Tombstone myers

Can someone please, explain to me how on in the holy of #########, the Tombstone addon made it pass testing like you see people complaining about moris and keys and camping and what not right, but Tombstone Myers makes all of that look like a ######### joke. I mean seriously like moris are annoying, not so much now cause of the nerf but still can be annoying, but at least the killer has to down you twice, and then he can kill you, giving you a chance to win. But Tombstone Myers especially when paired with infinite tier 3 (Can't remember the name) it removes all gameplay from the game, he just walked up to you, and boom you are dead. He doesn't even how to see you all game, you could have no idea where he is only to be murdered out of no where without any chase or anything. How is that a fair or balanced addon, I get that it takes a while, but it still isn't enough, the argument most people make for this is that it takes around the same time to do 5 gens for him to get it, but this just simply isn't true. You can very easily get it with 2 gens still remaining. I can't grasp how this addon ever came to be. Please if someone has an idea or can explain how this is balanced, maybe I am just having a cry, I'm not sure at this point, I am by no means a survivor main but I do play a fair bit of survivor and I have lost too many games to this addon to keep quiet now. Please comment, agree with me and share in the annoyance, or tell me I am a cry baby and explain to me why. Maybe I will finally understand.
Coming back in with an edit, after reading all the comments so far i have come to the conclusion that i am just a baby, and that this addon isn't as bad as I originally thought, thanks to all for helping me realize this hope you all have a great day.
Tombstone Myers takes an ungodly amount of stalking to work, and slows him down to boot.
Just genrush him and loop it.
You can do it.
If he manages to fill up the bar before you finish gens, jump in locker to force him to grab you instead of kill you.
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yeah I really don't get the issue with this add-on personally. It takes so much stalking to do, and as a survivor you can work out if the killer has this by the amount of stalking they're doing so there's definite outplay to it - plus lockers as @Shirokinukatsukami said.
I've been in matches where the killer had this addon and never even reached T3 because the survivors played smart and avoided the stalk.
I find it to be like Devour Hope, high risk high reward type of thing - which I have no issue with in the game.
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I know you can do it, but it's more so the fact that the odds of you actually doing it just aren't that high, and yes it slows him down but if you run play with your food then you can make him go back to normal speed or close enough to it. Honestly tho you are right gen rushing him and jumping into lockers are really the only thing you can do and I think that serves to further prove my point that it is just not a fair or fun addon to play against and In my experience to play with.
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Imagine if getting caught in a locker would also trigger the mori lmaoo
On second thought, please dont add this.
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You along with the other guy make very good points, Honestly, now i think about it the reason it probably has been working so well for killers I play against is that I'm solo queuing in yellow ranks, I haven't played dbd for a while took a break from gaming due personal reasons. Maybe a combo of the low rank and rusty skills I have makes this addon seem a lot more troubling than it actually is.
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Oh bruhhhhh... yellow ranks??? Yeah your teammates are gonna feed the Michael for sure LMAOOOO
Honestly, if you keep running into Tombstone Michael Myers (I personally cannot remember the last time I went against Tombstone Myers, myself) I'd just equip Spine Chill, sprint burst, and make sure I knew where the closest locker was at all times LOL. Otherwise, you're just gonna keep getting punished for what your teammates are doing by feeding the hungry Michael.
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I agree, Red Tombstone is fine, but tombstone Piece is not, if you play your cards right you can literally kill someone off before the first gen even pops, Its crazy powerful and Im surprised that one hasn’t been looked at, killing someone off at the start of the game is huge for killer and this add on lets a myers do it rather easily.
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You, sir, make a most excellent idea, I might start running spine chill and sprint burst in all my games, until i get back into purples probably
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Both tombstones have enough counterplay mechanics wise. Yes if you don't expect it, it can feel very unfair but you have tools to improve and counter tombstones if you know how they work. The main worry should be the purple tombstone as that one is more tricky but most of this applies to both.
Firt off, every time you face Myers, you need to expect tombstone if it's taking him more time then usual to get his first T3 and he's also not hitting anyone or very rarely. That's the first giveaway that something is wrong and you should expect tombstone soon. If he has pink tombstone you can also notice that his stance is different then normally - from the DBD wiki: "Using this Add-on will cause The Shape's left hand to be open instead of a closed fist, ready to grab." If you notice that, you 100% know he has it.
The actual counterplay that you do is mainly clever positioning and awareness. Before you hop on a gen, check how many windows, pallets and mainly lockers are nearby, you can't be tombstoned unless extremely close and not preforming any action like vaulting etc. You'll need those to put something between you and MM so that he can't tombstone you before you reach a locker as once you are inside one, he has to pick you up and can't mori you.
The only thing that should be changed about tombstones is that the purple one should also change Michael's stance as does the pink one. Other then that, they're high risk high reward addons that drastically change normal gameplay which is a good thing. Gameplay and opportunities to outplay other side are there, they're just different.
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Not to detract from you're very correct statement but do remember iri + head huntress is still in the game...
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If the exit gates are not open by the time he gets T3 then you are doing something wrong as a survivor.
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It’s pretty hard to tombstone good survivors. The first one is easier but after that you basically need 2-3 PEYF stacks because people will jump into lockers.
Any filler pallet or window also counters it. You basically have to get the drop on someone in a deadzone. If you mess it up you also instantly lose the match.
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They have counterplay and the pink one is weak. But the purple has no high risk. Its just better then basekit myers. When you lose with it, then you would have lost with myers anyway.
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Purple one is more deceptive but overall has same counterplay as the pink one. Lockers hard counter both, survivors just don't know how to do that properly and almost never expect it, that's why they lose to the purple one so often.
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Yh but even if you play like that you make it easier for the killer. He gets free locker grabs and you cant loop him normally. So where is the risk? He needs a little bit longer for T3, but when one survivor makes one mistake hes dead and otherwise you dont need to use t3 bc you grab them from lockers.
You can certainly beat him, but at this point normal myers is a joke for you.
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You can loop him normally, I'd argue even more so because you don't need to worry about lunging as he can't do that if he wants to use his tombstone, every pallet makes you 100% immune to getting tombstoned no matter how unsafe it is. Just do normal clever looping while keeping in mind that if you get out of position, you'll die and once you don't have tools to work with, hop in the closest locker or any other interaction that locks you into animation.
The moment of suprise and survivors lack of experience against it, is that makes purple tombstone so strong. Most people don't even know it exists, that much less how to play againt it.
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both are stupid strong, I’d argue Tombstone piece can be worse tho, especially if you are the survivor that gets taken out right at the start.
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just look at his hand, play like usual and avoid him stalking you, and if you notice he is using a tombstone addon because his hand is open and he is in EW3 just go into a locker when he gets too close.
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Tombstone piece is much stronger than tombstone as it takes less stalk and can be paired with a stalk speed add on, but both still have reasonable counterplay.
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But thats a myers who plays tombstone wrong. You only activate it when you can instantly kill a survivor. So you never waste it and have it always ready. When survivor play perfect you will lose. But you only need one chance and you play against three survivor. (Bloodlust, Pwyf, maybe Enduring/Spirit Fury) Tombstone piece myers is still weaker as top tier killer, but he is a lot better as every other myers.
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I thought you could only kill 3 people without the red tuft of hair.
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The only time I have issues with tombstone Myers is when my teammates feed him until he has Tier 3 and then the first time encounter him I'm the one who ends up getting killed. Thanks guys. 👍️