Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

A Little rant about the Shape

As i just got out of another Shape game wich ended - of cause, in 4 kills, i just have to say something about the Shape:
What the hell were you thinking when adding the shape like he is? Did you even test your own game?

To be honest i am sick of the shape still not being fixed. No Terror Radius, One-hit ability and the ability to ignore stealth? Plus the typical Add-Ons wich make playing as a survivor a pain in the a**. You might not noticed it, but as a killer you really have to be patient, as no one wants to play survivor anymore. And the Shape is currently a main reason for this.

Until you are able to fix him finally, i will leave any game with the Shape inside. This killer is simply P2W with no intention of making him a balanced killer.

To make this a little bit more then just a pointless rant some suggestions to fix him:

  • The Shape should not be able to move AT ALL when stalking. (He does not move in the movies as well)
  • His breath should be hearable (and directional) when stalking a survivor
  • Stalking should not reveal the auras of a survivor when only a few pixels are visible. In addition, grass should be able to block stalking.
  • Reworking his speed would be usefull as well, as his incredible strength should be balanced out by a slow movement speed (105?)

To be honest, I'd like to see Michael Myers gone totally from the game, as he is as broken as a killer can be. But as lots of people invested the money to win all the time, it would be unfair to steal them a killer. With my suggestions he would be still one of the strongest (if not still the strongest) killers in game.

Until then, i will DC or suicide if i get him. I will NOT support this P2W crap anymore. You made me stop playing the game once due to him, now i will play the game the way that I am able to enjoy it.


  • Whispers23
    Whispers23 Member Posts: 111

    Sorry man but your suggestion is a joke.
    The only thing you could complain about is unlimited kill. Other than that he is not like you say.

  • SlothGirly
    SlothGirly Member Posts: 1,146

    "No terror radius" even tho in T2 it's 32 or 36m, and basically the map in T3 XD Also you say his one hit ability is broken, as if we haven't seen that before. Hint: we have i.e Billy, LF, Huntress, Trapper. They can all imsta down and they can do it way more effectivly than Mike. So Mr. One hit wonder, think before you speak.

  • Alona
    Alona Member Posts: 40

    Strange. Had a game last week where I played Shape and three survivors escaped.
    I also had games against Shape where I was able to escape.
    It's almost like it depends on the skills of the players. Huh, crazy.

  • @Master said:
    Competent survivors will deny you tier 2 so long that you are tempted to DC as a killer

    Everytime i get against him he gets to Tier 2 in about 5 seconds because all he has to do is to press the right mouse key when ONE Pixel of you is visible and he get's his points. Pls tell me how to deny him that, i did not found a way yet to deny him getting a line of sight to me at every time.... I am for sure not the best player, i mean, let's be honest, a monkey could get to rank 1 after a few hours of gaming, but when comes the point were this guy gets balanced?

    @AlphaJackson: Trapper can InstaDown? Only with Add Ons. MM has this ability by DEFAULT. Just take a look at him:

    • Tier 1: Pretty much no Terror Radius and NO WAY of detecting him
    • Tier 2 Pretty much your normal killer, but with only half the terror radius because of... money
    • Tier 3 One hit-party with insta-vaulting - sure, that must be the WORST killer...

    his T2 radius is usually 16m, but with certain builds....32m is only T3, wich is kind of small considering is insta downing ability.

    TBH the whole Add-on thing in higher tiers makes the game frustrating as well, as some add-ons are quite game-breaking; but at least they are kind of rare.

    Sure, if you have a noob playing him it is not that hard to deal with him, but as soon as the killer as a slight idea how to play Michael it is a slaughter. I know, killer mains will complain if they do'nt get 4 kills every time, but what they tend to forget is: We need killers and we need survivors. Killers like the shape are a reason why less and less ppl tend to play as a survivor. The fact that survivors get a few (small) nerfs every patch will not improve this situation.

    Let's be honest: The whole balancing is currently shifted towards killers, at least that is the opinion of the majority of players (look at the queue times for rank 1). Instead of buffing the killers more and more and giving the survivors a slight nerf here and a small nerf there, the whole game needs a shift towards survivors to ensure people want to play survivor.

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    Sock account to make bait threads?

  • @Wolf74 said:
    Sock account to make bait threads?

    Or just frustrated an needed something to calm down and get rid of my frustration?

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    Shape is a mid tier killer.
    Not even really good.
    Some people rank him high/mid, but I consider him low/mid, because of his lack of map pressure.
    I think he is a really scary killer to play against, but beside some jump scares he is rather mediocre.
    So I am always kinda laughing about people complaining about him.

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758
    edited October 2018

    Almost nobody complains about the shape, most people find him fun to play against so your argument is pretty much moot.

    Also 105% ms would make him the worst character in the game BY far, with 105% ms survivors are faster than the damn killer in loops

  • DemolitionDan
    DemolitionDan Member Posts: 21

    Survivor main complaining about another killer... Freddy, Michael, Spirit. You name it, they'll want a nerf for it.

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    Calling the shape pay2win is btw funny as heck. There's no reason literally to play him over billy unless you like to spook ppl.

  • thrashed2pieces
    thrashed2pieces Member Posts: 57

    Let's be honest: The whole balancing is currently shifted towards killers, at least that is the opinion of the majority of players (look at the queue times for rank 1). Instead of buffing the killers more and more and giving the survivors a slight nerf here and a small nerf there, the whole game needs a shift towards survivors to ensure people want to play survivor.

    Soo... Billy’s saw definitely instadowns, and if a MM build lets him instadown so what?? You are whining entirely too much about a character that relies on speed and stealth and requires time to actually get traction. As someone else said, he really has no map presence like Billy, Hag, Leatherface, on and on. Also, that’s a bold claim to say the game is unbalanced in favor of the Killer. You’re being laughed at by the competent Survivor mains, watch some pro vids and quit feeling sorry for yourself 😑
  • TheMadDoctor
    TheMadDoctor Member Posts: 250
    edited October 2018

    As i just got out of another Shape game wich ended - of cause, in 4 kills, i just have to say something about the Shape:
    What the hell were you thinking when adding the shape like he is? Did you even test your own game?

    To be honest i am sick of the shape still not being fixed. No Terror Radius, One-hit ability and the ability to ignore stealth? Plus the typical Add-Ons wich make playing as a survivor a pain in the a**. You might not noticed it, but as a killer you really have to be patient, as no one wants to play survivor anymore. And the Shape is currently a main reason for this.

    Until you are able to fix him finally, i will leave any game with the Shape inside. This killer is simply P2W with no intention of making him a balanced killer.

    To make this a little bit more then just a pointless rant some suggestions to fix him:

    • The Shape should not be able to move AT ALL when stalking. (He does not move in the movies as well)
    • His breath should be hearable (and directional) when stalking a survivor
    • Stalking should not reveal the auras of a survivor when only a few pixels are visible. In addition, grass should be able to block stalking.
    • Reworking his speed would be usefull as well, as his incredible strength should be balanced out by a slow movement speed (105?)

    To be honest, I'd like to see Michael Myers gone totally from the game, as he is as broken as a killer can be. But as lots of people invested the money to win all the time, it would be unfair to steal them a killer. With my suggestions he would be still one of the strongest (if not still the strongest) killers in game.

    Until then, i will DC or suicide if i get him. I will NOT support this P2W crap anymore. You made me stop playing the game once due to him, now i will play the game the way that I am able to enjoy it.

    You're whining and exaggerating along with your facts being highly inaccurate.  First of all, Myer's is literally the strongest of the liscensed killers but he's balanced fine. A killer in an asymmetrical horror game is supposed to be op but balanced in a way to where they're not impossible. In other words,"Not Broken." Myer's still has a terror radius in all his stages, plus in evil within 1, he moves way below 110% movement speed with an almost non existent lunge range and a tiny terror radius, evil with 2 is the actual killer stats but he has a smaller than usual terror radius, ew3's on a timer and myer's can only get so much energy from one survivor. Plus, he's literally not the only one with the power to instadown. His stages are balanced well, also...dcing or dying on purpose over not liking Myer's is pathetic, yeah I always hate playing against Myer's but I sit there and deal with it. I don't get pissy and DC or commit suicide. In fact, his perk play with your food needs some work and I really hate the heavy movement speed debuff Judith's Tombstone gives out.
  • TheMadDoctor
    TheMadDoctor Member Posts: 250
    edited October 2018

    Calling the shape pay2win is btw funny as heck. There's no reason literally to play him over billy unless you like to spook ppl.

    I disagree on no reason to play him over billy. But, that's cause I don't like how his bad turning was implemented. But yeah calling him pay2win is hilarious XD.
  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    This has to be a joke, I can't take it seriously. He needs some small buffs, not nerfs rofl.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647
    This dude thinks a trapless trapper is the most broken/op killer in the game 🤣🤣 my stomach hurts from laughing!! Omg! 
  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    I've never rated Myers that high either. He's weak to loops. Sure he has insta-downs but he has to earn them via stalking which slows him down.

    He's only deadly if the survivors play poorly. Letting themselves all group up near him is the common mistake at which point he hits EW3 and pops them all down. That's on the survivors though.

    His add ons however I agree with you they are insanely broken. Unlimited EW3 - broken, and the add on where he can tap M1 and insta-kill a healthy survivor? Probably the most broken thing in the entire game.

    Beyond that I think he's fine where he is. I agree with other comments here that it's Hillbilly whonjeeds the nerf. Always available instadown and he doesn't have to "earn it" like Myers does.
  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    what about no?
    i like the shape and i dont want him ruined.
    just open your eyes, YOU WILL SEE HIM WATCHING YOU!

  • PatchNoir
    PatchNoir Member Posts: 600

    i agree THE SHAPE IS PAY TO WIN AGAINST RANK 6 SURVIVORS, you cant get pass tier 2 i high ranks everyone uses urban evasion behind boxes and trees and this ######### dont stalk and he moves preety slow stalking so urban evasion is quicker he is useless you get gen rush and tier 3 maybe 2 times in a match with one down each if you re luck

  • TheMadDoctor
    TheMadDoctor Member Posts: 250
    edited October 2018

    @Blueberry said:
    This has to be a joke, I can't take it seriously. He needs some small buffs, not nerfs rofl.

    True I actually had a couple ideas for buffing myers, but they are only a couple
    1:Lessen the movement speed debuff of his addon Judith's tombstone from 9% to 5-6% as the movement speed debuff is so bad that I actually prefer to use the tombstone pieces.
    2:rework his perk play with your food to where you will lose tokens only if you hit or down a survivor, but to balance it with tombstone myer's build, have a special code in the perk that will detect if you're playing myer's with a tombstone addon so every m1 kill will make you still lose a token. (ok I actually checked play with your food and found out tombstone kills don't actually take tokens...still, hitting the m1 making you loose a token is really finicky.)
    3:while I understand Myer's having a normal killer terror radius at EW3, I think lessening it to 26 meters wouldn't be a bad idea. If he's based around stealth, his terror radius should not be ever close to a regular killers. I get it's for balance, but he's not as powerful as people would like to think.
    4:allow for myer's to earn a bit more stalking energy off of each survivor, not too much more, maybe just 1 extra second off each survivor.

  • KingSavageGaming
    KingSavageGaming Member Posts: 148
    Well he's pretty balanced actually Tier 1 terror radius 6m Tier 2 - 16m Tier 3 - 32m and as a myers i could bury you with nothing but numbers and facts but this seems like a tantrum and you blowing off steam yes grass does block out evil within and to say evil within shouldn't highlight you is absurd that's the whole point his power in a way to give him an indication of who he's stalking he can only stalk you from so far and you say he shouldn't be able to move while he's stalking because he didn't do it in the movies sorry to shoot you down but yes he did move while he was stalking at the end of H1 H2 H4 H5 H6 so it's canon also he's a stealth killer remember that
  • So let me get this straight:
    A Killer with nearly no Terror radius wich negates spotting perks, and the ability to negate stealth if just one Pixel of the survivor is not behind a wall, combined with an insta-down wich can be either extremely long (7 minutes total) or infinite with add-ons is one of the weaker killers, a "Trapper without traps?" Oh, I forgot his fast-vaulting.
    Wow, then i am the best player of all times, as i have little trouble facing a trapper. In opposite, the trapper is imo one of the best balanced killers in game. He is strong (as killers need to be) but not overwhelming. Ok, some add-ons are totally game-breaking, but that's the case with every killer and another topic.

    Damn, I'd love to play against those MMs you are always referring to. I just had a game where I made the big mistake not to leave... The first survivor did a good job, it took MM 30 seconds to get to stage 2 - that is the longest time i ever same someone keeping MM from reaching it. Where are those great survivors everyone keeps talking about here?

    An easy solution would be more ranks. So godly killers can play godly survivors and vise versa. I, as a noob with no knowledge of the game, can play noob MMs wich are not able to stalk and i stop complaining - hey, that's what i call win-win. In the current state, the Ranks start at Idiot-Beginner and just go to average-GOD. So i, as an average T1 player seem to always get the godly michaels and hillbillies and of course i loose interest in the game because this is annoying as f**k.
    More ranks, and i would hopefully not be rank 1 anymore. To be honest, I'd love to be stuck at rank 20 to level up first, but ranking up is somehow way to easy since the emblems were introduced.

    Back to One-hit Myers: As long as the team does not communicate via TS and consists of somewhat decent players, he is totally broken. If you happen to play with great players, or even better, play SWF with good players and communicate during the game, he is easily beatable. So, however this turns out, he is either way too strong or too weak, but not a balanced middle.

    As i mentioned, just look at the queue times for killers, there is a lack of survivors right now, and even if the reason is that survivors are whiny kids, the whining killers should accept that some buffs for the survivors would fix this issue, as more ppl would play as a survivor. The difficult thing is to find the balance between strong, but not totally OP killers, and competetive survivors. Make one side too strong and the other side wo'nt want to play. It happened with killers, now it happens with survivors.
    Finally fixing the issues with MM in whatever way would be a huge leap forward.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    Probably the most fun to play against imo. The zero tr build is what make it fun for me, having to watch my back and never knowing if he is around the corner. In regards to instant down, that has to be built up to its not right off the bat and time limited. As a last note don't complain about add-ons, it's a One-Shot use and then he has spend blood points on the chance to earn more.
  • TheMadDoctor
    TheMadDoctor Member Posts: 250

    @Just_a_random_guy said:
    So let me get this straight:
    A Killer with nearly no Terror radius wich negates spotting perks, and the ability to negate stealth if just one Pixel of the survivor is not behind a wall, combined with an insta-down wich can be either extremely long (7 minutes total) or infinite with add-ons is one of the weaker killers, a "Trapper without traps?" Oh, I forgot his fast-vaulting.
    Wow, then i am the best player of all times, as i have little trouble facing a trapper. In opposite, the trapper is imo one of the best balanced killers in game. He is strong (as killers need to be) but not overwhelming. Ok, some add-ons are totally game-breaking, but that's the case with every killer and another topic.

    Damn, I'd love to play against those MMs you are always referring to. I just had a game where I made the big mistake not to leave... The first survivor did a good job, it took MM 30 seconds to get to stage 2 - that is the longest time i ever same someone keeping MM from reaching it. Where are those great survivors everyone keeps talking about here?

    An easy solution would be more ranks. So godly killers can play godly survivors and vise versa. I, as a noob with no knowledge of the game, can play noob MMs wich are not able to stalk and i stop complaining - hey, that's what i call win-win. In the current state, the Ranks start at Idiot-Beginner and just go to average-GOD. So i, as an average T1 player seem to always get the godly michaels and hillbillies and of course i loose interest in the game because this is annoying as f**k.
    More ranks, and i would hopefully not be rank 1 anymore. To be honest, I'd love to be stuck at rank 20 to level up first, but ranking up is somehow way to easy since the emblems were introduced.

    Back to One-hit Myers: As long as the team does not communicate via TS and consists of somewhat decent players, he is totally broken. If you happen to play with great players, or even better, play SWF with good players and communicate during the game, he is easily beatable. So, however this turns out, he is either way too strong or too weak, but not a balanced middle.

    As i mentioned, just look at the queue times for killers, there is a lack of survivors right now, and even if the reason is that survivors are whiny kids, the whining killers should accept that some buffs for the survivors would fix this issue, as more ppl would play as a survivor. The difficult thing is to find the balance between strong, but not totally OP killers, and competetive survivors. Make one side too strong and the other side wo'nt want to play. It happened with killers, now it happens with survivors.
    Finally fixing the issues with MM in whatever way would be a huge leap forward.

    more ranks wouldn't really fix the problem as there's no point to ranking up because there's no reward for it, I am in the red ranks and let me tell's not really fulfilling due to there being no reward for it. Plus, comparing to playing myer's with survive with friend's team and just randoms is not a justified arguement for him being broken. That's literally how games with SWF teams go for all killers. Also...your definition of OP more to me feels like broken, a killer is supposed to be op, but be balanced in a way where they're strong as hell, but not impossible. Buffing Survivors is not the way to go in asymmetrical horror games because you're suppose to be against a powerful force, now devs are focused more on actual balance changes instead of focused buffs and nerfs, they're getting better at it now.

  • TatsuiChiyo
    TatsuiChiyo Member Posts: 712

    @Just_a_random_guy said:
    As i just got out of another Shape game wich ended - of cause, in 4 kills, i just have to say something about the Shape:
    What the hell were you thinking when adding the shape like he is? Did you even test your own game?

    To be honest i am sick of the shape still not being fixed. No Terror Radius, One-hit ability and the ability to ignore stealth? Plus the typical Add-Ons wich make playing as a survivor a pain in the a**. You might not noticed it, but as a killer you really have to be patient, as no one wants to play survivor anymore. And the Shape is currently a main reason for this.

    Until you are able to fix him finally, i will leave any game with the Shape inside. This killer is simply P2W with no intention of making him a balanced killer.

    To make this a little bit more then just a pointless rant some suggestions to fix him:

    • The Shape should not be able to move AT ALL when stalking. (He does not move in the movies as well)
    • His breath should be hearable (and directional) when stalking a survivor
    • Stalking should not reveal the auras of a survivor when only a few pixels are visible. In addition, grass should be able to block stalking.
    • Reworking his speed would be usefull as well, as his incredible strength should be balanced out by a slow movement speed (105?)

    To be honest, I'd like to see Michael Myers gone totally from the game, as he is as broken as a killer can be. But as lots of people invested the money to win all the time, it would be unfair to steal them a killer. With my suggestions he would be still one of the strongest (if not still the strongest) killers in game.

    Until then, i will DC or suicide if i get him. I will NOT support this P2W crap anymore. You made me stop playing the game once due to him, now i will play the game the way that I am able to enjoy it.

    Oh so many issues here.

    • Tier 1 Myers having no terror radius is true, though I see you neglected to mention that while in Tier 1 he moves incredibly slowly and has no lunge range. You also forgot that once he passes into Tier 2, he can never go back to Tier 1.
    • Maybe you should, you know, break line of sight? Despite what you exaggerate, it does take time to build up tiers if you're playing base Micheal. Also, he actually DID move while stalking in the movie. (Scene where he stalks Laurie from behind the chain link fence, moving along with her). Also, did you know he moves slow as a slug when he is stalking already?
    • Do you want a floating neon sign that says "KILLER HERE" following Killers to? Seriously, this is a HORROR game, you're SUPPOSED to be anxious. How about you use your third person camera to LOOK AROUND YOU. Free tip, if Micheal can see you, you can see him.
    • You mean the grass that hides at best the head down? Cause if you're talking about the grass on Slaughter Swamp here's some news for you. It already does. I've hidden from Micheal dozens of times on those maps.
    • Killer moves to quick, I can't just run from him. All I read there.

    Personally, I think the Doctor and Hag are broken. If they were removed completely, I would be a happy little Kate main. But they're not going to be, so I decided to adapt and become a better survivor. It's obvious you don't want to do the same if you're just going to be a coward and run every time you see Kirk's number one fan. Have fun finding a new Killer to whine about.

    And before anyone comes in and accuses me of being a Mike main, Spirit is my girl. Before her, Pig. I've only played Mike a handful of times, and honestly put him on the lower end of my list.

  • Esheon
    Esheon Member Posts: 568
    He does move while stalking in the movies.

    His breath is so loud I can hear him on the ground floor of a house while I'm repairing a generator upstairs.

    Hide in a place where you can make it so zero pixels are visible.

    105% is slower than Hag/Huntress/Spirit. Guess what? Mikey already moves at 105% in EW1. He moves at 72% while stalking.

    You counter Myers by opening your eyes and breaking line of sight. It's not hard.
  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383
    1 bad game = killer is op
  • BigBubs
    BigBubs Member Posts: 1,131

    Lul Michael is not even one of the top killers xD

  • eddie_duckman9
    eddie_duckman9 Member Posts: 8

    I am a myers main and I can agree that sometimes he is annoying to play against but he is balanced, it takes quite a long time to get into ew3 and when he does every survivor knows, also it only lasts around 40 seconds without add-ons, he is extremely slow while stalking so survivors have plenty of time to escape. His terror radius is very small in ew1 but when he gets to tier 3 he has a regular terror radius so you have plenty of warning and a fair chance to get away, his add-ons can be very useful but are certainly not overpowered

    Judith's tombstone. Basically a mori but you have to be in tier 3 and right next to the survivor, plus you are really slow for the entire game

    Fragrant tuft of hair. Unlimited evil within 3 but it takes a really long time to activate tier 3

    His perks also aren't great, they are all obsession perks and one of them (dying light) actually give survivors bonuses until the obsession is killed, and play with your food rewards you for losing a chase which completely defeats the point of a chase.

    Michael Myers is a good killer but far from being overpowered or broken.

  • Grim
    Grim Member Posts: 250
    edited July 2019

    The only annoying thing I can see with Myers is when he stalks everyone else and then decides to blow his load and tombstone you instead.

    He's not a broken killer, so you should learn how to deal with him. He isn't going anywhere soon.

This discussion has been closed.