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General Discussions

I wish people wouldn't be on voice chat while playing

Member Posts: 6,278
edited January 2021 in General Discussions

Play with your friends. I don’t care about that.

But maybe play the game as intended once in a while instead of with information bloat.

Post edited by Rizzo on

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  • Member Posts: 1,221
    edited January 2021

    Haha, I can relate when I'm killer. Hate playing "trap" killers such as Hag & Trapper because all of them eventually get called out before they ever got a chance to be useful.

    I actually rather find solo more fun than being in a SWF because I'm not told whenever the killer is coming my way & I feel more accomplished when escaping.

  • Member Posts: 1,054
    edited January 2021

    I love playing killer, and going against an obvious swf you go to a gen after you hook someone and see them on bbq and they are long gone by the time you get there it's pretty great feeling.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Member Posts: 4,699

    I feel its impossible. Like seriously is there any way to balance swf without it seeming punishing to them?

  • Member Posts: 2,193

    This game is not balanced around voice chat. Swf wasn't even a thing on release. So this game was not intended to play with friends. They just slapped it on whithout any balancing and left it as it is for 4 years. Doesn't mean it's fine

  • Member Posts: 1,319
    edited January 2021

    I solo usually, but try to be mindful when I know where the killers are at and when I see them doing traps I undo the trapper's and if I have a fleshlight the hag's too. They wind up camping me for it if they happen to get me afterwards and it's around the area, at least after the second time I do it to them. If there is los and I finish the trap in it they get real mad sometimes, and I kind of feed off of it now. I consider it a win if I get them mad enough to throw the game. It gets tedious enough that you have to make your own games within the game. When I'm camped on my own terms and it was my goal, I'll still struggle. Otherwise as a power play I'm out and into a new queue lol.

    Since it's gonna be a game where everybody is in control of others' experiences often more than over their own... I'm gonna be in control or I'll find a match where I can be. Which is why no matter how quick the queue gets I don't like killer any longer. I feel like some pasty nerds are sitting behind a desk thinking, "this is gonna be your lessened experience every other patch, and you're gonna learn to get used to it" and I'm like, "nope. survivor is the best killer frak you". Survivor even kills other survivors better sometimes.

  • Member Posts: 2,193
    edited January 2021

    With new mmr system there should be at least some sort of swf bonus mmr for your group. If your average mmr is 1000 it should count as 1500 for 4man 1300 for 3 man and 1150 for two people so swf will play against more skilled killers at least. Ideally sweaty swf should always face spirits and nurses

  • Member Posts: 563

    Comms in any team game is a boost. They need to balance and implement/update the game as such.

  • Member Posts: 1,319
    edited January 2021

    with surveillance and ruin/undying lmao...that was awesome when I tried it on spirit on ormond and the nurses should be louisville sluggers. they can have fun chatting about their smudged up screen and 2 nanaometer an hour crawl speed with their friends while bleeding it out. the killer needs to have fun with their friends too, their friends being leftie and rightie

  • Member Posts: 6,278

    There is such a thing as playing as intended, otherwise design would be pointless and we’d be staring at blank screens.

    By all means, find a way to turn a match into a chess game by moving pallets around the map. Burning barrels can be kings and queens.

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    I have no problem with survivor teams communicating. It makes it interesting and it feels good to beat teams like that. Most matches where I’m going against solos, it’s usually easy dubs no matter which killer I play.

  • Member Posts: 2,193
  • Member Posts: 5,449

    There will be perfect balance in a game like this and I am no genius when it comes to balance, but I have some ideas from where the devs can start.

    1. Delete OoO. There is no need to give SWF more information than they already get from comms. The Devs need to stop being afraid to change things and this is one of the things that need to be removed and replaced with a totally new perk.
    2. With all the information SWFs get, the Devs should even the playing grounds and make Whispers base-kit so killers can use a better perk in its place.
    3. Make D.S. a true anti-tunneling perk. Have it deactivate if the survivor works on a gen, heals someone or gets fully healed, rescues someone, sabos a hook, or cleanses a totem.
    4. Implement Pyramid Head's cages into the core of the game. Survivors hooked while 3 or more gens are up should be teleported away from the killer just like cages do. So as not to make things overly difficult and to allow strategic camping, this should deactivate when the match is down to two gens since hooking someone in a three gen is one of the best moves a killer can make.
    5. Make Self Care base kit. This is more for solo than anything else. It will help because it'll allow potatoes like me to not have rely on other potatoes to heal and give us the chance to bring in a better perk. It shouldn't hurt the killer because people healing means less gens being worked on.
    6. Introduce a cool down on how many times a killer can be stunned by head-on. Something like survivors can only use head-on twice within 60 seconds. Same should be done with flashlights and killers shouldn't be able to get blinded while getting someone out of a locker.
  • Member Posts: 2,193

    Nobody shitted on you yet. Im just saying killer's life is not so easy if you're not spirit or nurse main.

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    I also play a lot of Pig, Blight, and Billy. I just play Spirit the most. I’m not saying every game I play is easy wins, I’m saying solo queues are easy to beat most of the time because the solo queue experience sucks for the survivors.

  • Member Posts: 632

    Fellas, is it cowardice to talk to your friends in DBD?

  • Member Posts: 2,193

    Solo queue is definitely easier than swf but i can't say swf is fun to play against. Decent swf usually beats your ass

  • Member Posts: 2,193

    It's like you calling school bully for a 1v1 fight after class but bring all your homies to beat ######### out of him

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    The only time vc becomes a problem is if it's a group of ultra tryhards that basically just exploit it, and I don't think they're the majority.

  • Member Posts: 1,911

    Oh no the devs slapped my teams with a 5% progression healing and gen progression handicap. Now I hate playing with my friends! Lets be real even if you made swf more difficult it would still be played and probably better then solo queue. Yes you punish swf with a handicap it doesn't have to be huge just something small and if it still doesn't work and more stronger handicaps need to be implemented. we can call it Overh--- sorry overcast unity.

  • Member Posts: 1,583

    Voice is not cowardly.

    Keys are.

  • Member Posts: 2,327

    Honestly agree. I don't mind people who play with comms, but when it's a 4-man sweat squad. What is a killer supposed to do? I sometimes play with my friend and we do have a party chat (Via PS4) but we more or less just mock each other for going down. We never actually say where the killer is, or if he's coming for one of us, mainly because we're usually trying to get each other killed. But my point is it's far more fun when you don't expect things coming. I love the shock factor of seeing the killer suddenly appearing and chasing me. Being in comms and being told where the killer is like a GPS tracker is not fun or entertaining in the slightest for me.

  • Member Posts: 1,685

    You're claiming that almost no SWF group will be making call outs to inform their teammates where the Killer is? Well that is a 100% false assertion.

  • Member Posts: 649
    edited January 2021

    You probably would've lost the match even if they weren't communicating to each other.

    He probably would if they weren’t giving out Killer’s location to each other.

  • Member Posts: 69

    I play 100% solo queue, I can say that the game is super swf sided, but solo queue is terrible more often than not, nerfing perks to balance swf is going to destroy the solo queue base, and all that will be left will be swf, unless they do it correctly, which so far they've shown they can't. Take in case undying, not that strong of a perk against swf, but in solo queue where you can never tell what the other survivors are doing, it was a horrible perk to go against, so I'm glad for the nerfed. I think maybe making it so if you are in a swf you can't use the same perks as another player in your group could be a good solution, but then again I feel they'd complain about it. I also had a change for DS if you touch a gen, get fully healed, or get inside a locker the perk should deactivate, because doing any of those things means the killer is not tunneling you, the locker part is there because lockers were made to hide from the killer not to jump into them to avoid their hit, which in turn covers the head on/ds crap. But obviously I'm going to get a lot of hate from other survivors for even thinking of touching their crutch perk.

  • Member Posts: 69

    Honestly as a solo q player, I think they should introduce proximity chat, but killers would complain about it.

  • Member Posts: 69

    I'm a solo q player and I just assume all killers have bbq, so I'll be long gone before young get there, I just count to 5 and then start moving

  • Member Posts: 827

    Swf is the only thing that really interests me anymore, I'm not a sweaty player but im a good player on both sides, swf is fun because its social, i even enjoy solo queue for a few games, but killer there is little reward except more bps. You can either play a powerful killer or meta perks and ######### everyone, which isn't fun, or play a ######### killer and you either have a nice fun close game one way or the other or you run in to a death squad that wants to attempt to taunt and bully. Ive got enough hours that you can't bully me, people gonna die, but the toxicity gets old.

  • Member Posts: 3,255

    You can't stop me from talking to my group.

  • Member Posts: 159

    someone hates swf yikes

  • Member Posts: 405

    Playing with friends involves talking to them, so you know it's not gonna happen. Besides, not all swf are of 4 people and you probably run against swf of at least 2 all the time.

    You probably also defeated many 4 man swf, but just don't realise and are focusing on a loss you had... I don't know.

    But anyway, friends are gonna be friends and there's nothing you can do.

  • Member Posts: 6,340

    My dear friendly neighborhood clown! What the efff happened last match to you to make such an outburst in a post like this? From what I have read of your threads your are passonate but mostly reasonable.

    Who must I go smite kind clown, and they will be smoten...

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    SWF-We just like to shoot the #########

    Also SWF - Killer is on me chasing me, do XYZ

  • Posts: 5,229
    edited January 2021

    Oh knock it off I can talk to my friends if I want. You don't get to decide that.

    Listen, I tell people all the rules survivors try and press on killers should be ignored; and it works the other way around too.

    Besides, the game has been steadily balanced around the concept of SWF and providing solo players with more information, statistically it's been working well. The only real problem is like....a SWF with OoO and that's about it. Nothing else makes enough of an impact to matter.

    Calling people names for playing with their friends on discord is just ridiculous.

  • Member Posts: 608

    The game isn't balanced around voice chat. Most multiplayer games are in a situation where the game was already centered around it.

    The equivalent would be playing Among Us and using voice chat outside of discussion/voting stages.

  • Member Posts: 253

    Wouldn’t be surprised if the game was intended to have voice chat, and it was too tricky to implement when they first designed it.

  • Member Posts: 314

    How about... no :) you can not ask in 2021 for players to not add their friends and coordinate. Sorry. And this game is not "intended" to be without comms as it is not bannable.

    You know what's more problematic? Perks like OoO, spine chill, chase music, and all the other indicators that hand hold players to avoid a killer before approach

  • Member Posts: 277

    You should join the Official DBD discord, join the voice chats where people are playing SWF together, and tell them this over voice. ;)

  • Member Posts: 395

    How about get better at the game rather than spouting this cringe complaining people are playing with their friends, playing not on comms is boring as #########, interaction with friends for myself and many people is the most fun part about games.

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