Main survs what do you think will be the next killer perk to nerf?
Survivors, you will no longer have undying, pop has 45 seconds. Tanato lets you heal. Will u come back to ask noed? There is no morí on the second hook. Freddy will be nerfed, billy is rubbish. I think the next perk to nerf will be undying + devouring. Or ruin. What do u think?
You have to choose
Plz don't get them started. Save everyone who's even played killer recently the headache.
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Blight 😋.
Also it's not my opinion. Please dont bomb me
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Billy isn't bad.. I've played matches as him and he feels the exact same
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I think we should nerf the clear devs bias in favor of killers, which they have been making much progress with lately with these much needed changes to broken mechanics unfairly in the killers' favor. But they have a lot more work to do. Like even the queue times are still in the killers' favor, which also needs to be changed.
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monster Shrine that perk is to op
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yes cause the devs magically control the queue times not that it has to do with killer player count or anything.
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Nice Bait.
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fewer killers more survivors, that's why it takes so long at nights
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Self care!
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Noed or devour
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I personally haven't asked for a single nerf. I think Undying + Ruin was fine, it just required a good team or players who would prio the totems. There's only 5 totems per match anyways. If anything, I'd like Ruin to go back to its old state.
I have no problem with NOED, again its a hex and it can be countered by doing totems.
I think Tinkerer is one of the stronger/strongest perks to run as a killer since it has use during the entire match, but not many killers use it.
Honestly, nothing comes to mind right now as to what to nerf. I don't really get mad at killer perks. My teammates however, lol.
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Keep nerfing killers. I'll see you in civ 6 when you quit dbd because you can't find a game.
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I This is a survivor perk, killer perks.
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Tinkerer could be next
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This happening at night jejeje less killers
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Maybe BBQ. Getting into a locker does get a bit old. Hiding behind the gen aura is also a little annoying.
Devour of hope will probably take a hit.
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You do realize you're playing an A-symmetrical game right?
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Corrupt Intervention because it's no risk hige reward. Needs a Nerf in my opinon, it's too good in his curent state.
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As a survivor main I don't think anything will be problematic after the undying nerf.
Tbh I never thought undying was the problem it was more ruin. The fact that the killer can regress gens double the speed the survivors repair them at while not even pressuring that hard is kinda bonkers ngl, the problem is only exacerbated by undying, but even without it ruin can still a god-like perk.
I just typically run ruin + pop anyway it's much more consistent.
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That's not how Ruin works
Non-Ruin regression happens at 1/4th the speed of repairing. Ruin doubles the regression speed so that it's 1/2th the speed of repairing (in addition to automatic regression when repairs stop)
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Oh yeah true
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No, that's a killer perk. One of the best.
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I don't care what ANYBODY thinks. Monstrous Shrine is op and I will hear no arguments to the contrary. This perk along with Territorial Imperative need to be nerfed to the ground!
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NoeD. As a 50/50 player I'd much rather this perk be a rewarding perk (Like getting rewarded for a certain amount of hooks) than be a perk that rewards you for playing poorly.
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I’m like a 70/30 split with survivor being more played and I’d guess none atm
They only really nerf perks either coming out of PTB or if the perk is really strong.
If I had to pick one it would be infectious as it is too strong on nurse specifically
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What other game will give people a killer power fantasy against real players I’ll wait
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I want to see this Forum burn.
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How does NOED reward survivors for playing poorly? I mean, they failed to do bones.
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Sure and the killer plays with 3 perks for the rest of the game. Survivors can just hide and wait out the perk ...But sure nerf it.
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It rewards killers for playing poorly with cheap kills. A good killer doesn’t need it.
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You mean, like a good survivor doesn´t need DS? Or Adrenaline?
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A good survivor doesn’t need DS, I do completely fine without the perk and it rewards playing poorly (Unless you get tunnelled which is a situation I’m fine with the perk). Some good survivors do run it and abuse it, and it does need to be changed in that sense.
Adrenaline is much more debatable as it rewards survivors for playing well and completing the generators, however I’m not a fan of the perk and I prefer using other perks that help me multiple times throughout the trial.
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As a survivor main the next killer perk that will be nerfed is probably bamboozle, I have no issue with it, it makes killer "Predictable". Sorry killer mains but what I say doesn't matter. I hope they nerf noed, Make it a perk which requires skill.
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They will ask for Devour nerf when they realize it's slightly viable with the nerfed undying.
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Just like good survivors don't need 2nd chance perks
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Usually, yes. There are situations where I think some are fine, like DS if the killer is genuinely tunnelling, Unbreakable when used alone or BT when the killer is face camping. Although usually, if the killer is playing without camping or tunnelling, then yes. Good survivors don’t need second chance perks.
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Adrenaline is the same as NOED. With the difference, that the killer can´t prevent it by doing bones.
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Adrenaline rewards survivors for succeeding at their primary objective. Noed rewards killers for failing their primary objective.
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Actually no. The killers objective is to kill. Not protect gens. Doesn´t matter if 0 gens get done or all.
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And if they leave it that late after the survivors succeeding at their objectives and the killer failing their objective so far they don't deserve that boost with Noed.
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Rewards killers for wasting time? It surely does not reward you because you got a lot of downs/hooks.
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With the amount of cry posts I see lately about Franklins, I wouldn't be surprised it was next. Imo all perks on the killer side right now are fine. Some weaker ones need buffs tho.
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Survivors rush gens like there is no tomorrow. Ignoring totems and even avoiding to heal, because they are protected by DS and have Adrenaline.
Yet they look down on killers for using NOED. Calling it a failure, when the killer has a couple of endgame perks, that are specifically designed to not let anyone escape.
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Dude what are you talking about?
"Gen Rush" dosen't exist. You can always go to a gen and pressure the survivor. If you can't even do that... get gud!
And Noed should not reward a Killer for playing that badly.
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Seeing as most killers who run monstrous shrine are new, and brand new killers have an advantage against brand new survivors, the stats probably show monstrous shrine as overperforming
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I play solo, do all the totems I find and don't avoid healing most of the time. Why should I, as someone who went for saves, did gens etc get punished by being one shot because the killer couldn't keep up?
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Billy is fine.
NOED has always been problematic in that it rewards bad play.
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As someone who plays a lot of killer (as mentioned in a previous comment, about 50/50) survivors sometimes rush gens like there's no tomorrow. Not always. I'd say 1 in 6 or 7 games. Adrenaline isn't even an overpowered perk and it rarely comes in huge use.
I look down at Noed as like mentioned, it rewards killers who haven't been able to apply enough pressure even normal games, something I'm able to do as Clown without Noed. If its paired with other endgame perks then I'm mostly fine with it as they are using a build that isn't focused on killing, but rather just messing with survivors at the end, but if they're using Noed, especially in a meta build, then yes, I will consider them a bad killer for using Noed with it getting them usually a kill they wouldn't have had otherwise.
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Gen rush exists just as much as face camping after the introduction of swivel hooks.
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I see a lot of complaining vs tinkerer and bbq. Both are fine, but ya know how survivors are. If they'll complain about franklins, they'll complain about anything.