Clown is pretty fun to play

I just bought Clown last night and I must say, he’s very fun to play despite being weak and I’m not very good with him yet. I didn’t think I’d enjoy him this much tbh, but he proved me wrong. I probably won’t play him as much as I do Spirit, Pig, and Blight (my main 3), but I’ll definitely play a lot more of him. Are there any Clown mains that can give me tips to get better with him?
Throwing bottles on objects like trees etc are your best friend with clown. Indoor maps if a person is trying to loop throw a bottle on the ceiling. If they are holding w try to throw a bottle in front of them if you can't just throw a bottle on top of them. I'm going to be posting a video here soon about clown using variety of maps to show his ability to stop loops insanely fast. Flask of bleach and the yellow reload addon are the best addons for him in my opinion! :)
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He’s the first killer I mained. Him then Billy. I’ve been beefing him up lately collecting addons in prep for his rework. Plus one of his browns is going to become a green so I’ll have a ton of those if I keep going. I already find him competitive so he’s about to be buffed in a few ways and retain most of his higher addons.
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I don't have any crazy tips like @GodLikeTerror does because I'm not a Clown main, but I must agree that he is definitely fun to play. I mainly bought him for Kate as they came together but when I finally decided to try him out, I was surprised.
- If you hit a survivor directly with your bottle, it'll interrupt whatever action they were doing & the effects are a bit stronger.
- When coming across a jungle gym or a T/L, make sure you throw your bottles at any exits/vaults so if they try to leave, they get caught up in the smoke & you catch them.
- Sometimes you can bait your bottles & survivors will tend to go in another direction to try and avoid them. If you have exhaust bottles, atleast 50% of the time they will try to Dead Hard before you can throw it. Learn to take advantage of this.
- Last but not least, the Clown just had a rework for his speedy bottles so make sure you aren't giving survivors any accidental speed boosts. Use them to get to gens quicker.
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Aye thanks for the tips y’all!
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Your bottles are useful for more than just direct hits, since the gas stays around, you can block off loops really well with the Clown, and at jungle gyms you can basically throw a bottle at one exit, and force them into it by chasing them round the other way, it's pretty much a guaranteed hit.
Also I didn't notice for a while, but the shack has a hole in the roof (not sure if this is on every map), so with some nice angling you can actually hit the edge of the hole and shower basically the whole shack in gas
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You can punish greedy survivors that are not dropping pallets early.
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Yeah as people have said direct hits are your best friend as it cancels any actions with the main one you want to look out for being unhooking, opening exit gates and completing generators. the little known fact a direct hit with a bottle not only cancels the action but it increases the blurred visions intensity but it doesn't increase the speed debuff and duration. Another use for the bottles is to discourage the use of that loop by throwing it in the way. so if a survivor would try to run to shack throw a bottle covering the entrance to the shack with your gas. this works most of the time and forces them to abandon their plan and go to a new tile or risk taking a hit. due to the clown's lack of mobility, you will have to rely purely on finishing the chase as quickly as possible to gain map pressure. if where they are looping has a roof like shack then throw a bottle at the roof to enshroud that tile/loop.
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My main since launch. Most important thing is to aim ahead of survivors. This causes them to be in gas for longer and get slowed more.
Try to aim where survivors are going rather then where they are. Throw bottles at far away loops to zone survivors away from them.
Some maps especially lerys and Hawkins it is better to aim at roofs with gas to cover whole loops off.
Lastly for addons his best are flask of bleach and reload addons and avoid pinky finger as it will teach you bad habits and is unfun
Good luck playing the most underrated killer in the game😊
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Once you main Clown as long as some of us, the bottle becomes an extension of yourself. I even laugh like him now.
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Thanks! I think Pig is the most underrated but I must admit Clown isn’t that far behind. I’m glad he’s getting a buff. The faster reload speed will definitely make him more appealing.
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Ngl, that laugh got stuck in my head 🤣
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Throw bottle
Laugh until your bronchitis acts up
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I finally got all of Bubba's teachables, so started working on clown tonight. Have to admit, he is a lot of fun to play. The AoE of his bottles is pretty forgiving too. That's a big plus for me.
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Flask of Bleach + Ether 15%. Best combo
Btw! Ether 15% will be the only duration addon after ptb. Ether 5% changed to Useless confetti. Ether 10% was changed to Spirit of Hartshorn that will increase size of a Afterpiece cloud. Garish Makeup Kit will now increase duration of Antidote.
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Ether 15 is okay but the other two are pretty bad. Makeup kit and bleach is a personal favourite and cork stopper is an honourable mention
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Don’t forget to smoke ten packs of cigarettes before playing
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big fat man stab and laugh
sometimes throw bottle
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Ether 15 is actually pretty strong combined with flask of bleach, but the most reliable addons are flask and yellow reload addon at this moment. It most likely will stay this way even after buff. 2 second reload + the slowdown will be extremely effective. More bottles to throw quicker chases to end, but the majority of your chases you should be able to get 2 downs before reload, but it all depends on the map.