The latest feedback survey was hilariously biased

Traslogan Member Posts: 283
edited January 2021 in General Discussions

Seriously, what is the point in a user survey when your survey clearly is only asking things to be answered in certain ways?

You ask us if we are interested in merchandise, we say no to everything, so you follow up with asking us what merchandise we are most interested in.

You ask us what the pains of the game are, but you've selected just 5 areas that are your personal idea of what might be bad in the game, and no option for anything else (So for example, if we are killer mains who hate SWF cheating, you see that as invalid, gotta make those SWF big bucks I suppose...)

You ask how we feel about rank reset, but we still cant offer any opinion on how easy it is to sustain high rank especially as survivor (or the fact rank is meaningless when the matchmaking can put rank 1s and 15s in the same match after 60s of waiting)

You ask us if the graphics overhauls have helped our game, but we can't say "actually the game still doesn't even do fullscreen and now it runs worse than ever", we just get to say "wow it was amazing" or "nah it just didn't impact me".

Every single question expected us to be massively interested and agree with you, there was no point issuing such a stupid survey.


  • xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx
    xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx Member Posts: 441

    If you pretend it doesn't exist, it won't bother you.

  • AnnoyedAtTheGame
    AnnoyedAtTheGame Member Posts: 539

    I didn't even get to do it as it is closed now? They're hiding it from us players who actually want to fill it in.

  • Traslogan
    Traslogan Member Posts: 283

    Yeah I bet all the merchandise questions are just them saying "we're doing merchandise no matter what, we just want to seem like we asked first"

  • Traslogan
    Traslogan Member Posts: 283
    edited January 2021

    I only gave it as an example anyway to show that if you have any gripes about the game other than the 5 explicit things they've decided are problems, you have no say in their surveys. Perhaps one of your biggest gripes is performance ever since the new graphic changes, well doesn't matter because they don't think it's an issue.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,163

    This! When I saw that on the survey I just had to laugh at how ridiculous it was.

  • Traslogan
    Traslogan Member Posts: 283

    You missed the point. It's not about if they do merchandise, it's about putting out surveys to pretend like we're offering feedback and it's really just them ticking the box to say they had player participation when it's clearly already a done deal, same way people in these comments are saying they didn't ask at all about some recent changes which means they have no interest in worrying about it.

  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,843
  • Traslogan
    Traslogan Member Posts: 283

    So asking how fun killer perks are but how useful survivor perks are? They want to know what the pains of the game are so we don't get to say what the pain is, just if we agree with their 5? (And if not, we haven't got an 'other' area or 'none of the above' or anything).

    It was a bad survey that just served for them to be able to claim they asked for feedback, but it was all pivoted towards either agreeing with them or just not answering / being neutral.

  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,370
    edited January 2021

    They may have asked 2 different questions because of the fact that the killer meta is arguably larger than the survivor meta, hence why so many people complain about DS/UB so often. They probably want to try and address unfun survivor builds by offering them alternative perks first, and then nerfing the others so that survivors aren't left with only 1 or 2 viable builds at high ranks. In comparison,killers have many perks that help in all aspects of the game with most of them being viable at high ranks: Infectious Fright and Deerstalker for slugging, Thanataphobia, Pop, Ruin, Corrupt, etc. for slowing gens, Enduring, Brutal Strength, Spirit Fury, etc. for ending chases quicker. Killers generally just have perks that are more useful than that of survivors, because of this, the devs probably want to focus on trying to add the same for survivor seeing as the last meta perks (subjective) that survivors received were Fixated and Inner Strength from the Stranger Things chapter, which was released over a year ago whereas the last meta perk that killers received was Undying, which came out about 4 months ago now.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,163

    Killer mains are constantly saying the devs are biased to survivors and that they only have handful of useful perks which is why they flip when any of those perks are touched. The survey asking survivors about useful perks and killers about fun perks only encourages the argument of devs being biased. What they should've done is asked both sides about both useful and fun perks so it would not come across as being biased to one side over the other.

  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171

    That's not exactly what those mean. For example, a qualitative question would ask what color shirt are you wearing?

    - blue

    - red

    - purple

    - other

    A quantitative question would ask the What rank are you in dbd?


    - 2


    The op is annoyed that the survey doesn't have the other option or sometimes guides the responses.

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,820

    I thought it was a good survey. I'm also 100% sure they care about the answers to the merch questions, since the point of asking is to find out if we'll buy the merch and I don't think they're just pretending to want to know that.

    Every time I've filled out one of these surveys, there's been a box at the end where you can leave comments about things they didn't ask about, so it's not like they're excluding feedback that doesn't fit their exact questions.

  • Traslogan
    Traslogan Member Posts: 283

    This is the dev-team that asks you to rate your matches from 1 to 5 with no context as to why you rate it 1 or 5 or anything inbetween, thus rendering the rating pointless. It's nothing more than pretend userbase interaction, the majority of questions were leading you to what they wanted the answers to be. You either agreed with them or were neutral / didn't answer.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,079

    Your first example is quantitative as well. I can easily make a graph out of those to display them, by just giving them the numbers 1, 2, 3, etc. internally. A "other" option would just be another value (but it should be included all the time, this is correct, same like a N/A-option)

    All of the questions (except for the last one, which was an open field) were quantitative. Qualitative surveys are not being able to be shown in statistics, something like a questionnaire or an interview.

    They sure can do a qualitative survey, but this would be MUCH shorter. And honestly, looking at the Forums, a good bunch of those would be a waste of time to read if it consists things like "Delete SWF" or "Remove Bubba". Or they can do a bigger quantitative survey, but a) they get some info already from the Forums or other places (like the need of optimization, they might ask about it, but another answer than "yes, I want more optimization", even from people who are not affected at all cannot be expected) and b) it would be far longer and the longer such a survey is, the less people want to answer it.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    You don't really know the community that well if you think a survey where you can really give detailed answers would be anything but a huge waste of time.

    The amount of complaining about non-issues in this community is staggering.

  • Toblerone007
    Toblerone007 Member Posts: 598

    Agreed. Not the communities fault for lack of transparancy with players though.

    OP I didn't find the survey biased. You just didn't get the questions worded the way that allows you to vent your frustrations with the game. There was some excellent questions regarding some genuine forward thinking for the game's future. Better tutorials, QoL changed like perk presets, Casual/Competitive queue, communication and different gamemodes. Stuff like this will make the game so much better and it will provide them a quick metric if its what the players actually want in the game.

    I too was frustrated with all the questions regarding merch and skins. I honestly couldn't care less and wasn't honest about how they can make more money off me personally. Though the fact they were asking questions about stuff people have suggested forever and have never been implemented does give me hope for this game and I genuinely want this game to increase its playerbase AND maintain it.

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624

    I hate you you made me aware of this survey when I could have been blissfully ignorant about it.

  • Ohnoes
    Ohnoes Member Posts: 608

    Most of the survey was just asking what can we do to make you give us more money. Asking about a new game and competing games while failing terribly at coding in two already... Asking about merchandise, cosmetics, etc. The merch btw from what I seen/heard isn't good quality and the price is steep for what you are getting.

    Well one issue I had with the survey is that for merchandise it ignores the bad quality of some of the items. It doesn't at all mention why people don't buy the merch.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    "Tell us how fun it is to press space to regress 3 gens every 80 seconds" - BHVR, 2021

  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171
    edited January 2021

    U do realize that using that logic there's no such thing as qualitative questions? U can turn anything into numerical data. Whether it's an essay, some1s entire opinion written on the forums or anything really. I really don't think u understand what those terms mean.

    Once again, you're also missing the entire point of what the op is saying. What we're talking about isn't even on topic to the discussion.

  • aEONoHM
    aEONoHM Member Posts: 208

    The only thing I took away from the survey is that their main concern seems to be finding additional ways to monetize DBD.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,079

    You are mixing up ordinal and nominal, both are quantitative. Ordinal is bringing things into a logical order (e.g. the questions about how satisfied you are with the game, you can clearly order them), while nominal is listing things which cannot be brought in order (e.g. your Color example, blue is not more than green. Or, in the Survey: Which games you have played before, Bloodboren is not more or less than DayZ, for example).

    Qualitative is something like "What would you want to change in DBD?" without any options to choose from - this is basically only useful when you are quite new to the topic, but the Devs are not new to it. And if they would bring up a question like this, they would have thousands of people writing their own opinion into it and some poor soul needs to read that.

    So they ask what they want to ask and where they want to know anything about. This does not make something biased, this is how surveys work, they ask what they want to know and not what the players want to tell. For that you have the Forums (Steam or this Forum), where the Devs can read.

    And this is what I also answered regarding OPs concerns, they have to make the survey this way. What worth would it have if they ask if the game needs more optimization? I would say "Yes", despite not having any problems with DBD at all. And so would others, so they would have a big pile of "Yes":

    Even if they would ask "Is your game running smoothly?" and the majority would answer "Yes", should they drop any form of optimization for the future?

    Questions like this dont make sense. But if you want to go further on some details, you have that Box in the end, e.g. if they ask about Rank Reset, you can write down your additional thoughts on it.

    But overall asking for the opinion of players would just be a mess.

  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171
    edited January 2021

    How about u just use Google or I dunno retake any first year course that deals with stuff like this. Sociology, anthropology, etc. I really don't care about arguing definitions.

    As for the OP stuff. You're literally saying because by definition your complaints are invalid. You're nitpicking one small part of what the op is saying and then ignoring their criticisms behind things. Nothing you're saying actually addresses what the OP is annoyed about.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    Well yeah. They have a hugely bloated team for the amount that they do. Gotta pay all those people somehow.

  • Beelzeboop
    Beelzeboop Member Posts: 1,306

    Where is this survey? I know its closed, I just wanna see it.

  • Sandwich_Jesus
    Sandwich_Jesus Member Posts: 266

    A player satisfaction survey is bhvr's word for market research, litterally no questions involved gameplay at all.