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Good Wraith Perk Builds

I have never played Wraith, but am going to give him a fair shake tonight. Best Wraith Perk builds and why.

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  • Member Posts: 2,114

    Nurses calling - so you can catch people healing offguard

    Sloppy - To make survivors heal longer which means more chance to make use of nurses calling

    Mindbreaker - If you are concerned of survivors using sprint burst to run away as you uncloak (probably useless but just giving you the options)

    Any gen defense perk

  • Member Posts: 824

    Addons - One of the clappers + a Windstorm


    -Nurse's - Sneak on dem healing survs

    -Sloppy - Slow down that healing

    -Gen slowdown, Ruin/Pop/etc.

    -Whatever else you want here for the 4th perk. Another gen defense perk? Tracking like BBQ/Thrilling/Discordance/etc.?

  • Member Posts: 445

    Nurse's is massive on wraith, with a 0 TR while cloaked being able to sneak up is amazing. And I know you can see the Wraiths distortion movement but a lot of the time they'll heal behind walls/ loops to keep themselves hidden from you

    As @Momentosis mentioned, Sloppy has amazing synergy with nurse's. Slows down healing and also since Wraith is only an M1 killer Sloppy will always be in effect when survivors are injured.

    I prefer pop over ruin purely due to the Wraith having high mobility when cloaked, so can make good use out of pop. Ruin is a gamble because it can be quickly cleansed and if going for ruin you need to be pressuring people off gens so a hit and run Wraith playstyle would probably be effective here.

    BBQ is solid choice again due to Wraiths good mobility he can make use of it. I love Discordance on him, especially for early game although finding people usually isn't too much of a problem. And also i find Surveillance to be an interesting choice, something more unexpected and can be invaluable late game

  • Member Posts: 1,436

    Enduring on Wraith is almost a must-have for me. When Wraith is stunned with a pallet while cloaked, his period of stun is longer than uncloaked. This cuts it by half and allows you to be aggressive with pallets while cloaked.

  • Member Posts: 445

    This is a good point if you're new to Wraith. Important question for @CANxOFxCORN is do you have experience with other M1 killers? If not then enduring might be especially good for you. Depends on how you intend to play, if standard then enduring is a great shout (and spirit fury, amazing synergy for M1 killers). If hit and run probably not since the idea is to injure all then pick off with stealth and nurses rather than chase.

  • Member Posts: 204

    I am a rank 2 Killer currently, I main Dr, Trapper, Myers, Pig. Just never gave Wraith a fair shot. I played 2 matches so far, 2 4k's granted the pairing was unfair. With not a lot of BP, all I could pull from the Bloodweb that was worth while so far was Pop, Surveillance, BBQ, Surge. So far that has been doing decent for me. I really am liking him!

  • Member Posts: 204

    Keep the suggestions flowing! I really appreciate it, as I level him up more, I will keep looking back, and do some plug and play off of the suggestions.

  • Member Posts: 3,479

    That fourth perk I would use NOED because so many survivors just focus on only gens now, and that perk can get you 4k instead of 1-2 kills.

  • Member Posts: 445

    I think Wraith is very underrated if played properly. I'm rank 2 as well, Wraith, Pig and Freddy. Well you're more than experienced with M1 gameplay then so I think you should consider hit and run something along the lines of;

    1) Nurse's (Non negotiable when you get it)

    2) Sloppy Butcher (Non negotiable)

    3) BBQ ( or Thana to be really evil although it no longer applies to healing)

    4) Pop/Ruin (As I said you can make good use of either depending on RNG for ruin it can make the game)

  • Member Posts: 48

    I really like exposed perks on Wraith, really work well with his ambush playstyle. Make Your Choice and he's probably the only killer I'd run Dragon's Grip on. I also might consider undying+devour hope after the undying change.

  • Member Posts: 204

    So far im thinking Nurses, Sloppy, Pop (Normally I like Ruin, but Wraith has so much map pressure, its so easy to make use of Pop). 4th perk could be BBQ, Discordance, ect. not sure yet. I will keep playing around with him, and different ideas. Appreciate the input.

  • Member Posts: 1,784

    Nurse's + Sloppy is definitely a great combo for playing him in a hit-and-run playstyle.

    As his power lacks chase, you could also go the route of using chase enhancing perks such as Enduring, Brutal Strength and Spirit Fury.

    Exposed perks work great as he excels in getting ambush first hits where other killers wouldn't - like MYC and Dragon's Grip.

    PGTW is always good, and Surge is great if you want a gen regress perk that doesn't make you go out of your way.

    BBQ and Thrilling Tremors work great for tracking.

    So many perks work great on Bing Bong :)

  • Member Posts: 4,883

    Nurse's, sloppy butcher, discordance, thana

    Pgtw, oppression, survalliance, corrupt or surge

    Ruin, tinkerer, oppression, survalliance

  • Member Posts: 5,781
    edited February 2021

    Nurses calling, sloppy butcher, CI, surveillance (suits the best playstyle [hit and run] and allows you to sneak up on survivors). Use this with the bone clapper (a really good addon) or the coxcombed clapper.

    STBFL, enduring, brutal strength, and PGTW (aggressive build) I recommend either two windstorm addons or the purple windstorm addon with the "All seeing" -blood addon so that you can constantly find survivors and keep up with them better in a chase. (you still want to play the hit and run playstyle and only commit to chases a bit more often even with these chase perks) Make sure you find the first survivor fast or gens will be flying.

  • Member Posts: 180
    edited February 2021

    Nurse's calling isn't necessary if you are using the 12m aura-reading add-on plus a windstorm (with that combo, you are slingshotting around the map anyway). I play that combo every game if I can.

    If you are running that, my faves are:

    1. BBQ/Blood Warden/NOED/Devour Hope: This is a streaky build, and actually works better against purple/red than green. I had 4 or 5 games last night with one person on hook, all gens done, and the gates 99ed, but since the reds wanted to troll they got 4Ked by NOED/Blood Warden. Really really cautious teams will play around blood warden, but it must not be ran enough because most don't bother. There is no other perk in the game that will turn a 0-1k into a 2-4k more consistently than blood warden.
    2. BBQ/Corrupt Intervention/Dragon's Grip/NOED: CI for the slowdown, and dragon grip for invisibly camping gens that you know they'll come back to.
  • Member Posts: 23

    I see a lot of people talking about Sloppy Butcher, but don't forget that he has an add on called "Blind Warrior - White" that applies the effects of sloppy on surprise attacks, essentially giving you the same benefits and freeing a perk slot.

    I personally like to run Nurse's + STBFL + Pop + BBQ alongside with a Windstorm and BW - White, since this gives you a little bit of everything.

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