I can't anymore

I tried to play a few killer matches, the gens are done very quickly, until I find a survivor I am ready 2 gens, I am in Chase I get stun another gen done .., I get to do 1 hook the whole match and I take bully with lanterns, at final writes that I'm trash and that ez .. the game gives me a headache .. it was more fun in 2018, of
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It´s okay to take breaks (please don´t take offense to this, I promise I mean it in a nice way).
Killer can be very stressful and sometimes the odds are just stacked against you.
Maybe reassess your expectations and take a look at particular things you want to improve on, then pay special attention to these during your matches.
When you identified the areas where you might want to improve, bring perks that help with that. For example, you mentioned loss of gens early. Discordance and Corrupt (but not both, please) can help tremendously with that.
Your choice of Killer of course also plays a major role in those things.
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Honestly, try Doctor with Discordance. If finding Survivors at the beginning of the game is difficult, running that should help out a lot.
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this is actually one perk that never comes off my doc
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If you're just starting killer there is just a steep learning curve. When i first started I tried 3 matches then didn't try again for 4 months and just played survivor. But with what I learned about survivors playstyle from matches and watching youtubers videos and picking up tips from them I jumped back in and did well and started climbing rank. Maybe also doctor isn't the one for you to start off, I tried with a few and wasn't having much luck until i got clown and even though he's been classed as one of the worst killers at lower ranks his power helped a lot in chases and I started doing well, then I was confident enough to move onto more difficult killers to master. Experiment with a few killers and don't give up. Best of luck in your matches. 😊
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Have you tried using Whisperes, Corrupt Intervention, Discordance, or Ruin?
Also, I do not recommend using the Shroud add-on for killers. This will almost certainly ensure 2-3 gens get completed by the time the first chase, Hook, and other survivor found.
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This saying holds so true: “it’s not about how hard you hit, it’s about how hard you get hit as killer”
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is english your native language, or is it a secondary language?
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It's not my native,
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The secret recipe is "git gud"
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I tip my hat to you gamer, such brave words
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No offense but I saw troll posts from a survivor angle on steam earlier and this post just screams bait to me lol
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That's gonna be a real hell for a new player to grind at this point, especially having to pay for at least half of it even if you get two for free as a console player that gets ruin free. I bet the retention is pretty low right now for new killers, or players in general if they switch to survivor and see the wait time lmao. Though to start fresh as survivor you only would be expected to buy DS, and it's situational enough you don't even need DS, and only need bill's perks and then david and meg's which are all free and david's make grinding the rest a lot easier. So most people probably gravitate toward survivor once they figure that out, which is gonna make the queues stay long lol. They're gonna have to start giving new players corrupt for free lol. Which would only be bait, since once they all got used to using it, devs would render it useless in a nerf lol. This is gonna be as entertaining to read about as cyberpunk in a month or two from now.
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If you think DbD has a poor tutorial you should definitely play Divinity OS2
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"killer is too hard"
"it was easier when killer was significantly harder"
Dude... what? Pallet counts halved, maps shrunk, killers buffed, stronger slowdown perks, new anti chase perk, survivors nerfed substantially. you're telling me it was easier with double pallet jungle gyms or multiple exhaustion procs per chase?
What are you on?
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Uninstall or get guuud
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Don’t clutter the forum with your drunk rant for Christ sake we all get heated but ######### dude bring some actual ideas and solutions instead of this empty anger filled statement. If you refresh this forum you’ll read about 20 forums begging for changes. Oh lord behavior you gotta recognize my grievance! You suck
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the sooner you realize this game is survivor sided the better. Just accept that survivors are stronger than you and try to have fun. the devs do not care about killers as 80% of the player base is survivor and thats were most the money is made. so as long as survivors are happy thats all they care about. there is a reason that survivor queues can be up to 10 min during the day and longer late at night. if you want to see how clueless the devs are here is what they thought was ok until they went against it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R98e-Y4Lu8w. thats the head dude.... but yea just turn off post game chat, ignore the tbags and toxic survivor and remember nothing you ever do will be ok in their eyes. just try to have fun and get a win when you can.