That moment when survivors complain that you waited on hatch instead of closing it ASAP

They thought it was reportable.
Pointing out that the last survivor could have done gens and stayed away from me waiting for them on the hatch didn't make the comms group happy.
So, this leads me to a question: what survivors (myself included) out there continue doing gens just for kicks even as the last survivor?
It's kind of random for me. Sometimes I look for the hatch, sometimes I do gens, and sometimes I make noise notifications in the hopes the killer will just end it quickly so I can move on. Depends on the match and my mood, really.
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I don't know. I just had a nea complain to me about giving her hatch, because apparently my playstyle sucked, and I was a boring killer. Survivors complain about everything. At this rate nothing surprises me in this game anymore.
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So you deliberately dragged out the trial and wonder why someone got annoyed? Really?
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How about you just close it instead of dragging out the match for no reason.
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Why didn't the survivor use it to escape?
Sounds like this survivor was camping a gate and was pissed you didn't close the hatch for them.
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uhh, no. I didn't know where the last Claudette was, so I waited on hatch (as Wraith) until I saw her, because I knew the exit gates were far apart. I closed it as soon as she fast vaulted the window in front of the hatch.
same to you as above.
Assumptions are being made about me extending the match for "no reason".
Edit: took out unnecessary info
Post edited by Kind_Lemon on7 -
I take having fun as wraith where I can get it
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I do it for points, not "for kicks". Also while what you did is obviously not reportable, it's a toxic move. You just didn't want to play the gates' guessing/patrolling game. Just stalling the game. It's the same as survivors waiting at the open gates just to t-bag you. Using your twisted logic they could say it's time for you to go around breaking pallets. Don't try to rationalize your toxicity. I'm a killer main btw (which doesn't mean I'll agree with questionable stuff like this looking for validation).
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blink twisted logic? I, as a killer, at the risk of letting a survivor freely complete generators, use my ability to lure survivors into making unsafe actions so that I can complete my objective, and you consider that...toxic? There was one gen left (on old Azarov's), and I was on the other side of the map from all thee, giving the last survivor plenty of time to potentially finish a gen and escape before I could find her. Even so, I don't think we can agree on the good sportsmanship of this course of action, since (from your wording) it seems like you're the kind of survivor to work on a gen next to the hatch even while you could freely escape*. I would consider what you mentioned doing to be toxic behavior :/ With my question at the end of the post, I was referring to not searching for the hatch and instead just completing generators until the exit gates were powered unless you happened upon the hatch while doing so.
*(note that that is not the same as staying in open exit gates, because that usually gets me extra kills at the end of games).
Yes, you are correct that I didn't want to be put through the unnecessary stress of exit gate guessing due to the EGC (a mechanic which I think is idiotic considering that it forces otherwise overly altruistic survivors to just dip instead of attempting an unhook), and I had no reason to give the survivor more of a chance at escaping than I already was giving them by leaving all of the gens unattended.
Regardless, this post was simply meant to perhaps give someone something funny to come upon when reading the forums and was certainly far from anything relating to pointless "validation"--that's because there is nothing uncertain to "validat[e]". If you don't think you're the intended audience of this post, then that's okay.
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I had a cloaked wraith yesterday wait for me at the hatch just to slam it on me when I arrived. The joke was on him though because I snatched a key from some guy he hooked earlier and reopened it the same second he closed it. Honestly if he just played straight he would have killed me because I was wounded without a way to heal, but he tried to be cute. It’s the same mistake that often happens with survivors and blood warden.
(But honestly I was a little disappointed that I didn’t get any messages complaining about the key.)
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I've sat on hatch as survivor and regret it, I've sat on hatch as killer and regret it also. alt+f4, think "why did I do that it was already over and now I lost my points and sh*t?". Wait out the 5 minutes come back and try to not do it again next time...
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Sometimes, somebody is waiting at a gate if they feel more confident about getting out safely that way and believe they have enough time on the gate they're on to open it and get out. I've done that quite a lot by now. They always look for the hatch, are faster, if the gates are far apart and on the map I think I have a better chance of going for the gate and hiding near it I do that instead. Not too often, but over time I've done it a lot.
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Would've been hilarious if they had a key.
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They would have been dead, tunneled into a dc, or out of the hatch already before it came to that. Unless they found one in a chest.
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I mean, giving the Survivor a 50/50 chance to escape after they didn't do teamwork well or the Killer was exceptional in catching everyone else (or the Survivors were bad in 1-on-1s with the Killer, or any of a dozen other plausible scenarios) dependent on GUESSING which gate the Survivor goes to strikes me as overly generous to the Survivors anyway. If the Killer closes hatch, I say start the EGC, take away powering the exit gates, lock out all generators except for one at 0%, and take away the visibility for Killer AND Survivor. If the Survivor finds and repairs it first, pop the Gates open. If they don't, the Killer gets their due. But that would be a 1-ON-1 game of skill at that point.
Edit: and honestly I'd be down for setting the gen at 50%, or leaving all gens available provided they fix 1. And they could always eschew that and try to find a key instead. The bones of this solution are about making the "final girl" moment a time of tension and skill, NOT a chance and a shrug.
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Hell yea. If i got a thought that the killer was looped by the hatch, im waitin at a gate
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yup, if they see me around the hatch or I saw them in the hatch area I assume they saw it and I know it's a bust and wait by a gate. the smarter killers have checked around the gates too, a few even extensively which is why when I know the hatch is far enough away I keep a little distance and just plan the sprint to the gate since I know they'll be going straight to the farthest gate once they tire of looking for me. Spinechill is often the last bump needed to get them open in some situations lol. I didn't use it much the last times I played, and made it out of situations like that by the skin of my teeth and will probably use spinechill again the next bp event because of the behavior of teammates often making it a hatch match.
I was seeing 2 or 3 hooks between a minute to two minutes in as if they were dancing around the killer farming hook points off each other (not always literal farms,w hen I noticed actual farming I'd join in obviously). lmao. best thing to do is just farm those points too if I'll only be playing during bp boosts, but, when everybody else is doing it sometimes I got the best and safest points from getting all the bones and a protection hit or safe unhook or two and then trying to get the hatch or out the gate that way. With a gen or two of course. The game is a mess right now. At least the last times I played it, which were very few outside of bp events, so probably don't have a good set of examples to draw on I guess. Most of my escapes the last time I played during this recent event I think were through the hatch, or waiting at a gate as the last survivor.
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Me and you are the same, buddy.
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Pretty much this. It's amazing how much survivors can complain. Kinda wish they were forced to play killer every time they complain. Might improve the attitude.
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You could just close it instead of wasting their time. Ever thought of that?
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how about the last survivor presents themselves instead of dragging out their doom?
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Yeah, im a killer main too, and this is not toxic. You're not holding the game hostage, as the survivor could go do a gen or make loud noises to attract the killer away.
What's toxic is demanding that the killer do something that would be beneficial for you as a survivor. Like, when survivors complain that you left them slugged for 60 seconds to dodge a DS when somewhat close to an open exit. "So, I was supposed to knowingly eat the DS so you could escape?" "So i was supposed to close the hatch when exit gates are miles apart, I'm not a movement killer, I don't know where you are, you're good at stealth, and giving you a guaranteed escape, essentially?"
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I vault spam if the killer closes hatch.
Unless I have Wake up, and the gates are opposite ends of the match, why bother at that point.
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How is the last survivor suppose to know where the killer is?
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by attempting to find hatch, survivor will eventually find the hatch, i see nothing wrong with a killer who found that hatch choosing to wait there.
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I agree
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It would have also been funny if she had a key, yes. Unfortunately, she only had a medkit and d/cd as soon as I closed it, which was made me smile regardless.