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Against PC Nurses from PS4 at high ranks

Entità Member Posts: 1,583
edited January 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

The challenges are interesting, they help you improve and enjoy the eventual victory more. The term "challenge" is not valid, however, when the clash takes place with unequal weapons and defeat is inexorable. I can accept that the PC has better graphics, but not that it guarantees an unsurpassed tactical advantage, in terms of character maneuverability and responsiveness of the commands. I expect to have the same gameplay and winning opportunities on PS4 Pro as on PC.

I played for a year and a half against Nurses with omegablink and 5 blinks on PS4 and it resulted in challenging but also fun games. Now, when I meet a red rank Nurse from another platform (and I'm ready to bet my Devotion 15 that she plays on PC), the games systematically end with 4 kills and 5/4 gens left.

There are three options in the field:

1) give the other players the same fluidity as those who operate the Nurse from the PC; or

2) impose the same restrictions on the Nurse from PC, when she plays against opponents from other platforms, that a Nurse would have on PS4; or

3) activate immediately, not soon, not tomorrow, not tonight, but at this very moment, the new MMR system, so that I and the other unfortunate solos from PS4 are not condemned to lose before the game even starts and we'll meet PC Nurses no more (moreover, players often very toxic, who tunnel even with 5 gens left, because they pretend that all survivors are full SWFs that coordinate well and genrush, ignoring any contrary evidence).

Until one of these solutions is implemented, after dozens of unfair, wrong and frustrating games, I have decided to give the Nurse 30 seconds to understand if she has supernatural abilities or not: if the answer is yes, I disconnect or I commit suicide at the first opportunity. It is not permissible to force someone to play a lost game.

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on


  • JPA
    JPA Member Posts: 1,685

    When you say fluidity, what do you mean precisely? I would have thought from a control standpoint at least, playing Survivor with a controller is not too different to using a M+KB (an analogue stick has advantages in looping). There are probably hardware differences which will unfortunately create differences between the two platforms. Another reason why DBD matchmade games can never be considered truly "competitive" if you ask me.

    Unfortunately, a good PC nurse is going to 4k all day against any survivors, regardless of what platform they are on.

  • Entità
    Entità Member Posts: 1,583

    @JPA I mean the character's responsiveness to commands, the precision of the blinks, the speed of the 360s ... everything related to the Nurse's mobility during a chase.

    I don't know any statistics, but if your words are true, i.e. the strongest Nurse is going to get 4k against the strongest team of survivors, then she should be nerfed until the average outcome, with the same skill in both roles, won't be 2k/2e.

  • JPA
    JPA Member Posts: 1,685

    Oh my bad, I thought you were referring to the fluidity of the survivor since you mentioned going against Nurses.

    The analogue stick will never match the mouse for precision, this will always be a problem with cross platform games. Speed of the 360s could be fixed with controller sensitivity I guess, but you'd need to get used to ultra high sensitivity.

  • Entità
    Entità Member Posts: 1,583

    @JPA I know that the issue is in the hardware (in fact, I didn't ask for a Nurse nerf in my first post: you said she wins any trial under any circumstance and I replied that, if this is true, she should be nerfed to meet the 50/50 standard), but the result is a lost trial from the very beginning. So we need some fix: maybe some enhancement in PS4 controls or the MMR or both...

  • Entità
    Entità Member Posts: 1,583

    I never asked for a Nurse nerf, and I gave three options to make trials fair and winnable from both sides: get us better controls OR limit her precision against console survivors OR activate now the MMR, so we'll never find PC Nurses again.

  • popoles
    popoles Member Posts: 831
    edited January 2021

    Console survivors are as strong as their PC teammates. (imo analogue stick is better for survivors than KB+M). Maybe you have troubles outplaying nurse because you don't play her. I play her on PC, so even when I am on Xbox, I can outplay her (crossplay on of course).

    Sorry to say that, but get good.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    Limit her precision against console sounds a lot like a nerf lol

    and I wouldn't put too much faith in the MMR system. I've seen it operate before and I think the game got worse.

  • Entità
    Entità Member Posts: 1,583
    edited January 2021

    @popoles It's not a matter of skill: it's a matter of hardware. I've never seen rank 1 Nurses on PS4 do what they do on PC. I'm referring to extremely high blink precision and 360 speed: a PS4 survivor cannot avoid to be hit. Many people block the cross platform because they fear the PC hardware advantage, no matters the role: I say that cross-play is great, but good PC Nurses against PS4 survivors have no chance to lose, it's impossible.

    @EvilJoshy No, it would be just a tool to grant all people equal chances, but maybe you think a 60kg boxer should be paired with a 100kg one... If you are a PC Nurse against PC survivors, enjoy your maximum power, but there is no reason to give her the advantage to get a free win against PS4 players. Of course, my best option is to turn on the MMR, which gave me amazing and fair trials in August 2020: some wins, some defeats, but balanced matches afterall.

  • popoles
    popoles Member Posts: 831
    edited January 2021

    @Entità Well, maybe try some other jukes than rotating on the spot.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited January 2021

    There's a reason boxing has weight classes. Should the 100kg boxer stop working out for a year and shrink down to give the 60kg boxer a fair chance? You already have a tool to solve your problem. Turn off cross play. You'll never face a PC nurse again and the devs can spend their time on other things we don't need. Like a new UI system -.-

    As for the MMR system. When they first turned it on my experience was varied. I felt bad because pretty much every survivor I was paired against were newbs. My matches certainly weren't frustrating but I can't imagine they were having any fun.

  • Entità
    Entità Member Posts: 1,583

    @popoles It's not about the jukes I use: it's about the powerfulness of PC survivors' tools vs PS4 survivors' tools or, if you prefer, about the precision of PC Nurses' blink vs PS4 Nurses' blink. Try on console, see with your eyes.

    @EvilJoshy No, the other 21 PC killers are good: no reason to turn off the cross-play. Why are you against the MMR? Do you want to be matched with weaker opponents? Rank doesn't mean skill: the matchmaking must be fixed with the MMR system.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited January 2021

    Maybe I need to play a lot more for the MMR to put me in the proper bracket but my experience with it has been bad. There is no true way to determine someone's skill level. The emblem system certainly doesn't help. Majority of my matches when they turned on MMR were against newbs. The kind where you feel bad because you look like a jerk for just playing the game. I got just under 1k hours and I'm being paired with brand new survivors. Seriously, how is that fair? I've had the game for 4 years and these devs have betrayed my trust more than they earned it. For every good thing they've done it feels like they do 5 bad things. I simply don't trust them to do something good anymore.

  • popoles
    popoles Member Posts: 831


    How does the precision of PS4 Nurse's blink affect you as a survivor when playing against a PC Nurse? I play her from time to time on Xbox (FPS are terrible) and am able to do 4Ks.

  • popoles
    popoles Member Posts: 831

    Yeah, the last time MMR was on, my P3 killers were paired against brand new survivors, but newly bought killers were paired against R1 survivors with 1000+hrs.

  • Entità
    Entità Member Posts: 1,583

    @EvilJoshy So you are against a broken MMR: it's quite obvious a broken algorithm cannot fix anything, but the MMR we had last August was a kind of beta testing. Now I hope we'll get the smooth, adjourned and improved version of it.

    @popoles The precision of PS4 Nurse is comparable with the maneuverabilty of PS4 survivors, so you can avoid hits: PS4 survivors against PC Nurses have no hope to do the same.

  • Bumbus
    Bumbus Member Posts: 600

    You can buy PS5 and ask BHVR for keyboard & mouse support in the game, that's all you can get.

  • Entità
    Entità Member Posts: 1,583

    You keep suggesting what I could do, but that's not the issue: the problem is that PC Nurses have a greater maneuverability than PS4 survivors, so the fight is not on equal terms. I'm not asking for nothing but to have on PS4 the same chances to have fun I'd have on PC, against that specific killer, The Nurse (because of her power, of course).

    @Bumbus Yours is not a remedy: if I change platform, the other PS4 players will keep suffering the same issue I'm reporting here. You are saying the PS4 players have no hopes to have fair trials against PC Nurses, so they should give up...

  • Bumbus
    Bumbus Member Posts: 600

    Well, dude, I don't know what you expect BHVR to do - to lower PC killer's FPS to PS4 FPS, because PS4 FPS isn't good enough? To lower PC killer's mouse sensibility to controller's sensibility? That won't happen, so what's the point of demanding it. So yes, all PS4 survivors actually should get better hardware, or give up against good PC Nurses, or turn off crossplay if that's totally unacceptable for them.

    Probably MMR will make your life a bit easier though.

  • Entità
    Entità Member Posts: 1,583

    You can play Red Dead Redemption 2 and The Last Of Us 2 on PS4 (and I have a PS4 Pro), so, yes, Dead by Daylight can become smoother than it is today, and I trust in BHVR! I'd prefer to heighten controller sensitivity than reducing mouse sensitivity, and to get the MMR as soon as possible.

  • Bumbus
    Bumbus Member Posts: 600

    I'm sorry, but your trust is desperate

    They can't fix net code for grabs since introducing of dedicated servers, and that's way easier than implementing graphics optimization in an already completed game

  • Mistikus
    Mistikus Member Posts: 1,347

    simple solution turn off your crossplay just like many pc players did to not be parried with weaker links

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624

    You have the same fluidity as Nurse on any platform. There are no restrictions or advantages to Nurse from platform to platform. You just have a crappy controller on consoles. Deal with it. Don't like it, buy a PC.

    Sorry not sorry, PC Master Race.

    If it's a big issue for you turn off crossplay.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,743

    I do not share OP's belief that it it always hopeless for good survs against an awesone PC Nurse (aside from the truely god-like Nurses who will slaughter any platform at will, most of whom have sadly retired). But stating just get a PC is no answer either.

    Remember there is no Cross Progression, nor is it likely to ever come. So they'd have to buy a PC that can handle DBD, rebuy the game, rebuy all the DLC's, rebuy any wanted cosmetics, oh and the best part regrind everyone because they're all at lvl 1 again.

    Tell me with a straight face you or anyone with thousands of hours into this game would do all that. You know darn well what the grind is like. Saying "just get a PC then" sounds very much like consolers were screwed from day one.

    The real solution is a proper optimization, which will greatly benefit us all (gimme my grabs back, for instance). My Xbox1x can handle far more demanding games than this one, it is just DBD that it has so much trouble digesting. Please please please borrow a friends PS4 or whatever and give killer a try. Tell us all what you think.

    You are quite correct as far as Crossplay is concerned. Turning it off solves all of OP's concerns, if they are willing to tolerate the even worse queue times.

  • Tizzle
    Tizzle Member Posts: 696

    This is completely false.

    The last gen consoles have some pretty severe framerate problems.

    This affects gameplay whether you like it or not.

    I've played both PS4 and PC.

    Since crossplay was implemented the second you are in a chase versus a Nurse you can tell if she is on PC or console, it's that much of a difference.

  • JediWithASniper
    JediWithASniper Member Posts: 670

    I play on ps4, against rank 1 nurses from pc, and they don’t always win. Anyone who has put as much time into learning a killer as nurse takes, deserves the wins they get.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,085

    They delete or ignore all the console optimization posts.

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624

    You are talking about framerate.

    The OP is talking about "Fluidity" and talks about lowering mouse sensitivity and raising analogue stick sensitivity.

    See this? It's called a clue. Take it. Because you don't have one.

  • Jamlpr
    Jamlpr Member Posts: 107

    This is the funniest post I’ve ever read. You want the devs to cater to you because you have ######### hardware? No lol.

  • Toblerone007
    Toblerone007 Member Posts: 598

    1) How would you implement that? I don't play console but you can't increase sensitivity so you can flick?

    2) It's not really feasible to disable a killer cross-platform because you still have full functionality playing survivor on console. Framerates can be poor sometimes but only solution there is to join the master race.

    3) MMR isn't going to be a solution that will help you with your issue because the best nurse players are going to place high mmr. Unless you're expecting to place much lower than I don't get your point. You can still play survivor very well on console.

    God nurse can be frustrating but do remember these players have usually invested a lot of time to get it to a level where they never miss.

  • Tizzle
    Tizzle Member Posts: 696

    You literally said "You just have a crappy controller on consoles. Deal with it. Don't like it, buy a PC."


    I'm not agreeing with the OP's post or advocating changes, I'm explaining WHY Nurse is so bad on console.


  • Entità
    Entità Member Posts: 1,583

    All players deserve a fair opportunity to fight against the opponent and have fun: the different hardware is not a good reason to give free wins to someone and free frustration to others. Your excitement about the "PC master race" is a kind of class speech, very similar to pay to win: what you are telling me, in summary, is that if I can afford to spend 2,000 euros, then I am worthy to play, otherwise I am a poor plebeian who must remain silent and bear the injustice. It doesn't work like this: if the various gaming platforms are united in a single network, then the membership platform must not constitute a privilege or a discrimination, and this is true for all killers, except for the Nurse. Why should I turn off cross-play? The Nurse has a unique mechanic, which makes very relevant the tools you use to move her: stick vs mouse/keyboard... I hope a solution will come, maybe with the MMR, that will give those Nurses a higher rating than mine.