No Longer Use Gen Regression Perks

I no longer use generator regressing perks while playing killer. For as exciting as Ruin Undying has been with the imo upgrade over Pop minus a flex slot, I decided to try out this playstyle after watching Umbra and OhToFu Hillbilly videos.

They both emphasized Whispers and BBQ in their builds and once I got used to it. Wow. The teams that fall on their face still very much fall on their face regardless of popping gens or ruin going to town as I scatter survivors.

This isn’t, at least to me, intended as a brag but hopefully another voice saying that some of these perks are not as mandatory as a player might’ve thought.

New Hillbilly build: BBQ, Enduring, Shadowborn, Whispers (W)

New Oni: BBQ, M&A, Infectious Fright (IF), W

New Ghostface: BBQ, Brutal Strength, I’m All Ears, W

I basically replaced my gen regression perk (PGTW) with Whispers and it’s been a lot of fun because I feel I have a higher chance of starting a chase.

I’d like to hear your stories of venturing away from meta perks or thoughts on switching in the future. I must admit that I had to massively level up my killers before I dipped my toe but I agree with this playstyle so much more that it’s super refreshing new gameplay for me.


  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    I use Corrupt for the most part

    It's not gen regression but map/ gen pressure early

    I am using PGTW on clown and legion (not really caring if I get any use out of it though)

    Pig: Sloppy, Corrupt, BBQ and Whispers

    I do sub Sloppy out for STBFL on some killers

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    I stopped using Ruin like a year or year and a half before its rework because i hated the RNG.

    I hated using Ruin and Undying because that combo was still very RNG dependent and it rarely felt like it would win me matches.It felt for me like a "win more" type of perk like Dying Light.

    Ditched Pop several months ago too because i absolutely hate how much it interrupts my game flow.

    The only slowdown i currently use is sloppy butcher or corrupt intervention.The rest is BBQ and chase perks.

    I just love to solely focus on chasing and pressuring survivors instead of worrying too much about gens.

    It's way more fun in my opinion

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Or any killer... it shrinks the map off the start

    allows you to look unblocked gens for survivors running to them

  • Trashmaster
    Trashmaster Member Posts: 357

    Now just drop the useless detection and tracking perks and you have become the peak killer, going all in on utility/chase perks is not only enjoyable but also perfect for punishing the toxic idiots you probably have to go against every other game

  • Patrick1088
    Patrick1088 Member Posts: 628
    edited December 2020

    I don't have ruin undying so I can't default to those lol

    I do enjoy synergizing Oppression however. I think it goes great with Overcharge, PGtW, and even Thrilling Tremors. I enjoy these perks more because they aren't hexes and the effects are likely to stay the whole match.

    I'm too dependent on Whispers too. Even Doctor I use it to get the most out of SB. Its one if the best and reliable locating perks imo

  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241

    I havn't run gen regression on almost half of my killers in a while and agree i definitely enjoy it. Detection perks are definitely alot more fun, along with chase perks, allowing you to have more and exciting chases. Undying Retribution is definitely one of my favourite combos to run atm, giving lots of imformation and actually applying alot more pressure than people think.

  • redsopine00
    redsopine00 Member Posts: 905

    I only ever used ruin for the hag adept I’ve got no use for it lol my main build I’m going to try and stick on all my killers is light born blood warden deerstalker (changes depending on time challenges) and iron grasp makes it so much easier for me being able to slug find and not worry about blinds and when you mix in basement over saving hook rushers and cocky teabaggers you get 3-4K easy

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111

    We might as well play without gen defense. A good team can gen rush no matter what perks you brought. At least then, you're playing with 4 perks, instead of half your perks being Ruin/Undying that goes down in the first minute.

  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171

    Aren't these just the meta perks that were used before regression was a thing?

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,064

    Yes, I agree, I also think that Information and Chase Perks are more valuable than Regression Perks. Personally, I stopped using Ruin long ago, because I felt stressed because of the Totem. I simply did not want to defend it anymore, once it was seen, I always felt the need to check for it. Highlight was where the Ruin was broken before I even knew where it was (it was probably behind a Gen from my Spawn Point).

    I used PGTW then, but at some point I realized that I am mostly ignoring it.

    So the only Slowdown-Perk I run is Corrupt Intervention to shrink the Map at the start. Sometimes I also run Sloppy Butcher, like it works on Wraith. Or on Spirit, because I dont know what to play instead on her (Running Corrupt, BBQ and Nurses on her, and I dont want to run Stridor).

    In general, Whispers is an amazing Perk, it saves so much time to get into the first chase because you know where no Survivors are.

    And I also think it is more enjoyable to watch Streamers who use Builds which focus on Tracking and Chases (like you said, Umbra and OhTofu, or Scorpionz as well).

  • dezzmont
    dezzmont Member Posts: 481

    Different killers for sure have different needs. On Pig I tend to run strong regression, especially ruin-surveillance, because the goal of Pig is to get a lot of hook states while the gen count is high and she 'detects' survivors by having traps on them that make their movements very predictable.

    But say... Pyramid head maybe wants one regression perk and to focus on detection overall, because his goal is to just go on a downing spree and constantly to be sending people into cages, due to his unique feature of having a shorter proportional downtime from hooking compared to overall survivor repair time assuming 3 survivors and only 1 rescuer, than any other killer. So he wants to just constantly chain chase to chase.

    There is nothing wrong with regression perks, but they definitely aren't the end all be-all. I think killers could use a liiiiil more regression in their base kit because the average killer DOES depend on them a bit too much (Good luck playing say... Ghosty or Trapper consistently without one), but if you don't run one you aren't inevitably doomed.

    However, the reason they are so popular is simple: If your really good at killer, you don't need whispers to know a survivor is nearby in general. It makes the detection aspect easier, but it still exists without it. However, you literally cannot punish survivors for stopping gens without regression perks like pop or new ruin. So these perks give you capabilities you do not really get from any killer power or base kit effect. Its the same as how killer powers bias heavily towards things that either bypass loops or give strong map mobility, rather than instadown effects or detection effects: Detection and instadown perks are dime a dozen, but the ONLY way to get map mobility is powers.

  • gatsby
    gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

    I don't really like to sweat when I'm playing Killer. I just run the strongest build possible and pretty much go full autopilot mode for 4ks.

    The only reason I play Killer is because one good Killer game can get 3-4 times more bloodpoints so I can level up new Survivors and Prestige faster. BBQ is pretty much guaranteed to get 4 stacks every game (aside from early DCs which are totally lame)

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    You did the right thing.

    None of the gen slowdown perks are worth it. They are all to weak to make a difference. Killers are better off with tracking perks. Try using NC with M&A. You'll be surprised how much pressure you'll get out of that.

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    Good for you. Honestly I can´t imagine playing Trapper without any gen perks. Myers? BIG maybe.

    Against Survivors that aren´t that great (e.g. don´t split up on gens, open chests, don´t run meta loadouts, don´t loop decently well, friends over gens) it may work, but I´m pretty sure a decent squad requires gen slowdown when playing trash tier Killers.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    A streamer tested it (with hag).

    Running corrupt vs not running it.

    To his own surprise, he performed better without corrupt.

    Reason was, that he ran quicker into survivors while he had it equipped. Which gave him less time to spread his traps.

  • Freddy96
    Freddy96 Member Posts: 767

    Gen regressing perks are not mandatory on every killer but that was something everyone knew.

    Oni and billy don't need any gen regressing perk because their powers are strong enough to allow you to put insane pressure on survivors.

    Other killers can't be played without gen regressing perks, good luck playing clown without any gen regressing perks.

    Also i quite don't get why someone shouldn't use the strongest available perks, why should you hinder youself by using other perks?

    Unless you're playing spirit then yeah i quite get why you are using vanilla perks but other than that no point.

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    Only that Hag has the luxury of having all of her traps available (and replaceable) at any time. She has way more flexibility than ol Evan. If you were to try and repeat this with Trapper, I´m certain the results would look quite differently.

    These two Killers are in completely different leagues of power and viability. One is strong without perks, without addons and can effectively be played in a competitive setting, the other has a laughable basekit that requires a full meta loadout to be decent against good pub teams.

  • Leachy_Jr
    Leachy_Jr Member Posts: 2,196

    Sure, you can still win against BAD people, yea.

    Come up against a group of just good solos or people who live by the line "gens before friends" and matches become incredibly hard to win if not impossible to win especially if you don't get someone out early.

    Trust me, I strive to find the best builds with the least amount of regression perks possible, while having constant chases is fun, losing most games against good people with still horrible map design isn't.

  • Hex_UrbanEvasion
    Hex_UrbanEvasion Member Posts: 200

    I never guard my Ruin, I know when it goes, it goes, but I also main Oni. By the time it's blown, I've hopefully gotten my juice and can dash the survivor who took it down.

    This is making me want to try some new stuff though. I usually go with Sloppy (of course), Distressing/Infectious Fright over M&A/IF, but I could swap out my Ruin for Coulrophobia and see what happens... The Whispers thing is interesting... but I don't think I would like it on him. I can use an add-on to increase orb aura distance and literally watch them drop from someone on the other side of a wall. He makes a ton of noise when Wrath activates, and I feel like the combo of Whispers and his champion-level heavy breathing might make me miss something even more important, like someone entering a closet right behind me or rustling some cattails.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,406

    For me its different. I started to getting rid of most of my information perks. While i did need to run BBQ for bloodpoints, i often played with NC or other info too.

    When i played with Billy every match was a rush duel. Stop them with killing or all gens are done.

    Info perks did make it easy against Self carer etc but now i think i should get the information with game knowledge and not with perks. I still playing with NC when its good for the killer like Ghostface or Wraith, but i dont play it on killers like billy.

    I always liked sloppy and now i play more often with StbfL.

  • Hex_UrbanEvasion
    Hex_UrbanEvasion Member Posts: 200

    You're valid. Those perks are meant to improve on something you already have, not replace your sense of the game. Some people stack BBQ and Nurse's Calling, which seems excessive to me. It feels like they just want the perks to tell them where everyone is so they can get easy downs. Rhe redundancy feels like a big waste of a perk slot.

    Even without NC, self-carers do more to mess with their team's flow than some killer perks do. Every time I see someone using it, my mind is blown.

  • Windfell
    Windfell Member Posts: 45

    I tend to avoid HEX totems, too easy to destroy and counter. As a Killer, I prefer the use of perks that I can use all game and isn't so dependent on Survivor competency.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    Gen regression perks are so boring to use, I hate them. I refuse to use them on Spirit or any other stronger killer.

    I will however use one gen regression (usually Pop) on weaker killers with no map pressure like Pig.

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033
    edited January 2021

    Just wanted to update. I’ve tried and seen that no gen regression works on every killer. Notable ones I was worried about, but was fine with: Clown, trapper, plague, twins.

    Tracking perks and quick chases is the way.

    My clown build for those interested is BBQ, Brutal Strength, STBFL, and Whispers. I saw one of the comments was ‘try this with Clown.’ No issues so far.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    I love running a stealth build on clown using dark devotion and moniter to mess with my terror radius. Really messes up survivors as they don’t expect it.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Yeah, it can suck without gen regression perks, but if you have tracking perks it will be okay (probably). Perks like BBQ, thrilling, and whispers are so good because they help you do your main objective faster which is finding survivors. Imagine if you could always see the survivor's auras, chances are you wouldn't really need gen regression perks.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited January 2021

    I've actually found the opposite over these years. I've started dropping all my tracking perks as once you've played the game long enough you know survivor movement and tracking, it's predictable. Without any tracking perks I can typically call out where all the survivors are on the map just through experience and game knowledge. IE they're just convenience and not really needed.

    Also most the games "chase" perks are pretty underwhelming bar like Bamboozle. You'll end up saving way more time through slow down perks than the minuscule amount you save in chases or tracking.

    Against average players and in most games, sure, you will do fine without slow down perks. However against good players you will get rick rolled. You can be downing players in less than 20 seconds back to back and you will still lose without slow down perks. IE you will lose not because of skill but because of time. The objective completion times simply aren't balanced against a good group now matter how well you're doing.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    I prefer anti heal and healing detection perks, I don't need to kick gens if everyone is face down.

  • Chchchcheryl
    Chchchcheryl Member Posts: 1,531

    Just knocked out seven 4ks in a row tonight as Blight without a single gen regression perk (unless you count dragons grip, but I just like the instadown, its funny baiting the gen tap)

    For reference my build is

    Bitter Murmur


    Dragons Grip

    Blood Favour (it's a weaker hex perk but I love it, also, it's funny watching people run for the pallet save only to realise they can't and getting smacked down)

  • DawnMad
    DawnMad Member Posts: 1,030

    To be honest map pressure is much more valuable than any regression, and regression is only really valuable if you have map pressure. Pop can be gained back in like 10 seconds by 2 survivors, Ruin can only regress the gens you can pressure etc.

    I only use regression perks on killers that have very good pressure already like Spirit and Freddy. On my Pig and Blight I use Corrupt for extra pressure at start and kind of a passive regression effect since it prevents 3 gens from popping in my first chase, and I use chase and info perks to help keep up my pressure.

  • savevatznick
    savevatznick Member Posts: 651

    Pop Goes the Weasel lets me hang in matches too much for me to let it go at this point. Part of the Ghostface playstyle is literally watching survivors work on gens and I need to be able to undo that.

  • C_Frank
    C_Frank Member Posts: 179

    Best perk for killer afe slowdown / regression gens perks. Yes u can winand 3/4k in game because survivior are trash. Pop is borring to use. I dont like as a killer pop gen is more fun chase surviviors. Ruin ,CI , etc are more fun because as a killer u don t have to do anything just chase surviviors, if u good get value of this perk