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Legit lost on what perks to run in solo queue

I'm using kindred like everyone and their mom keeps suggesting, even throwing open handed and using bond and other perks but I still get teammates that don't like helping much or dying/struggling on first hook a lot. Y'all got ideas on what perks I should run cause i'm getting frustrated at this point

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  • Member Posts: 3,306

    There's no perk to put a brain in your teammates' heads, unfortunately-- that one you just gotta hope and pray on.

  • Member Posts: 1,583

    Spine Chill. ALWAYS Spine Chill.

  • Member Posts: 1,050

    If you can’t trust your teammates then either use self care or iron will. Both even.

  • Member Posts: 1,188
    edited January 2021

    At low/mid ranks you'll find a lot of bad players. Even in red ranks. Now if you want to avoid the meta/crutch perks that a lot of people use like DS/DH/UB, I'll suggest a few. Depending on your playstyle and what you like of course.

    1st build - Adrenaline, Fixated, Sprint Burst, Deception. Very strong build.

    2nd build - Adrenaline, Inner Strength, Head On, Quick & Quiet. A bit stealthier but strong & fun build.

    3rd build - Adrenaline, Kindred (since you got mates who cant read situations fast enough), Borrowed Time, Balanced Landing/Sprint Burst/Lithe.

    The reason I recommend running Adrenaline is that it will help you in end-game more often than not. Even if you get hooked after exit gates are powered, you are healed to full upon getting off hook.

    Ofc there are a lot of different builds.

    Avoid using Self Care/Urban Evasion/ Decisive Strike/ Dead Hard and you'll see that you improve much faster. Even with crappy teammates, you can still perform. Play risky, don't be a stealthy claudette stereotype. Always focus on doing something that benefits yours team. I'm a 100% solo que player as well and although rank doesn't say much, I do sit at rank 1 regularly (even if I depip to rank 2, I get back in 1-2 games). Just keep practicing, and it will be frustrating so be ready for all of it. Sometimes you will need to carry.

    Also matchmaking is horrible right now and you'll come across people from all ranks. So like I said, be ready to pop off.

  • Member Posts: 1,302

    I usually do spine chill, iron will, dead hard, left behind. If the whole team is getting bodied at 4-5 gens left cut the cord.

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  • Member Posts: 159

    Left behind seems way too situational for me and can't use dead hard cause it don't work half the time

  • Member Posts: 824

    Don't use meta perks. They'll only make you play worse.

  • Member Posts: 159

    OOOO hold up that first build is actually kinda nice I'll actually try that out

  • Member Posts: 159
  • Member Posts: 1,302

    I mean it’s solo Q, half the time your team is going to be massacred with nothing you can do about it. I usually run it with a key. It gives me hope when the team is getting slain.

    The guy above me is recommending adrenaline which is laughable since tons of your games are going to end with everyone dead before the gens are done. That’s a SWF only perk if you want consistent value.

    You could do Lithe over dead hard, sprint burst is better but walking around is bad. Deliverance is also a really good solo Q perk.

    I would recommend a stealthy playstyle for solo Q. The days of good teammates are gone. You could run the killer for minutes while your team crouch in bushes even at red ranks. There are way less pallets than before and the new killers are stronger than ever. It’s usually just best to avoid aggro unless it’s a weak killer, because in solo Q your first hook is often your last.

  • Member Posts: 21,212

    I usually run DH, DS, BT and Windows.

    DH and DS are self-explanatory, they are too good not to take if you are trying to win.

    Borrowed because getting safe unhooks is vital to getting a pip in Solo Q.

    Windows of Opportunity because it shows pallets that have been thrown down/where vaults and new pallets are. Super good for Solo Q

  • Member Posts: 159

    I did like lithe with Q+Q and dance with me but felt like I was dedicating too much for that and I try playing stealthy but doesn't work half the time

  • Member Posts: 1,188

    Its insanely strong if you can make use of Deception in chases (like rounding a corner breaking LoS on the killer for those few seconds).

    People recommending Spine, just no. If you got good awareness and can multitask on gens by looking around constantly, you'll never need it. Ofc if you are prone to jump scares or aren't as aware (this is usually for low ranks/mid rank players) then go for it. But the idea is to free up those slots. Thats why at red ranks, you'll barely see anyone using it, Self Care/Urban Evasion b/c they only hold you back from improving and you overall don't need them.

    Kindred is a very strong perk in solo que so I'd def adapt that into your build if you can let go of something else. I personally don't use it a lot, but I can't deny how useful it is when you're playing with an uncoordinated team. Trust me, as you rank and you do eventually improve to red ranks, you'll see people playing a lot smarter. You'll still have those games where you have bad teammates but the main focus is on improving yourself so you can still rank up when everyone else ranks down.

    Good luck man. :)

  • Member Posts: 1,302

    That’s funny because I see tons of rank 1 survivors using it. I play plenty of rank 1 killer and spine chill survivors are usually a pain, especially if they have sprint burst too.

    I would love to see you survive some of the indoor map builds I frequently run without it.

    Most of the survivors I play against would not need the plethora of second chance perks they usually have if I wasn’t able to just walk up and get free/downs on them with stealth killers and perks. There’s plenty of generators with 0 line of sight in DBD.

  • Member Posts: 1,188
    edited January 2021

    'Tons' is subjective. I def don't see many people running it at high ranks. And like I said, there's plenty of people at high ranks that aren't actually good/make the stupidest of decisions, etc. I'm sure you've gotten to end game lobby questioning certain people and you find out they're rank 1s/rank 2-4 and you just can't fathom how they got there. Its not just solely low/mid ranks. Its a crutch perk, its got some benefit with the 6% bonus speed to everything you do, but you can def free up that slot. I come across GF and Myers, mainly GF though and I can't even remember the time I had him stalking me on a gen or on my way to a gen, and not seen him. Now if you're taking it solely for the 6% boost, go for it. But I'd def recommend something else.

    Uhh I play plenty of in door maps, just like I'm sure others do. MES is probably the most common and I do pretty well there too.

    You're right, there are plenty of gens w/o LoS but that doesn't change my opinion that Spine Chill and other perks that a lot of people use (DS/UB) (SC/UE at lower ranks) aren't needed. I'd rather free up those slots for something else. Thats all I'm sayin. If you find it useful for YOU, then go for it like I said.

  • Member Posts: 1,302

    And you are telling people to take deception instead of the “crutch perk” spine chill? It’s some of the best information you can ever have.

    It’s not a perk that rewards you for playing poorly which is why I don’t consider it a crutch. It’s not “oh I got downed but I have a perk, so now I get back up” like unbreakable.

    I always used to run the gold standard BT/DS/DH/Iron will survivor build but that was years ago. Red ranks was actually red ranks back then, and you could rely on your teammates to be relatively competent as well as the killer to be really deadly.

    Now? You have no idea what you are going to get. You can be a rank 1 survivor and get put into a brown rank lobby (like someone in this thread already posted). There’s very little reason to be a team player. I say just go all out selfish build, and spine chill is the #1 way to avoid aggro.

    I love a stealthy playstyle because if I wanted to loop all game I can just play killer.

  • Member Posts: 1,188

    Deception can be used horribly and requires some thought. Spine Chill doesn't. You can be as unaware as you want and wait for the notification to move b/c a killer is looking directly towards you. Now if you're taking it for the other 6% bonus, go for it if you can make it work and find it viable. I personally don't, thats all. I'd rather free up that slot for something else. You're right, its not on the same level of UB but it is still something that holds you back from improving, awareness matters and if you can't multitask, then definitely pick it up. I got a few friends who run it and they admitted long ago they use it cause they can't deal with the jump scares/being caught off guard.

    As for DS, I can't remember when I last used that. I got no complaints for it, but I don't think its needed. And yea I'll agree with you on the red ranks and not knowing what you're going to get. Sometimes you will need to carry, sometimes you're doomed from the start. If you don't want to be a team player, thats fine. I like to try to play around my teammates (for example I just had a taste the rainbow type match where all 3 of my mates were trying to taunt/slow down freddy in chases by taking extra hits, trying to blind him, etc) so I kicked into high gear realizing this and cranked out 4 gens since we had 1 done when Freddy started chasing me early game but let me go.

    Listen, were all going to have different builds and opinions lol. If it works for you, use it! Use whatever you need to. I just think certain perks hold you back from learning faster. I wish I was told to let go of SC/UE/DS when I was newer to the game but it is what it is. It comes with time. If you can make Spine Chill work and you find it viable, use the hell out of it.

  • Member Posts: 716

    Man for me when I'm playing solo I just put myself in the mindset of not expecting to win/escape but to go in try my best and try to have fun in the mist of everything falling apart and my teammates going down in like 2secs of a chase.

    If we're gonna lose, might as well have fun doing it.

    To answer the build question, I just go in with Spine Chill, Deadhard and 2 random perks.

    Sometimes it's MoM & Breakout or Breakout & Empathy with a flashlight or BT & We'll Make It or sometimes a meme build like Diversion, Red Herring, Deception & Deadhard.

  • Member Posts: 651

    Bond / We'll Make It / Iron Will / Dead Hard

  • Member Posts: 4,233

    Kindred, this gives info, alot more then you think. It let's you know who's going for saves and where everyone is at, not only that ot shows the direction the killer is going after the hook, if the killer hooks someone and doesn't show straight away they have tinkerer. It also shows you which gens was being worked on, if someone gets pushed of a gen as you see them leave or the killer going that way you know you can jump on that gen and finish it off.

    DS. While you may not need it the perk is insanely strong, immune for 60seconds after a unhook but personally it's always nice encase you run into a tunneling killer or you was hooked at endgame then get rescued. Also having one obsession reduces the risk of killers tunneling as they want to avoid the ds stun. So that in itself is a insane feature to have and use even if you dont ds the killer.

    BT, any proxy killer or endgame hooks can become safe saves, it avoides people being two hooked and plugged if you wanted the unhook against killers that proxy/camp. At endgame it also gives that survivor a free escape and chance to body block for you too.

    Last perk up to you, if you need help in chases DH, if you struggle knowing if the killers coming to you spinechill this helps against stealth, phasing spirits etc. Or if you want to heal people and yourself faster botany, this counters sloppy and can give a default yellow merits 2 heals instead of one and a half.

    Theres only so much you can do as a solo, sadly you can't changed that no matter how good you are. I have ran killers for ages for no gens to be done and my team to go down in 5 seconds. Just do what you can as a solo, as long as you're being efficient with gens, healing etc. You're doing everything in your power. The build I suggested gives you alot of info, a second chance and help against less sporting killers while helping your team

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    In my recent solo q games these are the perks I feel like I needed to run.

    DS - most matches had no obsession which meant the killer just tunnelled survivors. Especially when matchmaking puts me with green rank and lower teammates.

    Kindred - it makes it easy for my teammates to know when they should save me.

    Dead Hard - chase extending perk because 9/10 solo q survivors never last long in chases.

    Last perk I feel like is up to you. These 3 above are the ones I feel like are a must in solo q.

  • Member Posts: 6,090

    My build in solo Q: Spine Chill, Dead Hard, Iron Will & Kindred

  • Member Posts: 1,624


    Appraisal, Plunderer, Left Behind, Inner Strength.

    At start of game open all chests, fish key.

    Then look for totem for emergency healing.

    Then hide until your braindead teammates are all dead, then escape through hatch.

  • Member Posts: 1,624

    That's plain wrong dude.

    Spine Chill is a very strong perk. not just for detection but also for the speedboost you get in vaults and incidentally in other places.

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