Hatch/Totem Rework Idea

Hatch always visible to killer.

Totems can be lit by survivors (20 sec required)

When a totem is lit by survivor they gain the ability to see the hatch. Also one chest on the map should be despawned/sacrificed. Keys that can open the hatch should only be able to be found in chests on the map. Killer gets notification of chest sacrifice.

If a totem is lit with a hex it must first be purged before being relit.


  • horrortale_sans
    horrortale_sans Member Posts: 651

    no hatch one for killer unless they bring perks for it

  • dmhughes86
    dmhughes86 Member Posts: 34
    edited February 2021

    It would be difficult for the killer to effectively guard hatch in most scenarios assuming that there are any chests left on the map. With this mechanic the hatch wouldn't open for free anyway. It's not like you have to worry about them shutting hatch on you. The point of letting the killer be able to see hatch is just so that if the killer does manage to intercept them while looting or trying to escape via hatch he has a sense of direction and can either kill them first or shut the hatch behind them. The killer also would see that you left and be required to go shut it because if the other survivors do their totems they would be able to leave.

    With this I see a problem which could be amended. The problem is that if you get caught in this scenario you are effectively forced to face camp. I have an idea that could fix this although this probably would require more work/time. If you allowed the killer to steal the item from the survivor at the expense of releasing them from the dying state. Imagine something similar to a mori in animation but they rip your item from you and you escape. Also killers should be able to pick up items and drop them. Franklins would still be useful because you could still take their items without downing them and having to commit time to going through the animation to steal it.

    I personally feel that the current hatch mechanics suck so I'm just spitballing ideas. I mean I feel like this keeps the lottery mechanic available but also takes an investment to even have a chance at a solo escape let alone a four man escape. This also helps makes it less likely that you kill the third person and the fourth just immediately gets hatch.

  • matthewg64
    matthewg64 Member Posts: 79

    1.totems break after cleansing. BHVR won’t make animations for rebuilding them and I dont wanna see my hands hovering for a few seconds and bam it’s built. Also, being able to even do that is extremely powerful if you have a key, people tend to forget the hatch is a chance thing, it would be broken.

    2.killer always sees the hatch? do you think it is just free points for kicking? That takes away the whole 50/50 scare factor of the whole hatch deal anyways ######### is that suggestion.

    3.chests being sacrificed? What the? You really gotta go into more detail And I’m wondering why you worked that into your totem/hatch rework but whatever

    theses aren’t reworks they sound like buffs that will cause hatch situations to be a one way road. It’s supposed to be a scary situation, implementing your idea would remove the horror factor once more

  • matthewg64
    matthewg64 Member Posts: 79

    I’m sorry but these suggestions are absolutely horrible and would make hatch situations a one way road. I wrote a whole load of reason why and explained them but my page decided to refresh so here’s the nice version

    1.survivors don’t need to see the hatch it’s a horror game for peetes sake and not our right to have so it’s a 50/50 we get the rush or we don’t

    2.killer sees hatch? Just literally why? what benefits does that being? Why does the hatch exist at that point

    and I’m too mad to keep writing I lost a ######### essay on your ass. this would ruin the game

  • dmhughes86
    dmhughes86 Member Posts: 34

    Why so angry. Relax I'm just trying to make the game better. It's ok if we don't agree but no need to be hostile.

    I understand how it can feel the game can feel really oppressive so I want to suggest things that alleviate things as much as possible for both sides. I personally feel that this actually makes the game harder for killer overall but at least provides some tools for him to deal with it. If you don't agree I understand but let's try to get along.

  • dmhughes86
    dmhughes86 Member Posts: 34

    Lol I probably shouldn't of started this off with hatch always visible to killer. Should of known this would trigger people.

  • matthewg64
    matthewg64 Member Posts: 79

    I’m angry because I had a lot of good points in there but also, idk sorry if im not completing understanding your true thought process. It’s just when I read what you wrote, i can’t help but wonder if you’re trolling or not. That first sentence you have honestly ticked me off cuz I, idk screw it. I appreciate that you are suggesting ideas but I can’t imagine how this isn’t too powerful.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104
    edited February 2021

    survivors without a perk should not be able to see hatch same with killer, they will just always use it instead especially if keys are included. this basically makes escaping really easy as the killer has to check/defend 3 locations and they can't do that. also if keys still instantly open hatch then survivors can just run up to the killer and escape if they lack an insta down ability or perk.

    This isn't fair to the killer at all simply because they can't defend 3 locations that can be miles apart.