Yes but thats not what i'm saying; i was referring to the fact that, when you you play killer and a match has started with a 4 man SWF, all wielding toolboxes and your ruin gets destroyed less then 30 seconds when that  match starts.
    Would you still continue? Knowing no matter how hard you try; you'll just be gen rushed to high heaven; leaving you to be mocked and humiliated by the survivors when those exit gates open.
    I wont..

    YES!! You continue the game! That is exactly what you do! If you don't have thick enough skin to handle the possibility of losing a match gracefully then perhaps this isn't the game for you. Besides, you might just surprise yourself and do better than you expect. Maybe, just maybe, if you challenge yourself then you might improve your skills and handle future situations that are more difficult better.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited October 2018
    Okuu46 said:
    Everything you said is simply part of the game, if you allow certain circumstances to be ok you open the flood gates.

    If it's ok to dc with those mechanics in play is it ok to dc when it's a nurse, Billy, doc, Claudette, autohaven, bbq, sprint burst, haddonfield etc, you see where I am going with this.
    Yes but thats not what i'm saying; i was referring to the fact that, when you you play killer and a match has started with a 4 man SWF, all wielding toolboxes and your ruin gets destroyed less then 30 seconds when that  match starts.
    Would you still continue? Knowing no matter how hard you try; you'll just be gen rushed to high heaven; leaving you to be mocked and humiliated by the survivors when those exit gates open.
    I wont..

    No you said the above and also a killer camping or tunnelling etc.

    As I said all of those are all simply mechanics and part of the game, what I said is completely relevant to what you said, what's the difference between leaving if your getting gen rushed as you don't like it or leaving when you join a game with the nurse because you don't like playing v's her? Or anything else in the game? They are all exactly the same thing, its about dcing because it's not the game you want to play in.
  • Okuu46
    Okuu46 Member Posts: 93

    @Okuu46 said:

    Yes but thats not what i'm saying; i was referring to the fact that, when you you play killer and a match has started with a 4 man SWF, all wielding toolboxes and your ruin gets destroyed less then 30 seconds when that  match starts.
    Would you still continue? Knowing no matter how hard you try; you'll just be gen rushed to high heaven; leaving you to be mocked and humiliated by the survivors when those exit gates open.
    I wont..

    YES!! You continue the game! That is exactly what you do! If you don't have thick enough skin to handle the possibility of losing a match gracefully then perhaps this isn't the game for you. Besides, you might just surprise yourself and do better than you expect. Maybe, just maybe, if you challenge yourself then you might improve your skills and handle future situations that are more difficult better.

    Yes; although it is a 4v1 game, the killer should not feel powerless to play.
    Honestly most of the time in high ranks it feels like the survivors are even more threatening then the killer itself.

    Not only that, but the stress killers has to deal with in matches is unbelievable; theres so much stuff a killer must worry that its not even funny.
     killers have to find survivors, they have to chase survivors, they have to try and deal damage and hook surviors, all while getting pallet smacked, flashlight stunned, DS, and so on; not to mention patrolling gens, totems, exit gates, hatch, etc, etc.

    Survivors on the other dont have to deal with much; They only have two major things they have to deal with, gens and not being hooked, that's practically it and literally, they have 4 individuals, maybe three, doing all this at once

    Im just one person, and not even a powerful person at that; it dosent matter how many times i kick a gen, it will always get tapped, it dosent matter how far i chase and down a survivor, a gen will always gets popped; and it certainly dosent matter if try to protect my totem, a gen and a totem gets popped.

    You see the problem here? It dosent matter how hard you try; survivors will be two steps ahead of you every time; making it a losing streak most games.

    So in the end, should the killer just stand there if theirs only two or three gens left and not do anything until survivors leave? Knowing that the survivors practically already won?
  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    DC denies any further BP gain from that person, makes Offerings wasted, and for Survivors it lowers their survival chances.
    Plus the one that DCs loses Items, Add-ons & Offerings and gains nothing but a slightly quicker death.

    Plus, personally, i came to play the game with others. I can't get fun out of them if they go away.

  • PortalMistress
    PortalMistress Member Posts: 15
    I just lost two petal offerings the last two games because the killer decided to DC as soon as the match started. Not only is this a waste of offerings, but blood points spent, as well. 
  • Okuu46
    Okuu46 Member Posts: 93
    Okuu46 said:
    Everything you said is simply part of the game, if you allow certain circumstances to be ok you open the flood gates.

    If it's ok to dc with those mechanics in play is it ok to dc when it's a nurse, Billy, doc, Claudette, autohaven, bbq, sprint burst, haddonfield etc, you see where I am going with this.
    Yes but thats not what i'm saying; i was referring to the fact that, when you you play killer and a match has started with a 4 man SWF, all wielding toolboxes and your ruin gets destroyed less then 30 seconds when that  match starts.
    Would you still continue? Knowing no matter how hard you try; you'll just be gen rushed to high heaven; leaving you to be mocked and humiliated by the survivors when those exit gates open.
    I wont..

    No you said the above and also a killer camping or tunnelling etc.

    As I said all of those are all simply mechanics and part of the game, what I said is completely relevant to what you said, what's the difference between leaving if your getting gen rushed as you don't like it or leaving when you join a game with the nurse because you don't like playing v's her? Or anything else in the game? They are all exactly the same thing, its about dcing because it's not the game you want to play

    Why would i want to continue playing? When i know from the start of a match, that my odds where pinned against me? When a match is going to last for only 4 mins; because the people decided to blast through gens; before you could even say rush? Why would you want to stick around and be mocked?
  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775

    If a survivor DCs, everyone else has to pick up the slack. If they get slaughtered, their BP suffers. especially with offerings in play.

    For a Killer, it's much the same. Less BP because there's 1 less target.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    @Okuu46 said:
    Why would i want to continue playing? When i know from the start of a match, that my odds where pinned against me? When a match is going to last for only 4 mins; because the people decided to blast through gens; before you could even say rush? Why would you want to stick around and be mocked?

    Because its a game nothing else, you still gain blood points to lvl up and get more add-ons.

    I can still use the same argument, why should someone play against a Nurse or Billy that slugs? why should playing optimally and well mean that someone is allowed to leave the game? what you are doing is quitting and denying the other players points and finishing the whole game and all because you don't like something happening.

    Don't read the end game chat use the arrows to turn it off for the rest of the day, leave instantly after the game so what if someone TBag's remember the names and if you get them again well you can then do something about it if you wish.

    As I already said if you allow someone to DC simply because they don't like how the game is going to go where does that stop? any little reason would see people DCing and it would happen a lot more than it does now, survivors DC it make the game unbalanced and the others are at a disadvantage, Killer DC's it wastes their time getting the game for very little blood points and they may lose there items and offerings depending how they do it.

    Why are you actually playing this game if you really feel you should be entitled to dc simply because you think you wont win the game?

  • Kenshin
    Kenshin Member Posts: 912

    @Okuu46 said:
    chococri said:

    I sense a disturbing spam of Git Gud posts... 

    Yeah; i'm mentally prepared for it when i created this forum XD

    so you created this forum? interesting

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200
    edited October 2018

    @Okuu46 said:
    I mean why is it such a big deal?

    If a killer main goes into a match, up against a 4 man SWF with purple flashlights and toolboxes with gears; and they know he/she is gonna be gen rushed up the arse throughout the majority of the match; and mocked at the exit gates by the survivors towards the end; why should the killer stay around and feel weak, humiliated powerless and powerless by it?
    Or when you start a match as a survivor and you get down three times instantly when a match is only 2 mins in? Why should you stick around sometimes?

    I dont know, i say If you DC; by all means go ahead, your still getting bloodpoints and stuff out of it; just not the person quitting; i just don't see the big issue with it honestly on both sides?

    I hate it when survivors DC to deny me bloodpoints, also I hate when my fellow random mates simply ragequit and leave the team behind.....
    When the killer DCs I am usually fine because I keep my items and even get 5k BP for nothing. It only sucks when I used a good offering and the killer DCs instantly to derank....

    Nevertheless, DCing should be punished in any competitive game (even if you can hardly call DBD competitive)

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Other people have said everything about how unsportsmanlike and selfish it is, so I need not repeat them. What I will add, though, is you need to rework your thinking. Don't think of it as an opportunity for you to be humiliated - think of it as an opportunity for you to get better. If the survivors loop and teabag you, joke's on them, because all they're doing in the long run is teaching you how to counter toxicity. In fact you should feel sorry for them if anything, because they clearly live sad, empty lives to get such sadistic enjoyment out of tormenting a stranger online.

    Playing against people who are better than you is the quickest way to get better at the game. The last time I played killer against a bunch of survivors who just looped and stunned and DS'ed and juked me the whole game, I got really pissed off. Man, I hated those guys. What #########. But then I thought, you know what, they're actually helping me to be a better player, by forcing me to work out strategies to counter that kind of play. My skills are improving much faster doing this than they would be if all the survivors just ran in straight lines, threw down pallets 20 metres away from me and blew up generators right and left. So who's the real winner in the long term, me or them?

    I feel I need to clarify, this is not me condoning toxic behaviour on either side, and I'm not trying to come off high and mighty. Just using a personal example to prove the point that it's not about the other players, it's about how you choose to think about it. And DC'ing because you're not winning isn't doing anyone any favours, least of all you.

  • Radiant
    Radiant Member Posts: 187
    edited October 2018
    Nothing wrong with DCing: if a player DC willingly something is wrong about the game.

    Putting it on a "moral plan" it's useless and nobody would prevent him/herself from DCing, covered behind the anonimous account and the fact that saying the name of ppl who misbehaved actually ENFORCES a bad behaviour (poor community choice there).

    As depipping has proved useless, devs should give a great benefit in staying inside the match even if it is a very harsh one, instead of DCing.

    Usually rewards work much better than punishment and is something that is on the shoulders of the game designer more than the individuals.
  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    @Kenshin said:

    @Okuu46 said:
    chococri said:

    I sense a disturbing spam of Git Gud posts... 

    Yeah; i'm mentally prepared for it when i created this forum XD

    so you created this forum? interesting

    i was hoping someone would notice that

  • WatchBloodRain
    WatchBloodRain Member Posts: 175
    I only have issues with teammate possibly costing us the match and losing all my items I used 
  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    this is a troll post, right?

  • Greater_Cultist
    Greater_Cultist Member Posts: 81

    You ruin the game, you waste the offerings of both sides and you reduce the potential BP/pip gain of everyone.