Let's try to come up with an idea for a Wraith rework

Yords Member Posts: 5,781
edited January 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Yes, I do know that he was finally given the buff we all have been waiting for. However, he still has no power in the average chase and could still use a purple windstorm base kit. I think the Clown got a good buff, but he still seems pretty weak. Same for Wraith. I wanted to write this post because I find myself enjoying Wraith these days.

Having windstorm be base kit for the Wraith (purple; gives a 25% increase in speed while cloaked) is phenomenal and has a huge impact on the match. This would

What he has right now in his base kit (including the true invisibility from the PTB) is an increase in movement speed when cloaked by 11% (from 115% to 126%). It takes 3 seconds to uncloak and 1 second to cloak. For one second when fully uncloaking, the Wraith gains a small burst of speed for one second. When the Wraith is 24 meters close to a survivor, that survivor will start to see the Wraith the closer he gets. Beyond that range, survivors are unable to see the Wraith.

What I mean by rework is adding something to his power that will give him leverage over survivors. The thing is that this is really hard to do, but I do believe it is possible to give Wraith a change that will not put him at A tier, but mid to high tier.

The idea I have is mainly focused on giving the Wraith another ability besides cloaking.

The one and only concept I can think of that would make sense is to allow the Wraith to use his bell to place some sort of effect on survivors that would help him in a chase. This is literally my only idea that makes sense with him, so if you have another idea please go ahead and write it down in the comments.

This passive effect or effect could take place and start to build up over the trial as the Wraith hits his bell.

So the question is for my idea, what effect could this be?

Post edited by Yords on


  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    I have an idea for a rework for him.

    I think he should have the ability to send clones to look for survivors when cloaked. This would keep survivors guessing if its the real killer or not.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    I think that wouldn't really fit the Wraith as a killer, this sounds great for Doctor though.

  • Airless
    Airless Member Posts: 156

    I don't think he needs a complete rework. All he really needs is a buff to his cloaked movement speed

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    He could have billy movement speed and have great map traversal yes, but I am talking about giving him chase potential. Right now, all he does is swing at you like a madman, he is an m1 killer if you will. So, I believe that he really does need a rework.

  • kaijudane
    kaijudane Member Posts: 139

    Rework? He's already getting an unnecessary buff in this next patch. He also has insane add ons that give him total silence and aura reading ability outside of perks the player may or may not use.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    His add-ons that make his bell silent and see auras are strong but manageable. Just because he has good addons does not make him a great killer. How was the buff unnecessary? The fact that survivors can see him across the map right now defeats the purpose of hiding while being cloaked.

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089
    edited January 2021


    The wraith no longer has to swap between invisibility and attack and his terror radius is reduced to 20m

    If the wraith is out of 24 m he is invisible and fades inside he gets closer (imagine freddy but less often appearing) his base speed is increased by 10 when not in a chase there is a power gauge that fills up in 30s upon it hitting full he can ring the bell giving every surivor in 52m oblvisous for 20s and their aura is revealed for 3s

    a pulsating effect on their screen for the duration of oblvisous or like a disorienting effects in r6


    (Edit this gives the feeling of a quick and quiet killer that when you hear the bell you can be ffd how I imagined wraith would be)

    (Edit 2 wraith is not affected by ooo and he can't see the survivor aura either)

  • kaijudane
    kaijudane Member Posts: 139

    His buff is unnecessary because it should be a risk/reward situation. You can still hear Michael breathing and Ghostface's cape? flapping around. I don't see why Wraith needs to be completely invisible. Unless the devs just think the current crop of killer players are that incompetent.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Being able to be seen from across the map while cloaked was kind of redundant and defeats the purpose of being "cloaked". The bell that the Wraith uses, the snarling sound he makes, and stomping feet is his warning for when he is close. The current crop of killer players isn't incompetent, for the most part either.

    Also, why should it be a risk/reward situation for doing a good job of sneaking up on survivors without being heard?

  • kaijudane
    kaijudane Member Posts: 139

    "Also, why should it be a risk/reward situation for doing a good job of sneaking up on survivors without being heard?"

    You answered your own question here.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    My mistake, but you still get the idea, the Wraith can't fully sneak up on average to good survivors that easily in his early game especially on more open maps such as the Macmillian estate or Autohaven maps. This buff is very necessary and definitely a good change.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,344

    Imagine an add-on that torches up his bell, blinding nearby survs when he decloaks. Payback from years of Flashlight damage.

    Or an add-on that charges his bell, allowing him to OverPop a gen with, well OverPop goodness. Say 35% regression and the skill check.

    Or my Piggy's traps gain a harsh penalty to repair speed, healing, whatever. Or Trapper's hurt movement speed for like 20 sec.

    Things like this, stronger effects tailored for each killer, are I think decent ways to help weaker killers.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Maybe, but I think we have to get more creative with the effects. I am trying to think of a completely new status effect for the Wraith specifically.

  • zoozoom6
    zoozoom6 Member Posts: 825

    aside from making lots of addons base kit: ghost, bone clapper and of course windstorm (why is spirit's phase faster than wraith's cloak? and wraith can be light burned while uncloaking meanwhile spirit has no uncloak/phase movement penalty?)

    an addon that give true invisibility at close range?

    i like the idea adding some kind of pressure to his base kit but i think stuff like this is already in his addons particularly the bone clapper, ghost , hex ruin combo works like that. ie. everyone in the match gets off the gen every time they hear to cloak for fear of getting grabbed/hit which in turn regresses the gens until they see someone's icon change to injured or dying.

    he has all the tools in his addons but is base kit is just piss poor likely the worst in the game or as bad as trappers. with half of wraith's addons being god-like(all seeing's, clappers, windstorms, the ghost) and half being unusable or unnoticeable(the beast, the serpent, shadow dances, blinks, swift hunts)

    he need stuff added to his basekit to make in more than just worse spirit and half of his addons need to be reworked to not be awful

  • Exerath1992
    Exerath1992 Member Posts: 1,035

    I just think buffing the post-uncloak speed boost duration would be enough

  • Freddy96
    Freddy96 Member Posts: 767

    He should be able to traverse walls but with a downside like getting slowed every time he does so. Also for obvious reasons he shouldn't be able to uncloack near walls.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    You could never really get away from him if this was the case, or at least newer players would have a really hard time against him.

  • Freddy96
    Freddy96 Member Posts: 767

    Why? He would get slowed down and he has to uncloack before hitting you.

    Even at shack he wouldn't be able to do anything because survivors can vault infinitely if he's cloacked, the only thing he could do would be blocking the pallet but than again survivors could just vault. He could block the window but he would still be slowed because he traversed a wall.

    They could find a way to make him more ghost like without giving us a spirit 2.0 for easy wins.

    All its fine untill he has to uncloack.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    I see what you mean, but I don't think that he should only be able to really pressure survivors only through the use of addons. With addons, he becomes so much better, but even then he could use something.

    As I said, I think that he should place a brand new status effect on survivors with his bell since it makes sense with his power. The only question is what effect?

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781
    edited January 2021

    True, but that would require a LOT from the devs. They still have yet to fix the nurse bugs. Also Wraith going through walls while cloaked still doesn't help him in a chase.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Interesting idea, however, it seems like normal Wraith is just objectively better. Your idea for hitting the bell to set some sort of an affliction is a start. The effect has should probably be completely new and help the Wraith pressure the survivors.

  • zoozoom6
    zoozoom6 Member Posts: 825

    it sounds like your talking about some dream world effect while hes cloaked but that would give away his state if not that then you might go for hit afflictions which would like shake out to a heavily buffed blind warrior but if it was afflicting obvlious it still wouldnt work because wraith is a stealth killer.

    you could go with begrimed chains (bubba and hill billy prerework) or begrimed head (from huntress) but with the activation conditions of a blind warrior.

    it really seems like the best course of action is to put lots of his addons into his basekit particularly ghost and a windstorm or possibly the bone clapper