Plague 'Rework' Idea
The max amount of the Vile Purge charge gauge is reduced by 50%.
The charge speed of Vile Purge is decreased by 0.25 seconds.
Max infection on a Healthy Survivor no longer automatically causes Injured and Broken status effect. Requires the survivor to be Injured with max infection applied to gain the Broken effect.
Cleansing only heals from Injured to Healthy if the Survivor is max infection. Experience a 5 second delay between cleansing and the Health state heal.
Hooks can now be infected.
Performing a Sabotage action on a contagious hook applies infection to the survivor.
Hooking a survivor on a contagious hook applies infection.
Infectious Fright - additionally, has a cooldown of 100/80/60 seconds.
Corrupt Intervention - the two furthest Generators and the closest Generator from your spawn location are blocked for 80/100/120 seconds at the start of the Trial.
Black Incense - Start the Trial with Corrupt Purge active; slightly increases Corrupt Purge duration; the Obsession starts the trial infected; moderately decreases infection rate from interactions.
Vile Emetic - Survivors that are max infection suffer from the Oblivious status effect for 30 seconds after cleansing.
Exorcism Amulet - Survivors are afflicted with the Blindness status effect for 30 seconds if they are placed into Dying State whilst max infection.
Limestone Seal - gain 250 more bloodpoints for hitting a survivor with Corrupt Purge; Slightly increases activation time from a Pool of Devotion; Slightly decreases movement speed while holding Corrupt Purge.
Rubbing Oil - Slightly increases Vile Purge charge speed.
I don't really like the idea with Infectious Fright. The cooldown of 100/80/60 sec would make this perk terrible. The cooldown of it would be to long.
Corrupt Intervention change is not needed. This perk is fine. If it would block one closest Generator and two furthest Generators, the Gen patrolling would be slow. If you go to patrol the closest generator from your spawn, the survivors can just go on a gen and complete it before you go back. But if you decide to patrol only the two furthest Generators, the closest Generator would be completed by survivors.
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Infectious Fright needs to have a cooldown of that size to make it so killers cannot snowball instantly off the bat of a game. 40/35/30 is way too short because it allows killers to instantly see multiple people again if the slug for the 4k gets halted by a good looper.
Corrupt Intervention change is due to the fact that currently it's a 3-gen players wet dream. The fact that it blocks the closest as well as two furthest makes it so the killer only has to worry about gens near to the middle for the beginning on certain maps, as well as survivors. It stops a lazy strat while also still successfully zoning survivors too.
What do you think of the add-on and base-kit changes?
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The Plague changes on the whole seems to be nerfs that I don't understand the necessity of or reasoning behind. Infected hooks are especially confusing to me. (Wouldn't it just allow Plagues to vomit on a nearby hook after downing a Survivor, then impale them on the hook in order to skip the usual infection warmup they do in chases?)
I don't agree with nerfing Infectious Fright, I think it's hit a Nurse's Calling-esque spot of being powerful, but not out of control. Allowing Killers to snowball is the entire point of the Perk, and yeah, if the Survivor team's god looper manages to stop a 4K slug, but the Killer downs them with Infectious to reveal the others again... I think that's okay. Those are the scenarios where Infectious is supposed to excel and give the Survivors a hard time in stopping a slugfest.
Corrupt has little to nothing to do with 3-genning. If a Killer REALLY wants to 3-gen, and the map has spawned Generators close enough to allow for a 3-gen... A Killer can make that happen. Unless the Survivors have used a Shroud of Binding to spawn in a group, have brought multiple Brand New Parts, AND the 3-gen spot also happens to be the 3 gens furthest from the Killer, Corrupt Intervention really does not help a 3-gen strategy. Killers just need to defend the gens with map pressure and they can reach their 3-gen destination quickly enough with or without Corrupt. I highly disagree with nerfing it as right now it's an important and reasonably powerful gen delay perk that helps provide some solid diversity in its category.
Black Incense being reworked is reasonable, but making it an addon all about Corrupt Purge feels a bit silly when Iri Seal is supposed to be the Corrupt Purge-centric Addon while Black Incense is more the Vile Purge side of the Plague's power. That aside your suggestion feels a bit lame for an UR addon especially with its extra downside, even though the idea of a survivor starting the trial infected IS a cool thing a Plague addon could do.
I'm not sure why you feel Vile Emetic really needs a change at all. The effect isn't super appealing to me, even though I can understand why it might be worth running, but mostly I'm just confused as to why it's replacing what's generally considered a solid but not out of control addon.
You'll have to tell me what you're trying to achieve with Exorcism Amulet because it's flying over my head. Blindness is considered a status effect that isn't very useful already, so why would I want to blind someone when I've downed them of all times?
Limestone Seal could absolutely use a change (I really don't like it when addons have 3 clones of each other between rarities that have a stacking identical effect, especially when one of them is Common) and giving Plague a Bloodpoint-earning Addon makes sense for consistency. BP addons are unfortunately godawful but that's a seperate issue.
Your description of Rubbing Oil is confusing. I assume you are just alluding to nerfing its effect slightly? If so, why?
I don't mean to come off as hostile or anything. I think above all else you should try to talk about your reasoning/intents behind your suggested changes to help other people understand why you think this would put Plague in a better spot for the game.
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Plague needs a buff. Once your fully sick it should start a timer and end of timer it downs you. Players are running around sick and not cleansing. The game needs to force the cleanse.
I barely use her and when I do it's because I've a daily challenge.
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Those are all fair points, i'll gladly explain :)
So, the contagious score event affecting hooks is to allow Plague to infect Sabo gamers passively, something they previously could not do. This brings more interaction/punishment between the two roles. Like you mentioned, it also saves time puking on the hooked survivor after hooking them.
Infectious Fright being given the cooldown, it's all to do with restricting abusability. The fact a killer has the potential to 4-man slug as early as the start of the trial is insane. Not that it always happens or killers feel the value of putting it on every game, but the potential for that to happen is there. It's an intel perk without limits on it's frequency of application atm.
Corrupt Intervention as it is I call it Corrupt Viability, for the obvious reasons of people rely on it for early game relief. The downside to it is that it can make the early game mostly slow going, and the end game tedious due to the potential application of it. My altered version of it, in my mind, would make set-up killers feel like they can play offensive in the early game due to the fact a gen near their spawn is blocked, limiting how many can be done on both ends of the map.
You have a point, but me making it another Corrupted Purge related add-on was to emphasise that her Corruption was the strongest part of her power. Plus it differes from Iridescent Seal due to it affecting a whole manner of power related aspects, something a lot of URs do. I think if you're giving a killer a universal buff add-on then it needs to have a negative to it. It's a common theme with URs. Also, I dislike aura reading add-ons lol.
The Vile Emmetic change is to give Plague some effect add-ons to mix up her gameplay a little bit. With the changes, max infection can be reached a lot quicker naturally so having a VR that considerably increases the rate of infection felt overkill to me. She still has Moderately and Slightly though.
Ok, so the Exorcism Amulet change was to replace a very strong Vile Purge add-on with an status add-on that allowed the Plague to feel a bit of relief upon hooking a survivor, since i've made changes to her core power, and taken her in a direction away from her current relying on hook/gen rotation and slugging whilst in Corrupt. Gives thm a little sense of "at least the hooked survivor can't coordinate for 30ish seconds on hook.
Yeah, rubbing oil is a nerf, purely to make it feel less unavoidable from a survivors perspective (unavoidable in the sense that the bar is reduced meaning Plague can release a 'max' stream of Corruption quicker than normal, so the whole hit into hit mechanic is slightly less "ugh" inducing when using the add-on.)
And in general, the changes to Plague's base-kit make it so she feels rewarded with emblems and bloodpoints, while also not being so completely busted in situations where puking is all it takes to cause an injury granting no speed increase to a survivor and straight down. That in turn is balanced if a survivor cleanses outside of max infection not recieving a heal. As well as the heal not taking immediate effect after cleansing balances the choice out for Plague, she can gain a down if close-by.
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You already can infect survivors on hooks
Having to hit a survivor once fully infected to inflict broken just make her more of a m1 killer than she currently is with vile purge which is just terrible
Infectious fright doesn't need a cooldown its in a good spot as it is no need to nerf it
Corrupt intervention should block the gens closest to where survivors spawned and affect the other gens closes to them until it reaches 3 gens blocked
Black Incense does too much should just be some of it, Probably just Start with corrupt purge and slightly increase duration (10%~)
Exorcism amulet should just be fully infected survivors suffer from permanent blindness
Limestone seal should just do something else like deep would instead of downing with corrupt purge but also getting hit by corrupt purge lowers the deep wound timer while giving more points and multiple hits
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Once you know a killer has infectious fright you should know to split up from each other. How you counter it is the same as legion.
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Those are cool alterations to the add-ons
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On my opinion, the only buff she needs is to make the sick state dangerous for survivor to make them cleanse. For example, your m/s is reduced by 5% or something that encourages players to not be in this state.
Also stop adding cooldowns to perks, you said this perk(Infectious) allows the Killer to snowball pretty fast, but this is the Survivor's fault for staying too close once they know the KIller has it, just split, 2 people do gens and the other go for the rescue.
Also stop with the "XXX extra bloodpoints" addons which only weakens the KIller power, it's not useful and it's just a junk in the bloodweb.
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Heads up this guy makes troll reworks but i will respond anyway so players who don't have a knack at how balance work understand why these are either not good, unneeded/unrealistic, or good. overall i would say this rework is so bad and anyone who plays a decent amount of plague knows the only two issues with her are getting corrupt purge and the hit consistency.
The problem with plague has never been infecting survivors and in that regard she is very balanced, your changes to how her charge rate works is both unnecessary and a nerf since it will take more time to break survivors. also nerfs her in corrupt purge since it's attack wont last as long.
broken status MEANS THEY ARE INJURED AND CAN'T HEAL this is another dumb change, this nerfs it it DOES nothing if its changed to this. what's the point of infecting survivors if it does nothing other than make them loud. the point of being infected is you will become injured so yeah awful.
cleansing is also fine if they cleanse before max infection so what you get your power.
hooks and survivors on a hook have always been infectable.
all your perk changes are unneeded nerfs all these perks are fine.
i don't care about addons they all seem meh but the blindness one sucks.
all plague needs is another way to get corrupt purge easier, i have a secondary ability idea called solicit chant that allows you to use pools within 20 meters but it slows you tremendously lasts for 3 seconds, and halves the duration CP lasts. in ALL other aspects plague is a very balanced killer.
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Stop commenting on my posts. You're actually getting obsessed with me, it's cringey and creepy af.
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bruh go look around feed back is my home and i do this in between matches mostly or if im simply bored.
like i comment on most of the posts in feed back not just yours.
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You need to reel in your dodgey arse attitude. You go on and on about your ideas, but when someone has an idea that doesn't fit into your little perspective you're very quick to ridicule and divert focus off of it. You think because you're just words on a screen you can be wherever and say whatever, nah mate, reel it in and learn to respect other peoples approach to things. A lot of your ideas are are actually unbalanced anyway, so you can hardly sit there spouting off at other peoples ideas.
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LOL your ideas are awful and obviously for trolls sorry you don't like that i point that out so new players agree with you since you and them don't have a good sense of balance.
i go by 3 things is it balanced, realistic, and fair unless the idea is pretty good if it doesn't fit those things i disagree and explain why.
don't want me to comment don't post troll posts i take balance seriously and i don't care what you call me for doing that.