No one plays "The Twins" anymore

I swear i have only got the twins about 4 times since they been out lol ...whats everyone elses experience with the twins? They so rare to go against it seems like idk why



  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    I see her a lot.

    It's Blight that doesn't exist.

  • Klakky
    Klakky Member Posts: 444
    edited January 2021

    I'm too good with them, boring winning like that all the time, survivors don't learn that they can zig zag to remove killers main power, rarely see a good red rank SWF against them that don't DC, super easy to miss with baby pounce even though it should hit, but it's watching abilities work out great, not camping, just leave baby and when u see someone moving u go towards them. Alot of people, like alot of rank 1(or should I say rank 2) players DC quite soon usually at first down and can't even get Bbq n chilli stacks :/

    But could be just me I don't main any killer, I just switch every few games

  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    I've faced one in the last week, she got a 0k and gen rushed... and she wasn't bad either, her chases were relatively short but she simply couldn't keep up.

    I'm gonna be honest, to me she is the worst killer in the game at the moment.

  • Klakky
    Klakky Member Posts: 444
    edited January 2021

    Oh ye forgot to mention last time I played her was a week ago vs a cheater that called me boring. Speed hacking, teleporting, insta healing, flashlight saving teamates trough walls, I managed to hook him cause I downed him and he forgot to get up I dunno and hook was right there, he unhooked himself as soon as hooked of course... So yes people like that kill the general vibe of certain killers so people tend not to play them often

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    I have literally only seen 2 twins players since she came out.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited January 2021

    I wasn't referencing she was. The Plague reference was rarity to see.

    I do think she's pretty weak though, just not Twins level.

  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,547

    Good. Victor recovering after literal 5 seconds was annoying.

  • TruffleTurtle
    TruffleTurtle Member Posts: 614

    My main problem with them isnt being trash. Its that it takes alot more work to do what other killers can do. Using victor can be so punishable with 1 wrong move that can set you back alot. I don't think they are the worst killer but I feel like they are too counterable for the little reward you get for playing the Twins

  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,547

    It's already hard to miss with his huge hitbox being in front of a survivor or before they vault

  • Kazim
    Kazim Member Posts: 229
    edited January 2021

    When I have to play against them the majority players know how to use them well, But yeah It´s very rare to see them even I see more nurses as twins when all the nurses are very bad like always.

    I hope Devs improve their gameplay because the only thing I don't like is to lock a survivor in the locker because against the SWF is a useless skill but from there on they are fine for me.

  • Massquwatt
    Massquwatt Member Posts: 425

    I've played the Twins quite a lot myself and all I can say is that victor's hitbox is very...inconsistent. If you try and attack as Victor while directly next to a survivor you'll just end up phasing through them for god knows why but it only happens sometimes. Slight terrain elevations can also stop you in your tracks when attacking as Victor and while his hitbox may be on the larger side it can work against you when survivors hug walls and other bits of terrain when you can end up colliding with that instead.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531
    edited January 2021

    Their name should be changed to "The Failure"

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,318

    Well if she is ineffective and everyone agrees that she sucks. they said in pyramid head update that after 3 months, they might revisit a killer to change them. Blight has received no changes for 4 months so I assume everyone is happy with Blight. 3 months from December 1st would be March 1st. So let's see if on Match 1st. Twin receives QOL changes to make get played more.

    What do you think needs changes on Twins for them to not be bottom tier in your eyes?

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    Honestly, I can't even remember the last time I faced off against The Twins. I've encountered every other Killer more, even the Plague.

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    She's the buggiest Killer in the game. Well, was, I think the Twins have beaten her at that now.

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    As in she is starting to reach "Nurse tier" with the amount of game breaking bugs she has.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    I'll copy and paste a list I posted on another page.

    -Victors locker hold needs to be longer

    -Victor shouldn't be kick-able after a successful lunge

    -There shouldn't be a notification to survivors of when they swap between each other. Is asking survivors to have their eyes open really asking too much? I mean honestly.

    -Why is Victor so loud? It defeats the entire point of him not having a TR.

    -Victor should be re-callable immediately, why is he able to be held hostage at all?

    -While a survivor holds Victor, Charlotte should have Undetectable. This actually makes survivors want to get him off.

    -Survivors near Victor when he's idle or on someone should be aura shown, not a location ping

    Boom now she might be close to A tier. This may seem like a lot, but that's just how bad she is.

    Right now play against The Twins as survivor feels like I'm a child having my hand held. I don't have much hopes in her improvement when they look at her again in March because I just can't imagine the devs actually buffing her this much based on their track record.

  • Avarice00
    Avarice00 Member Posts: 39

    As in bad. Since the move to dedicated servers, the vomit hits when it shouldn't, and doesn't hit when it should. It's mostly the latter.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    She is actually stronger than most. You can watch otzdarva's tier list video on all killers and listen to him explain why.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,318

    Very interesting. I agree with only single change. that is locker change. I think that lockers for survivor should only be used for Juking purposes and hiding from killer aura-reading perks. I do not think that lockers should hard counter powers. I know it might bias opinion for a survivor main, but this my personal opinion. Either way I do not think it is her biggest problem but rather would be nice Quality of Life change to increase lockers by 5 seconds to discourage locker usage.

    My change list:

    • Reduce Victor switching time between Victor and Charlotte(3->1.5 seconds)
    • When switching from Charlotte to Victor(When Victor is Idle). If a survivor is within Victor Screech radius, Reveal aura of the survivor for 2.5 seconds
    • Make Lockers less effective vs Victor(View reasons above)

    I would be happy with these 2 changes. If they really want to improve Twins a lot. I would recommend these changes.

    • When Victor Latches onto a survivor, Applies Mangled status effect until healed.
    • Release new perk that every time a survivor is injured on the team, The teams healing speed decreases by 4-5% per stack(Tier 3).

    I do not really need last 2 changes but if many people believe she is that bad. Do those two changes. I am not exactly sure I want explain those 2 changes are very strong but I am too honest to not explain it. Victor is very strong when survivors are injured. It is very easy for victor to punish survivors that are not healed as he has Wraith's bloodhound perk. The twin's strategy is to hit all 4 people injured and just slug all 4 people with Victor. This is there playstyle. The only problem is. There is no way for Victor apply Mangled effect and there are no perks that embolden this strategy. This is why theses change will vastly elevate their performance.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    For me the Twin design is a failure, it goes the opposite from its idea.

    Victor injured / disable healthy Survivor -> Charlotte finish them

    While in game:

    • Victor injured them, but only disable on Objective, they still can make a chase while Victor on them injured (Legion does MUCH better with Deep wound effect)
    • The time Survivor get rid of Victor on their back is lesser than Legion Deep wound
    • If you success Victor injures Survivor, they're already too far away from Charlotte, they can simply just get rid of Victor before Charlotte even come.

    ^ These explain while Victor injures then Charlotte finish never a viable option

    • Charlotte injure multiple survivors. Then Victor pouch them to finish, this will not lock Victor from action, and continue to put pressure with his high speed / range attack on injured Survivors.
    • The way they "go to sleep" when other in action makes them good at body blocking / camp. People already do that with Pyramid's Trail of torment to camp / spot hooked Survivor with Killer instinct. Then why they're not doing it with Victor's Killer instinct?

    ^ These explain their gameplay goes opposite to their idea.

  • rats00
    rats00 Member Posts: 194

    So am I right to assume the bug that causes the game to crash if you are puking as the last survivor escapes still exists? Cause I quit the game for a long time over that.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,165

    I see Twins about once a play session. I see them way more than Blight, Plague, Demogorgon, or Nurse.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited January 2021

    "Victor is very strong when survivors are injured"

    That's the main problem. You're either injuring them one at a time with Victor which would waste a ton of time or you're expecting to injure them all by running them down with Charlotte for an m1...which is simply non viable against even semi decent survivors.

    Everyone injured..sure..Victor is strong then. That scenario just isn't realistically happening though.

    She also has lots of negative synergy with most meta perks too which is another side negative I didn't even mention before.

  • TruffleTurtle
    TruffleTurtle Member Posts: 614

    I get people say that I just personally dont think they are the worst in the game. When I mean more work I meant more like if you make a mistake with them it costs you alot more. Granted that goes for all killers but it's more with them.

    They kinda like hag where you have a different playstyle with them except they take alot more skill and it's just less effective than hag

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    Aside from the bugs, I figure most people got their fill of slugging and proxy camping constantly, and have moved on.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,318
    edited January 2021

    I thought about two other changes but figured survivors would complain too much about these two changes to improve her M1 killer gameplay but I think survivors would complain too much about this if it was in her kit. I thought about making that survivors that have victor on them have their aura revealed to charlotte and changing Killer instinct to aura-reading when near Victor. It would vastly improve her M1 gameplay but I do not think it is good idea.

    I think Charlotte should remain as M1 killer without Victor as it gives the killer a strong-point and weak-point to her gameplay and part of playing Twins well is being able getting into that 4 injured position to capitalize on survivors misplays. I agree on perk lack of perk synergy. This is why it is in my change-list. I am doubtful anything will change in next 3 months. Killer stuff only seems to change when it is in benefit of survivor so it seems.

    I guess we'll see in march if anything changes.

  • TheBigBingus
    TheBigBingus Member Posts: 97

    It's a combination of them being rushed, their power being weak, all 3 perks being horrible, and the simple fact they they just aren't fun to play. lot's of people (myself included) refused to buy them because of the sheer incomitance that was displayed upon their release, and even after they ironed out (most of) the bugs, they are basically just a killer that can sort of slug effectively. but guess what? if you want a slugging machine, Oni is legit built for that, and he's top 5 killers. their design isn't even that good, and the amount of negative press they got from telling people they can't call victor a {REDACTED}, which he is, makes people hate them even more. the original concept may have been ok, but what we're left with is not at all worth anyone's time or money. the twins are the living example of behaviors profit incentive is going to destroy the game one day, it's only a matter of time.

  • OBX
    OBX Member Posts: 854

    their perks are terrible, the killers style is fairly boring....... I’m glad the devs paid for it with the free shards resulting from the terrible Halloween event. I would have felt bad if I used my own money to by that half assed chapter. (Btw hoarder still doesn’t work lol)

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Not played against them yet. Was the same for Oni, literally played v him once on release day and then never again for about a year.

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,176

    Pray you don't go up against Otz or Hexy. The people who don't play her or think she is bad, are just weak killers. She's insanely strong in the right person's hands. Hexy in particular, is hella naaaaaaasty playing The Twins. I used to think she was weak but coming across good killer mains is night/day from the people who say she's bad on these forums.

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    Wait there was a killer in that release I thought it was bugs update and the killer wasn't finished

  • Xpljesus
    Xpljesus Member Posts: 395

    They're like mid-tier, not the worst, not the best, but not really interesting or fun, the most important factor by far shown by statistics for killer performance isn't their strength whatsoever, it's how easy they are to play, sole reason Freddy (easiest killer) is #1, Clown is above Huntress, Blight, Nurse etc. The Twins are fairly complex, they involve things like decision making which most people in dbd can't/don't want to do, so they are not very interesting

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,877

    Her power is kind of difficult to use. When you have a dual map presence, it really shakes up the rulebook. I think we should give it a while and see how people judge her.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445

    I have the twins. I don't play them because I generally don't enjoy playstyles that involve lots of slugging, camping, or tunneling. However that's what the Twins are good at. They are very good at it, but it's not my style. Heck, my most enjoyable round as Twins was one were the Survivors kept Victor for 80% of the round. I was perfectly content to let them do that and just wreck the other 3 as a basic M1 Killer.

    I am however very glad I got them. Oppression is swiftly becoming one of my favorite perks.

  • gusm09
    gusm09 Member Posts: 47

    It's rare to see anyone play them, i guess they're not as attractive to play as other killers.

    The few i've found, i actually had fun playing against them, kicking the baby is hilarious.

  • Crypticghoul
    Crypticghoul Member Posts: 572

    I don't enjoy them due to having to slug/camp a lot to play them effectively. For me to want to play them, Victor would be changed to not be kickable when he hits an endurance effect and the devs should probably work out some way for Victor to hook people or have Charlotte be able to traverse the map more easily to get to survivors that Victor downs.

    They'd be so much fun if the gameplay loop was Victor runs down injured person and then you are able to swiftly hook them but doing that right now takes so much time that you're just asking to lose all your gens.

  • Bumbus
    Bumbus Member Posts: 600

    Well, dude, if you need to have 5000 hours in the game to play certain killer - this killer is bad. Like, how many people like that are playing the game, 0.01% of all killer players?

    That's the problem with the Twins - they are made for the same people who main Nurse. They suck if you can't keep all survivors injured and then land 4 shreds in a row without Victor being kicked. But it's not like you should be allowed to play this game only if you are a good killer and you are living in the game like streamers do.