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buy cheryl for soul guard or blight for undying

i used to buy every new chapter but sometimes get behind cuz of OT at work and things that matter like ... life. anyway, i play 50/50 ish depending on queue times and have 600 auric cells, and granted, ill prolly buy more right after to get who i don't pick first

but saying i don't, what ya thinki guess if you're someone who mains survivor or killer ONLY, and you are able to look at this objectively it don't matter but this is kind of directed towards those who don't main..jus curiousthanks in advance (for the opinions and flame if i catch it....haven't had my herpes flare in a long time, so i could use a nice burn)

someone suggested in reddit blight with shards and cheryl with cells which is a good idea...but im still curious what you guys thought.

with cells which is a good idea...but im still curious what you guys thought.


  • Tatariu
    Tatariu Member Posts: 3,068

    Depends what side you wish to play. I love Cheryl, and Soul Guard is very helpful in most of my games. Undying is being changed so that stacks between cleansed totems will transfer, and is overall a great way to get around Hex: totems being cleansed within the early game. Both perks are powerful, and can be combined with other perks for fantastic setups. It's all about which side you wish to play, really.

  • struckyomama
    struckyomama Member Posts: 18

    that's why im prolly just gonna buy both lol.

    i really do play both equally

    i just been curious if soul guard can fit into any good builds bc i solo q most of the time due to my work schedule. thank you for your reply!

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    They are patching in undying changes so you may want to hold off on blight until after that to see how big of an impact it has.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001
    edited February 2021

    Cheryl needs real money so buy Cheryl with real money and save up shards for blight.

    Unless you can buy them both with money?

    More depth guide: Cheryl is a very quiet survivor, probably one of the most quiet in the whole game except with Ace, her perks are meh and even soul guard is harder to use than unbreakable since for some reason a lot of people don't slug as much from my experience.

    Blight: he is the most fun I've had in a very long time, undying is the only perk worth it but he is a lot of fun to use, also really strong, imo he is the 3rd strongest killer in the game, the only thing that he suffers is his low POV.

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,166

    If you play more survivor than killer, Cheryl. Especially knowing Undying is being nerfed.

    If you already got a build in mind for SG, then even more reason. Between the two, I'd def go with SG.

  • struckyomama
    struckyomama Member Posts: 18

    actually its weird, i checked my steam wallet, someone just bought a skin or 2 off the market for killing floor 2 for 6 bucks.

    where as i should use my shards considering the shrine wont provide anything useful or intriguing (that is until i spend my 9k shards and BHVR is like "NOW we stack the shrine) lol ty

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    I getcha lol I also hate it when stuff like that happens, it's like no more shards!!! Bhvr: ha shrine goes brrrrr

  • struckyomama
    struckyomama Member Posts: 18

    even if i did have undying, i am very...meh...against ruin. where as i know heavy gen pressure is required to rank up high and be "good" i just 1) have ######### luck and my totems would prolly be gone within 2 min every match and 2) rather just use pop and or sloppy (loadout varying on which i choose) for SOME slowdown.

    but i AM excited to try the undying DH idea once the undying nerf happens. id run DH now if i was confident enough with my skills to be able to do anything if and when DH gets cleansed 30 seconds into the match but whatever

    and VOLCZ, that was my main reason for looing into this.......,my survivor builds i kinda flip flop between are getting old and am looking to see if there are decent solo q builds including SG?

  • struckyomama
    struckyomama Member Posts: 18

    yup. guess i better go buy some more gamestop stock! hahaha.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    Wow. I've played over 60 games with Soul Guard and it's been useful once.

  • Tatariu
    Tatariu Member Posts: 3,068

    I tend to get Ruin games quite often, so it has at least activated almost every game. I tend to play with SWF, so I'm picked up most of the time, allowing myself to take a hit while having Endurance.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    Just buy Blight with shards, one of the Cheryl's perks is on the shrine rn. And unbreakaBill is free which is a good alternative for soulguard

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    good point, just you were looking at getting blight specifically for undying, so if they are changing it you may not be a fan of the changes.

    That said it sounds like the change will synergize better with devour hope which I'm looking forward to, so if ruin isn't your MO perhaps its worth grabbing.

    Outside of undying I'm not a fan of blight in general. The whole bounce around the map thing kinda irks me. Great theme for a killer but wierd clunky power that kinda feels off to me.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    Solo queue here - so that's the huge difference. There you go OP - though Cheryl is awesome, I play her often. I may be becoming a Cheryl Main...

  • Ghost_Face_Main
    Ghost_Face_Main Member Posts: 618
    edited February 2021

    Me, who bought Blight for Blood Favor and the killer itself:

    IMO, Undying is super overrated. I've been playing since Chapter 17's release without it because it only took the survivors 10 seconds to find and cleanse it all conveniently while I am occupied across the map. Hasn't really changed gameplay pressure for me.

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,075

    Buy Cheryl, because you can buy Blight with Shards.

  • Klakky
    Klakky Member Posts: 444

    Why waste cells? It's cheaper to buy the dlc and u get killer and a survivor

  • Anniehere
    Anniehere Member Posts: 1,262

    I play with Cheryl all the time and she is a character who can support the obsession survivor the most.

    She can see them injured and they can see her back. same when she is injured.

    Blood Pact perk can help you a lot in the game, as long as the obsession takes it to his favor.

    Soul Guard is excellent in many situations and can save you a lot.

    But you better be careful with that and don't stand in front of the killer so that he will hit you again. there will be players who will guess you are using Soul Guard, and will wait for the timer to end to hit you again.

    I use Soul Guard the most when i want to protect my teammates.

    For example someone uhook me and the killer is coming behind them.

    Instead of running to another direction and leaving the survivor behind, I immediately stand in front of the survivor and make the killer hit me again.

    I gain small speed boost while running away, and the other survivor manage to run away to without taking a hit that may could take them down.

    This trick can help you especially when you are on the verge of escaping.


    You are going to have fun if you like to work with your teammates.

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624
    edited February 2021

    Cheryl, easily.

    Because you can't get Cheryl with Shards. Use Auric to get Cheryl, use Shards to get Blight. That said, why use Auric? Just buy the chapter in Steam. It's cheaper and you get PH to boot.

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624

    I'm like Darktrix.

    I get Ruin all the time, in like 90% of all games. But I have almost never gotten any mileage out of Soul Guard.

    I just don't think it's that good a perk. It's too situational and most of the time killer is not going to slug you. If they slug you normally it's when Ruin already broke. I gave this perk a chance but I stopped using it some time back.