No one plays "The Twins" anymore



  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,126

    They have thousands of hours in the game, true. But those thousands aren't spent on The Twins. Yes they def dedicate a good amount of time to learning them but so can everyone else complaining about them. Hexy (I'm not sure if you watch him but) in particular swaps his killers up per match and often asks the chat what he should play as. Its not like he's ONLY playing Twins and that's why hes good, he plays them on rotation. He'll usually go through the entire killer list before playing another killer twice. And you are right, majority of players are a lot more lax/casual but does that really mean the killer is bad? And Hexy isn't even an insanely good Nurse (he only plays her if he gets $100 donated), he 9/10 times doesn't touch Nurse or Huntress.

    I understand that streamers are a special exception but they also prove that the killer is not bad. I mean you can go watch Vods and see how they do with them. Hexy puts so much pressure out with Twins that its incredibly rare if the survivors even get to 3 gens. Also he's just an insanely good killer main and hasn't lost a single match since Jan 1st so he's very smart in what gens to protect/who to focus on, etc.

    I just don't agree with people saying she is bad. If other players can excel repeatedly with her (albeit tons of practice), but you got a lot more people voicing how bad she is on the forums, does that make you think the killer is bad or the player is bad/hasn't invested enough time?

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624

    My last match yesterday was against the Twins.

    But yes, not exactly a popular killer. And was rare even when they first came out. Most people steered clear from day 1.

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624

    I have never watched an Otz video but I've never agreed with people who say Plague is bottom tier.

    They call her power useless because all you need to do is not cleanse, and she becomes an M1 killer. I'm like, are you people for real? That basically makes her power read as: "All Survivors have No Mither, but instead of being quiet and leaving no blood the are extremely noisy and glow green."

    How that isn't a strong power is beyond me.

  • Bumbus
    Bumbus Member Posts: 600

    If you have 5000 hours in the game it is much easier for you to jump on new killer, because you will do everything perfectly except for some specific things for this killer. And there isn't much of such things with twins - if you are a Demogorgon main with 5000 hours you probably won't notice any difference at all. Most streamers have hard times with playing Blight - and that's because his power requires them to learn completely new things. They slide off trees and bump in random things just like mere mortals, just less often.

    Learning curve is also a thing you should consider when determining if killer is bad or not. If 99.9% of players can't play certain killer because skill cap is too high for them, but 0.1% of players is absolutely destroying everyone with this killer - I would say that the killer is problematic and needs some adjustments to make it more friendly for new players and less abusable for veterans. And that's what I call a "bad" killer.

  • stargazer9
    stargazer9 Member Posts: 649

    The Twins are boring to play as and against.

  • OGlilSPOOK20
    OGlilSPOOK20 Member Posts: 716

    I only played against them like only 2 times.

    IMO I think Victor is very strong but Charlotte herself is very weak. Charlotte without Victor makes her just a M1 killer with nothing to help her.

    I think down the road the devs will probably have to give them a small rework and for this to actually work they'll have to slightly nerf Victor while giving Charlotte a buff by gracing her with an ability or maybe like a passive ability.

    I heard someone give a really good idea before like give Charlotte an ability that makes her enraged when survivors kill Victor.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    They're incredibly boring, and rely on a playstyle that nobody likes, not even killers. Plus the fact that BHVR were fine with literally releasing unfinished content and had the ######### balls to charge money for it. Plus plus the other fact that it was probably the most broken and bug-filled patch ever released.

    The Twins still don't feel finished. So many oversights to their design that it's completely unacceptable at this point. 4 and a half years of experience making this game and they come up with this abomination? Right after Blight too, it's so baffling that we get a killer design so great then a design so trash one after the other.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    Its because she's weak and frustrating to play because of all the stipulations to her relatively mediocre power

  • Pig_Is_Pog
    Pig_Is_Pog Member Posts: 222

    Twins was a failed chapter. extremely unfun to play and play agaisnt. there also relatively weak but have an unimaginable amount of snowball potential.

    who wants to just sit there and camp/slug all game? no one likes this killer.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    The strategy of not cleansing is outdated, that was back when plague had no corrupt pool at base kit. Now that she does though, it encourages survivors to cleanse much more often. She fully counters and healing perk and has a strong projectile that can hit through multiple survivors. I don't understand why people say she is low tier either.

  • Toblerone007
    Toblerone007 Member Posts: 598

    This. There are great videos on the twins played optimally which is exactly that. Camp the hook, tunnel without bt and then slug. Move to the next survivor with the new and quick pressure you have produced. It's not fun nor difficult to do.

  • remoirel
    remoirel Member Posts: 231

    Playing Twins how they were designed to be played, by Latching Victor onto a Survivor and then chasing as Charlotte, just doesn't work. Even releasing Victor hugging the back of a Survivor as Charlotte is 9 times out of 10 not enough to catch up to a Survivor before they have removed Victor, and hoping the Survivor runs towards other teammates so you can get oblivious m1s on them is pure luck.

    Which means the opposite effect is the best way to play them which is extremely boring for both the killer and survivors. m1 everyone with Charlotte and then go Slug everyone with Victor. He's super fast (and can be even faster with add ons for reasons unknown) and kicking him gains you nothing as a survivor because she gets him back so fast to just go send him back out again. Even the Killer Instinct in this situation is ridiculous, because a Survivor cannot crouch walk past Victor fast enough before KI detects them, and you instantly swap back and pounce them. The only twins i ever play against now play like this and you just know once Victor starts slugging a guy you're in for a dull match.

    idk how you even fix this because buffing Charlottes reactivation cooldown on a Victor hit is probably indirectly buffing some part of the Victor slug style.

    Poorly thought out Killer, pack it up everyone come back in 2 years when they get a rework.

  • 6yXJI0
    6yXJI0 Member Posts: 589

    I tried to play maximum fairly as her, but its a massive time waster to go as a Charlotte for a downed by Victor survivor on the other side of a map. I better keep this one slugged and preassure other survivors with Victor. And then i will simply forget where i downed first one.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,097

    They're far from weak. There's no middle ground for them to be effective. You either play as an omega sweat or get stomped. I've wiped comp teams at 2 gens with them. You just have to be very good at the macro game and be very aware of positioning at all times.