Stealth players ruin this game

Let’s be honest, they make playing killer a horrible experience. They hide throughout the entire game and are the ones to Tbag at the exit gates. Like, bro you just hid the whole game.
As when playing survivor, they are the worst as well. They will save in front of the killer without borrowed time and don’t even bother taking a hit. This encourages killers to tunnel. The killer ends up finding a survivor that has been unhooked recently and this leads to tunneling because they can’t find no one else and Stealthy survivors don’t bother taking the agro.
Don’t get me wrong, it can be a good method to get away from the killer but playing like this is fun? The Devs should definitely consider making a perk for survivors that have not been seen by the killer, have their aura revealed.
What are your guys thoughts on stealthy players?
Stealth is the best way to play against killers like nurse though. I don't really mind stealthy players because it's usually a free hit if they get found. It's a thrilling experience for survivors, especially new ones and the killer has no idea where to find them and has to look. That's like playing outlast and hoping no one finds you.
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Yes, it is fun. I love wasting a Spirits time by making her look for me, checking behind every rock and tree then pretending to move on only to waste more time and phase back in hopes of pulling me off of a gen.
If you're not good at finding survivors, you have plenty of tools such as infectious fright, dragons grip, BBQ+ Chili, Whispers, and I forgot the name but its the one where crows reveal survivors location. If you really want easy mode, learn doctor and equip Iron Maiden. There is no hiding from him.
My favorite thing to do is abuse the killers POV in a chase and disappear. It's satisfying to know that even though I am bad, I can still waste some of their time.
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You should feel blessed you're going up against stealth survivors.
They make the game super easy for killer.
If they are still getting exit gates open with useless survivors being deadweight hiding all game, that's a problem with you as a killer.
You already have dozens of ways to find the survivor. Use them. If you can't find survivors again that's on you as killer. The devs have already severely nerfed stealth in this game. They have made maps brighter. Clothes brighter. Given you a dozen aura-reading perks. A dozen add-ons to detect survivor. Perks that tell you which generators are being worked on. Perks that tell you when a survivor heals. Perks that tell you when a survivor disturbs a crow. Perks that tell you when a survivor is near. Make them breath louder. Etc.
Learn to play sheesh.
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What I hate most about a stealth player making it to the gates is often the one left on the hook is the one who gave me a fun game with good chases and back n forth with generators.
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Time to play Doctor I guess
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Rather deal with stealth players than players that split up on gens, and hardcore that generator at all costs.
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They really do. You must take the aggro sometimes! If you hide every time the killer comes near you, you are forcing them to tunnel vision the other 3 survivors. If 2 survivors are doing this, he has 2 survivors to go for! If you're on death hook and you can't take the chase, go for it. But looping is way more skillful and wastes the most of the killer's time. I have had to stop playing SWF with some people because you could literally see how their stealthy, immersed playstyle caused us to lose. You will not progress as a player if you don't learn to chase, so playing in a stealthy way will hold you back massively. But people will argue to the death to justify this toxic playstyle.
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I'd like to say "abuse the bad pov while you can" but we all know they're never going to fix it. I will swing in place and down you if you run inside me though.
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Exactly, Thank You!!! This is what I mean. I get it if you are on death hook and have to do it but doing it the entire game, really? I don’t get how these kinds of survivors get to rank 1 seriously, they are pretty much carried there. They are the ones to usually escape because their teammates took the killer for a spin the entire game.
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100% this. If the killer never sees you, chances are you're killing your team. Stealth for the sake of stealth is not viable in high level play. It might feel viable, but it isn't. You're going to have to hold up in chase or take aggro against a good killer.
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what is ruining this game is people like you telling people like me how to play. I have various play styles depending on what perks i'm running, what survivor I'm playing and what killer I'm going against. I'll self-care to keep people on gens, but if someone comes up to me i'll stop selfcare so they can heal me. and before you say self care takes up too much time look at it this way: 1) self-care is 50% (rank 3) speed of someone else healing or using a brown medkit. 2) the next bit will have numbers assumed, they are not for debate as they are not the specific numbers for anything and if they are I got lucky.
Now normal healing takes 16 seconds, this means self care takes 32 seconds. so if I'm hurt and someone breaks off a gen to heal me they have 5 seconds getting to me from the gen, then 16 seconds healing me then 5 seconds to get back to the gen. this means that gen is not being worked on for 26 seconds. that's 6 seconds shorter than self-care. I think it's a wash in general either way.
People will say selfcare takes too long, well that is fine, if you don't like it don't use it. Same thing with stealth, there are ways to play and your way is not the only way. i've stealthed around and completed 3 gens in the time it took 2 others to do TWO gens and the killer was afk the first two gens. so you play your way and I'll play my way. and YES I've even stealthed at high level play and guess what... we ALL GOT OUT. because in that one i did 2 gens, healed 5 health states, played distraction for the killer to get people out of chases but did not get in a chase. I didn't care.... my rank doesn't matter to me but i still contribute and you telling me how to play is great if you're giving me a pointer because I asked it of you, if you're telling me because you didn't like how I specifically played, well then that's a case of STFU because I have my own way of playing.
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I prefer stealth till I know what killer it is then play accordingly though stealth is my preferred style I don't care for looping and usually use lithe as my exhaust ion perk if I run one so stealth is my go to. I do genes rescue and heal when I can otherwise I'm probably the one beibg chased or look for a medkit since butterfingers stabbed me and lured the killer one too many times.
There is a difference between stealth survivor and 100% urban evader
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They're boring to play against, yes. But they're not ruining the game. Just let people play how they want.
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I don’t mind players who play stealthy as long as they are productive and not hindering everyone else’s escaping options by either being too stealth or too scared to get in chase once in a while.
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What's wrong with stealth? I prefer against killers like slinger cause getting chased by him is awful
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You'll get stealthed quite often, static blast will get them moving but nothing stops the claudette from just hopping to the next bush
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This is a lie.
Stealth killer often do gens all alone, while the rest hooktrades with the killer.
Stealth killer dont tbag at the exit gates. They are respectful and aware the killer is their fellow gamer, not their enemy.
Stealth players do save unhooks, and if the killer comes back, will take the hit for you.
Stealth players get into chases, but juke the killer, so the chase doesn´t end in a hook a lot of the time.
Stealth player cut into your chase if you need help, and either take over the chase till they can juke the killer, or at least distract him for you to gain distance.
Stealth player waste killer time while is is searching for them.
So, if all stealth players are the same, as your post suggests, and i am an example, as i do all of the above, you are wrong.
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Guess i just gonna serve myself on silver plate cause if i loop killer this is "bad", or if i hide but periodically show myself this is also "bad" 🤷♂️
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Stealth survivors are the worst. Nothing more infuriating than doing 2 gens (the only gens completed), getting into a chase, then getting hooked only to realize 2-3 of your mates are either just running around or crouch walking.
I hope they all stay at rank 10-20. Awful players.
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The idea is to escape ffs. If the killer can't you find you, you're probably going to ESCAPE. It takes skill to evade a killer all game when they use whispers, bbq, Discordance etc.
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Legion and Doctor are the best ways to combat stealth. Then use the whole plethora of add-ons and perks if you still can't find survivors keep practicing. Since the rework Doctor's not as good against stealth as he used to be but still top tier at revealing survivors.
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play doctor then
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I feel like some people can’t differentiate productive stealthing and unproductive stealthing. A teammate that can evade the killer, do gens, and hopefully waste the killer’s time by making them search for said teammate is productive stealthing. Advancing the team and benefiting in some capacity. What many people think is unproductive stealthing. Where they hide for no reason, inefficiently use their time away from the killer/chases, and prioritize short-term survival over the long-term goal. Showing the unproductive how to be productive will help them to still help the team without “ruining” the match. You cannot dictate a player’s play style and have no right doing so, all you can do is help them understand how to improve and hope they follow through.
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It all depends how the players are playing. As Survivor, I dont have anything against stealthy players, as long as they get the Objective done. There was a small german Streamer who I was matched with quite frequently before Dedicated Servers were a thing (sadly, because now many more players are connected to the Servers in Europe, this does not happen anymore), he was not really good at Looping, but he was stealthy and efficient. I knew it would be a good game if he was on my team.
However, there are also players who are way too stealthy, like crouching whenever they hear Terror Radius or sometimes just crouching randomly.
As Killer, I prefer cocky Survivors over stealthy Survivors. At least I can play the game when facing people who actually want to get chased. I had one game on Haddonfield a long time ago, where I only saw a Bill the entire game. After hooking him two times, I ignored him for the rest of the game, because I dont want to tunnel him out of the game, because his teammates were hiding. In the end, this was my only hook and I had much fun (not).
And just a few days ago, basically the same happened. After around 10 minutes of time, only two Gens were done because whenever I was near the Survivors, they were hiding. I knew they were there, because I use Whispers, but I only found two out of four, one of them all the time. And it was such a boring game.
But in general, BHVR goes away from Stealth, if we look at all the mechanics they implemented - Killer Instinct, vomiting (noises without any way of countering them), Blood Orbs (will still fly around, regardless of your Perks), in general good visibility on the Maps (with The Game becoming even brighter than it was on the PTB)...
So, Stealth is a dying playstyle.
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I play stealth as a survivor. I don't do immersed, but I'm stealth and I'm good at it. You're making a lot of generalizations about stealth players though. Do I hide? When necessary, but I'm also likely going to knock out at least 2 generators by myself, heal other survivors, and unhook. I NEVER teabag.
I don't run borrowed time but the only time I unhook with the killer right there is if the survivor on the hook is about to die. Maybe the killer tunnels the person in that instance, but whatever time they spend running from the killer is time the killer could have been doing something else because that survivor would have been dead if I hadn't pulled them off.
Yes. It's a good method to get away from the killer and for me it's fun. Just because you don't enjoy playing that way doesn't mean others can't.
As for a mechanic that reveals stealthy players. That sounds ridiculous to me. If I have successfully eluded the killer all while knocking out gens and being a productive teammate why should I be punished for that?
If you're talking about immersive players that do nothing but hide I would agree that I don't like the way they play. But stealth players don't all do the things you claim and can actually be good to have as part of the team.
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I agree. Those games are so boring. I'd much rather deal with a bully squad than a group of Nexflix and Spine Chill players.
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I don't really mind the normal stealth players as they either tend to do very little or it makes it easier to get others out of the game since they don't take aggro. When you do find them they also tend to be weak loopers. Yeah, they escape sometimes but it doesn't really bother me as I've killed their team and I'm not about to slug for a 4k. It's a win in my book.
What I do dislike is a team of stealth players. That ######### is not only extremely boring but depending on their/your skill and the killer you're playing, very difficult to combat. Had a match with a 4 man Blendette squad that took no chances on gens, alerted each other of my movements and did gens very slowly but consistently. I ended up winning since they were god awful loopers when I did find them but the match went on for near 20 minutes and they did get 4 gens done with the 5th being near done.
If they could have looped even a bit better or were slightly more aggressive on gens when I was chasing someone, I would have been destroyed. While I've never faced one, an optimal stealth team is very scary to think about and I'd honestly rather go against 4 very aggressive players anyday.
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You know whats worse than stealthy players? The ones that only want the chase and don't give a damn about escaping. The ones that point, tbag and Clicky click to get the killer to chase them. Then once hooked get unhooked immediately by someone else. And im doing gens watching 3 people circle the hook like vultures.
Or when I do 4 gens by myself, see someone on death hook being chased again, so I take aggro as to not be considered a filthy stealth player, and I get left to die on first hook.
Being able to loop is great and important. But how many great loopers are on PC, with adjusted graphics and stretched res and all the other advantages that my peasent console doesn't give me?
I play solo. I stealth. Or i never escape.
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I play solo, and I play stealth. Mainly I want to escape, Im not a good chaser.
I do Gen, terror come, I leave. Killer search for a while then left, I continue on Gen.
I have Kindred, I stealth to unhook. Give them my medkit if they're already get into 2nd hook. And I continue on my Gen
Im not a good chaser, its better for other to get chased. If someone already get 2nd hook, I body block them and get my first hook so they can take a break & reset
I always clear totem if I see one on my path
You mistake stealth player with corner selfcare.
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Stealth players are fine as long as they do objectives, the problematic ones you're speaking of are probably self care, urban evasion Claudettes that wait out the hatch from the beginning and when they finally do get chased they've probably got empathy to sandbag a person doing objectives, I'm not saying all players who run those perks or character do that but when they are playing that way I've noticed it's similar builds and clothing , dark outfit on Claudette with usually self care, urban evasion, empathy, and premonition BOOM you have a recipe for someone to not do ######### the whole game and have a perk that will allow you to sandbag teammates who are being productive because if you're running that build with stealth in mind there's almost no way the killer will find you first without a aura reading or a teammate sandbagging
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Stealth is a major part of the game, and killers have perks/add-one to help them find hiding survivors. Not every survivor can be a pro looper. The friends I play with are pretty causal players who don’t have thousands of hours in the game. They’ll probably never be pro loopers, so stealth is the only viable option for them to have a chance. Don’t get upset for people playing the way they want to play as long as it’s not cheating or toxic. Figuring out how to find players who are hiding is part of learning how to play killer
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Stealthing bad
Looping bad
Selfcare bad
Genrush bad
Just stand still so that killer could hook you and spam "ezzz" in the post-game chat
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Mm I can get behind this. I'm currently playing more killer than survivor but I've played more survivor overall. I don't like stealth gameplay both as a killer looking for stealthed survivors and survivor hiding around, though the more I play and read other people's opinions on the matter, the more its a toss up for me. But this, this I can get behind. Not everyone has the time to play this game and became a good looper, so stealth being an option for them is ok.
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I'm only mad at the stealth players that play cluadet with a darker outfit or Adam with the darker outfit because everyone else is atleast visible so they did a good job at hiding from me and I'm not chasing a shadow so I'm not going to lose them when they turn a corner and crouch
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I generally don't mind super immersed survivors because I'm good at finding them and they tend to be weak in chase.
I do constantly roll my eyes at survivors who throw the match, let their teammates die, and then tbag at the hatch. Such courage...
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(Actually, plays stealthy without using Claudette)
Stealth is not a problem as much as people who are total chickens or immersed Blendettes.
However,I will always try to go for the safe hook and If I fail I will try to lure the killer off you. However, I have no interest in chased around by a Killer just so they can hook me..My goal will to either escape the chase or piss them off so much they will stop chasing me.
Which leads to this, only time stealth actually "hurts" surviors is when you have a blendette who will sit there and wait for the final person to die so they can hatch. I HATE THAT...As a Killer that type cowardice offends me..To me you don't deserve the hatch So I will now make sure you can't get the hatch.
Other then that people who wanna play sneaky is fine..there are ways to punish ducking walking and wall huging..I play hag however..So I pertty much force everyone to duck walk.
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Evolution of DBD forums
Then: Survivors running around not scared a of the big bad killer.
Now: Stealth players ruin this game.
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Because she gets free invincibility from black as night skin and cosmetics, combined with dark bushes and absence of lighting in certain corners. Why make a stealth build when you can just play Blendette?
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Stealthy is one way to play and its just as legit as any other.
As a killer main and horror movie fan since the movie golden age that was the 80's, I prefer survivors who are thematically trying to avoid the killer than those bouncing up and down in my face trying to get me to chase them.
Frankly a high stakes game of cat and mouse is far better than running around the same rock 4 times then rinse and repeat. Its horror not Scooby Do, (as much as I do also love the Scoob).